满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.What is mentioned as a...


1.What is mentioned as a relaxing way?

A.Being concerned about the progress.

B.Thinking about reducing stress.

C.Breathing deeply and slowly.

2.What is one of the most frequent problems during relaxation?

A.Physical condition.

B.Disturbance from outside.

C.Wandering mind.

3.When can you use the relaxing way for a problem situation?

A.After you have 10 practice sessions.

B.When you are picking up the kids.

C.Before your annoyance starts.

4.Who are the probable audience of the talk?

A.Kids. B.Parents. C.College students.


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: In the previous talk, we discussed one way to manage stressful thoughts by being more positive. Sometimes it is also necessary to learn how to physically relax to regain calmness. Breathing deeply and slowly can relieve stress. It helps reduce tension, slows the heart rate, relaxes muscles and calms the mind. Like learning any new skill, learning to relax simply takes regular practice, patience and time. Don’t be concerned if your progress seems slow. Becoming tense or worried about relaxing is of course not very relaxing. One of the most frequent problems during relaxation is the occurrence of disturbing thoughts. Don’t worry if your mind wanders. Just try to refocus your attention on your breathing. Another problem can be disturbance from outside. If possible, try to select a time and place where you won’t be disturbed. After you have practiced relaxation for 10 sessions, then you can begin to use it for a problem situation. For example, schedule practice sessions before your high tension parenting times, such as just before going home from work and picking up the kids, or as you notice your annoyance level starting to increase.


1.Why was Jane unhappy about living in the dormitory?

A.She disliked the food.

B.She lacked personal space.

C.She had no washing machine.

2.Where did Jane have meals?

A.In the dormitory. B.In her own kitchen. C.In the school canteen.

3.How many hours was the dining hall open every day?

A.Three. B.Five. C.Six.

4.What is the dialogue mainly about?

A.Social activities. B.College life. C.Dorm buildings.




1.How do most readers find Island Intrigue” 2

A.Absurd. B.Boring. C.Thrilling.

2.What kind of books do the speakers both like?

A.Horror stories. B.Science fictions. C.Adventures.

3.What will the speakers do?

A.Exchange books.

B.Go to the library together.

C.Fix a time to communicate ideas.




1.What follows the Guest of Honour's speech?

A.The headmaster's speech.

B.The Variety Show.

C.The baseballl match.

2.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Film shows. B.Sports games. C.School events.




1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Host and guest.

B.Reporter and interviewee.

C.Shop assistant and customer.

2.What will the speakers do first?

A.Visit a friend.

B.Enjoy a ballet performance.

C.Have dinner together.



What do the speakers most possibly do?

A.Use less plastics.

B.Cut plastics out of life.

C.Collect plastics in the ocean.



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