满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What are the speaker...


1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Their favorite sports.

B.The best game they ever saw.

C.Childhood sports memories.

2.What sport did the man use to play?

A.Baseball. B.Basketball. C.American football.

3.Why does the woman suggest watching the team from Oakland?

A.She likes the coach.

B.The players are the best.

C.Their live games are shown online.


1.A 2.B 3.A 【解析】 【原文】 W:So,which sport do you prefer - basketball or baseball? M:To be honest,I don’t really care for either one. W:I thought everyone liked basketball.Why don’t you like it? M:I used to play basketball when I was little,but I never scored a basket.Every time I watch a basketball game,I think about how horrible I was at it. W:That makes sense. M:How about you? What’s your favorite sport? W:My absolute favorite is American football. M:Have you ever seen a live game? W:Sure,many times.It’s an exciting game for people to watch. M:I’ve never really understood the game. W:It’s not that difficult.If you want to watch a game with me,I can explain the rules and strategy while we’re watching. M:Thanks.That would be nice.When’s the next game? W:Not for a while,but we could watch an old one on the Internet so I can explain the game to you. M:That’s a good idea. W:Let’s watch the team from Oakland.They have a good owner and a great coach. M:OK.


1.What does the man suggest doing at first?

A.Going hiking. B.Doing some exercises. C.Playing a computer game.

2.What do the speakers decide to do?

A.Visit Mike. B.Go to work. C.Play table tennis.

3.How many people will probably have dinner together?

A.2. B.3. C.4.




1.Why does the woman think the other driver is angry?

A.He shook his fist at them. B.He shouted at them. C.He broke their window.

2.What does the woman tell Jerry to do?

A.Continue telling his story. B.Go a little faster. C.Focus on driving.



What does the woman mean?

A.Their kids will be a great help.

B.They will work harder than now.

C.She hardly has time to clean the house.



What are the two speakers going to do first?

A.Go shopping. B.Buy a new fridge. C.Pick up their kid.



Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At an airport. B.In a post office. C.In a shopping center.



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