满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

How lucky! The boy had a ________ escape...

How lucky! The boy had a ________ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.

A.fine B.short C.close D.narrow


D 【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多么幸运!当那个男孩在公共汽车前面跑过马路时,他能死里逃生。A. fine好的,精美的,晴朗的;B. short短的,不足的;C. close紧密的,亲密的;D. narrow狭窄的,有限的,勉强的。短语a narrow escape死里逃生,是一个固定表达。故选D。  

I made it at last. I am on top of the world!


A.Don’t fall down! B.Oh, really? C.So far, so good. D.Congratulations.




You may know that vitamin C is important to your bodybut do you know that vitamin D is important to your body as well? Vitamin D has a significant role in calcium homeostasis(钙稳态) and metabolism(新陈代谢). It is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight.

Vitamin D can help bones and muscles grow strong and healthy. If a person is short of vitamin Dhe or she may have problems like rickets(佝偻病) and osteoporosisRickets is mainly found in children. Osteoporosisthe thinning of boneis a common problem as people get older. Studies in these years have found that vitamin D may also have other uses. If someone is short of vitamin D, he may have heart problems or die from some cancers.

The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight. But many people worry about getting skin cancer and skin damage from the sun. Also, even skin color has an influence. Darker skinned people get less vitamin D than lighter skinned people. Older people get less vitamin D than younger people. You can also get it from foods. Some food such as cheese and egg yolks (蛋黄) have some vitamin DBut most of vitamin D in the American diet comes from food like milk with the vitamin added.

Now more doctors are testing for vitamin D in their patients. However, some doctors worry that if people take too much vitamin D, it might be bad for their body. At the same time, skin doctors tell people to be careful with strong sunlight.





1.His theory remains c_____________ with quite a few supporters and many opponents as well.

2.Is this your p_____________ address, or are you only staying there for a short time?

3.F_____________ as his plan is, it might not satisfy the requirements of all applicants.

4.Keep on trying and you will achieve your dream e_____________.

5.From this moment all his concern and s_____________ was at an end, and the father lived in happiness with his children till his death.

6.Although there are answers to these exercises, you should at least a_____________ each one beforehand.

7.For the first two months, he earned nothing at all but his credit and r_____________ were looking better with his honesty.

8.Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings are scheduled to be on e_____________ in Shanghai Gallery.

9.It’s not a_____________ to wear jeans for such a formal occasion.

10.The company plans to s_____________ some popular TV programmes as part of its marketing strategy(策略).




Do You Sleep Well At Full Moon?

In Chinese tradition, the full moon means family reunion. But surprisingly, some people say they are 1.(able) to fall asleep when there is a full moon. It sounds like nonsense! However, those 2. have done related researches believe that the full moon 3. (affect) human behavior to some degree.

A study conducted in Florida years ago indicated that the murder and serious injury cases   4. (obvious) increased during those days approaching the full moon. Seemingly, women should stay at home for 5. (safe) at that time. Another study 6. (lead) by Dr. Cajo Chen showed that the full moon did affect the human sleep condition even though the volunteers taking part in the research couldn't see 7.. The result also showed that the volunteers' sleeping time was 20 minutes less around the nights of the full moon 8. average.

The moon can influence not only human sleeping situation but also other 9.(aspect). So next time, you can make the moon as the excuse when you are in a bad mood. The full moon also influences other species. Therefore, there will be lots of 10. (science) researches awaiting scientists. Maybe, you can join them if you have any interest!



    On October 13, a small plane flying to Chile accidentally crashed into a mountain in the Andes. How some of the passengers ______ to live is one of the greatest survival stories ever told.

The survivors ____ inside the remains of the plane, using seat covers for blankets,  and waited for a  ______  that never came. Days turned into weeks. It was urgent to find a way to  ______. Three of the passengers - Canessa, Parrado, and Vizintin volunteered to ______ through the mountains to search for help. When they left, each man wore similar clothes: three pairs of socks, a plastic bag  ______ each foot to keep the water out, boots, four pairs of trousers, and four sweaters. Many of the clothes came from those who died in the crash. The three men ______ that they would survive and bring back help.

For part of the first day, they were glad to make some ______. But as the land and weather changed, climbing became  ______. After several days, they reached what they thought was the top. They had  ______ this moment for days. On the other side of the top, they hoped, would be a ______ leading down and out of the mountains. However, they saw the same snow-covered tops. All hope wasn’t  ______. Although they were still in the middle of the mountains, Parrado  ______ two low tops far away that didn’t have snow. If they get there, they would be out of the Andes.

Within the following days, they walked toward the two low tops. Little by little, the landscape began to change. Snow ______ completely, and flowers were everywhere. “This is the valley,” Canessa said. “This is the way ______.” Then things of humanity started to appear-a few cans on the ground, some farm animals in a field. By December 21, the extremely ______ men made it to the town of Los Maitenes, and a rescue team was sent immediately to ______ for the survivors who were still high in the Andes.

Finally all of the remaining survivors were ______. The memories of the crash in the Andes would be with the friends forever, but for now, their terrible ______ was over. They had made it out ______.

1.A.learned B.expected C.decided D.managed

2.A.stayed B.looked C.turned D.reached

3.A.present B.rescue C.message D.danger

4.A.prepare B.continue C.escape D.develop

5.A.journey B.compare C.measure D.expand

6.A.against B.under C.beside D.around

7.A.admitted B.demanded C.informed D.promised

8.A.plan B.effort C.progress D.suggestion

9.A.tougher B.heavier C.sharper D.narrower

10.A.appreciated B.arranged C.witnessed D.imagined

11.A.court B.valley C.border D.channel

12.A.lost B.left C.sent D.kept

13.A.rejected B.counted C.spotted D.mentioned

14.A.declined B.froze C.spread D.disappeared

15.A.behind B.out C.apart D.off

16.A.frightened B.disappointed C.tired D.puzzled

17.A.fight B.call C.search D.ask

18.A.listed B.saved C.picked D.treated

19.A.performance B.experience C.challenge D.exploration

20.A.alive B.cool C.free D.crazy



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