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Four Tips for High School Graduates Over...

Four Tips for High School Graduates

Over three-million high school students are graduating this spring in the United States. Many of them will head to university in the fall. The transition (过渡) from high school to college is a major one, and successful adjustment to college has lifelong influences.

Maybe you are about to make this transition yourself or have children who are about to leave the nest. 1. If you know someone who is making this transition or know parents guiding their soon-to-be adult kids through this time, please take a moment to share this collection of research-based tips with them.

Be open to making new friends as soon as you set foot on campus. Even during orientation (迎新会)! 2. Your success in college depends, in part, on surrounding yourself with others who can support you and help you have fun.

3. Successful adjustment is about reaching out for help when you need it. This means trying to find the answers on your own first, but then contacting those who can help you when you can’t. That is what they are there for!

Lean on your family. Family support can give you comfort when classes get hard or you are stressed about finals. 4. Strong support from family is linked to lower loneliness and depression during the first year of college and higher academic adjustment including motivation and concentration.

Be confident. Feeling anxiety about communicating with fellows, professors, and speaking up in class is associated with lower adaptation during the transition to college. One of the best ways to increase your communication confidence is to practice! 5.

A. This list is for you.

B. The more you speak up in class, the easier it becomes.

C. Don’t be afraid to talk to your professors or teaching assistants.

D. Joining clubs is also linked to feelings of belonging at college.

E. Your professors and teaching assistants want to see you succeed in their classes.

F. Almost everyone is in the same boat as you are, hoping to make friends quickly.

G. Family members can give you advice and help you solve problems if you need help.


1.A 2.F 3.C 4.G 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文为今年春天在美国的300多万高中生毕业的四点建议。 1.根据上下文Maybe you are about to make this transition yourself or have children who are about to leave the nest.可知,也许你正准备自己完成这个转变,或者你的孩子即将离开家。A选项中的you和前文相符,且语意(这份清单是给你的)承接上下文,故选A项。 2.根据Be open to making new friends as soon as you set foot on campus.一踏上校园就开始结交新朋友。可知F选项中的make friends和本段主旨句中的making new friends相符,且句意(几乎每个人都和你一样,希望能很快交到朋友)联系上下文。故选F项。 3.分析句子结构可知,空处填本段的主旨句,再根据下文内容,可知首先你要自己找寻答案,在你不能的时候去联系能帮助你的人,故C选项可以概括下文,且下文That is what they are there for!中的they指代选项中your professors or teaching assistants.故选C项。 4.根据本段的第一句Lean on your family. 可知G选项中family members与主旨句中的your family相呼应,且句意(当课程变得困难或你对期末考试感到压力时,家庭支持可以给你带来安慰)联系上下文,故选G项。 5.根据空前的Feeling anxiety about communicating with fellows, professors, and speaking up in class is associated with lower adaptation during the transition to college. 在向大学过渡的过程中,对与同事、教授交流以及在课堂上发言感到焦虑与较低的适应能力有关。可知B选项中speak up和前文内容的speaking up相呼应,且句意(你在课堂上讲得越多,就越容易。)联系上文,故选B项。

    After disappearing for over 19 years, measles (麻疹) is making a comeback in America. Since January 2019, the disease has infected more than 700 people, mostly small children, and the number seems to be increasing daily.

Measles is an infectious disease that typically begins with a high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. Many people also lose their appetites and feel sleepy. About three to four days after the symptoms start, the person breaks out into a rash (皮疹) that begins on the face at the hairline and then spreads to the neck and the rest of the body.

In healthy people, the recovery, which takes between two to three weeks, starts soon after the rash begins. However, for about 40 percent of patients — mainly kids under the age of five or older adults — the disease often leads to pneumonia (肺炎), which, if left untreated, could result in death.

The recent outbreak is thought to have been caused by travelers picking up the virus in a country where the disease is still existing and exposing it to an unvaccinated (未接种的) community in the US. In New York, it was carried back by someone who had recently visited Israel, which is currently undergoing a significant measles, while in Washington, “patient zero” was infected by a type that is currently circulating in Europe.

To limit the spread of the disease before it gets out of hand, US health officials are attempting to educate communities with high rates of unvaccinated children. They are also urging adults to consult with their physicians and get injected if considered necessary by the doctor.

Hopefully, health officials worldwide will be able to convince parents that vaccinating their children will protect, not harm, them.

1.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.The symptoms of measles.

B.The possible results of measles.

C.The causes of measles.

D.The cures for measles

2.Why did some people develop measles in America?

A.Because it is too hot this year.

B.Because people are too stressed.

C.Because pollution is too serious.

D.Because the virus was taken to America.

3.What do we know about measles?

A.It never disappeared in America.

B.It starts with a rash.

C.It is mild to everyone.

D.It is possible to limit its spread.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Health. B.Education.

C.Science. D.Entertainment.



    Mention the word superhero, and the images that come to mind are of fictional characters like Spiderman, Wonder Woman, or Batman. However, photographer Josh Rossi has used his camera to show the world’s real superheroes — young children who are battling severe diseases and disabilities.

The event leading to the creative project began in 2016, when Rossi fulfilled his then three-year-old daughter’s dream of becoming Wonder Woman. Thanks to the handmade costume and Rossi’s impressive Photoshop skills, the photoshoot instantly became a hit.

Since it was Wonder Woman that brought about the idea, Rossi decided to focus on the superheroes that will appear alongside her in the upcoming movie, Justice League. To make the photoshoot more meaningful to the kids, he matched each child with a superhero with whom they had the most in common.

The first member of the real-life “Justice League” was Kayden Kinckle. The five-year-old uses prosthetics (假肢) to walk because both his legs had to be cut off due to a born disorder. To Rossi, Kayden’s perfect superhero was Cyborg, who was a healthy boy before a terrible accident left him injured, forcing his father to keep him alive with robotic parts.

Teagan Pettit was born with only half a heart and has already gone through three open-heart surgeries. According to Rossi, the nine-year-old fits the bill for Superman because they both have a weak heart. The fictional superhero grows weak when near Kryptonite (), while Teagen’s half heart is too weak to control his body temperature. The photographer says, “Superman and Teagan both have hearts of steel!”

1.What led Rossi to begin his heartwarming project?

A.He was a big fan of superheroes.

B.He photographed his daughter as Wonder Woman.

C.He was asked by many parents to film their children.

D.He wanted to advertise the upcoming movie.

2.Kayden is similar to ________ according to Rossi.

A.Cyborg. B.Wonder Woman. C.Teagan. D.Batman.

3.What does the underlined phrase “fits the bill for” in the last paragraph mean?

A.loves. B.matches. C.orders. D.watches.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Superhero Photographer B.Fictional Superheroes

C.Fans of Superheroes D.Real-life Superheroes



    High school biology teacher Kelly Chavis knew smartphones were a problem in her class. But not even the students realized how much of a problem the devices were until Chavis did an in-class experiment.

For one class period, students used a whiteboard to count every Snapchat, Instagram, text, call that appeared on their phones. Chavis is among a growing number of teachers, parents and health experts who believe that smartphones are now partly to blame for increasing the levels of student anxiety. “One girl, just during the one hour, got close to 150 Snapchat notifications. 150!” she said.

Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University in California, said it is not a coincidence that youth mental health issues have risen with the number of phones. “This use of phones has led to a loss of sleep and face-to-face interactions necessary for their growth,” she said.

Researchers are still not sure whether phones cause student depression or depression causes phone use. But nearly 60 percent of parents said they worry about the influence of social media on their child’s physical and mental health.

Both schools and parents are starting to take steps to deal with the problem. Many public schools pay outside companies to watch students’ social media activity for signs of anxiety. Other schools invite in yoga teachers and comfort dogs to help calm students.

1.What’s the purpose of Chavis’s experiment?

A.To see how many students have smartphones.

B.To find out how popular her students are.

C.To show smartphones influence teenagers greatly.

D.To tell her students how to use smartphones wisely.

2.How did Kelly Chavis feel about the result?

A.Shocked. B.Excited. C.Satisfied. D.Frightened.

3.Which of the following is true according to Jean Twenge?

A.Students are now under great stress.

B.Students spend too much money on smartphones.

C.Over-using phones cause drops in students’ grades.

D.Over-using phones may harm students’ body and mind.

4.What might be talked about if the passage is continued?

A.How other schools deal with students’ phones.

B.Whether the ways to handle phones are effective.

C.How some parents deal with their children’s phones.

D.Whether students are willing to give up using phones.



    The huge T-rex (霸王龙) bends over a large triceratops (三角龙) lying on his side below. With its mouth open wide, the T-rex looks ready to kill the triceratops with a final bite to the triceratops’s neck. The display will be found at the National Museum of Natural History.

The museum has sought a huge T-rex skeleton (骨架) for many years. Before, it used a model of one. But museum director Kirk Johnson says that was never good enough. “It’s been kind of deeply embarrassing to be the national museum and NOT have a T-rex,” he said. The T-rex display is now the centerpiece of the museum’s newest show, which will be available to the public on July 15.

That T-rex, named Sue, was found in South Dakota. Officials at the museum built a special area for the skeleton. It includes a gift store of all things related to Sue. Sue even has her own Twitter account and a media presentation of her life story.

In modern times, movies like “Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园)” have helped grow dinosaur interest for a new generation of young fans. But such movies describe the T-rexes as mostly huge, stupid and dangerous animals, which are true threat in the fighting: quick, intelligent and aggressive hunters in groups.

1.What is described in Paragraph 1?

A.How a T-rex hunts in the wild.

B.How a T-rex will be displayed in a museum.

C.How a T-rex is painted in a picture.

D.How a T-rex is filmed in a movie.

2.What do we know about the T-rex skeleton?

A.It was found in Australia.

B.It has been open to the public.

C.It is valued by the museum.

D.It is still a model one.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Movies about dinosaurs should be reduced.

B.The young generation dislikes dinosaurs.

C.The T-rex is a kind of huge, stupid dinosaur.

D.Some movies are misleading in a way.



假定你是李华,你们学校英语报正在酝酿改版,想从两个备选栏目( 时尚、职业规划)中挑选一个纳入该报,请给校报编辑 Tom 写一封电子邮件,表达你的观点。邮件内容须包括以下内容:

1. 你建议增加的栏目及理由;

2. 希望采纳。注意:

1. 词数 100 左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 文中不可出现有关个人的真实信息。

Dear Tom,


Yours sincerely

Li Hua



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