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Non-Native Species The introduction of n...

Non-Native Species

The introduction of non-native “exotic” species is now seen as a major threat to biodiversity. In 1825, a particularly vigorous female clone of itadori (called Japanese knotweed) was introduced  into Holland and later _______ throughout Europe by the plant collector and nurseryman (园丁), Von Seybold. British gardeners loved it and by 1886 it was even found growing on cinder tips in South Wales. By the turn of the century, the plant had _______ many other sites, and gardeners were advised against planting it in shrubberies. By 1994, it was almost everywhere-railways, riversides, hedgerows, cemeteries - swamping a wide range of habitats and displacing _______ species. Botanists’ fears that the plant is still spreading and may yet colonize other new habitats have generated recent attempts to eradicate it by mechanical and chemical methods, all _______ as yet.

The evidence stacked against Japanese knotweed is damning (足以定罪的). But there is a deep

_______ that behind the desire to correct human ecological cook-ups (策划)- often manifested as a passion to save endangered species and vulnerable ecosystems - is a thinly disguised xenophobia (仇外心理); that we are simply seeing yet another form of ecological imperialism (帝国主义) which defines what is “natural” based on human _______

But whatever our reaction to “problem” or alien species is, it must _______ moral decisions. And who should make such decisions and to what _______ they are accountable must also be up for review. The conclusions of scientists and other sections of society may differ _______ about what to do about the introduced animals and plants. ________ the scheme to control rabbits in Australia by deliberately spreading the disease myxomatosis was a success in that huge numbers of rabbits were wiped out for the greater good - the “health” of Australian ecosystems. But would inflicting (使遭受) such a ________ slow painful death on sentient (有感知能力的) creatures win popular support if it were proposed today?

Scientists of ________ are by their very nature concerned with the organization of species into systems and not necessarily with the interests and well-being of ________, particularly those that are seen as a threat to the maintenance of those systems. Yet there is a growing feeling for the democratization of decisions concerning nonhuman life. The ________ towards environmental values must surely involve a movement away from imperialism and a search for a relationship with nature as it truly is, rather than as we would design it. Then, when our ________ has/have long disappeared, we may yet come to honor the humble itadori.

1.A.distributed B.seen C.found D.appreciated

2.A.attached B.attracted C.colonized D.settled

3.A.rare B.abnormal C.normal D.extinct

4.A.in turn B.in vain C.in need D.in all

5.A.delight B.astonishment C.dissatisfaction D.anxiety

6.A.protection B.system C.preferences D.invasion

7.A.exclude B.involve C.object D.eliminate

8.A.scope B.intention C.extent D.respect

9.A.similarly B.intensively C.slightly D.vastly

10.A.In fact B.In other words C.For instance D.In conclusion

11.A.interestingly B.instructively C.thrillingly D.horrifically

12.A.biodiversity B.naturalism C.botany D.species

13.A.naturalists B.regions C.environments D.individuals

14.A.demonstration B.parade C.celebration D.campaign

15.A.planet B.lawns C.universe D.habitats


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要说明了非本地“外来”物种的引进现在被视为对生物多样性的主要威胁的问题,文章指出由谁做出引进外来生物决定,以及他们对此问题应负多大责任,都是值得商榷的问题,同时提出应当更加明确地提出决策民主化的观点。文章最后指出,人们在探索环境价值的过程中应该积极地探索与大自然的关系,而不是凭着人类的喜好去设计自然。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:1825年,一个特别有活力的itadori(日本虎杖)雌性克隆植物被引入荷兰,后来被植物收藏家和保育员Von Seybold传遍欧洲。英国的园丁们很喜欢它,到1886年,在南威尔士甚至发现它生长在炉渣尖上。A. distributed分布;B. seen看见;C. found找到;D. appreciated欣赏。根据后文throughout Europe可知指的是itadori在欧洲各地分布开来。故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在世纪之交的时候,这种植物已经占领了许多其他的地方,园丁们被建议不要将它种植在灌木丛中。A. attached附上;B. attracted吸引;C. colonized开拓殖民地,占领;D. settled解决。根据后文may yet colonize other new habitats可知这种itadori分布的地区非常广泛了,占领了许多其他地方。colonized此处指“将……开拓为殖民地,占领”。故选C。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:到1994年,它几乎无处不在——铁路、河岸、灌木篱墙、墓地——淹没了大量的栖息地,取代了稀有物种。A. rare稀有的;B. abnormal反常的;C. normal正常的;D. extinct灭绝的。根据上文可知itadori迅速扩散,占领了许多其他地区,并将这些栖息地中稀有的(rare)物种也取代了。故选A。 4.考查介词短语辨析。句意:植物学家担心这种植物仍在蔓延,可能还会占领其他新的栖息地,因此最近尝试用机械和化学方法来根除这种植物,但迄今为止都徒劳无功。A. in turn依次;B. in vain徒劳地;C. in need在困境中;D. in all总共。根据后文as yet表示转折,可知植物学家想要根除这种植物的努力最终都成了徒劳。故选B。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但人们深感焦虑的是,在纠正往往表现为热衷于拯救濒危物种和脆弱生态系统的人类生态烹饪行为的愿望背后,隐藏着几乎毫不掩饰的仇外心理。A. delight高兴;B. astonishment惊讶;C. dissatisfaction不满;D. anxiety忧虑,焦虑。根据thinly disguised xenophobia (仇外心理)。几乎毫不掩饰的仇外心理使人们深感焦虑。故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不利于虎杖的依据是确定无疑的,但还存在一层更深的忧虑。那就是在纠正人类给生态带来的灾祸的愿望背后——通常表现为一种挽救濒临灭绝的动物和脆弱的生态系统的激情——是一种未经多少掩饰的仇外情结。那忧虑还在于我们看到了另一种生态帝国主义,以人类的喜好来决定什么是“自然的”。A. protection保护;B. system系统;C. preferences喜好,偏好;D. invasion入侵。根据上文ecological imperialism可知人类是凭自己喜好来决定什么是“自然的”。故选C。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但无论我们对“问题”或外来物种的反应如何,都必须涉及道德决定。A. exclude排除;B. involve牵涉;C. object反对;D. eliminate消除。根据后文moral decisions可知人们对于外来物种的反应都要涉及(involve)道德决定。故选B。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:谁应该做这样的决定以及他们对这样的问题应负责的程度也必须被重新认识。A. scope范围;B. intention意图;C. extent程度;D. respect尊重。根据后文they are accountable must also be up for review可知此处指人们对这样的问题应负责的程度也必须被重新认识。故选C。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:科学家和其他社会部门的结论的不同可能很大部分在于如何对待已经成为日常生活共同特色的外来的动植物。A. similarly相似地;B. intensively强烈地;C. slightly轻微地;D. vastly极大地。结合后文的例子可知科学家和其他社会部门对于外来动植物结论很大不同。故选D。 10.考查短语辨析。句意:例如,澳大利亚通过故意散布多发黏液瘤病来控制兔子的数量并取得了成功。大量的兔子为了更大的利益——澳大利亚生态系统的“健康”——而被消灭。A. In fact实际上;B. In other words换句话说;C. For instance例如;D. In conclusion总之。此处为上文“科学家和其他社会部门的结论的不同”举例,故应用短语for instance。故选C。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是,如果今天提出,对有知觉的生物施以如此可怕的缓慢痛苦的死亡,会赢得民众的支持吗?A. interestingly有趣地;B. instructively有益地;C. thrillingly令人激动地;D. horrifically极其可怕地。根据后文slow painful death on sentient creatures可知,人类用可怕的疾病缓慢地杀死了他们。故选D。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:生物多样性科学家的本质是关注物种组成系统,而不一定关注单个生物的利益和福祉,特别是那些被视为对维持这些系统的威胁的单个生物的利益和福祉。A. biodiversity生物多样性;B. naturalism自然主义;C. botany植物学;D. species种类。此处呼应第一段第一句The introduction of non-native “exotic” species is now seen as a major threat to biodiversity.中biodiversity。故选A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:生物多样性科学家的本质是关注物种组成系统,而不一定关注单个生物的利益和福祉,特别是那些被视为对维持这些系统的威胁的单个生物的利益和福祉。A. naturalists自然主义者;B. regions地区;C. environments环境;D. individuals个人。结合上下文语境,科学家关心的是物种组成系统,而非单个的个体生物利益和生存状态,故选D。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:争取环境价值的运动肯定包括一场生态帝国主义运动,以及寻求与自然的真实关系,而不是我们所设计的关系A. demonstration证明;B. parade游行;C. celebration庆祝;D. campaign运动。根据后文must surely involve a movement可知此处指“争取环境价值的运动”。故选D。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:于是,当我们大片大片的草地消失的时候,我们才可能来尊敬卑贱的itadori。A. planet行星;B. lawns草地;C. universe宇宙;D. habitats栖息地。根据we may yet come to honor the humble itadori.可知当我们大片大片的草地消失的时候,我们才可能来尊敬卑贱的itadori。故选B。


1.我第一次见到他时他就给我留下了深刻印象。 (the first time)

2.他决定采用一种新的语言教学方法。 (approach)

3.毫无疑问,懒惰是我国年轻人中的一个严重的问题。 (doubt)

4.无论要花多长时间,我们都得把这项工作做完。 (however)

5.我花了一下午坐在书房,完成作业。 (非谓语作状语)




1.The ______(最精彩部分) of our prom was seeing the famous dancer.

2.We must __________(委派) a new teacher to the mountain school.

3.It was __________(考虑周到) of Michael to inform us of the his delay in case we got worried.

4.The____________(最后期限) is drawing near; we can’t beg for a longer time.

5.Henry Ford was one of the ____________(先驱) in the audio industry.

6.Their relation is too ___________(复杂) to explain.

7.As is known to all, our bodies need _________(足够的) nutrition as a basis.

8.They___________(抗议) that the taxes were too high.

9.The refreshing film is very_________(幽默的) and moving.

10.He has ________() a crime and should be condemned.

11.You have to be highly _________(好竞争的) to do well in photograph nowadays.

12.As far as we know, Tom has made e_______(巨大的) progress in physics in the past few months.

13.The non-profit organization will d_________ (分配) food to the quake victims.

14.Be careful not to damage other people’s __________(财产).

15.There is no very easy _________(途径) to maths.

16.Living in the city will put you in touch with people from d_________(不同的) cultures.

17.The project was completed ahead of __________(时刻表).

18.You've already f__________(装修) your apartment?

19.Internet connections through c___________(传统的) phone lines are fairly slow.

20.It seemed that one problem was solved and a new one e____________(出现)




A recent study shows that most adults did household chores 1.(active) when they were young. Most kids today do not do as many household chores as before, 2. same study shows.

An expert said, “Parents today want their kids to spend more time 3. things that can bring them money and honour. They have stopped 4.(do) the one thing that has proven to bring success. That is doing household chores.”

Another study finds that compared with the kids 5. didn't do household chores, young adults beginning chores at ages 3 and 4 were more likely 6.(succeed). They had better family relationships, did better in school, performed better at work and were more independent.

Personal happiness 7.(say) to come from strong relationships. It begins by learning to be kind and 8.(help) to their parents at home.

If your kids say they have to skip chores because it's time they 9.(deal) with their homework, you’d better not let them off the hook. If you do, your child may think grades are more important than caring about others. “What may seem like small 10.(message) at the moment add up to big ones over time,” says an expert.



    When things went wrong, Ittleby Fein always had something nice to say.

When Dad forgot about the pizza and it burned, Ittleby said, “Don't ______. It'll still taste good.” And he was ______. The pizza edges were dark, ______ the middle wasn't bad.

Ittleby looked on the ______ side. And everyone, except Hazel, ______ that about him.

Hazel was the  ______ student in class. On her first day, Ittleby said, “Nice to meet you, Hazel. I think you'll like it here.” Hazel looked at him, “I ______ it.” Ittleby didn't know what to do. He'd never ______ anyone like Hazel.

____ Mr. D. said they'd have recess (休息) inside ______ the rain, Hazel said, “Bad things come in threes. No outdoor recess is number one. What will the ______ thing be?”

The class didn't have to ______ long to find out. Greta was carrying a box of paints during art class. She ____, and paint went flying. Hazel turned to Ittleby, “That was the second ______ thing. What will the third be?”

Ittleby didn't know what to say. Hazel seemed so ______ about the Rule of Three Bad Things.

Emma came to look at Ittteby's ______. She picked it up, not realizing she had paint on her fingers. Hazel pointed, “Ittleby's picture is ruined (破坏)! There's number three.” Emma looked  _____. “I'm sorry, Ittleby.” “It's OK, Emma. If I add wings, the fingerprint (指纹) could look like butterflies,” said Ittleby.

So Ittleby added wings. ______ he said, “Everyone, let's make a field of butterflies.”

Everyone put a fingerprint on Ittleby's paper. Only Hazel didn't.

“Want to add one?” Ittleby asked her. Hazel thought about it, and she carefully added wings.

“It looks ______. I like it very much,” said Ittleby. Hazel _____, “You know, I don't really think there's a Rule of Three Bad Things.” Ittleby nodded, “Bad things happen. But good things happen, too. And sometimes, there are good things hiding where you don't expect them.”

1.A.laugh B.worry C.talk D.stop

2.A.hungry B.different C.right D.wrong

3.A.and B.but C.if D.as

4.A.humorous B.easy C.bright D.back

5.A.liked B.hated C.heard D.trusted

6.A.shy B.good C.poor D.new

7.A.forget B.want C.enjoy D.doubt

8.A.met B.helped C.asked D.believed

9.A.Unless B.When C.Before D.Though

10.A.according to B.along with C.instead of D.because of

11.A.second B.last C.first D.third

12.A.walk B.work C.wait D.stand

13.A.calmed down B.went down C.fell down D.looked down

14.A.strange B.bad C.funny D.interesting

15.A.sure B.sorry C.excited D.disappointed

16.A.pen B.butterfly C.painting D.book

17.A.happy B.surprised C.angry D.sad

18.A.Then B.Thus C.Yet D.Still

19.A.old B.dirty C.great D.normal

20.A.answered B.cried C.shouted D.smiled



    We all know it is not always so easy to be happy. We also know how stressed you are, with homework, exams, sports meets and extra outdoor activities, let alone trying to have a life outside school. 1.


Physical activity produces all sorts of things which help us to relax and feel good. Exercise can also make us feel more confident, which certainly makes us happier. You don’t have to be a future Olympian.2.If you hate P. E. , find something less competitive: go for a walk, dance around your room or hit a park.


It is easy to take the good thing in life without thinking about them or showing you’re thankful.3. An easy way to do this is to make a list before bed of five things you’re thankful for. They can be big things, like your family and friends, or little things, like a good hair day.


4. But research has shown that a good laugh reduces stress and, even if you start by forcing yourself to laugh, improves how you feel.


Get enough sleep.5. Not getting enough sleep makes you angry and sad, so leave your phone outside your room, turn off the lights and let yourself have a good sleep. Sweet dreams!

A. Teens especially need at least eight hours.

B. If you’re feeling blue, know that you’re not alone.

C. You can increase happiness if you exercise with a friend.

D. So here are our top tips on being happy and staying happy.

E. Everyone can get something good from moving a little bit.

F. But studies have shown that giving thanks can make you happier.

G. Some days, laughing is just about the last thing you feel like doing.



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