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The Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, a treasure ...

    The Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, a treasure house of art of China, has been spanning over 1,000 years. The art inside here covers more than ten major genres, such as architecture, stucco sculpture, wall paintings, silk paintings, calligraphy woodblock printing, embroidery, literature, music and dance, and popular entertainment. But all these only existed because of one man’s  vision.

In 366 A.D., a monk named Le Zun looked across the river at dawn and saw a thousand Buddhas appear on the golden cliff face of Mingsha mountain along the old Silk Road. The caves were then built by monks and mostly sponsored by people such as wealthy merchants, foreign dignitaries, as well as Chinese emperors.

But when trade in the Silk Road stopped, Dunhuang was soon forgotten and eventually, the Mogao caves were abandoned. The site however was still used as a place of worship by the local people of the 20th century when there was renewed awareness in its presence once more.

Most of the discoveries came from a Chinese Taoist monk named Wang Yuanlu who appointed himself as the guardian. The caves at that time were badly ignored, but Monk Wang recognized their value and instituted a program of restoration, funded by whatever donations he could gather.

He then made one of the great discoveries in Chinese archaeology: an amazing cache, of over 50,000 documents and paintings, which had been hidden in Mogao Cave #17. The cave #17 came to be known as the Library Cave, which was walled up sometime early in the 11th century. A number of theories have been proposed as the reason for sealing the cave. One theory was that the cave had become a waste storeroom for precious, damaged and used documents and holy equipment and then sealed perhaps when the place came under threat. Another suggestion is that the cave was simply used as a book storehouse for documents which accumulated over a century and a half, then sealed up when it became full. Others suggested that the monks hurriedly hid the documents in advance of an attack by invaders.

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The legend of Mogao Caves. B.The end of the old Silk Road.

C.The discovery of Mogao Caves. D.The development of the Silk Road.

2.What did Wang Yuanlu do to restore the caves?

A.He evaluated their value. B.He raised donations in different ways.

C.He sent guards to protect them. D.He persuaded government to do repairs.

3.What does “walled up” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Sealed. B.Built.

C.Hidden. D.Discovered.

4.Why is Mogao Cave #17 considered a great discovery?

A.It used to be a library for monks. B.It stored valuable historical materials.

C.It had a history of over 1000 years. D.It was deserted for mysterious reasons.


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要说明了敦煌莫高窟是中国的艺术宝库,已有一千多年的历史。这里的艺术门类主要有建筑、灰泥雕塑、壁画、绢画、书法木刻、刺绣、文学、音乐舞蹈、大众娱乐等十余种。文章说明了莫高窟的建造过程,以及莫高窟17号这项伟大的发现。 1.主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句But all these only existed because of one man’s vision.可知但这一切都是因一人的幻觉才有的。以及第二段第一句In 366 A.D., a monk named Le Zun looked across the river at dawn and saw a thousand Buddhas appear on the golden cliff face of Mingsha mountain along the old Silk Road.可知公元366年,一个叫Le Zun的和尚拂晓过河,看见千佛像出现在旧丝绸之路明沙山的金崖面上。后文描述了这些洞穴的情况,由此可知,第二段主要讲了莫高窟的传说。故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段中The caves at that time were badly ignored, but Monk Wang recognized their value and instituted a program of restoration, funded by whatever donations he could gather.可知当时的洞穴被严重忽视,但是王和尚认识到了它们的价值,并制定了一个修复计划,由他可以筹集到的任何捐款资助。由此可知,王元禄以不同的方式筹集捐款,从而来修复这些洞穴。故选B。 3.词义猜测题。根据后文A number of theories have been proposed as the reason for sealing the cave.可知17号洞穴后来被称为图书馆洞穴,它在11世纪早期的某个时候被密封起来。人们提出了许多理论来解释封洞的原因。故“walled up”意思为“堵塞,密封”。故选A。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段中One theory was that the cave had become a waste storeroom for precious, damaged and used documents and holy equipment and then sealed perhaps when the place came under threat.可知有一种说法是,这个洞穴变成了一个废弃的储藏室,存放着珍贵的、损坏的、用过的文件和神圣的设备,当这个地方受到威胁时,可能就会被封起来。由此可知,莫高窟17号被认为是一个伟大的发现是因为它储存了珍贵的历史资料。故选B。

    Since the Sydney Story Factory opened in Redfern, my colleagues and I have taken over 8,000 young people aged 7 to 17.

Back in 2011, it seemed a risky decision to leave my job as a journalist to run the Sydney Story Factory. But later every time I see that light go on in a child’s eyes when he understands the power and joy of words, I know I made the right decision.

All our programs end in a publication. This might be an animation ( )recorded on a DVD, or a beautiful book, but either way, it’s something the students can take home and proudly show to their family. There is nothing like the smile that spreads across the face of  an eight-year-old when he holds that publication in his hands.

There’s one boy called John, I remember-whose mum almost dragged him through the door when we opened. He hated writing. But our teachers didn’t treat him as a kid who was bad at writing; they were curious to find out how he was going to finish his story and what would happen next. And very slowly John’s ideas came. When he threw one out, our teachers would say, “Yes. And?” Then he’d have another idea. At the end of that first course, he’d worked with a small group to produce a short animated film. Gradually, John came back himself. Nearly four years later he’s still coming.

John is a very different boy from the one who first walked through our door. He’s doing better at school, and he’s far more confident. When younger kids come into the Sydney Story Factory, he welcomes them and shows them around. We don’t claim credit for all of that, of course, but some part of it is because he has become something he never thought would be: a writer.

1.How does the author feel about running the Sydney Story Factory?

A.Instructive. B.Incredible.

C.Worthwhile. D.Unreasonable.

2.What can kids get after learning in the Sydney Story Factory?

A.Different DVDs. B.An invitation to write a book.

C.Their published works. D.Qualification for animation creation.

3.Which of the following best describes John’s teachers?

A.Caring and humorous. B.Patient and encouraging.

C.Sociable and demanding. D.Serious and responsible.

4.What can we infer about John?

A.He is careful with his words.

B.He enjoys creating short films.

C.He has made great progress in writing.

D.He encourages others to write themselves.



    Being a teenager is hard, which is why there are many amazing teen movies documenting the experience. Some are so good that they will become classics in a few years. Here is a list for you.

Mean Girls

“You GO Glen Coco!” “It’s not going to happen!” “On Wednesdays we wear pink! ” “You can’t sit with us! ”

If you rank teen movies by how many lines of dialogues will live on forever, Mean Girls will certainly lead the pack. So many classics!

Eighth Grade

This movie will take you back to the eighth grade and remind you of all the good and bad times you had at that age. Kayla, a shy girl, feels the most connected to the world through social media. It’s Kayla’s final week in the eighth grade and she promises to make it as great as possible before she moves on to high school.

13 Going on 30

This classic follows Jenna Rink, a 13-year-old girl whose wish is to grow up and escape from high school. One day her wish comes true. She wakes up in her 30-year-old body only to find that she’s an editor of a major magazine in America. Although she loves her new life at first, she quickly finds out that being grown-up isn’t that much easier than being 13.


Shazam! is about a kid named Billy Batson, who suddenly gets magic powers from a wizard named Shazam. By calling Shazam’s name, Billy can be transformed into a hero with powers like strength, speed and flight. Like in all these kinds of movies, in Shazam! Billy is tasked with beating an opponent who wants to steal all his powers.

1.What is special about Mean Girls

A.It is about girls’ adventures.

B.It is put on every Wednesday.

C.It ranks first on the movie list.

D.It contains lots of classic dialogues.

2.What can we infer from Eighth Grade?

A.Kayla enjoys socializing with others.

B.Kayla mainly contacts with others online.

C.The eighth grade is full of happy memories for Kayla.

D.Being adults isn’t as easy as being in the eighth grade.

3.What kind of movie is Shazam!?

A.A fantasy film. B.A documentary.

C.A comedy film. D.A romantic movie.







注意:1.词数100 左右;


At the news that the Chinese Women Volleyball Team won the World Cup, the whole nation was wild with joy.







修改:在错的词下画- -横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



In order to promote Chinese traditional culture and help students have better understanding of Chinese traditional culture, the Student Union would organize a Tang Poetry Recitation Contest.

As is scheduled, the contest is to be held in the school lecture hall in Jan 20, 2020, before which you are supposed to get prepared. Above all, it's recommended that you recited enough poetry from Three Hundred Tang Poems, but learn to appreciate the beauty of Chinese poetry. In addition to, any student which wants to attend is welcome to sign up for the contest in the Student Union office before Jan 15, 2020. I'm surely you will learn a lot .Don't missing the great chance to enjoy the Chinese Poetry. It will be a feast for your eye.




When carnival1.(begin) in Europe, people saw it as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season. Having fun meant eating, drinking and2.(dress) up. The most famous carnival was in Venice. People walked around the streets wearing masks, doing3.they wanted without being recognized.

Later, wearing masks4.(limit) by law. Finally, at the end of the 18th century, masks were banned5.(complete).6.in the late 1970s, the tradition was revived by students and the festival was developed for international7.(tourist). Today, carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February. Hotels are fully booked and the narrow streets are crowded8.wonderful costumes. Visitors from all over of the world come here9.(feel) the fun of carnival. Now, Carnival has become10.celebration of life itself.



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