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A Uber driver stopped her work day so sh...

    A Uber driver stopped her work day so she could help a new mother with a sick child.

Nicole Ihus’s son John Henry was born last month with a rare disease called congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Nicole and her husband, who live in Kansas City, got m touch with doctors from Minnesota and Missouri in hopes of finding a doctor who could treat John Henry for the condition — but to no avail.

Luckily, Nicole managed to get in contact with the “best doctor in the world for this condition” at Johns Hopkins All Children in St. Petersburg, Florida — so she traveled all the way to the Sunshine State to give her newborn son a fighting chance.

After John Henry was bon into the hands of the NICU, Nicole felt sad and alone in the new state, although she knew that she had to leave her son’s side in order to buy him some new clothes.

After ordering an Uber ride to the nearby Rhea Lana children’s clothing store, she was picked up by a woman named Belinda. Shortly after Nicole got into Belinda’s car, the new mother couldn’t help but told her heartbreaking story.

“She told me her story,” Belinda said in the interview below. “She was in tears a couple of times and I was really concerned about her.”

Rather than simply dropping Nicole off at the store, however, Belinda parked the car and was firmly determined to accompany her passenger into the store.

“She was like, ‘I’m going to help you buy some clothes for your son.’ I asked her, ‘Are you serious?’ I can’t even imagine,” said Nicole. “For this stranger to go completely out of her way — stop what she was doing and stop making money — to come to be with me for a couple of hours while we shopped together, that was just unbelievable.”

1.What does the writer mean by saying “to no avail” in Para.2?

A.Henry’s condition became worse.

B.The couple lost hope of finding a doctor.

C.The doctor didn’t want to treat John Henry.

D.The couple didn’t find the doctor they wanted.

2.How did Belinda help Nicole after hearing her story?

A.By offering her a free ride.

B.By going shopping with her.

C.By buying new clothes for her.

D.By chatting with her for hours.

3.What is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?

A.To advise readers to help the baby.

B.To tell a story of a helpless mother.

C.To speak highly of the driver’s kindness.

D.To call on people to learn from the driver.


1.D 2.B 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了一名Uber司机停止了她的工作,帮助一位新妈妈照顾生病的孩子故事,作者高度赞扬了司机的善良。 1.词义猜测题。根据第二段中的Nicole and her husband, who live in Kansas City, got m touch with doctors from Minnesota and Missouri in hopes of finding a doctor who could treat John Henry for the condition可知,妮可和她住在堪萨斯城的丈夫与来自明尼苏达州和密苏里州的医生取得了联系,希望能找到一位能治疗约翰·亨利这种病的医生。再根据第二段最后一句中的but可知,此处表示转折,由此可知,划线部分to no avail意为“这对夫妇没有找到他们想要的医生。”。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的Rather than simply dropping Nicole off at the store, however, Belinda parked the car and was firmly determined to accompany her passenger into the store.可知,然而,比琳达并没有简单地把妮可送到商店,而是把车停好,坚决要陪她的乘客进商店。再根据最后一段中的For this stranger to go completely out of her way — stop what she was doing and stop making money — to come to be with me for a couple of hours while we shopped together, that was just unbelievable.可知,这个陌生人完全不按她的方式行事——停止她正在做的事,停止赚钱——来陪我几个小时,我们一起购物,这简直令人难以置信。由此可知,听了她的故事后,Belinda通过和她一起去购物来帮助Nicole。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据第一段中的A Uber driver stopped her work day so she could help a new mother with a sick child.可知,一名Uber司机停止了她的工作,这样她就可以帮助一位新妈妈照顾生病的孩子。再根据最后一段中的For this stranger to go completely out of her way — stop what she was doing and stop making money — to come to be with me for a couple of hours while we shopped together, that was just unbelievable.可知,这个陌生人完全不按她的方式行事——停止她正在做的事,停止赚钱——来陪我几个小时,我们一起购物,这简直令人难以置信。由此可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了高度赞扬司机的善良。故选C。

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

We were three thousand miles away from home on a Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism Road Trip. We were short of money, so we had two goals today:

1. Try out our new “Smile!” signs and see how much kindness and joy we could spread in Pike Place Market.

2. Raise at least $80 by doing street performances. Singing, drawing or storytelling. This would be enough for gas to Portland and a small hotel room.

We weren’t sure how people would react to our signs. It’s so easy to walk past a busy crowd, lost in your own world, refusing to make eye-contact with strangers, and feeling alone despite being surrounded by hundreds of people just like you. Finally, I gathered courage to raise our signs and shouted, “Hi here!” to a young couple. They looked over, confused for a moment,read my sign and broke into smiles. Then we saw more smiling faces in the crowd.

Before long, our signs were wildly popular. Tourists wanted photos with us. Strangers stopped to ask us about our signs. We told them the story of our acts of kindness road trip and listened to their stories,too.

Sometimes I’d see unfriendly faces and feel particularly nervous to show them my bright sign. But I was always rewarded with a big smile whenever I did so. Suddenly they were no longer faces of strangers but those of neighbors and friends. This world is full of good people we just don’t know yet. We got so wrapped up in our wonderful “Smile! ” project that we forgot the other goal. Before we knew it,the sun was setting,and we had no money for our trip to Portland.

Paragraph 1: We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal. _________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2: Our little band of five attracted a large audience.__________________________________________________________________









Dear Chris



Li Hua




On Oct. 16, 2018, one of the two co-founders of Microsoft, Paul G. Allen, 1. (die)at age 65 from cancer.

When 2. comes to Microsoft, the first person we think of was Bill Gates, the other co-founder of the firm. 3., Allen was just as important to the 4. (create)of the company. Allen was, many people say, a much quieter person. He was content with the science side of things, while Gates has the 5. (good)head for business.

When the pair started Microsoft in the mid-1970s, they focused on the microcomputer industry. Microcomputers were small computers 6. (design)to be used in the home. 7. they lacked, though, was an operating system, which is where Microsoft came in. The company’s big break came in 1980, 8. Microsoft created the MS-DOS operating system. Later came Windows.

After Allen passed away, Bill Gates made a statement 9. (praise)Allen, “Even in high school, before most people knew what a personal computer was, Paul predicted that chips would get super-powerful and would 10.(eventual)give rise to a whole new industry. ”



    Mac was cycling along a road in Canada's Yukon, halfway through a 2,750-mile bike tour to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. He was carrying a 30-pound camping bag, ___________ he wasn't moving very fast. Suddenly he heard loud breathing behind him. "Man, that's a big dog!" he thought. He looked to the side, but to his great___________, he saw that it wasn't a dog, but a wolf, running hard to___________ him.

Mac's heart jumped. He reached for the___________ from his bag. With one hand on the handle bar, he___________ the spray. A bright red cloud covered the wolf___________, and it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later it was by his side again. He sprayed a second time, and the wolf fell back again, but only to quickly restart its___________.

The wolf was getting closer and closer, ___________ a dozen yards away. Mac waved and yelled at passing motorists, but meanwhile___________ hard. He knew clearly that he must be careful not to slow down. Otherwise, he would become a____________ of the wolf.

Paul and Becky were driving along the same road. From a distance, they spotted what they  ____________ was a dog running after a man on a bike. As they got____________, they realized it was a wolf.

Mac heard a car coming up behind him, and he slowed down. The car turned around the____________, then suddenly stopped in front of him. Mac____________ off his bike and dashed for the back door of the car. It was locked. Paul quickly unlocked the door so as to let Mac in, and the____________ man dived in, shutting the door behind him.

It was quite a while before Mac became calm and cried out: "I thought I was going to die!"And Paul and Becky were glad that they had given a helping hand to people in need.

1.A.but B.so C.for D.or

2.A.regret B.disappointment C.fear D.anger

3.A.catch up with B.break away from C.give in to D.come back to

4.A.hammer B.stick C.gun D.spray

5.A.dropped B.fired C.threw D.held

6.A.in turn B.at last C.in time D.at random

7.A.flight B.race C.journey D.attack

8.A.still B.just C.also D.even

9.A.kicked B.rode C.hit D.pressed

10.A.victim B.competitor C.killer D.protector

11.A.decided B.declared C.assumed D.found

12.A.faster B.closer C.stronger D.wiser

13.A.climber B.motorist C.cyclist D.runner

14.A.sent B.fell C.turned D.jumped

15.A.frightened B.worried C.discouraged D.confused



    I still remember my first time going to the Chinese company's canteen. When I stepped onto the elevator, each one was full of people. 1.  However, there was no sign of fire and people were laughing and talking. I followed the flow of the crowd to the doors of the canteen. It occurred to me that in China everyone has lunch almost at the same time. 2.The canteen followed this schedule, only being open a few hours per day.

When I stood in the doorway, I realized I had to act fast or I would be left behind. 3. Unlike my school lunchroom, here everyone lined up and took a tray, and instead of silverware there were chopsticks and soup spoons.

As I was pushed along the line, I saw dishes I didn't recognize and as people cut in line and picked up dishes left and right, 4. I ended up taking a pork and cucumber dish and a tofu salad.

I have been at my company for over a year and a half. 5. I have learned what dishes I like, mostly by trial and error, and a lot of the workers know me and say hello to me.

I am still getting used to eating lunch at "lunchtime", but I think the schedule definitely helps keep me on track during the day. I wish there were something like this at offices in my hometown.

A.I thought I had missed a fire drill.

B.There was no emergency; it was just lunchtime.

C.I noticed things at lunchtime were a bit different.

D.I felt that I needed to make some quick decisions.

E.The canteen reminded me of my school lunchroom.

F.And now I am glad to say I am more confident in the canteen.

G.I was not very familiar with the local food or restaurants in China.



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