满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What will the man do first? A.Learn more...

What will the man do first?

A.Learn more about prices. B.Find a supplier. C.Do reports.


C 【解析】 【原文】 W: Our supplier has decided to raise their prices. You have to look at some other companies to lower our costs. M: OK, but I need to finish these monthly reports before I start anything else.  


The big Town Hall clock was striking midnight when Frank began to cross the bridge. The dark night air was cold and a little wet, and the street lamp gave little light. Frank was anxious to get home and his footsteps rang loudly on the silent night.

When he reached the middle of the bridge, he thought he could hear someone coming near behind him. He looked back but could see no one. However , the sound continued and Frank began to walk more quickly. Then he slowed down again , thinking there was nothing to fear in a town as quiet as this.

Just then , he heard short , quick steps closely behind him. By the time he reached the other side of the bridge , he could almost feel someone at his heels. He turned round and there stood a man in a large coat. A hat was pulled down over his eyes and very little of his face could be seen.

Frank said something about the weather in an effort to be friendly. The man did not answer but asked roughly where Oakfield House was. Frank pointed to a big house in the distance and the stranger continued his way.

Then Frank wondered why the stranger had wanted to find Oakfield House at such an hour. He knew that the people who lived there were very rich. Almost without realizing what he was doing , he began following the stranger quickly.

The man was soon outside the house and Frank saw him look up at the windows. A light was still on and the man waited until it went out. When about half an hour had passed, Frank saw him climb noiselessly over the wall and heard him drop on the ground at the other side.

Paragraph 1:

Now Frank knew what the man wanted to do.


Paragraph 2:

Frank couldn’t just stand in the dark and wait.




假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Amy来信询问有关新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus)在中国的情况。请你给Amy回信,内容包括:

1. 新型冠状病毒简况;

2. 应对措施;

3. 是否有信心战胜病毒。







AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- The heavy smoke from devastating Australian bushfires cloaked Auckland, 1.(turn) the city's skyline into strange, mysterious and frightening orange color 2. Sunday afternoon.

New Zealand meteorology service MetService forecast that 3. upper level jet of westerly winds was driving the smoke across the Tasman Sea towards New Zealand. The smoke 4.(expect) to arrive Sunday evening and was likely to be 5.(large) gone by the morning.

It is the second layer of smoke coming from the Australian bushfires, 6. is cloaking the North Island and upper parts of the South Island. Much of the South Island 7.(awake) to reddish-brown skies on New Year's Day before the smoke spread to the North Island.

MetService said it is possible 8. people would be able to smell and taste the smoke. However, long-lasting health 9.(effect) are not expected.

On Friday, the New Zealand government pledged twenty two 10.(many) firefighters to help fight the Australian bushfires.



    The Adams family home has been taken over by origami (折纸)in all sizes and shapes. No one seems to _________ though. Those paper creations are _________ clean water projects around the world and saving lives. A messy home is a small price to pay ________

In 2011, Isabelle Adams and her sister Katherine learned that every five seconds a child died from _________ of clean water and that girls of their age couldn’t go to school _________ they were fetching water all day for their families. They _________ to do something.

“So we took something that we loved doing - folding origami, with the _________ goal to help fund a well in Ethiopia,” explains Katherine. _________ , they ended up selling out and raising far more than that to fully _________ the cost of the well.

Katherine, now 13, adds, “It just snowballed, __________ the founding of the project Paper for Water.” In eight years, this project has __________ more than 2 million for over 200 water projects in 20 different countries.

Now, the rest of the Adams family are also __________. But at the heart of it, beneath countless paper decorations sit two bold sisters hoping to __________ other girls and boys. “Kids have an incredible ability to make a real __________ to the world if they’re just given the chance,” Isabelle says, “and if people __________ them in their efforts.”

1.A.mind B.notice C.appreciate D.remember

2.A.decorating B.rewarding C.attracting D.funding

3.A.in exchange B.in turn C.in return D.in response

4.A.pollution B.loss C.lack D.waste

5.A.although B.because C.unless D.while

6.A.hesitated B.decided C.happened D.demanded

7.A.lifelong B.individual C.original D.critical

8.A.Obviously B.Unexpectedly C.Suddenly D.Gradually

9.A.spend B.fill C.offer D.cover

10.A.trying out B.depending on C.contributing to D.appealing to

11.A.saved B.borrowed C.earned D.collected

12.A.involved B.praised C.recognized D.employed

13.A.satisfy B.inspire C.inform D.comfort

14.A.judgment B.sense C.difference D.connection

15.A.support B.persuade C.welcome D.award



    Many people consider “being alone” an awful thing, for they think it either means you're anti­social, or unwanted. However, being alone isn't necessarily a bad thing. 1..

When you start to enjoy being alone, you'll get in touch with your own feelings. 2.. With that knowledge, it's then easier to manage your feelings.

Being alone makes you reflect more. 3., you're burning a lot of energy. Being alone is to the contrary. It provides the perfect environment for reflection. Since you aren't spending so much time processing the thoughts and feelings of others, it's the best time to turn your focus inward.

4.. Being in the company of other people can be entertaining. However, it can also seriously affect your concentration. Without disturbance, you can just put your head down and get to work.

Being alone gives you more freedom to do what you like. When you're constantly connected by other people, you're always making compromises to find solutions that the entire group can enjoy. Unfortunately, the things you want most may not always line up with what others want. 5..

Are you alone right now? Are you the person to see a movie alone? If there's no one to go with you, but it's a movie you're longing for, please enjoy it!

A.Being alone can be more productive

B.When you are in a state of being alone

C.When you're surrounded by other people

D.A handful of benefits will appear once you learn to enjoy being alone

E.You'll create a deeper understanding of what makes you happy and upset

F.So it's easy to enjoy being alone once you realize the great benefits it brings to you

G.Once you enjoy being alone, you'll come to find you enjoy the company of others even more



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