满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 清明节简介;

2. 过节的风俗习惯。


2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信的开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:革命烈士revolutionary martyrs

Dear David,

I'm glad that you're interested in the Chinese Qingming Festival.



Li Hua


Dear David, I'm glad that you're interested in the Chinese Qingming Festival. Qingming Festival, also called Tomb­Sweeping Day, falls on April 4 or April 5. It has been celebrated in China for centuries. It is a seasonal symbol indicating sowing time. It is also a time of many activities, among which the main one is tomb sweeping. On this day people will remember family members by cleaning their tombs and paying respect with offerings. Schools will organize students to sweep tombs for revolutionary martyrs. Besides, people will wear willow branches and eat eggs to keep ghosts away. Not only is it a day for commemorating the dead, but it is also a fine time to appreciate the beautiful scenes of nature. So would you like to go for a spring outing with me during the Qingming Festival holidays? Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达要求写一封邮件,属于书信应用文。 1.审题立意: 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生写一封邮件,人称使用第一人称和第二人称,时态用一般现在时。 2.谋篇布局: 书信格式、称呼、开头和落款文中已经给出。首段已经给出,中间段介绍清明节及其风俗,最后一段写个人邀请。 3.关键词和句子: 根据写作要点及构思好的提纲我们可以初步确定文章可能使用到的词汇和句子有:fall/celebrate/seasonal/indicate/remember/pay respect with offering/willow branches/keep away/commemorate/appreciate/scene/spring outing/非谓语动词作状语/定语从句/倒装句。通过词汇铺垫,我们就很容易衔接成文了,文章写完之后要检查文中是否存在拼写或语法错误,并增加一些细节和过渡性的词汇,使全文衔接自然,语义流畅。






1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In the summer holiday, the weather was hot and my parents persuade me to take swimming lessons. I still remember the first day clearly. Before jumped into the water, I thought I had learnt the. teacher's instructions, and once I was in the water, my mind went blank. I forgot that he had taught me. The teacher repeated the word, “Hold your breath!” “Move legs quickly!” “Pushing the water!” I was so much nervous that I moved my hands and legs aimlessly. Exhausted, I felt my body sinking slowly. Luckily, the teacher took me back on time. A few minutes later, he gave me a carefully explanation once again. What unforgettable day!




Face masks are reportedly selling out in cities across Asia because of the spread of a deadly new coronavirus. But will these masks stop people1.(catch) the virus thoroughly? We know the coronavirus is airborne (空气传播的),2.can spread easily among people. So it makes sense3.(cover) your nose and mouth.

Now two main types of face masks are being used to do that. One is a standard surgical mask. But these masks don't offer full protection4.airborne viruses. They don't fully seal off the nose and mouth, so very small particles can5.(simple) pass through the material of the masks. These masks also leave the wearers' eyes6.(expose)through which the virus can infect them. The other type, the N95 mask, is7.(effective) than the surgical mask. They can prevent 95 percent of small particles entering the nose and mouth area. But they won't work8.they fit properly. And they aren't suitable for children or people with9.(face) hair.

There10.(be) other precautions (预防措施) people can take to avoid catching the virus, such as avoiding large public gatherings, staying at home and washing hands frequently.



    My childhood was a fairy tale, until it wasn’t. At age 15, I almost died from a rare medical._______, a disease not fully diagnosed in time. Despite survival, I was left with severe nerve damage to my right leg. To this day, I live in pain every_______moment. I went from being perfectly healthy to_______being able to walk and with that came a(n)_______depression that threatened to swallow me whole — a depression I still_______to this day.

As if that wasn’t enough, a year later my family’s house fell down, we had to move into a caravan (大篷车). My following days consisted of going between hospital_______, trying to study for my A-levels and_______in a caravan.

In that caravan, I started writing to_______relief from my worries. It was my life line that_______me together as I studied. And from the________of writing then, I’ve just published my first novel. Now let me________my story.

Being a girl that was into science and reading________me from other kids. You probably already have a mental________: Yes, I was a real-life Hermione Granger,________to fit in with my peers, with a differing worldview. They still laughed at me. Regardless of the________that came my way, I never felt down for long. After ups and downs,________I found friends who, although amused by my obsession with books and science,________those qualities about me. They encouraged my________. My desire to write and explore science grew stronger.

Now, I________with cutting edge technology for an aerospace engineering company. Back home, I write. Last month I published my first________Undercover Thief.

1.A.condition B.research C.accident D.care

2.A.quiet B.right C.other D.single

3.A.typically B.completely C.barely D.exactly

4.A.destructive B.poisonous C.magic D.powerful

5.A.try B.fight C.surround D.attack

6.A.cases B.visits C.examinations D.treatments

7.A.hiding B.living C.reading D.moving

8.A.get B.give C.avoid D.accept

9.A.led B.put C.got D.held

10.A.care B.pain C.love D.fear

11.A.turn up B.put up C.take up D.bring up

12.A.split B.separated C.saved D.told

13.A.thought B.reflection C.shadow D.picture

14.A.struggling B.planning C.refusing D.promising

15.A.warning B.teasing C.greeting D.meeting

16.A.lately B.fortunately C.eventually D.obviously

17.A.valued B.envied C.ignored D.appreciated

18.A.ambitions B.views C.suggestions D.differences

19.A.trade B.work C.study D.write

20.A.report B.painting C.novel D.play



    Earlier this summer, after packing my rucksack for a wild-camping holiday, I gazed at my belongings, and made a final adjustment to the contents of my bag.1.

I quickly emailed my travel companion, a photographer friend called Jacob to make sure I could have some pictures of our trip afterwards, so I could pop a few up on Instagram when I returned. And then I set off, feeling — for the first time in a number of trips — that I was genuinely escaping the stresses and strains of my everyday life.2.Because the way stress locates us, these days, is via our phones.

3.However, I've realized that for a holiday really to function as a holiday, I need an escape from social status anxiety , from caring about “likes”, and from having to photograph every tiny detail of life to prove our existence. When we overshare a glossy version of our trip online, we miss out on talking about our trips when we return, which is part of the joy of travel. Posting in the moment denies us this opportunity to relive (回味) our experience, and prolong that holiday feeling.4.

During my three-day Insta-break, my stress levels decrease quickly within 24 hours.5.I made mental notes of funny moments, cultural observations, tips and when I returned, I had interesting, detailed chats with friends about my time away.

A.I also changed how I processed the trip itself.

B.So I am fully supportive of screen-free holidays.

C.I took out my iPhone, and threw it under my bed.

D.1 would lose track of my coworkers, my friends and my family.

E.None of them could touch me for the next three glorious days.

F.So this summer, as you plan your trip, ask if you can delete Instagram.

G.As a travel writer, abandoning my phone for my holiday felt like the extreme betrayal.



    I'm on the phone with a frustrated customer, and a note appears on my computer screen: You are speaking slower than usual. Speed up. I do, and the message disappears, only to be replaced with another: Continuous Speaking — Finish your thought.

This is Cogito, an artificial intelligence program designed to help customer service workers communicate more clearly, empathize (产生共鸣) with frustrated callers, and improve their overall performance. Cogito listens to the tone, pitch, word frequency and other factors in customer service conversations. When it detects something wrong-an irritated customer, a call center agent taking too long to respond — it displays a note on the agent's computer telling them how to improve.

For anyone who's spent hours of their lives stuck on the phone with an unhelpful or very rude customer service agent, Cogito may seem. like a godsend. And some customer service agents using the software generally say they find it helpful. One employee says that Cogito helped her cut her average call time nearly in half, while another says it helped her speaking slow down.

Cogito has been launched to more than sixty call centers across the U. S. over the past year. The company behind the software, Cogito Inc., has raised more than $ 70 million. “We were 45 people a year ago,” says Cogito CEO Josh Feast, whose. company now has 150 employees. At MetLife, managers say that the program improved customer satisfaction by 13%and helped agents (who take an average of 700 calls a week) to have more “human” conversations.

Such software as Cogito is unlikely to stop at the meeting room. But like other enterprise software, it could soon spread well beyond call centers and other offices and into our daily lives.

1.What's the purpose of Cogito program?

A.To speed up customer service workers' speaking.

B.To store the conversations between customers and agents.

C.To improve customer service agents' communication with callers.

D.To complain of frustrated callers.

2.What can we infer about Cogito in Paragraph 4?

A.Cogito bas been used by sixty call centers in the world.

B.The company behind the software benefits a lot from Cogito.

C.Josh Feast designed Cogito with the help of employees.

D.Customers weren't satisfied with MetLife's service without Cogito.

3.What's the future of Cogito according to the text?

A.It'll be part of our normal day-to-day life.

B.I'll spread into other offices.

C.I'll tell humans what to do.

D.I'll replace customer service agents.

4.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A novel. B.A brochure.

C.A guidebook. D.A magazine.



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