满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

How does the man want his steak cooked? ...

How does the man want his steak cooked?

A.Rare. B.Medium-rare. C.Well done.


A 【解析】 【原文】 W: How would you like your steak cooked, sir? Rare, medium-rare, or well done? M: I’d like mine rare, please. I think that’s the only way to eat steak, but my wife likes hers burned to a crisp!  

假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter 最近来中国参加文化体验活动后,对中国语言文化很感兴趣,希望你能给他一些建议帮助他学习汉语。请你根据以下提示写一封信。

1. 提出建议(至少三点);

2. 你的鼓励。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。











Last week, our school hold a photography competition, what theme was “An Act of Kindness”. Most students showed great interest but participated in it actively. They also exchanged practical experience. All the works shown through the WeChat platform and they won highly praise from the public. Twenty outstanding photo got the first prize and were awarded by their school.

An activity offered us an opportunity to share so much kindness. It raised our awareness of help people in need. When we do an act of kindness for someone, we're actually getting pleasure in return for.




Today, I will talk about my favorite novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,1.is written by Mark Twain. Tom was the hero of the story. He2.(live) with his aunt in a small town named St. Petersburg. He ran away3., his two friends to an island in the middle of Mississippi River for several days. They went to look for gold but got4.(lose) in a cave.5.(luck), they found a box of gold. My favorite scene in the book is when everyone thought Tom was dead. He decided6.(go) to his own funeral(葬礼)and appeared suddenly. Everyone was7.(surprise) to see him. They were also pleased to see him alive. The main theme(主题)of the story is surviving in dangerous situations. It is also about8.(free), social rules, and what people do about bad behaviors. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is great. It's thought to be one of the greatest9.(novel) in American literature. I think you will love10..



    When I was young, I was a terrible student. I didn't________talking with my grandmother on the phone,________she would ask me about school and about what I was reading. Her inability to know what was________to me was never more evident (明显的) than at gift-giving time.

Each Christmas, I would get a package from Grandmother. "Another________Just like every year!" I would think and then put it aside. I would_______all my latest toys on Christmas morning and for days and even weeks after.________, I would open Grandmother's gift. I would read the book and sometimes_____the text, but I didn't count this as having fun.

Although I was not interested in________, I had great patience with younger children. Seeing how I________her kid with homework, my neighbor________that I should become a teacher when I grew up. At first, the idea seemed________to me. Slowly the idea took root and I decided to give________a try.

During my second term in college, I________in my Children's Literature class. Our teacher______a list of classic children's books. It was then that I wanted to________.I raced home and ran to the basement (地下室). There on the dusty shelf sat the most amazing collection of children's books any teacher could________to have. My grandmother didn't________me what my little girl mind wanted, but what she knew I________— a gift for the soul that would last a lifetime.

I________to water the seed my grandmother planted so long ago. I graduated from college, received my master's degree and became a________, trying my best to plant those tiny seeds in all my students.

1.A.avoid B.like C.suggest D.stop

2.A.because B.though C.so D.while

3.A.obvious B.available C.important D.possible

4.A.toy B.phone C.bag D.book

5.A.look for B.play with C.break down D.clean up

6.A.Suddenly B.Gradually C.Finally D.Curiously

7.A.edit B.memorize C.improve D.publish

8.A.school B.Christmas C.children D.gifts

9.A.provided B.filled C.left D.helped

10.A.reported B.proved C.said D.questioned

11.A.mean B.familiar C.natural D.silly

12.A.college B.sport C.diet D.job

13.A.slept B.sat C.waited D.spoke

14.A.received B.asked C.wanted D.showed

15.A.rest B.explain C.cry D.travel

16.A.agree B.happen C.afford D.hope

17.A.tell B.give C.read D.lend

18.A.needed B.forgot C.repeated D.doubted

19.A.hurried B.pretended C.continued D.refused

20.A.teacher B.writer C.manager D.doctor



    We have all heard of superfoods whether it is from articles or in the news. But what are they? 1. Superfoods are things you eat that do more than satisfy your hunger because they help your body work better. Think of your body as a car. The better the gas you put in your car, the better it will run. 2.

As the saying goes, "You are what you eat." This is very true because if you are eating foods that are full of fat, your body will most likely show it. On the other hand, if you are eating energy-filled foods, your body will show that as well.

3. They are filled with fiber (纤维), proteins, and important nutrients that are easily used by the body. To become a superfood officially, a food has to meet three requirements. First, it must be available (可获得的) to everyone. Second, it must contain nutrients that help you live longer. 4.

Eating superfoods can change your life in many ways. Not surprisingly, people who start eating them lose weight quickly. One reason for this is that many superfoods are naturally low in calories (卡路里). 5. With most diets, people concentrate on what shouldn't be eaten. With superfoods, they focus on all the great things they can eat. There are other benefits to adding them to your diet as well. Eating superfoods over time helps keep you looking young, fights heart disease and cures some cancers.

A.Some of the top superfoods are berries, nuts, and whole grains.

B.Our bodies are just the same.

C.Another reason is that sticking to eating them is very easy.

D.This is a good question with a simple answer.

E.Getting a wide variety of foods, superfood included, is the better solution.

F.Lastly, its health benefits must be proven by scientific studies.

G.If you want to start adding superfoods to your diet, do it at your own pace.



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