满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An aged man lived in a nice cottage with...

    An aged man lived in a nice cottage with a garden in a town. He is seen _____ looking after his flowers all the time.

One day a young painter _____ his garden. He was deeply _______ by the beautiful flowers,_____ how happy he could be if he lived there. Then, ______ he found the old gardener was _______The painter was very surprised to ask, “ Why are you busy __ these flowers which you can't see?”

The blind gardener smiled, answering, “I can tell you four ______. First, I was a gardener whenI was young, and I really like this ______ . Second , ______ I can't see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can __ the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that's for _______“Me? But you don't know me.” ______ the painter.

“Yeah, it is true that I don't know you. But I know flowers are ____ angels which everyone knows and would never turn them ______  I know many people who show ___ in life would stop by and the beauty of my garden will get them into a good ___ In the meantime, it also _____ a chance to me to have a word with you here and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”

I believe every flower has eyes, with which they can see the kindness of the old man's heart and the sweetness of his soul. He grows flowers in his ___I suppose although failing the _____ of the beauty of blossoming, he surely can hear the voice of it.

1.A.affectionate B.careful C.patient D.busy

2.A.turned on B.broke into C.went by D.ran for

3.A.interrupted B.attracted C.puzzled D.trapped

4.A.imaging B.admiring C.appreciating D.enjoying

5.A.immediately B.suddenly C.sympathetically D.excitedly

6.A.blind B.angry C.unhappy D.weak

7.A.watering B.fertilizing C.tending D.cutting

8.A.jokes B.notices C.stories D.reasons

9.A.garden B.job C.cottage D.flower

10.A.as though B.unless C.while D.before

11.A.hear B.witness C.admire D.smell

12.A.you B.us C.me D.them

13.A.screamed B.responded C.announced D.reported

14.A.powerful B.excited C.heavenly D.earthly

15.A.in B.to C.down D.up

16.A.enthusiasm B.sympathy C.experiences D.hatred

17.A.place B.mood C.manner D.view

18.A.loses B.wastes C.offers D.owes

19.A.field B.soil C.land D.heart

20.A.sight B.feeling C.taste D.eyes


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲述一位盲人老园丁,虽然自己看不见,但是一直精心照料自己的花园,给驻足的人们带来快乐,这源于他心地善良,灵魂高尚,心里种花。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们经常看见他忙碌在自己的花园里。A. affectionate深情的;B. careful仔细的;C. patient有耐心的;D. busy忙碌的。根据后文Why are you busy…可知,此处是忙碌,这道题属于原词重现。故选D项。 2.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一天,一个年轻人经过他的花园。A. turned on打开;B. broke into破门而入;C. went by经过;D. ran for竞选。根据后文,年轻人跟老人聊天,说明这个年轻人是路过花园。故选C项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他被这些漂亮的花深深地吸引住了,他想象着要是自己住在这里该有多开心啊。A. interrupted中断;B. attracted吸引;C. puzzled使……困惑;D. trapped使……陷入困境。根据后文,他想象自己住在这里该有多幸福,所以他是被漂亮的花朵吸引了。故选B项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他被这些漂亮的花深深地吸引住了,他想象着要是自己住在这里该有多开心啊。A. imaging想象;B. admiring欣赏;C. appreciating 感激;D. enjoying喜欢。这个年轻人并不住在这里,所以只能想象一下。故选A项。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,他发现这个老人是盲人。A. immediately立即;B. suddenly突然;C. sympathetically可怜地;D. excitedly兴奋地。根据后文他感到很吃惊,可以推测出他是突然发现的。故选B项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:突然,他发现这个老人是盲人。A. blind瞎的;B. angry生气的;C. unhappy不高兴的;D. weak虚弱的。根据后文you can't see,可知这个老人是盲人。故选A项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个画家很惊讶地问,你为什么要忙着照顾这些你看不见的花。A. watering浇水;B. fertilizing施肥;C. tending照顾;D. cutting切。根据前文的looking after可知,这里也是照料。本题属于原词重现。故选C项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我可以告诉你四个原因。A. jokes玩笑;B. notices通知;C. stories故事;D. reasons原因。根据前文Why的提问,所以这里是回答原因。故选D项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先,我曾经是一名园艺工作者,我真的非常喜欢这份工作。A. garden花园;B. job工作;C. cottage小屋;D. flower花朵。根据a gardener可知,这是一份工作。故选B项。 10.考查连词词义辨析。句意:第二,虽然我不能看见它们,但是我可以触摸到它们。A. as though好像;B. unless除非;C. while虽然;D. before在…之前。根据语境,两句话之间存在“虽然……但是”的关系。故选C项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第三,我可以闻到花的芳香。A. hear听见;B. witness见证; C. admire钦佩;D. smell闻。根据常识,花的芳香是闻出来的。故选D项。 12.考查代词词义辨析。句意:至于最后一点,那就是你了。A. you你,你们;B. us我们;C. me我;D. them他们。根据后文画家说的“Me”,可知这里用你。故选A项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我,但是你并不认识我”,画家回答说。A. screamed尖叫; B. responded回答;C. announced宣布;D. reported报道。这是老人和画家的对话,所以这里使用答复。故选B项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是我知道花是世间美丽的天使,这是大家公认的,而且没有人会拒绝它们。A. powerful有力量的;B. excited兴奋的;C. heavenly天上的;D. earthly地球的,尘世的。根据前文which everyone knows,可知这是大家公认的,鲜花是人间的天使。故选D项。 15.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是我知道花是世间美丽的天使,这是大家公认的,而且没有人会拒绝它们。A. turn in上交;B. turn to;求助于;C. turn down拒绝,调小;D. turn up出现,调高。根据前文,每个人都认为花是人间天使,所以是没有办法拒绝它的。故选C项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道,只要是对生活充满激情的人都会在此驻足,我花园里的花会让他们拥有好的心情。A. enthusiasm热情,激情;B. sympathy同情心;C. experiences经历;D. hatred憎恨。愿意欣赏周围美好东西的人,都是对生活充满激情的人。故选A项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道,只要是对生活充满激情的人都会在此驻足,我花园里的花会让他们拥有好的心情。A. place地方;B. mood心情;C. manner方式;D. view观点。根据常识,美丽的花朵能让人们心情变好。故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同时,也给我提供了机会在这里和你交谈,并享受这些鲜花给我们带来的快乐。A. loses失去;B. wastes浪费;C. offers提供;D. owes欠。根据前文,人们会驻足欣赏花,这样老人也就能和别人聊聊天。故选C项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:老人也在心里种花。A. field田地,领域 B. soil土壤;C. land陆地;D. heart内心。根据前文,老人是看不见的,但是他一直种花,给人们欣赏花的机会、感受花带来的快乐,源于他心地善良,灵魂高尚,心里种花。故选D项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我猜想,虽然他不能看到花的绽放,但他一定能听到花开的声音。A. sight视力;B. feeling感觉;C. taste味道;D. eyes眼睛。根据前文,老人是个盲人,所以他是看不见花的。本题属于原词重现。故选A项。

How to Shine at a Job Interview

The smart job seeker needs to get rid of several standard myths about interviewing before starting to look for a job. 1.

Myth 1: The aim of an interview is to obtain the job offer.

Only half true. The only aim of an interview is to obtain the job you want. 2. Unfit job seekers, however, become so used to meeting employers' expectation that they often easily accept jobs that they don't want. So before you work for an employer, be sure you want the job.

Myth 2: Try to control the interview.

Nobody “control” an interview - neither you or the interviewer - although one or both parties often try. Then it becomes a fake exchange between two human beings; no business deal is likely to be made.  Remember, you can't control what employers think of you, just as they can't control what you think of them. So hang loose when interviewing: 3.

Myth 3: 4.

Study the effective conversationalists: They interrupt and were interrupted. An exciting conversation always makes us feel, free - free to interrupt, free to disagree ? to agree enthusiastically.  We feel comfortable with people who allow us to be natural.  Employers will either like or dislike you, but at least you will have made an impression.  And the way to make an effective impression is to feel free to be yourself, which frees your interviewers to be themselves.

Myth 4: Always be well groomed and dress yourself fashionably.

Only half true.  5. However, some interviewers might not appreciate the way you “decorate” yourself or, possibly, the positions you are applying for would require more reserved personalities, which, to some interviewers, can be revealed from your appearance. Therefore, the more cautious solution would be to keep to the happy medium - neither appear too “modern” nor too “conservative”.

A.Never interrupt the interviewer.

B.It is good to appear clear and neat or well-groomed when you go to an interview.

C.Thus, the job seeker finds an ideal job.

D.Never dominate the interview.

E.That often means rejecting the job offers you don't want.

F.You are expected to respect each other.

G.Here are some untruths and tips to help you do your best at your interview.



    You may already know that more than a million years ago, glaciers, or vast blankets of moving ice, covered one third of the earth. You also may know tens of thousands of years ago, the glaciers started to melt, retreating to their current position in the Antarctic and Greenland. You may even know that glaciers also exist in all the world's great mountain regions. But do you know that glaciers cover about 6 billion square miles of the earth and store about 75 percent of the earth's fresh water.

A glacier forms in a cold climate when a winters snow does not completely melt during the following summer. Snow continues to accumulate and partially melt year after year. As the accumulated snow becomes heavier, the lower layers crushes under the weight and changes into ice. Over time, the mass of ice thickens and moves. The ice is either pulled slowly downhill by gravity - as in the valley glaciers found in the Alps, on the Alaskan coast, and in the Western United States - or forced outward in all directions by its own weight - as in the ice sheets and icecaps covering most of Greenland and Antarctic a. During the glaciations (冰川作用),a glacier moves ( usually about 3 feet per day). It picks up pieces of rock that cut and polish the land and carve out steep-side valleys . During deglaciation (冰消作用),a glacier withdraws and often leaves large deposits of sand and stones. The process of glaciation and deglaciation formed the Great Lakes in North American during the Ice Ages.

Some scientists believe that ice ages similar to those of the past will occur, but they disagree on when this will happen. Other scientists think that global wanning will occur instead, melting the glaciers and flooding areas as sea levels rise. No one knows for certain which event will occur, but neither predicts well for mankind.

1.What happens to a glacier during glaciation?

A.It moves. B.It leaves stones.

C.It leaves sand. D.It forms the Great Lakes.

2.What will happen if global warming occurs instead of another ice age?

A.Vast blankets of ice will cover the earth.

B.Glaciers in the Antarctic will increase in size.

C.Plant and animal life in many related areas will be destroyed.

D.A winter's snow may not completely melt during the following summer.

3.What is the attitude of the writer towards the argument between scientists in the last paragraph?

A.Optimistic. B.Objective. C.Pessimistic. D.Indifferent.

4.What is this passage mainly about? ,

A.The Ice Age. B.Valley glaciers.

C.Ice sheets and ice caps. D.Glaciers.



    British scientists seeking to protect the environment have designed a biodegradable mobile phone cover that breaks down in soil when discarded and sprouts (发芽)a flower from a seed put inside the case. Researchers at the University of Warwick in central England said the novel device, made from a specially designed polymer (聚合材料),is a blessing for the environmentalists.

Millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year as the industry produces large quantities of new models without caring about the quality. “It is really original in the phone industry and consumers are happy because they feel they are doing something for the local environment,” said Keny Kirwan from the university of Warwick. Designers have made the hesitant users feel sure that the seed, put into a transparent window, only sprouts when the phone cover is discarded. “We put sunflower seeds into the covers of the samples, but we are working with gardening researchers to identify which other flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put poppies (虞美人)or roses next time,” said Kirwan.

1.Why is the new mobile phone unique?

A.It is popular with young people.

B.It is environmentally friendly.

C.The user can make it flower whenever he or she likes.

D.Its colour is beautiful.

2.What does the underlined word “ discarded” mean?

A.Thrown away. B.Updated. C.Cleaned. D.Replaced.

3.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Good News for Environmentalists B.Promising Mobile Phone

C.Changing Wastes into Valuables D.Flowering Mobile Phone

4.In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Science and technology.

C.Education. D.Health.



    I shall always recall the autumn and the girl playing the violin. She made me realize true friendship. I know she will always be my best friend .

It was a golden season. I could see the yellow leaves falling on the cool wind. In such a season, I liked walking alone on the leaves in the woods, listening to the sound of them.

Autumn is a lonely season and everything is still. Such surroundings always get me down. But one day, the sound of a violin flowed into my ears like a stream flowing in the mountains. I was so surprised that I jumped to see what it was. A young girl, standing in the wind, was lost in playing her violin.

I had never seen her before. The music was so nice that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn't know that I had been standing there for so long but my existence did not seem to disturb her.

Leaves were still falling. Every day she played the violin at the same time and the same place and I went to watch her performance . I was the only listener. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became interesting. Though we didn't know each other, I thought we were already good friends. I believe she also had the same feeling.

Autumn was nearly over. One day, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly stopped. To my astonishment, the girl came over to me.

“You must like the violin.” she said.

“Yes, and you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.

Suddenly, a sad expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.

“I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once played badly. It was your appreciation and listening every day that encouraged me.” she said.

“In fact, it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn,” I answered, “let's be friends. The girl smiled and so did I.

During the rest days left, I had never heard her play again. Only thick leaves were left on the ground. But I will not forget the girl. She is just like a dream, so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off all its light that it makes the autumn sky shining.

1.What did the writer like doing in autumn?

A.Enjoying the fresh air in the woods.

B.Seeking for surprises.

C.Walking alone on the leaves and listening to the sound of the woods.

D.Walking by himself on the leaves and listening to the sound of the falling leaves.

2.What is the mood of the writer in fall?

A.He is in high spirits. B.He is surprised.

C.He feels blue. D.He is calm.

3.What can we learn from the talk between the writer and the girl?

A.Appreciation and listening benefit others as well as ourselves.

B.The violin is powerful.

C.The girl would miss her grandmother.

D.Their meeting was expected.

4.What does the writer want to express from the story?

A.Beauty and love are the unchangeable themes.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.Persistence is important for us to succeed.

D.Many people may step in your life, but only true friends leave beautiful footprints on your heart.



Ambassador Hotel

Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities to the full.

Dilling Room

Breakfast is served in the dining room from 8 a. m. to 9 : 30 a. m. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a tray of breakfast to your room at any time after 7 a. m. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door before sleeping.

Lunch: 12 to 2: 30 p. m.

Dinner: 7: 30 p. m. to 9 p. m.

Room Service

This operates 24 hours a day ; phone the Reception Desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.


To make a phone call, dial 0 for Reception and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staff are very busy. There are also public telephone booths near the Reception.


The hotel shop is open for small things, gifts and makeups from 9 a. m. to 5 : 30 p. m.


We have a laundry here and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to collect them.


The hotel bar is open from 12 to 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 1 a. m.


The reception staff will cash cheques and exchange money in many foreign currencies.

1.What should you do if you want to have your breakfast in your room?

A.Phone the room staff.

B.Phone the hotel shop.

C.Write down the required information on a card and hang it outside your door before sleeping.

D.Phone the dining room before you go to bed.

2.Which of the following about the hotel is TRUE?

A.You can have a drink in the bar before noon.

B.You can get your clothes washed, ironed and returned within 12 hours.

C.You can buy some skin creams in the hotel.

D.You can phone the room staff to get the room service .

3.Where can you most likely see the text?

A.In a bedroom of a large international hotel.

B.In a hotel bar.

C.In a hotel dining room.

D.In the entrance of a small family hotel.



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