满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When you throw something in the trash, ...


When you throw something in the trash, soon a garbage truck will come to take it away. Then where does it go? That depends on where you live. Different towns deal with trash in different ways.


A recycling truck picks up paper, cardboard, metal, plastic and glass. These go to the recycling plant to be sorted and made into new things.



An incinerator is a huge stove that burns trash to make heat and electricity. The ash that’s left gets buried in a landfill. Trash ash can be poisonous, so it has to be stored carefully. But is takes up a lot less room than just plain trash.



Food waste might go to a composter. In a compost heap (堆肥堆), bacteria and worms break down dead plants and old food. They turn it in into good, rich oil. Some people keep compost heaps in their gardens. Big commercial composters handle waste from restaurants and farms.



Some trash gets buried in landfills. A landfill starts as a big hole. Trucks dump trash. Big earth movers push it into place and crush it down. They cover the trash with dirt to keep scavengers (食腐动物) away. The bottom of a landfills is lined with a barrier to keep bad things from leaking into the ground. Pipes drain away liquid. When the landfill is full, it’s covered with earth. It might become a park or lawn.




1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Recycling helps to generate energy.

B.Bacteria and worms helps handle food waste.

C.The landfill is used to drive scavengers away.

D.Trash ash is carefully handled to save room.

2.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To inform us of trash treatment.

B.To appeal for trash classification.

C.To discuss solutions to trash pollution.

D.To raise awareness of the harm of trash.


1.B 2.A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章给读者介绍了四种处理垃圾的方式:回收利用,焚烧,堆肥和填埋。 1.细节理解题。根据Compost部分下的In a compost heap (堆肥堆), bacteria and worms break down dead plants and old food. They turn it in into good, rich oil.可知,在一个堆肥堆里,细菌和蠕虫可以降解死去的植物和腐烂的食物,把他们变成富含营养的泥土。即,细菌和蠕虫可以处理腐烂的食物。B. Bacteria and worms helps handle food waste.(细菌和蠕虫帮助处理食物垃圾)符合以上说法,故选B项。 2.推理判断题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第一段的Then where does it go? That depends on where you live. Different towns deal with trash in different ways.(那,它去了哪儿呢?这取决于你居住在什么地方,不同的城市用不同的方式处理垃圾)可推测,本文主要给读者介绍垃圾被处理的方式。A. To inform us of trash treatment.(告诉我们垃圾的处理)符合以上说法,故选A项。

    When I was a kid, we were out and about all the time, playing with our friends, in and out of each other’s houses, sandwich in pocket, making our own _______. Our parents _______ saw us from morning to night. We didn't have much stuff, but we came and went as we liked. ” This is roughly what you will _______ if you ask anyone over 30 about their _______ in a rich country.

Today such children will spend most of their time _______, often with parents rather than with friends, be supervised (监管) more closely, be driven everywhere _______ walking or cycling, take part in many more _______ activities, and probably engage with a screen of some kind. All this is done with the best of _______. Parents intend to protect their offspring from traffic, crime and other dangers, and to give them every opportunity to _______.

The children themselves seem fairly ________ with their lives. In a survey across the OECD, 15-year-olds were asked to ________ their satisfaction with their life on a scale from zero to ten. The ________ score was 7.3, with Finnish kids the ________ at nearly 7.9, and Turkish ones the gloomiest (灰暗的), at 6.1.

________, that is not surprising. ________ parents these days, especially in America, invest a huge amount of time and money in their children to ensure that they will do ________ as well as the parents themselves have done, and preferably better. Those ________ and extra tutoring, music lessons and educational visits, together with lively discussions at home have proved effective at securing the good ________ that will open the doors to top universities and well-paid jobs. But working-class parents in America, for their part, ________ the means to engage in such intensive parenting. As a result, social divisions from one generation to the next are set to ________. A recent report by the World Bank showed    that intergenerational social mobility in America is now among the lowest in all rich countries.

1.A.plans B.schedule C.decisions D.entertainment

2.A.often B.hardly C.willingly D.reluctantly

3.A.say B.cite C.hear D.mention

4.A.study B.hobby C.family D.childhood

5.A.alone B.socially C.indoors D.outdoors

6.A.instead of B.regardless of C.due to D.next to

7.A.casual B.desired C.organized D.physical

8.A.rewards B.intentions C.guidance D.discipline

9.A.risk B.fail C.relax D.succeed

10.A.happy B.bored C.familiar D.unsatisfied

11.A.rate B.predict C.anticipate D.connect

12.A.final B.average C.minimum D.maximum

13.A.lowest B.poorest C.funniest D.sunniest

14.A.However B.Therefore C.Unluckily D.Hopefully

15.A.Rich B.Poor C.Kind D.Strict

16.A.at most B.at last C.at first D.at least

17.A.dull B.limited C.endless D.meaningless

18.A.fame B.grades C.positions D.identity

19.A.deny B.lack C.possess D.require

20.A.appear B.shorten C.disappear D.broaden



— I feel really bad about all the mess.

— _______. I can clear it up later.

A.Forgive me B.Don't worry C.Don't mention it D.You're telling me



There are many privacy concerns surrounding cybercrime when confidential information is revealed, lawfully or _______.

A.regardless B.instead C.rather D.otherwise



The clerk _______ a rise in salary from the boss, but he proved a disappointment.

A.expected B.has been expecting C.had been expecting D.has expected



Each new crew member _______ be provided with adequate health and safety protection, according to the Civil Aviation Regulations

A.may B.will C.shall D.can



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