满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.Who will conduct the a...


1.Who will conduct the activity”Dogs might fly”?

A.Professor Black. B.Patrick Bell. C.Dr. Smith.

2.What is the video show about?

A.How plants and animals live together.

B.How plants communicate with each other.

C.How plants get used to their natural environment.

3.Where is the speaker now?

A.In Room 27. B.In the lecture room. C.In the main hall.

4.What will the listeners do in the final activity?

A.Join in the group discussion. B.Explore the school garden. C.Take a walk in the local park.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 Hello, everyone, and welcome to our school Natural History Day. Let me give you some information about today's activities. Remember, you need to attend one of these activities. All right, your first choice is called “Dogs might fly”, which will take place in Room 27. Professor Black will be having a lecture on animals and this will be followed by a group discussion where you'll get a chance to ask her questions and offer your own thoughts and opinions. Well, we all know that animals communicate with each other, but what about flowers? Your second choice is a video show called “Flowers Talk”. This considers the possibility that plants and flowers do actually communicate with each other. The video is introduced by Patrick Bell, who has just written a book on how plants get used to their natural environment. That will take place in the lecture room, no, sorry, correct that, here in the main hall. We've had to move it because the lecture room is being repaired. The final choice is good for those of you who want to get a bit of fresh air. We've called it “A world in your garden”. Anyway, for those of you interested in getting away from the classroom. Dr. Smith will be taking you on a nature walk through the local park, and will be telling you about some of the animals and plants that live and grow nearby. And it's a lovely day for a walk! OK, let's start our wonderful day now.


1.Why does the man want to rent a car?

A.To go to a concert. B.To attend a party. C.To see his girlfriend.

2.What does the word”Porsche”probably refer to?

A.A rental agency. B.A car brand. C.The name of a factory.

3.Where did the man once go for renting a car?

A.The Benz company. B.The bus station. C.The airport.

4.In which aspect is the man satisfied with the car?

A.Its condition. B.Its colour. C.Its speed.




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What to do for a project.

B.When to draw a picture.

C.How to be a good artist.

2.How does the man feel about the woman's first suggestion?

A.Surprised. B.Hesitant. C.Uninterested.

3.What would the man do according to the woman's second suggestion?

A.Do much preparation beforehand.

B.Work with talented students.

C.Draw in front of the class.




1.What is the man suffering from?

A.Heavy traffic. B.Noise pollution. C.Illness.

2.What is the woman's advice to the man?

A.Taking it easy. B.Turning to the police. C.Finding another neighbourhood.




1.How does Alison like her present job?

A.It is very satisfactory. B.It is rather rewarding. C.It isn't completely pleasing.

2.Why does the man suggest Alison go to college?

A.It'll increase her career choices. B.It'll get her promoted soon.              C.It'll help her earn more money.



What is the woman probably doing?

A.Having a wedding ceremony. B.Taking on her honeymoon. C.Getting ready to go to Canada.



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