满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 I serve a...


I serve as a Newport Beach ocean lifeguard and work Tower 15. Two blocks to my right is another guard named Mike, working Tower 17. That afternoon he called me over the phone and said, “Hey, I got a couple kids I have to give them a warning. Keep an eye on us.”

As soon as he hung up the phone, these two kids were in danger. Mike saw it before it’s happening, and he’s running as fast as possible toward the ocean I scanned the water. All I saw was two small noses moving up and down quickly in the waved water.

By then, the mother of the two kids realized what’s happening. She’s on her feet and screaming. I started rushing toward her, but before I was even halfway there, Mike reached the kids — a brother and sister around eight or nine years old. Mike told me later that he got to the boy first, and when he turned to the girl, he had to reach down into the water and caught her by the hair to pull her back up.

When I reached their mother, Mike’s in waist-deep water. These kids were so tired, they couldn’t walk, and so Mike s carrying them: He got one under each arm.

I turned to their mom and said, “Hey, it’s going to be OK. They’re safe.”

Then she looked back and got her first good look at Mike. And a crazy thing happened. I saw a new kind of fear wash over her as though there’s some new, equally dangerous threat on her kids’ lives. Mike had a number of really frightening tattoos (纹身). She rushed up to Mike, took her kids quickly and left without even a thank-you.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数为80左右;

2. 应使用3个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分为一段,开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

The next day, the mother turned up on the beach.



The next day, the mother turned up on the beach. My friend Mike, who was still guarding on the tower, saw and recognized her immediately. As soon as he came up to the woman, she spoke before him. “I’m sorry that I left yesterday without expressing my appreciation to you.” she said, with a regretful look on her face. She explained that she was afraid that his tattoos would scare her children, but now she thought that she made a mistake. After all, Mike saved her kids. Mike was deeply touched and smiled to her, saying “Don’t judge a book from its cover.” At last, they waved goodbye. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 1.认真读懂所给提供的材料:有很多很吓人的纹身的警卫迈克救了两个落水的孩子。孩子的母亲来到后,她看到了迈克,仿佛她的孩子们的生命受到了某种新的、同样危险的威胁。她冲到迈克面前,迅速带着孩子离开了,甚至连一句感谢的话都没有说。 2.根据所给材料确定文章主题:不要以貌取人。 3.续写部分和前面的文章衔接得上,并且与原文情节发展和人物性格相一致,故事情节的向后延续发展要合乎情理。 4.根据续写段落首句The next day, the mother turned up on the beach.(第二天,母亲出现在海滩上)这一句是故事发展的转折点。可以从“母亲回家后,了解了事情的经过,第二天特意回来找迈克解释和表达谢意”入手扩展开去,——无论从何角度拓展,需注意与文章最后一段尤其是最后一句要衔接在一起。 5.续写的语言要尽可能与原文的语言保持风格上的一致。文章时态以一般过去时为主。应使用自己熟悉的句型和短语进行写作,考生要注意尽可能使句子的表达形式多样化,适当的使用一些高级句式和高级词汇,以提高书面表达的档次和可读性。作文要层次清晰,要点全面,表达流畅,切合题干要求,句子结构准确,适当补充信息,使篇章结构连贯。注意:至少使用3个短文中标有下划线的关键词语,续写完成后,要用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知所在学校要招聘垃圾分类(garbage sorting)志愿者,请给该校学生会主席写一封信申请加入,内容包括:

1. 写信目的;

2. 个人优势;

3. 能做的事。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





Over the last century, tiger habitats 1. (fall) by around 95 percent, and there are now 2. (few) than 4,000 tigers alive in the wild, reports the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Of the nine species of tiger, three have already died out and the remaining six 3. (consider) endangered. The most common cause of the decrease of a tiger species is us human, whether from hunting or destroying their habitats.

Siberian tigers, also known 4. Amur and Manchurian tigers, were once found throughout the Russian Far East, northern China and the Korea, according to the WWE. By the 1940s, 5. (hunt) had reduced their number to 40, but Russia has since taken steps towards protecting them, and their numbers have risen about 500 as 6. result Challenges to their continued existence include illegal hunting 7. not having enough food. At the moment, Siberian tigers represent the largest tiger population on the planet.

Of all tiger subspecies, the South China tiger may be at the greatest risk of 8. (extinct). The WWF reports there are just 30 to 80 South China tigers 9. (leave) in the world, all of 10. are in captivity (被圈养); the South China tiger hasn’t been seen in the wild in over a quarter-century.



    High school students have a lot more power than they may realize.

Belscher _________ a dollar on the floor when having his English class. When the school day _________, Belscher walked back to the classroom. He could easily have _________ it, for the wrinkled (皱巴巴的) bill was still there. _________, he brought the old bill to his English teacher, —Mattison.

Mattison was a little _________ he’d turned; in the dollar, knowing a lot of people would have just kept it. She _________ that Belscher tape(d)it to the whiteboard, where she always puts _________ things.

A day or two later, the school shut down for Easter _________. Neither the teacher nor her student thought twice about the dollar. After school, a boy named Tom spotted the dollar on the whiteboard. “There was a _________ to it.” Tom says. He asked Mattison why it was there. She replied, “I don’t know.” Then Tom __________ a second dollar.

The __________ of the two dollar bills side by side triggered (触发) something in Mattison’s students. They started asking about the __________ of the money, to which Mattison always gave the __________ answer: She didn’t know.

However, the students, among themselves, decided and understood Mattison had some good __________ final plan and goal. So, they wanted to be part of whatever this was. They __________ their savings and the amount continue to grow. As for the __________ dollar, the person who lost it never came looking.

That left Mattison to make the best decision. She thought of her brother-in-law, Jack Hains, who had died of ALS, a __________ and deadly disease. His sister died of the same __________. Mattison asked the teens whether they __________ if they donated (捐赠) the money. Their answer was that they definitely didn’t. Then, they __________ peeled (剥开) the cash off the board and made the donation to the ALS Institute established to find a cure for the disease.

1.A.hid B.lost C.noticed D.dropped

2.A.started B.ended C.arrived D.passed

3.A.discovered B.ignored C.pocketed D.accepted

4.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Instead D.Meanwhile

5.A.excited B.surprised C.frightened D.interested

6.A.realized B.commanded C.recognized D.suggested

7.A.lost B.required C.selected D.damaged

8.A.break B.dinner C.meeting D.activity

9.A.signal B.response C.key D.mystery

10.A.earned B.taped C.missed D.recovered

11.A.sight B.discussion C.idea D.story

12.A.owner B.total C.power D.purpose

13.A.same B.brief C.secure D.different

14.A.unknown B.unchanged C.unspoken D.unexplored

15.A.added to B.broke up C.watched over D.dug into

16.A.former B.important C.valuable D.old

17.A.born B.rare C.common D.mild

18.A.operation B.treatment C.accident D.condition

19.A.wondered B.minded C.agreed D.regretted

20.A.sadly B.calmly C.carefully D.skillfully



    Holiday season is drawing near. Choosing presents for your friends or loved ones is a hard nut to crack. 1.

Don’t try to price-match.

The first thing you should do when planning your gift list is to create a budget (预算) of how much you’re willing to spend — and stick to it, even if you receive a more expensive gift from someone else. “A void matching spending, because that’s when gift-giving is driven more by pressure than by thoughtfulness,” says Sharon Schweitzer, an international etiquette (礼节) expert and founder of Protocol Etiquette Worldwide. After all, loved ones dropping a lot of money on expensive gifts could probably afford expensive items on their own and aren’t looking for you to return the favor. 2.

Don’t give just because you did in the past.

When you’re figuring out whom to give to keep in mind your list might not have all the same people as last year’s. “You have to review it every year because you have relationships with different people, so you have to look at how those relationships have grown and developed,” says Schweitzer. 3. Even if you’ve exchanged gifts in the past, don’t feel you should give presents to friends who you haven’t kept in touch with much this year. Send a holiday card instead to show you’re thinking of them.

Be honest if you don’t have a gift.

If someone surprises you with a present you weren’t expecting, be honest that you don’t have one to give in return. 4. “Say you’re touched and delighted and a little embarrassed you don’t have anything for them.” says Schweitzer. Don’t try to think up a gift on the spot by taking something out of your closet suddenly, because the other person will likely know exactly what you’re doing.


With the exception of family members or best friends, never ask people what they want for a present. “That makes people very uncomfortable, and they feel they ought to get you something in return,” says Schweitzer. Gift requests leave little creativity to the giver, so come up with your own ideas for a more thoughtful present.

A.Never ask for a wish list.

B.People come in and out of your life.

C.Have creative ideas when you choose gifts.

D.The best way to deal with that is to be honest and sincere.

E.Here are pieces of gift-giving etiquette you need this holiday season.

F.Expensive gifts are sometimes thoughtful items your friends selected.

G.Find a thoughtful gift instead, like a frame with an old favorite photo.



    Clothing rental (租赁) is a hot new industry and businessmen are trying their best to attract shoppers. This past summer alone, Urban Outfitters, Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, and American Eagle have all announced rental subscription services — a sure sign of changing times.

But is renting fashion actually more environmentally-friendly than buying it, and if so, how much more? Journalist and author Elizabeth Cline researched this question in an article for Elle, and she concluded that it’s not as green as it seems.

Take shipping, for example, which has to go two ways if an item is rented — receiving and returning. Cline writes that consumer transportation has the second largest footprint of our fashion habit after producing.

She writes, “An item ordered online and then returned can send out 20 kilograms of carbon each way, and increases to 50 kilograms for rush shipping. However, the carbon effect of a pair of jeans bought in a store and washed and worn at home is 33.4 kilograms, according to a 2015 study.”

Then there’s the burden of washing, which has to happen for every item when it’s returned, regardless of whether or not it was worn. For most rental services, this usually means dry-cleaning is a high-effect and polluting process, which can produce dangerous waste and air pollution if not dealt with correctly.

Lastly, Cline fears that rental services will increase our, desire for fast fashion, simply because it’s so easy to get. There’s something called ‘share-washing’ that leads to more wasteful behaviors mainly because a product or service is shared and thus is regarded as more eco-friendly. Uber is one example of this, advertised as “a way to share rides and limit car ownership,” and yet “it has been proven to discourage walking, bicycling, and public transportation use.”

Renting clothes is still preferable to buying them cheap and throwing them in the waste after a few wears, but we shouldn’t let the convenience of these services make us satisfied. There’s an even better step—and that’s wearing what is already in the closet (衣柜).

1.How much carbon will be produced when an item is normally ordered online and then returned?

A.10 kilograms. B.20 kilograms.

C.40 kilograms. D.50 kilograms.

2.What does Elizabeth Cline think of clothing rental?

A.It is considered fashioned.

B.It is popular to young people.

C.It can reduce transport burden.

D.It can leave large carbon footprint.

3.The example of Uber is used to show the rental services ________.

A.cause more wasteful behaviors

B.satisfy our desire for fashion

C.help protect the environment

D.replace the public transport

4.What does the author actually want to express in the last paragraph?

A.The request for throwing cheap clothes.

B.The advice on wearing what we own.

C.The disadvantage of clothing rental.

D.The call for renting clothes.



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