满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Nowadays, many people struggle to mainta...

Nowadays, many people struggle to maintain the ______ balance between work and family.

A.deliberate B.delicate C.desperate D.definite


B 【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如今,很多人艰难的维持着工作和家庭之间微妙的平衡。A. deliberate故意的;B. delicate精妙的,微妙的;C. desperate绝望的,迫切的;D. definite肯定的,确定的。工作和家庭的平衡很难维持,十分微妙,故选B。  

If you feel any_____ in your neck, put a towel under your head for support when sleeping.

A.tension B.abortion C.submission D.dimension











Bear Bill,

Hi! How have you been? I'm writing to tell you a piece of good news.


Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua







1.The two child often sing at night.

2.Can you tell me which subject do you like?

3.Jill got up early such that he could do some morning exercise.

4.My English teacher thinks high of all the students in my class.

5.I come across an old friend of mine in the mall yesterday.

6.The house has decorated recently, so we will move in soon.

7.They got married in December 18 and lived happily ever after.

8.Reading play an important role in English learning.

9.It has rained. As the result, we don't need to water the tree.

10.The girl wore glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.




1.If she couldn't find her way out of the forest, it would be hard for her to______(生还).

2.Companies must try to improve the______(质量)of their products.

3.I______(认出)him in the street though we hadn't seen each other for 10 years.

4.He______(说服)her to attend the meeting, even though she did not want to.

5.Why are you so______(关心)about the latest news of the contest?

6.There is enough______(证据)to show that he was present on Tuesday night.

7.We invited her to our party but she did not______(做出反应)to our invitation.

8.He deserves a reward for his devotion to our country's______(教育).

9.Jack is very______(可靠的),so if he says he'll do something, he will do it.

10.Most people like Mr. Bean's performance because it's very______(幽默的).




A week ago, when I went down the stairs, my neighbor Ivy stood at her door. She asked me why I had stopped1.(visit) her family, as they had been waiting for me to come to play with them. I didn't want to tell her the fact because my dad and mom had warned me of the danger of going into a neighbor's house.

2.(final), I decided to follow her into her house because my dad and mom were going on their business at that time. I wanted to find out the "danger"3.my own. There were four people in her family -Ivy, her mother, her husband, and her son4.was two years and a half5.(young) than me. I played with her son all the afternoon and we kept laughing and shouting. I was so happy that I even forgot6.time. Ivy invited me7.(have) dinner with them. I just couldn't refuse her and we had another good time while having dinner.

I8.(want) to tell my9.(parent) of the truth that I didn't find the "danger" in our neighbor's house. Instead, what I really got were10.(kind) and warmth from the whole family.



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