满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



The most delicious memories seem to happen during the holidays. And like a squirrel preparing for winter, I put them away to enjoy slowly during the long winter months. Sometimes, I enjoy them for years.

Among them are sweetest recollections: my little girls at the church play and the moment they got their first angel wings; a pink dolly stroller(手推车) wheeled into the bedroom with a tiny voice declaring, ''Look what Santa Claus brought me! ''; or New Year's snowmen wearing bright scarves borrowed from a grandma's fragrant drawer.

But there is one memory that is a little bittersweet -- sort of like 80% dark chocolate, but still good for you.

This story brings to mind a colorful candy dish and a very little boy. The occasion was somewhere between Christmas and New Year's when a few candies in a dish remained behind, a bright spot in dull winter gray.

Wrapped in December's chill, my then 3-year old grandson, Justin, and I had dashed from the warmth of my parked car into the building where I planned to take care of a few work-related tasks.

A smiling secretary greeted us as we brushed the snowflakes and rubbed our hands to chase the cold. Then with my grandchild close to my side, I busied myself, finishing the items of business that had brought us there. But while his hand remained in mine, his eyes fell on the candy dish sitting nearby.

As we turned to leave, the thoughtful and very observant woman behind the desk asked the question all children wait to hear.

''Honey, '' the kindly woman said, peering over her glasses at Justin. ''Would you like a candy bar? '' she asked, her hand pushing the dish close for an easier reach.

The boy looked up questioningly, his eyes meeting mine, permission hanging in the air. A slight nod from me and then a hurried beeline to the candy dish followed. One candy bar was already in his hand.

Para 1: ''Justin! '' I said from the doorway.


Para 2: In the humor of the moment, I felt something hard to swallow.



''Justin!'' I said from the doorway. By this time his pudgy hands had grabbed one -- and only one -- and he made his way back to me. My voice was somewhat serious as I realized manners had been forgotten. ''What do you say? '' Hearing this, the little boy turned on his heel, promptly returning to the candy dish. ''Get Grandma one, too! '' I laughed. The secretary laughed. And even little Justin innocently giggled at the fun we were having. In the humor of the moment, I felt something hard to swallow. There was a truth that lingered long after the strawberry candy taste had disappeared. What example had I set for this little one while often in my care? Was he learning more about ''getting'' and less about gratitude -- that heartfelt ''thank you''? In the years since, I've always loved to remember that moment. But one gift I hope we all leave with our children is the importance of a grateful heart. Really, what could be sweeter? 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。文章主要讲述了作者和孙子的一次经历带给她苦中带乐的回忆。 续写分为两段。第一段的开头是:“Justin!”我在走廊上说。这时他的手上抓着一颗糖,然后朝我走过来。我的声音有点严肃,我意识到自己当时失态了。“你说什么?”。听到这话,小男孩转过身去,立刻跑到糖果盘那里。“给奶奶也拿一颗。”我笑了。秘书也笑了。小Justin也咯咯的笑了。第二段的开头是:在这个幽默时刻,我觉得有些东西难以下咽。在草莓味糖果的味道消失之后,有一个想法始种萦绕在我心头。我给小家伙树立了什么榜样?他学到了更多关于得到,更少关于感激的东西吗(那种发自内心的感激)?从那以后,我一直记得那一刻。我总是希望让孩子学会真正的感恩。没有什么比这更好了。 续写时应注意故事情节要符合逻辑,基础时态为一般过去时。


1. 成立的目的;

2. 活动时间和地点;

3. 请他加入的理由。

注意:1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





The giant pandaalso 1. (know)as panda bear or simply pandais a bear native  2.south central China. In the past many yearsthe giant panda  3. (drive)out of the lowland areas where it once lived as a result of farmingdeforestation and other  4.  (develop). Wild population estimates varyone estimate shows that there are about 1590 individuals 5.(1ive)in the wildwhile a 2006 study estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000. Some reports also show that  6.  number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise.

The West first learned of the giant panda on March 1118697. the French missionary(传教士)Armand David received a panda skin from a hunter. In 1936Ruth Harkness became the first Westerner  8. (bring)a live giant panda named Su Lin to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. To protect the pandasin 2012Earthwatch Institutea global nonprofit that teams volunteers with scientists to conduct important  9. (science)researchlaunched a program called“On the Trail of Giant Panda”. This programbased in the Wolong National Nature Reserveallows volunteers to work up close with pandas cared for in captivity (圈养)and help them 10. (gradual)adapt to life in the wild.



    Have you ever noticed how the way you feel about yourself sometimes depends on whether or not you get confirmation of your value from others?

I have______a lot about nurturing a positive identity of love and appreciation from the man who taught me to train dogs.

First, he started out by ______his dogs with love and respect, and by showing them an infinite amount of______as they were learning.

Then, the______thing he did was a true stroke of genius. He would cut a small piece of______for each dog. He would place it in the dog's sleeping area, for him to______each night. He would also take this carpet during the______and set it down in various locations, and sit the dog on the carpet, as he______the dog for being good.

Next, Frank would teach the dog to______the carpet himself, and carry it to_____ they were going. The dog would then set the carpet down when they______, with Frank all of the time praising him. Now Frank said, "The dog begins to feel that he truly______in every place he travels to, and no matter where he goes, he______my love and appreciation. "

If this strategy______so brilliantly with dogs, would it not work just______with human beings?

1.A.learned B.accumulated C.improved D.distinguished

2.A.pleasing B.treating C.surrounding D.chasing

3.A.sympathy B.comfort C.patience D.honor

4.A.first B.last C.next D.least

5.A.cloth B.meat C.area D.carpet

6.A.lie on B.hide in C.stand beside D.play with

7.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.day

8.A.blamed B.encouraged C.praised D.accompanied

9.A.carry with B.care for C.cut up D.pick up

10.A.wherever B.whenever C.however D.whatever

11.A.ran B.stopped C.stood D.turned

12.A.participated B.breaks C.belongs D.corresponds

13.A.receives B.expects C.ignores D.takes

14.A.works B.goes C.agrees D.applies

15.A.as possible B.as well C.better than D.still less



    Travelling with friends can be an absolutely amazing experience where you could make lifelong memories or it could end up ruining your friendship. 1. Here are some rules you should follow to make sure your next trip with friends goes as smoothly as possible.

2. Sureyou and your friends probably have some similar interestsbut that’s not always the case. In an effort to keep everyone happygo over travel plans and expectations ahead of time.  Have each person categorize activities or sights into“must—see”“want to see”and“would go if we have time”. Plan accordingly and make sure everyone can see some of their top attractions.

·Communicate and respect each other. Everyone has personal preferences when travelling—from getting the bed closest to the bathroom or sitting in the airplane’s window seat. But sometimes things don’t go as you like. In this caseshare your requirements directly with your travel companions. 3. Have a conversation when problems arisefor communication is the key.

·Don’t disappear. When travelling with a group—or even just one other person—you may want some alone time. That’s completely finebut make sure your friends know where you are and have a way of contacting you. 4.

·Get off your phone. Of courseyour friends will understand if you need to take a call from a family memberor in the event of a work emergencybut other than thattry to stay off your phone. 5. After allthe appeal of this type of trip is to spend time with friends. Just enjoy it!

A. Give each other some space.

B. Include at least one activity for everyone.

C. And remember that consideration and respect go a long way.

D. At the same timelisten to their concerns and be respectful of them.

E. Don’t respond to non-urgent work contact or send messages frequently.

F. It’s especially true of travelling in foreign countries or unfamiliar places.

G. So it's important to make sure you and your friend(s)are on the same page.



    Sparrow is a fast-food chain with 200 restaurants. Some years ago, the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company. Although Sparrow showed no sign of declining, the chain was generally in an unhealthy state. With more and more fast-food concepts reaching the market, the Sparrow menu had to struggle for attention. And to make matters worse, its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required.

Sparrow failed to grow for another two years. Until a new CEO, Carl Pearson, decided to build up its market share. He did a survey, which showed that consumers who already used Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about the chain, while customers of other fast-food chains were unwilling to turn away from them. Sparrow had to develop a new promotional campaign.

Pearson faced a battle over the future of the Sparrow brand. The chain’s owner now favored rebranding Sparrow as Marcy’s restaurants. Pearson resisted, arguing for an advertising campaign designed to convince customers that visits to Sparrow restaurants were fun. Such an attempt to establish a positive relationship between a company and the general public was unusual for that time. Pearson strongly believed that numbers were the key to success, rather than customers’ spending power. Finally, the owner accepted his idea.

The campaign itself changed the traditional advertising style of the fast-food industry. The TV ads of Sparrow focused on entertainment and featured original songs performed by a variety of stars. Instead of showing the superiority of a specific product, the intention was to put Sparrow in the hearts of potential customers.

Pearson also made other decisions which he believed would contribute to the new Sparrow image. For example, he offered to lower the rent of any restaurants which achieved a certain increase in their turnover (营业额)

These efforts paid off, and Sparrow soon became one of the most successful fast-food chains in the regions where it operated.

1.Which was one of the problems Sparrow faced before Pearson became CEO?

A.The number of its customers was declining.

B.Its customers found the food unhealthy.

C.It was in need of financial support.

D.Most of its restaurants were closed.

2.For what purpose did Pearson start the advertising campaign?

A.To build a good relationship with the public.

B.To stress the unusual tradition of Sparrow.

C.To learn about customers’ spending power.

D.To meet the challenge from Marcy’s restaurants.

3.What do know about the TV ads of Sparrow?

A.They changed people’s views on pop stars.

B.They amused the public with original songs.

C.They focused on the superiority of its products.

D.They influenced the eating habits of the audience.

4.What was Pearson’s achievement as a CEO?

A.He managed to pay off Sparrow’s debts.

B.He made Sparrow much more competitive.

C.He helped Sparrow take over a company.

D.He improved the welfare of Sparrow employees.



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