满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








At lunch in the first day of my high school, I saw a girl sit alone. I decided to sit with her and we had pleasant chat. Late, we became close friends in the following three years. One day, he shared something touching with me. "Do you remember the day when you come over and sat next to me, wearing a big smile?" she asked me. "I wanted you to know how much special you were. I was disappointing at that time, but your smile made my day," she added.

I can't help smile each time I think of the scene, that shows me that a simple act of kindness can change lives greatly.


【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者高中时,看见一女孩独自坐着,带着微笑去交流后,他们成为朋友,之后回忆此事,得出一个道理:一个简单的善举可以极大地改变生活。 1.考查介词。in + 不具体时间,on +具体时间,分析句子可知,“高中第一天”是具体的时间,应用on。故将in改为on。 2.考查现在分词。分析语境可知,作者看见一女孩正独自坐着,用see sb. doing sth(看见某人正在干某事),所以用现在分词表正在进行。故将sit改为sitting。 3.考查冠词。分析语境可知,chat在此处表示“闲谈、闲聊”,是可数名词,前面用不定冠词a修饰,表泛指。故在had和pleasant之间加a。 4.考查副词。分析句子可知,此句是用副词作状语,应用Later。故将Late改为Later。 5.考查代词。分析语境可知,全文讲的是作者和女孩的故事,此处人称指代不一致,应用she。故将he改为she。 6.考查时态。分析句子可知,the day后面跟了一个定语从句,由语境可知,他们认识的那天已经发生,所以定语从句谓语动词应用一般过去时。故将come改为came。 7.考查句型。how + 形容词+主语+谓语,是一个感叹句,意为“…多么…啊”,much多余。故去掉much。 8.考查形容词。关于感情类的动词,人做主语用-ed,物做主语-ing;分析句子可知,I是主语,指人,应用-ed形式。故将disappointing改为disappointed。 9.考查固定搭配。can’t helping doing是固定搭配,意为“忍不住做……”,此空用doing形式。故将smile改为smiling。 10.考查定语从句关系代词。分析句子可知,此句此一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是the scene,指物,在从句中作主语,非限制性定语从句中不能用that,应用which。故将that改为which。  


David Katz was upset by all the plastic going into the ocean. To help solve the problem, he had a 1.createidea to treat plastic like money. Mr. Katz calls his idea the "plastic Bank". The goal of the Plastic Bank is to use plastic to help people solve the problems 2.(gradual. The Plastic Bank adds a value to plastic waste by paying people to recycle it.

The program began in 2015 in Haiti, a poor island nation with many 3.problemof waste plastic. The Plastic Bank has 30 "markets" in Haiti. At the Plastic Bank markets, people can exchange the plastic they've collected for 4.they need. The Plastic Bank markets sell lots of things that local people need. The stores also allow plastic collectors to use the money they earn to pay 5.health care or school.

To make sure that the plastic 6.recycle, the Plastic Bank works with partners, who agree 7.usethe plastic that is collected. When customers buy these products, which are labeled "Social Plastic", they know that they are both helping people in other parts of the world 8.keeping plastic out of the ocean. So far, the Plastic Bank 9.keepabout 7 million pounds of plastic out of the ocean. It makes a great 10.contributeto the ocean.



    When Pan Ruibin set up Panwallzer in 2010, he went against the trend of leaving the hometown to work in a big city for a large company. Pan _________the job as a Japanese translator, returned to his home village and turned his hobby of knitting(针织)into a(n) _______. "My dream is to build a first-class brand like Chanel, and that is the _______ of Panwallzer," said Pan. _______ for its designs and handmade sweaters, Panwallzer has done well on its way to _______.

Despite doubts about whether people would still _______handmade sweaters when machine-made ones are easier to produce and cheaper, Pan _______ his business idea. "The customers I met online _______ me, but my major motivation(动力)was my _______ for saving the handmade knitwear industry."

Pan ________ his talent for knitting from the age of 6. He was taught by his mother, and ________ his skills by entering knitting ________ and won several times. By the time he was 10, he could knit a sweater as ________ as the middle-aged women in his village.

Pan ________ some villagers to help him make the sweaters. The number of ________ grew from 7 in 2010 to 60 this year. Pan has no intention of ________ for mass production, even though new orders are flooding into Panwallzer ________ due to its popularity on social media.

He believes producing a superior product is the __________ way to keep steady growth. Pan wants to __________ a customized(定制的)service through his sweater designs. "People buy your sweater not only because it is ________ but also because it is stylish," he said.

1.A.got B.quit C.changed D.started

2.A.habit B.need C.business D.adventure

3.A.chance B.reputation C.principle D.goal

4.A.Responsible B.Famous C.Eager D.Cheerful

5.A.success B.freedom C.knowledge D.happiness

6.A.exchange B.buy C.remember D.collect

7.A.gave up B.thought about C.kept off D.stuck to

8.A.led B.attracted C.encouraged D.forced

9.A.plan B.enthusiasm C.preparation D.secret

10.A.showed B.tested C.hid D.ignored

11.A.shared B.discovered C.explained D.improved

12.A.ceremonies B.meetings C.competitions D.parties

13.A.well B.usually C.hard D.carefully

14.A.ordered B.required C.hired D.begged

15.A.companies B.machines C.customers D.employees

16.A.keeping up B.speeding up C.slowing down D.holding down

17.A.roughly B.totally C.mainly D.slightly

18.A.right B.conventional C.abstract D.amazing

19.A.enjoy B.choose C.judge D.offer

20.A.handmade B.expensive C.cheap D.machine-made



    Impolite cellphone users are anywhere where there's a cellphone signal.1.. Could that be you? Follow our expert phone rules to avoid being rude and annoying.

●Know where not to use your phone. 2., so avoid talking on your cellphone or having it ring while in such places as hospitals, libraries and movie theaters. Turn your phone off if necessary.

●Don't talk too loudly. When in public, try not to raise your voice while on the phone. Generally you don't have to shout on the phone to be heard on the other end. In fact, doing so often makes it harder for you to be understood.3..

●Don't use your phone when having a meal with someone. If possible, turn it off. If you're waiting for an important call, let the person you're with know beforehand (事先) that you're expecting a call that you'll need to take.4.. If you have to, step away but don’t stay away any longer than a bathroom break.

5..When you're in an enclosed space, or you can't put yourself 10 feet out of everyone's way, it's inappropriate to talk but it's potentially acceptable to receive and send text messages. But you'd better not text while doing anything requires you to be focused.

A.Learn to text

B.Focus on your messages

C.Some places are inappropriate for cellphone usage

D.Limit phone use during gatherings with your friends

E.Try not to hold a phone conversation at table

F.In addition, shouting on the phone disturbs people around you

G.Most people who are impolite don't even realize what they’re doing



    Very few animals except dolphins, chimpanzees (黑猩猩)and elephants have ever passed the mirror test for self-recognition. Scientists believe they have found a fish able recognize itself in a mirror. The result is surprising because this ability is usually only found in animals with bigger brains. Even humans don't usually pass the mirror test until they are about a year and a half old.

To test the wrasse (隆头鱼), a small fish in the sea, scientists put each wrasse in a tank with a mirror. They gave the fish a chance to get used to the mirror and watched their reactions. At first, the wrasses challenged the "other fish" by swimming up to the mirror and "fighting" them with the mouth. But soon the wrasses seemed to understand that something funny was happening. They began to swim toward the mirror upside down or in other unusual ways. It was like they were testing whether the fish in the mirror were really themselves.

Once the wrasses seemed used to the mirror, the scientists gave the wrasses a mark by putting the fish to sleep and injecting something under their skin. Some of the fish got a brown mark. Other fish got a clear "mark" that didn't have a color and couldn't be seen in a mirror.

After looking in the mirror, the wrasses with the brown marks would rub the area with the mark against the sand in the bottom of the tank. Then they would go back and look in the mirror again, as if checking if the mark was still there. But when wrasses with brown marks were put in tanks without mirrors, they didn't try to rub their marks away. And wrasses with clear "marks" didn't either, even when they could see themselves in the mirror.

The unexpected results are making some people look hard for other ways to explain how the wrasses reacted. So even though the wrasses seem to have passed the mirror test, the scientists will need some time to reflect on exactly what that means.

1.Why do the scientists feel surprised about the result?

A.The fish has a big brain.

B.Elephants failed to pass the mirror test.

C.Chimpanzees are as clever as dolphins.

D.The fish succeeded in passing the mirror test.

2.What did the scientists take notice of about the wrasses at first?

A.They swam in unusual ways.

B.They were unaware of themselves in the mirror.

C.They thought the mirror interesting.

D.They wanted to challenge themselves.

3.How did the fish with brown marks react in the mirror test?

A.They would rub the area with the mark against sand.

B.They would pay no attention to marks.

C.They would rest in the bottom of the tank.

D.They would swim upside down to the mirror.

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Are Fish Smarter than Expected?

B.Do Colors Affect the Experiment?

C.How Is the Mirror Test Conducted?

D.Can Fish Recognize Themselves in the Mirror?



    The TV series, The Longest Day in Chang'an, which was shown on Chinese online platforms last summer became a hit soon. Since then, it has been shown on partnering streaming platforms and TV networks abroad. Some websites overseas also offered the program to their users paying for it— the first time a Chinese series was broadcast as paid content abroad.

"I was amazed by the overseas audience's love for this show," Cao Dun, director of The Longest Day in Chang'an, told Bejing Review. "I was worried that they wouldn't understand the complex political structure of the Tang dynasty. But in reality the show is prompting foreign audiences to research Tang dynasty's history to better understand the plot. "

The unique culture in ancient China is not a barrier but a bridge to connect with foreign audiences. In the TV series, every figure is given enough space to flesh out his or her character. Telling stories of ordinary Chinese people that resonate (引起共鸣) with the audience might be the way to communicate with the world. "The success of the TV series shows that beauty is a universal language crossing borders," he told Beijing Review.

His ambition is to distinguish Chinese dramas from the TV shows in the rest of the world. "The TV series is a step in my plan to tell Chinese stories to the world," Cao said. "After describing the impressive beauty of the Tang dynasty, I am looking for several plays that tell stories of today's China. I don’t want to copy any country's production. Chinese dramas have to be built on our rich culture and Chinese people's everyday life," Cao added.

1.What do we know about the TV series?

A.It was put on overseas, when first released.

B.It can be appreciated for free.

C.It is about the development of the Tang dynasty.

D.It was very popular once it was shown.

2.What does the underlined word "prompting" in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Requiring. B.Reminding.

C.Encouraging. D.Informing.

3.What made the TV series a success?

A.Stories of ordinary people. B.Recognition of beauty.

C.Diversity of Chinese culture. D.Personalities of every figure.

4.What is Cao Dun’s ambition?

A.To tell Chinese stories to the world. B.To make a successful TV series.

C.To show China’s different nationalities. D.To learn the ancient political structure.



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