满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Located halfway up the Italy’s Apennine Mountainabout 1 00 miles northeast of Romethe Hotel Rigopiano has never been easy to reach. But its isolation(隔绝)only adds to its appealattracting a great number of tourists.

Snow began to fall across the Apennines in January and lasted for days. From his home in the Rome suburbsMatrone watched the weather with concern. He and his wifeCicionihad planned an overnight getaway to the hotel. But now he wondered whether they should go. After phoning the hotelthey decided to make the trip. By the time they neared the hotel six hours laterthey were battling a snowstorm. When they finally arrivedthey were both cold and exhausted. They checked into their room and went to bed early.

As they awoke the next daythey discovered that their difficulty had worsened overnight. The cars in the parking lot were invisible. The phone and power lines were down. They were having breakfast when the hotel began to shake. An earthquake with a magnitude(震级)of 5. 7 had struck the mountain. “Get out of here!”Matrone shouted to his wife. They headed quickly to the parking lotwhere others were digging their cars. Fifteen minutes after the first earthquakeanother quake hitthis one measuring 5. 6.

With a dozen vehicles freed by noonthe guests set off down the driveway. But when they reached the main roadthe path was blocked by a six-foot-high wall of snow. Matrone climbed out of his car and investigated it. There was no road in sight“We’re trapped!”he told his wife. So they had no choice but to make their way back to the hotel.

As it was getting darkthey managed to be back.  That was when the snow on the mountain began to slide. They heard the avalanche(雪崩)before they saw it. The avalanche gathered speed and sizegrabbing rocks and trees and anything else in its way down the mountaintearing the hotel from its foundation. When the avalanche came to a stopthose caught inside the hotel were left buried in the icy rocks and ruins.

Para1 When Matrone came to himselfhe was stuck in the darkness.


Para 2 It was not until the next morning that the rescuers finally arrived.



When Matrone came to himself, he was stuck in the darkness. Lying on his stomach, he realized with horror that he was under something heavy and couldn’t move at all. “Cicioni! Cicioni!” he called, but there was no response. He could hear nothing of what was happening at the surface. The whole world was dead still. What he had to face was a terrible reality—they were buried alive. Despair washed over him. He asked himself again and again, “Who is going to save us?” It was not until the next morning that the rescuers finally arrived. Without any hesitation they got down to detecting the remains of the hotel and they were delighted to discover there was sign of life beneath. With great efforts they removed the thick snow and began cutting the roof. Then they carefully lowered themselves through the hole they’d made. Suddenly, they heard someone crying for help in a weak voice. It was Matrone. Later all the survivors were rescued including Matrone’s wife. The couple felt really lucky to be still alive! 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,文章主要记叙了在罗马的Matrone和他的妻子西西奥尼就住在位于意大利亚平宁山脉的中部酒店。酒他们遇到地震和暴风雪,被困在坍塌的酒店最后被救的故事。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:Matrone 醒来时,他被困在黑暗中。后文应当描写他们被雪困住的情况。第二段开头是:直到第二天早上营救队才赶到。后文应当描写在Matrone.他们最终得救的过程。


参考词汇:novel coronavirus







Since Brad Ryan began to take grandma Joy on trips to the breathtaking landscapes of America, they 1. (go) through dozens of cross-country adventures.

In 2015, Brad Ryan visited his 85-year-old grandma 2. (live) a simple life on her own, and then he hoped that spending some quality family time with her would help to lift her spirits. When he told 3. (story) of his travels to his grandma, she regretted not seeing more of the world. Then Ryan invited his grandma 4. (hike) with him, and she accepted his idea 5. (cheerful). From then on, the pair travelled to 29 National Parks in total, and had many adventures along the way, 6. has even affected his way of life.

“Life for her now is a lot 7. (rich). It was the look in her eyes that impressed me a lot. "Ryan said , "I love my grandma. She has taught me how to live, I’ve learned to slow down and see the world in 8. different way. There are so many viewpoints and knowledge we can gain 9. our elders. Even if some day she does pass away, I can go back to these places to feel her spirit and feel 10. (connect) to her."



    Afel was only a very small boy when he first saw snow in a picture book. It had lots of pictures of children _______ in big white fields. He asked, “Mum, what are those white fields?” His mother laughed, “That’s snow, and they are making a snowman!” She tried to _______

What snow was. Afel didn’t really _______ because there was no real snow where he lived. But he showed great interest.

One day when he was 12, Afel was watching a programme on TV at his uncle’s house. The programme was full of snow. And not only snow—there were people _______ across the snow. They looked like fantastic birds. They had hats covering all their heads and big goggles over their eyes. And on their feet, they had _______ shoes.

“What are those?” he asked his uncle excitedly. “Skis,” replied his uncle. “And those people are called skiers.” At that moment, he _______ to be a skier. He asked his uncle what the programme was. “The Winter Olympics,” said his uncle. “It’s like the normal Olympics, but for _______ where you need snow—ski jumping, bobsleigh(长橇), those sorts of things. They have it every four years.”

Afel found out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Beijing, in 2022. “Perfect,” he thought. “Enough _______ for me to become a brilliant skier.”

“But there’s no snow here!” people told him. “Where are you going to ski?” Afel _______ them. He made himself a pair of skis from two pieces of wood. He tied them to his feet and practised skiing _______ two sticks in his hands. He practised again and again until he could _______ quite quickly across the sand. He _______ to fly down the hills like the people on TV, but he couldn’t.

“Never mind,” he thought. “It’s a _______

“How will you go to the Olympics?” people asked him. “Our country doesn’t even have a team that goes to the Winter Olympics. We have good runners and win lots of medals at the Olympics. But no skiing, no.” Afel didn’t care.

So every night, out in the middle of the desert, Afel now practises skiing down sand hills. He _______ that the yellow sand and brown earth are as gold as the medal he will bring home with him, when he is the _______.

1.A.drawing B.playing C.dancing D.hiking

2.A.announce B.stress C.conclude D.explain

3.A.mind B.respond C.understand D.regret

4.A.walking B.riding C.running D.flying

5.A.strong B.strange C.fashionable D.comfortable

6.A.promised B.claimed C.agreed D.decided

7.A.projects B.fields C.sports D.courses

8.A.time B.energy C.experience D.determination

9.A.avoided B.ignored C.corrected D.criticized

10.A.pushing B.pulling C.holding D.waving

11.A.roll B.march C.jump D.move

12.A.needed B.prepared C.pretended D.attempted

13.A.start B.chance C.solution D.strategy

14.A.dreams B.predicts C.assumes D.realizes

15.A.authority B.champion C.genius D.celebrity



    An interview is a discussion with someone in which you try to get information from them. 1. There are three basic sub-types of interview: structured interviews, unstructured interviews and semi-structured interviews. 2. Incidentally, “respondent” and “informant” are words that are sometimes used instead of “interviewee”.

A great deal is provided by this personal contact: you are another human being, and interviewees will respond to you, in bodily presence, in an entirely different way from the way that they would have reacted to questionnaires that came through their letterboxes or to emails. 3. Most people want to help and give their opinions, and they will usually be energized to help by your physical presence.

If you take the trouble to schedule a visit, you can be more or less guaranteed of a response. Most importantly, though, you will be able to relate to interviewees while you are talking to them. 4. You will be able to watch their behaviour which will give you important clues about how they feel about a topic. Because of the primacy of the personal contact, your appearance and tone are important—how do you want to be seen? As “one of us”? As a person in authority? As an observer? …Or what? 5. However you decide to present yourself, it is good practice of course to try to put the interviewee at ease before the interview begins — to talk about the weather, about your journey, about anything that will break the ice.

A.This is a ready-made support for you.

B.Its nature varies with the nature of the interviews.

C.You will be able to hear and understand what they are saying.

D.Your decision should influence the way that you look, sound and behave.

E.The information may be facts or opinions or attitudes or any combination of these.

F.Each involves the interviewer in fact-to-face contact or telephone contact with another person.

G.You will be using these clues to make informed guesses about what the interviewees might really mean.



    For several decades, there has been an extensive and organized campaign intended to generate distrust in science, funded by those whose interests and ideologies are threatened by the findings of modern science. In response, scientists have tended to stress the success of science. After all, scientists have been right about most things.

Stressing successes isn’t wrong, but for many people it’s not persuasive. An alternative answer to the question “Why trust science?” is that scientists use the so-called scientific method. If you’ve got a high school science textbook lying around, you’ll probably find that answer in it. But what is typically thought to be the scientific method — develop a hypothesis (假设), then design an experiment to test it — isn’t what scientists actually do. Science is dynamic: new methods get invented; old ones get abandoned; and sometimes, scientists can be found doing many different things.

If there is no identifiable scientific method, then what is the reason for trust in science? The answer is how those claims are evaluated. The common element in modern science, regardless of the specific field or the particular methods being used, is the strict scrutiny (审查) of claims. It’s this tough, sustained process that works to make sure faulty claims are rejected. A scientific claim is never accepted as true until it has gone through a lengthy “peer review” because the reviewers are experts in the same field who have both the right and the obligation (责任) to find faults.

A key aspect of scientific judgment is that it is done collectively. No claim gets accepted until it has been vetted by dozens, if not hundreds, of heads. In areas that have been contested, like climate science and vaccine safety, it’s thousands. This is why we are generally justified in not worrying too much if a single scientist, even a very famous one, disagrees with the claim. And this is why diversity in science — the more people looking at a claim from different angles — is important.

Does this process ever go wrong? Of course. Scientists are humans. There is always the possibility of revising a claim on the basis of new evidence. Some people argue that we should not trust science because scientists are “always changing their minds.” While examples of truly settled science being overturned are far fewer than is sometimes claimed, they do exist. But the beauty of this scientific process is that it explains what might otherwise appear paradoxical (矛盾的): that science produces both novelty and stability. Scientists do change their minds in the face of new evidence, but this is a strength of science, not a weakness.

1.How does the author think of the scientific method?

A.Stable. B.Persuasive.

C.Unreliable. D.Unrealistic.

2.What does the underlined word “vetted” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Explained. B.Examined.

C.Repeated. D.Released.

3.According to the passage, the author may agree that ______.

A.it is not persuasive to reject those faulty claims

B.settled science tends to be collectively overturned

C.a leading expert cannot play a decisive role in a scrutiny

D.diversity in knowledge is the common element in science

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Put Your Faith in Science B.Defend the Truth in Science

C.Apply Your Mind to Science D.Explore A Dynamic Way to Science



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