满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面-段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.How does the man fee...


1.How does the man feel about living in New York?

A.He doesn't want to be there for long.

B.He's confused about certain aspects.

C.He's eager to stay there his whole life.

2.Why are there three trash cans in New York?

A.They are used for different kinds of trash.

B.They help people throw away their trash quicker.

C.The cleaners use them.

3.What can we learn about the man's hometown?

A.There are no cleaners at all.

B.One trash can for each house is enough.

C.There is very little recycling.


1.B 2.A 3.B 【解析】 【原文】 W:Hi,Mike.How do you like living in New York? M:It’s really amazing.I’ve learned that it is one of the largest cities in America,so I’m happy to get the chance to be here for a month.However,I still don’t completely understand the recycling rules. W:Yes.It always takes time to get used to the way of life in a new place.Do you litter? M:Of course not.I even throw my cigarettes in the trash when I’m done smoking.How about you? W:It is easier for me,because I don’t smoke at all.But I am glad you throw your trash away. M:However,I have three trash cans.I am confused.You know,in my old town,I only needed one trash can.You have been here much longer than me.Can you help me? W:Sure.First,you should know that only one type of trash goes into each can.One can is for paper products,one is for plastic,and one is for glass. M:But in my hometown,there were people who would separate the trash for me.Don’t you think it’s a better way to save us time and energy? W:But it’s a heavy burden for the cleaners.In order to keep the city clean and recycle the resources efficiently,you must separate your trash yourself.That is the rule. M:Thanks a lot.I understand now.


1.What does the daily rent of $45 include?

A.Insurance. B.Gas. C.Fire damage.

2.When will the man pick up the car?

A.Around noon. B.In the morning. C.In the evenirig.

3.What information does the woman ask for last?

A.The number of the man's drivers license.

B.The man's name and age.

C.The man's credit card.




1.What will the man do on Wednesday evening?

A.Attend a wedding. B.Go shopping. C.Attend a party.

2.What day is it today?

A.Monday. B.Wednesday. C.Thursday.

3.How much does the man need to pay?

A.15 pounds. B.25 pounds. C.30 pounds.




1.What is the man worried about?

A.His biology project. B.His history grade. C.His physics exam.

2.How does the woman feel toward the man?

A.Disappointed. B.Confident. C.Nervous.



Why isn't the woman taking the medicine?

A.It isn't very effective. B.It doesn't work at all. C.It has harmful side effects.



When does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the morning. B.Late at night. C.In the afternoon.



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