满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Steve was the most amazing person in all of Minneapolis, and he was my cousin. By the age of 19, Steve was a star baseball player at the University of Minnesota. I wanted to be exactly like him. So when Steve asked me to go with him on a spring fishing trip in northern Minnesota, I was excited!

After planning the trip, we gathered clothes and supplies, and began our great adventure. We reached the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota by early evening. On our way to the campsite, Steve pointed to a small house faraway in one of the mountains, saying that it was the ranger station (护林站) where the forester worked.

Finally, after a long walk, we reached the campsite and set up the camp as the sun was setting. Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness camper. After we gathered enough wood from the forest, he started the campfire using only stone and steel — no matches. For supper we feasted on freeze — dried beef, wild rice and pea soup. I ate greedily after all that work.

Tired enough, we climbed into our sleeping bags early and talked about our plans for fishing the next day. We were still talking quietly when a sudden north wind picked upthe temperature dropped and it began to snow. Steve found a way to increase the temperature inside the tent. He dragged a log from the forest to the opposite side of the campfire. Then he wrapped aluminum foil (铝箔) around the log. The heat from the fire reflected off the foil and into the tent. Soon images of lake fish were filling my dreams.

The snow had stopped, but sometime later a powerful wind must have kicked up the flames of our dying fire. I was suddenly awakened by Steve. Our tent was on fire. Frightened, I ran out of the tent immediately. The tent collapsed 倒塌) with Steve inside. Without any thought of endangering myself, I reached into the burning tent and pulled him to the icy lake. Fortunately, we were not seriously hurt.

Paragraph 1:

Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation.


Paragraph 2:

Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest.



Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation. Our campsite was in the deep of the forest, really far away from the highway. We were in the middle of nowhere, wearing only underwear, with our supplies burnt into ashes, including our cellphones. Even Steve was unsure what to do next. The only thing we could do was just sit in the cold air and wonder how to get out of the forest. Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest. Anxiously we listened and stared into the darkness. A jeep appeared. A forester had spotted the light from the fire and had come to have a check. We jumped into the warm vehicle and the forester drove us to the ranger station, where we were given clothes and were able to call our parents. Steve and I had many more camping adventures from then on, but it was on this trip that Steve began to treat me more like a friend rather than a younger cousin. Our friendship continues to this day. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。 通过阅读所给文章可知,作者和表哥史蒂夫去尼苏达州北部的苏必利尔山国家森林营地里露营,准备第二天去钓鱼。但是由于夜里刮起了大风,导致帐篷着火了。幸运地是,作者把手伸进了燃烧的帐篷,把史蒂夫拉出来了,都没受什么重伤。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:后来,当我们站在燃烧的帐篷旁取暖时,我们想到了我们的困难处境。所以应该写当时困难的情况。要详细些什么都被烧了,一无所有,不知道怎么办等。第二段开头是:突然,我们听到森林里有声音。本段应该写他们获救了,而且这次露营奠定了作者和史蒂夫以后经常去露营的基础。 还要续写的词数应为150左右,情节描述适当。

假如你是李华,你校将于下周五晚八点在体育馆举行一场中国功夫(Chinese Kungfu)的表演。你想邀请外教Michael一起观看演出。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 演出时间、地点;

2. 简单介绍中国功夫。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





China will emerge stronger from the coronavirus challenge, experts said at a seminar here on Tuesday, while 1. (praise) China’s efforts to stop the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic (传染病).

Speaking at the seminar 2.  (title) “Battling Coronavirus, ”Sumit Mullickchief information commissioner of India’s southwestern state of Maharashtra, said that China has created a new criterion in addressing a health issue by quarantining (隔离) Wuhan, the epicenter city of the virus outbreak.

“The coronavirus does not understand or respect borders. It does not need a visa or passport.” Mullick said. “Challenges are 3. (true) in global in nature. ”

However, Chinese labs have quickly decoded the genetic sequence of the coronavirus and shared it with the world, 4. is now working on a new vaccine, he said.

R. N. Bhaskar, a senior journalist and consulting editor with Indian English newspaper Free Press Journal, said that China is doing all it can  5. (contain) the spread of the virus and create a vaccine.

“As  6. very big player in the global economy, there will be negative impact 7. the Chinese economy for a temporary period. However, thanks to the swift responses to the virus outbreak, the Chinese economy will overcome this crisis and emerge stronger,” he added.

Health officials at the panel discussion also listed the steps  8. (take) to fight the virus and shared their experiences in countering misinformation and creating  9.  (aware) among the public at large.

The event  10. (organize) jointly by the Observer Research Foundation, a think-tank body, along with the Chinese Consulate General in Mumbai.



    A couple in Ohio accidentally dropped off a bag containing almost $100,000 at an Ohio charity shop. Thanks to _______ employees, they got money back.

The employees were going through _______ last week when they came across a _______. Inside was $97,004. "It was so much cash," employee Kelsey Croy said. "I looked in the bag and we _______ it right there on the desk. And it was 97, 004. "Thankfully, the owners _______ a receipt for tax purposes when they dropped off _______ that morning. The employees _______ called the couple but there was no _______.

Not wanting to _______ that amount of cash in the store, they called in the Zanesville Police Department. ________ repeated calls, officers finally got a hold of the couple. The couple hadn't realized the money was ________. They told police they withdrew all their money to another bank. On the way, they ________ at the charity shop to donate a bag of clothes. That's ________ the money ended up there. "When we finally ________ them, they just asked if they could get it sometime tomorrow." the officer said.

The couple has since made contact with the original ________ who found the money to thank them. "I'm just glad that I meet with a bunch of honest and loyal people." Croy said.

1.A.honest B.generous C.brave D.clever

2.A.goods B.donations C.food D.money

3.A.suitcase B.box C.bag D.wallet

4.A.put B.counted C.hid D.cleared

5.A.asked for B.asked about C.gave up D.gave out

6.A.cards B.fruits C.bills D.clothes

7.A.surprisedly B.hesitatingly C.eventually D.immediately

8.A.concern B.information C.reply D.1etter

9.A.deposit B.1eave C.waste D.spend

10.A.After B.During C.Before D.In

11.A.found B.missing C.stolen D.forgotten

12.A.stopped B.sighed C.quarreled D.wandered

13.A.why B.when C.where D.how

14.A.inspected on B.got rid of C.got through D.dropped in on

15.A.police B.officers C.customer D.employee



    The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, skin colors, and different cultures. It’s important to have a good understanding of different cultures in order to become a well-rounded person1.

One way is to read hooks written by authors from a particular culture. Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an authentic glimpse into the food, music, language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people.


Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language.3.A person can choose a language she has always wanted to learn and locate learning programs to help her master the language. Besides, one can enroll in a foreign language class in order to learn in a more formal setting. One can also try to visit areas of the city to establish social connection with native speakers of the language.

4.Seek out restaurants that feature authentic food from a variety of countries. Food is an important part of different cultures and allows people to gain deep understanding into a particular cultural group’s way of life.

Communicating with people from other countries through email or snail mail is another useful way to become familiar with different cultures.5.Various websites offer pen pal services, offering to connect individuals with pen friends around the world.

A. Stories based on a local culture expose one to a different culture.

B. Trying authentic food from a specific cultural group is also a great idea.

C. There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures.

D.A variety of language-learning books, software, and audio programs is available,

E. The Internet has made it possible to communicate with others from different countries.

F. Making contact with native speakers of the language allows one to gain firsthand knowledge.

G. One way to develop this appreciation is to try to team about other cultures around the world.



For many, music is as important to the human experience as eating and breathing. We hear music everywhere—at home, the gym, parties and stores. But what kind of music do we prefer to listen to, and when and why do our musical preferences change?

The relationship between the change of seasons and musical preferences was the focus of a study led by psychologist Terry Pettijohn. He and his team based their research on a previous study that examined the relationship between popular music preferences and the Environmental Security Hypothesis(假设). The results showed that over time, when social and financial conditions were more risky, the songs of the year that were slower, longer, more comforting and serious were most popular. And during periods in which social and financial conditions were generally stable, the result was opposite.

Building on these findings, Pettijohn and his team wondered if the Hypothesis could also be applied to the change of seasons. For college students, the participants in this study, autumn begins at the start of the school year. Gone are the carefree days of summer, when school is out. Winter means colder temperatures, shorter days, and, in many places in the country, snow. Spring, however, is a different story. It represents a fresh start and when clocks spring forward, we gain an extra hour of daylight. As students walk into summer, they’re absorbed in the sunshine and social activities—and enjoy a break from school.

But do changing seasonal conditions influence musical preferences? To answer this question, the researchers designed two studies. What did they find? Both groups of college students favored more serious music during the seasons of fall and winter, and more active and energetic music during the spring and summer seasons. And these findings, Pettijohn argues, have practical significances.

1.The purpose of the question raised in Paragraph 1 is to ________.

A. present a different opinion on music

B. prove where to listen to music matters

C. stress the importance of music to humans

D. introduce the topic on musical preferences

2.What influences a person’s choice of music types according to the previous study?

A. Whether one has enough free time.

B. Whether one lives in a stable situation.

C. Whether one is exposed to sunlight.

D. Whether one chooses to change his life.

3.What does Paragraph 3 imply?

A. Students aren’t fond of school in any season.

B. Spring has a special meaning to people.

C. The Hypothesis disagrees with Pettijohn’s studies.

D. The length of summer time is longer than that of winter time.

4.How does Pettijohn feel about the findings of his studies?

A. It’s unexpected.    B. It’s humorous.

C. It’s discouraging.    D. It’s significant.



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