满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The earliest memory I have of my father ...

    The earliest memory I have of my father is one of me as a young boy holding his hand by his two last fingers as we walked together.

As I grew older I remember us listening over a transistor radio to high school ballgames together. I would _________ how many points each player would score as the game went on. Too small to stay awake for the _________ game, I always fell asleep _________ the game ended. But the next morning I would find by my pillow the score _________ had been filled out with the _________ score on; it was completed by my father.

In high school I became very interested in athletics. My father would_________all my games. Good performances in my senior year _______ our football team to the state championship game. The night before my father _______ announced he had to _________ the bread to the stores and the site of the games was a three-hour drive from his __________. Back then I wasn’t fully noticing his ________.

The next day as game time approached I couldn’t help thinking about Dad. Suddenly, I saw that blue and white bread truck________ into the stadium. Work fulfilled, he made the long drive in time to at least see __________of my championship game.

Years later I had become a teacher and coach. Early one morning I was awakened by a ring at 5:30 A.M. As I ________to answer the phone I’ll never forget the sound of the sheriff’s voice—my dad had just been killed in an automobile accident on his way to work. It felt as if my heart had been __________.

For long I tried to remain strong ________it and pretended I didn’t care until one day on the playground a little boy walked up to me and grabbed my hand by my last two fingers just as I used to do to my dad. I completely __________ it. It was the first time since the __________ that I just let go and cried. And I felt a sense of __________. Sometimes you just have to __________. It won’t need to hold back anymore.”

1.A.add up to B.keep track of C.catch up on D.get down to

2.A.exciting B.competitive C.whole D.boring

3.A.until B.before C.after D.when

4.A.sheet B.result C.court D.decision

5.A.fair B.considerable C.initial D.final

6.A.instruct B.accompany C.attend D.train

7.A.required B.entitled C.intended D.aimed

8.A.happily B.doubtfully C.proudly D.sadly

9.A.deliver B.make C.transfer D.order

10.A.studio B.mall C.route D.truck

11.A.annoyance B.disturbance C.ignorance D.regret

12.A.rushing B.pulling C.dropping D.crawling

13.A.part B.all C.most D.sort

14.A.managed B.attempted C.switched D.struggled

15.A.lifted up B.torn away C.skipped over D.brought up

16.A.against B.beyond C.through D.beneath

17.A.lost B.helped C.made D.got

18.A.game B.telephone C.departure D.funeral

19.A.weight B.relief C.joy D.conscience

20.A.cry B.check C.accept D.forget


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 本文是对父亲的追忆。我犹记几年前突如其来的一场车祸让我失去了父亲,当时,我努力地让自己坚强地熬了过去。有一天,我彻底失控了。这是葬礼后我第一次释放自己的情绪,哭出了声。不用忍着的感觉真好。 1.考查动词词组。句意:在比赛进行时,我会在纸上记下每位选手各自的得分情况。A. add up to 总计;B. keep track of记录,与……保持联系;C. catch up on 赶上;D. get down to着手处理。根据“how many points each player would score as the game went on.”可知,作者在纸上记录得分。故选B。 2.考查形容词。句意:那时年纪太小了,我每次都不能醒着听完整场比赛,总是会在球赛结束前就睡着了。A. exciting令人兴奋的;B. competitive有竞争力的;C. whole完整的,全部的;D. boring令人厌烦的。由后面的 I always fell asleep可知,因为年纪太小,作者不能在听整个球赛的过程中都保持清醒。故选C。 3.考查状语从句。句意:那时年纪太小了,我每次都不能醒着听完整场比赛,总是会在球赛结束前就睡着了。A. until直到……为止;B. before在……之前;C. after在……之后;D. when当……时候。作者在球赛结束前就睡着了。故选B。 4.考查名词。句意:第二天醒来时,我都会看到放在我旁边的记分表。这个记分表是我父亲填好的。A. sheet纸张,床单;B. result 结果;C. court 球场;D. decision决定。score sheet 意为“记分表”。故选A。 5.考查形容词。句意:第二天醒来时,我都会看到放在我旁边的记分表。这个记分表是我父亲填好的。A. fair 公平的;B. considerable值得考虑的;C. initial最初的;D. final最后的。纸上写着最后的得分。根据句意可知答案为D。 6.考查动词。句意:我父亲观看我所有的比赛。A. instruct指导;B. accompany陪伴;C. attend出席;D. train训练。根据下句内容可知,父亲总会去看作者所有的比赛。故选C。 7.考查动词。句意:在我高三那年,我们那支足球队打进了州锦标赛。A. required 需要;B. entitled 授以……荣誉;C. intended打算;D. aimed目标。根据句意可知选B。 8.考查副词。句意:比赛前一晚,我父亲很难过地告诉我他不能够观看我的比赛了,因为他必须把面包送到各家商店,而那条路离我比赛的地方有三小时的车程。A. happily高兴地;B. doubtfully 怀疑地;C. proudly骄傲地;D. sadly悲伤地。不能观看儿子的比赛,父亲自然 是心情不好,所以他用难过的声音说。故选D。 9.考查动词。句意:比赛前一晚,我父亲很难过地告诉我他不能够观看我的比赛了,因为他必须把面包送到各家商店,而那条路离我比赛的地方有三小时的车程。A. deliver递送;B. make制造;C. transfer转移;D. order命令。作者父亲的工作是送面包到各家商店。故选A。 10.考查名词。句意:比赛前一晚,我父亲很难过地告诉我他不能够观看我的比赛了,因为他必须把面包送到各家商店,而那条路离我比赛的地方有三小时的车程。A. studio工作室;B. mall 购物商场;C. route 路线;D. truck卡车。故选C。 11.考查名词。句意:A. annoyance烦恼;B. disturbance干扰;C. ignorance无知;D. regret遗憾。那时我听到了他的话,却没有留意到他话中的遗憾。故选D。 12.考查动词。句意:突然,我看到他那辆蓝白相间的面包货车驶入了露天体育场。A. rushing 匆忙;B. pulling 拉;C. dropping落下;D. crawling爬。短语pull into (汽车)驶入停下。故选B。 13.考查名词。句意:他已经送完面包,并开了很长一段路,为的是至少能赶上看到部分的比赛。A. part部分;B. all 全部;C. most 多数;D. sort种类。因为路程长,所以只能看到部分比赛。故选A。 14.考查动词。句意:我挣扎着起来去接电话,我永远不会忘记电话那头治安官的声音,他告诉我说,我父亲在上班途中发生了车祸,去世了。A. managed 管理;B. attempted 企图;C. switched切换;D. struggled挣扎。故选D。 15.考查动词词组。句意:那感觉像是我的心被挖去了。A. lifted up举起;B. torn away强行拉走;C. skipped over略过;D. brought up提出,教育。这里指作者很伤心,像心被挖去了一样。故选B。 16.考查介词。句意:在很长的一段时间里,我都装作无所谓并继续着自己的生活。A. against反对;B. beyond 在---之上;C. through通过;D. beneath在---之下。根据句意可知选C。 17.考查动词。句意:有一天,在学校操场上,一个小男孩向我走过来,拉着我最后的两根手指头,就好像我以前拉着我父亲那样。我完全失控了。A. lost 失去;B. helped帮助;C. made 制造;D. got得到。故选A。 18.考查名词。句意:这是父亲葬礼以来我第一次放声大哭。A. game比赛;B. telephone 电话;C. departure离开;D. funeral葬礼。故选D。 19.考查名词。句意:我感觉到了一丝宽慰。A. weight 重量;B. relief 安慰;C. joy高兴;D. conscience良心。故选B。 20.考查动词。句意:没关系的,有时候你只需要哭出来。你不必继续强忍。A. cry哭;B. check核对;C. accept接受;D. forget忘记。根据“It won’t need to hold back anymore.”可知,有时候你只需要哭出来。故选A。

There are so many spelling mistakes in the composition, and I have to write the letter out again. It means I will  ______.

A.give the cold shoulder B.kill the fatted calf

C.cost an arm and a leg D.start from scratch



Our neighbor is always doing what he can to help those in need. He is really ________.

A.a Scrooge B.a good Samaritan C.a sacred cow D.a Judas



The violence in Hong Kong has threatened its stability. We would rather it ______ its former order soon.

A.would restore B.will restore C.restored D.had restored



When enough years _____ to enable us to look back, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident.

A.went by B.were to go by C.had gone by D.goes by



New energy-sharing projects _____ in dozens of cities across the country to fuel China’s sharing economy    in the next few years.

A.are to carry out B.are being carried out

C.were carried out D.will have been carried out



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