满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Jennifer Udler was in the middle of a 50...

    Jennifer Udler was in the middle of a 50-minute session with a patient when it started to rain. Walking and talking about anxiety and stress, she and her teenage patient got wet. But when they made it back indoors, Jennifer said, “ Hey, look at us! We’re wet, but we got through it! Now you can use that next time you have anxiety before and during an event. ” This kind of insight is key to her practice.

Jennifer, a social worker whose practice focuses on adolescents, has been a therapist (治疗师 for 20 years. For most of that time, she practiced in a traditional office, but she noticed how easy it was for her running partners to open up about their problems. After doing some research, in 2013, Jennifer founded Positive Strides Therapy, where she conducts sessions while walking outdoors. She conducts all of her sessions outdoors and in all kinds of weather.

“When somebody asks me if I specialize in walking therapy, I say, ‘No, that’s how I practice,’ ” Udler said. “I specialize in family systems theory. Walking in the park is just where I practice. ”

Despite the lack of formal research, Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits, saying that it can be helpful. “We’ll be talking about ‘moving forward’ as we are actually moving forward on the path, building muscle memory of how they can move forward and leave the anxiety behind. ”

And outdoor walking therapy doesn’t just benefit teens. Jennifer says the adults in her practice welcome the humanizing effect of taking therapy outdoors.

1.What lesson did Jennifer teach her teenage patient through the rain?

A.Rain and suffering are a part of life.

B.She is ready to help the young man.

C.We can beat our difficulty after all.

D.Rain can help us deal with our trouble.

2.The underlined word “insight” in Paragraph 1 probably means  .

A.qualification B.foresight

C.awareness D.prediction

3.How does Jennifer feel her therapy in her reply to people’s question?

A.Doubtful. B.Confident.

C.Unconcerned. D.Disappointed.

4.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The lack of formal research about the therapy.

B.Building physical memory of past experience.

C.Treating her teen patients in a traditional office.

D.Conducting walk — and — talk therapy for teens.

5.Why does Jennifer think her therapy will help her patients?

A.Walking outdoors is similar to managing worries.

B.Moving in the rain is a bit too difficult to tolerate.

C.The rain can make one excited and face the trouble.

D.Running in the rain or storm will make one healthy.


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 本文为说明文。文章主要叙述了专注于青少年的社会工作者的詹妮弗,用自己创造的Positive Strides Therapy疗法,在户外散步时对青少年进行治疗,去除他们的烦恼。 1.推理判断题。第一段中的Walking and talking about anxiety and stress, she and her teenage patient got wet. But when they made it back indoors, Jennifer said, “ Hey, look at us! We’re wet, but we got through it! Now you can use that next time you have anxiety before and during an event. ” 她和她十几岁的病人边走边谈论焦虑和压力,她和她十几岁的病人淋湿了。但当他们回到室内时,詹妮弗说:“看看我们!我们身上湿了,但我们熬过去了!现在你可以在下次出现焦虑之前和期间运用它”,由此可推断出,通过与青少年病人在雨中散步,她要告诉这个病人的是,虽然经历了风雨,但是我们最终能够战胜困难的。故选C。 2.猜测词意题。根据划线词上文Jennifer said, “ Hey, look at us! We’re wet, but we got through it! Now you can use that next time you have anxiety before and during an event. ” 詹妮弗说:“看看我们!我们身上湿了,但我们熬过去了!现在你可以在下次出现焦虑之前和期间运用它”由此可知,这是詹妮弗得到的经验。由此推断“This kind of insight is key to her practice”的意思是说“这种洞察是她实践的关键,由此可推断出划线词“insight”指的是“认识;洞察”。分析选项A. qualification资格,资质;B. foresight深谋远虑,先见之明;C. awareness洞察;认识,意识;D. prediction预测。可知C项符合题意,故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段When somebody asks me if I specialize in walking therapy, I say, ‘No, that“s how I practice,’ ” Udler said. “I specialize in family systems theory. Walking in the park is just where I practice. ” (当有人问我是否擅长Positive Strides Therapy疗法时,我会说,‘不,我就是这样练习的,’” 詹妮弗·乌德勒说。“我专攻家庭系统理论。在公园散步正是我练习的地方。)”以及下文“Despite the lack of formal research, Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits”可推断出詹妮弗•乌德勒对她的这种疗法非常自信。故选B。 4. 词句猜测题。前第三段一直在讨论walking therapy疗法,并且说她一直在运用它。 第四段划线词所在句子“Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits, saying that it can be helpful”詹妮弗还是坚信这样做的好处,她说这样做会有帮助。可知,此处的it是指“walking therapy”。并且下文对此进行了详细的解释说明: “We’ll be talking about ‘moving forward’ as we are actually moving forward on the path, building muscle memory of how they can move forward and leave the anxiety behind. ” “我们将谈论“向前迈进”,因为我们实际上是在前进的道路上,建立让他们向前迈进,让焦虑消失的肌肉记忆。”分析句子可知,此处“it”是指与年轻人一起散步并谈话的疗法。分析选项可知,D项(提供边走边谈的治疗方法)符合题意,故选D。 5.推理判断题。倒数第二段Jennifer believes strongly in the benefits, saying that it can be helpful. “We’ll be talking about ‘moving forward’ as we are actually moving forward on the path, building muscle memory of how they can move forward and leave the anxiety behind. ” 詹妮弗坚信这样做的好处,她说这样做会有帮助。“我们将谈论“向前迈进”,因为我们实际上是在前进的道路上,建立让他们向前迈进,让焦虑消失的肌肉记忆。”由此可推断出这种疗法对病人有效是因为在户外散步类似于处理烦恼。分析选项可知A项(在户外散步类似于处理烦恼)符合题意,故选A。


If you have limited visiting time we recommend you follow this list.

1) Houses of Parliament. The guided tours of the Houses of Parliament are excellent, in any language you want, and get you to places that even normal Brits can't. However, when Parliament is sitting, they are not running, but you can still get in.

2) Hampton Court. We rate this as one of the best attractions in Europe. A whole succession of kings and queens have added to Henry VIII’s original palace. There lie a fantastic park (by Capability Brown) and gardens (including the famous maze), and Tudor kitchens and one of the last remaining Real Tennis courts. Lots of free (once you've paid the admission) guided tours, some in costume, by people who know and love the place. It's also surrounded by  a series of parks and makes a great destination for a bike trip — train out (30 minutes from Waterloo), bike back (12 miles) along the river. We prefer it to the Tower of London — you'll probably want to visit both, it knocks the spots off Buckingham Palace.

3) The River. Walk along the South Bank from Tower Bridge to Lambeth. The best of London is spread out for you: The Tower of London & Tower Bridge, The Houses of Parliament, Lambeth Palace (residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury), Shakespeare's Globe theatre, Both Tate Galleries, St Paul's Cathedral, The South Bank Centre, The Temple, The London Eye, Westminster Abbey, Somerset House. (A 2 hour walk if you don't stop for long). Or you can take a boat out to Greenwich, the Thames Barrier or the Dome.

4) Westminster Abbey. Where they crown Kings. An unreasonable admission charge (should really be free or voluntary donation), but a masterpiece anyway. If you get bored of waiting in the queue, or packed down by the crowds, hurry yourself off to the City where there's more square space of historic church, and empty.

5) The Theatre. It'd be a crime to visit London and not take in a show. Londoners have been passionate about theatre for centuries. Not only is the quality high, but the price is low - one third the price of Broadway. Classical Music and Opera is of a similarly high standard and low price.

1.A foreign student studying the history of British Royal Family would most probably prefer the tour of _______.

A.Westminster Abbey

B.Tower Bridge

C.Somerset House

D.Hampton Court

2.The underlined statement “when Parliament is sitting” in paragraph 2 refers to the time _______.

A.when the Parliament is not officially in session.

B.when the members of Parliament are debating over a hot issue.

C.when the Parliament is staying idle for repairs.

D.when the members of Parliament are taking a break after some exercise

3.Where do you think one can probably meet with a man as a guide wearing the eighteenth century royal clothing?

A.In Lambeth Palace.

B.In Buckingham Palace.

C.In Hampton Court.

D.St Paul’s Cathedral.

4.Part of the reasons why Londoners are fond of theatre is that they enjoy _______.

A.the criminal drama plots

B.the inexpensive admission

C.the Classical Music and Opera

D.the scene of Shakespeare’s Globe theatre



    A lesson in caring

It was a cold evening and my daughter and I were walking up Broadway. I didn’t notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box. But Nora did. She wasn’t even four, but she _______  at my coat and said, “That man’s cold. Daddy,  _______  we take him home?”

I don’t remember my reply. But I do remember a sudden_______feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her  _______, whether it was  _______ in flight or children playing. But now she was noticing  _______ and beggary.

A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and _______ it to an elderly person. It was quick and easy. I  _______us up. Nora was _______ about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how ________  our job was. When Sunday came, she was ready, but I had to ________ myself to leave the house to fetch the food package. On my way to the school, I fought an urge to turn ________. The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home. Why do this?  ________, we phoned the elderly person we’d been appointed. She  ________us right over.

The building was in a bad state. Facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress. She took the package and asked us to come in. Nora ran inside. I unwillingly followed. ________  inside, I saw that the apartment belonged to someone poor. Our hostess showed us some photos. Nora played and when it came time to say goodbye, we three hugged, I walked home in tears.

Professionals call such a(n)________“a volunteer opportunity”. They are opportunities, I’ve come to see. Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something ________that’s good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and  ________clothes for the homeless. Yet, as I’ve ________ her grow over these past four years, I still wonder—which of us has ________ more?

1.A.waved B.glanced C.pulled D.aimed

2.A.Would B.Can C.Need D.Must

3.A.general B.funny C.heavy D.curious

4.A.world B.part C.eyesight D.area

5.A.insects B.animals C.plants D.birds

6.A.coldness B.suffering C.illness D.ignorance

7.A.delivered B.returned C.devoted D.posted

8.A.held B.hurried C.signed D.lined

9.A.casual B.sorry C.astonished D.excited

10.A.creative B.valuable C.shocking D.simple

11.A.warn B.stop C.allow D.push

12.A.back B.away C.up D.out

13.A.Therefore B.Obviously C.Also D.Still

14.A.called B.promised C.invited D.helped

15.A.Although B.Once C.Because D.Though

16.A.stay B.visit C.adventure D.challenge

17.A.fair B.famous C.difficult D.enjoyable

18.A.collect B.make C.order D.wear

19.A.let B.made C.watched D.noticed

20.A.benefited B.increased C.tried D.seized



My parents aren’t _______ me going abroad for education, fearing that I'm too young to take care of myself.

A.in charge of B.in favor of C.in need of D.in praise of



—You couldn't have chosen any present better for me.


A.Oh, don't complain about a gift B.I'll give you a better one next time

C.I'm glad you like it so much D.Oh, nothing much



The young man’s face _______ when the boss told him what a nice job he had done.

A.brought up B.lit up C.put up D.took up



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