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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When st...


When stores first started to ask whether customers wanted a paper receipt or an emailed receipt,I always took the email option. I knew I was giving up a little privacy when I did because the store had my email. Ever since, digital receipts 1. (be) increasingly common at a lot of different businesses and that’s a good thing.

Digital receipts offer a few improvements over traditional paper receipts. One is health-related. Lots of receipt paper contains bisphenol-A (双酸-A), or BPA. This chemical can 2. (potential) influence or outright change some bodily processes, like hair 3. (grow), hormone function and cell repair. Reducing receipt paper reduces 4. risk of BPA exposure for not only consumers but also for employees 5. handle the paper on a more routine basis.

The 6. (two) improvement is environmental. Receipt paper consumes a lot of trees, some 10 million of them a year,according to Green America. And at least half of that is probably used by businesses for 7. (they) still-too-long receipts. They also use up about 21 billion gallons of water a year -and these data are just for the United States! That’s so many trees and so much water, but all becomes much 8. (easy) than before after 9. (email) the receipt. Pile on the fact that BPA-coated paper can’t 10. (recycle) and you end up with a bunch of receipts in landfills.


1.have been 2.potentially 3.growth 4.the 5.who / that 6.second 7.their 8.easier 9.emailing 10.be recycled 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了与纸质收据相比,数字收据有哪些优点。 1.考查时态。句意:从那以后,数字收据在许多不同的行业中越来越普遍,这是一件好事。 根据时间“Ever since”可知用现在完成时,主语为digital receipts,谓语动词用复数,故填have been。 2.考查副词。句意:这种化学物质可能会影响或彻底改变某些身体过程,如毛发生长、激素功能和细胞修复。修饰动词influence用副词,故填potentially。 3.考查名词。句意同上,此处与hormone function和cell repair并列用名词作介词like的宾语,故填growth。 4.考查冠词。句意:减少收据纸的使用不仅减少了消费者接触BPA的风险,也减少了那些经常使用收据纸的员工接触BPA的风险。根据“of BPA exposure”可知此处特指“……的风险”,故填the。 5.考查定语从句。句意同上,分析句子结构可知此处为定语从句,关系词指代先行词employees(指人)并在从句中作主语,故填who或that。 6.考查序数词。句意:第二个改善是环境方面的。根据句意可知此处表示“第二个”,故填second。 7.考查代词。句意:而且其中至少有一半可能被企业用于他们仍然太长的收据。修饰名词receipts用形容词性物主代词,故填their。 8.考查形容词比较级。句意:但是在寄出收据后,一切都变得比以前容易多了。此处形容词作表语,且被much修饰,后面还有than,应该用比较级形式,故填easier。 9.考查非谓语动词。句意同上,介词after后接动名词作宾语,故填emailing。 10.考查语态。句意:再加上BPA涂层纸不能被回收,最后你只能看到一大堆收据被扔进了垃圾填埋场。主语BPA-coated paper与recycle之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,情态动词can’t后用动词原形,故填be recycled。

    On Saturday,Juliet and Darcy, 17-year-old friends,were enjoying sunshine at Furness Park when they noticed a man fall down on the sidewalk. They hurried to ________ the man.

Darcy felt ________ he was going to die in front of them. She took a closer look. Then she observed his chest not going up and down,which meant he wasn’t ________.

The girls knew they needed to ________ help. While Darcy stayed with the ________ man, Juliet ran to nearby homes and began ringing doorbells,but no one ________. “I am really afraid he is going to die without help,” Darcy said ________.

Juliet continued to run for help. She finally found some men fixing a car and told them the ________. But they didn’t believe what the girl said at first. They asked, “Is what you said a joke?” And she answered, “No,call 911 right now.”

The repairmen got it and then ________ CPR (心肺复苏术) on the unconscious man until doctors arrived and used a defibrillator (电击器) to restart his ________. Doctors said the man was in critical condition and should be ________ to hospital.

A doctor said, “To their ________, the two girls take fast action which is called ‘a chain of survival.’ which can save the ________ of a patient in a dangerous situation.” But doctors didn’t get the girls’ names at that time,so they launched a(n) ________ to the public to find them.

Finally,the two girls were found and praised for helping save a man’s life on the weekend. “We were brave,” Darcy said. “We got a bit scared in the beginning, but later we realized ________ won’t help the man.”

1.A.recognize B.applaud C.aid D.seize

2.A.confused B.terrified C.pleased D.curious

3.A.bleeding B.breathing C.starving D.choking

4.A.forbid B.appreciate C.quit D.seek

5.A.unconscious B.familiar C.absent-minded D.ragged

6.A.enquired B.remembered C.answered D.succeeded

7.A.anxiously B.occasionally C.eagerly D.merrily

8.A.consequence B.emergency C.concept D.mystery

9.A.searched for B.put off C.carried out D.broke down

10.A.hands B.stomach C.feet D.heart

11.A.rushed B.admitted C.persuaded D.guided

12.A.disappointment B.credit C.annoyance D.horror

13.A.reputation B.prospect C.life D.honor

14.A.appeal B.comment C.attempt D.apology

15.A.prejudice B.regret C.offence D.panic



Four ways to make someone else smile

If you make even one person smile today, you can help make this world a better place. Here is a list of ideas to help you. What are you waiting for?

● Send a handwritten letter

Today, almost everything is sent via Internet. 1.. Putting pen to paper and writing a few words to a friend can be an easy way to make a positive connection. Even a postcard with a couple of sentences could really make someone’s day-all for the price of a stamp!

● Volunteer

Requiring some time and research to find the perfect project, volunteering is one of the nicest things you can do. Whether you assist at your local youth group or take dogs from shelters for a walk, the simple fact that you are giving up your time to help someone else is incredible. 2.. And it doesn’t necessarily have to take up all your time-it could be once a week or a couple of times a year.


Whether you’re creative or not, taking time to make something for someone else shows how much you appreciate them. 4., the receiver will feel lucky to get such a unique gift that you put your precious time into. Some ideas could include a card, painting, drawing, song, poem or cake!

● Say “I love you” to someone you care about

It can be anyone-your mum or dad, grandparents, family member, or any friend. And you don’t even have to say “I love you”. Perhaps you can tell a friend that you appreciate all they are to you, or remind your mum that you love her. 5..

A.Buy a special gift for a loved one

B.Even if you think you’re not creative

C.Make something for a special person

D.It’s a surprise to receive a letter through the post

E.Though the gift you purchase may not make any difference

F.There are so many opportunities, so you are sure to find one that is right for you

G.Sometimes. in our busy lives we forget to take a moment to tell people what they mean to us



    There are actually three common types of pink eye (红眼病), medically known as conjunctivitis (结膜炎). Two-viral and bacterial-can spread from person to person. The third, allergic, involves your surrounding environment.

How does pink eye start? An infected person touches his or her eyes, then touches something else. If you touch that person or object and then your eyes, you can contract the same infection. That includes shaking hands, sharing towels or pillows, or even papers if you work in an office job. So when it comes to how to get pink eye, not washing your hands-and frequently touching your face-can both play a big role. Pink eye can also spread when you use old makeup or share makeup. In fact, if someone in your household develops bacterial or viral conjunctivitis, replace or at least wash everything you can, including sheets, towels, taps, and other bathroom equipment.

Contact lens (隐形眼镜) is another common way to develop bacterial conjunctivitis. Always wash and dry your hands before handling your contacts. Use the solution and storage methods recommended by your eye doctor. All these steps become even more important if someone in your household already has pink eye. If you do develop conjunctivitis yourself, take your contacts out and throw them away. Wear glasses until your doctor gives you the OK to put your lenses back in. And clean your glasses frequently too. When it’s time to wear contacts again, start with a new pair.

Unlike bacterial and viral conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis is caused by something in your surrounding environment. You might develop symptoms during allergy season in the spring or fall, caused by the same flowers or trees that cause hay fever. This adds the difficulties to the prevention of conjunctivitis.

While not every case of pink eye requires medical treatment, doctor recommends that anyone with a sudden start of these symptoms see a doctor. Some cases can turn serious, and symptoms can be similar to those of other vision-threatening eye conditions

1.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A magazine.

C.A novel. D.A guidebook.

2.Which of the following ways can prevent pink eye?

A.Stopping working indoors.

B.Taking exercises in advance.

C.Washing your face frequently.

D.Separating from any infected person.

3.How does a conjunctivitis patient deal with his contact lens?

A.He has to throw them away and get a new pair after recovery.

B.He must abandon them and wear glasses ever since.

C.He should clean them up more frequently.

D.He may give them away to others.

4.Why do doctors advise people with symptoms of conjunctivitis to see a doctor?

A.Conjunctivitis patients have different symptoms.

B.Every case of pink eye requires medical treatment.

C.Some serious eye diseases have symptoms similar to conjunctivitis.

D.Conjunctivitis sufferers have to be separated in hospital.



    The spiders have long, scary legs. Some spiders even bite. But Spider-Man is another story. He might help people see spiders less negatively, a new study finds.

After Menachem Ben-Ezra, a proud fan of the Marvel (漫威漫画公司)films and also a psychologist. saw the movie Ant-Man and the Wasp (黄蜂), lie walked out with a sudden scientific idea that he should measure people before they went into the theater, and afterwards to see if the fear of ants would be reduced or changed.

Ben-Ezra and his colleagues asked 424 people questions, about one-quarter of them about spiders, such as “Did they find them scary?” “Did seeing one make their hearts race and palms sweat?” A second group received similar questions, this time about ants. The last two groups got the same questions about other insects. Afterward, everyone watched videos. Group one got a Spider-Man movie. Group two saw Ant-Man and the Wasp. Groups three and four watched unrelated video-wheat waving peacefully in the breeze.

After viewing the movie, Ben-Ezra again asked the participants how they felt about spiders, ants or insects in general-and found the ant and spider exposures seemed to make people insensitive and less afraid. Between 3.5 and 6.1 percent of people experience such a phobia (恐惧症) of spiders. Phobias can stop people from traveling, working and enjoying their lives.

Ben-Ezra hopes that their movie research might help people with phobias. But they caution that people with phobias shouldn’t just run out and watch movies and expect their fears to go away. “What we did is only the first step in a very long road.” Ben-Ezra says. “We didn’t say you’ll be cured. We don’t have evidence for that.” But eventually, presenting people’s fears in a positive context-such as a superhero movie—might help people surmount their fear or disgust. After all, if spiders produce Spicier-Man, maybe they’re not so bad.

1.How did Ben-Ezra conduct the study?

A.By doing lab experiments. B.By asking questions.

C.By analyzing former data. D.By observation.

2.What does the underlined word“surmount” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Delete. B.Regain.

C.Discover. D.Overcome.

3.What did Ben-Ezra advise people to do with phobias?

A.They should not try to face their phobias.

B.They should travel, work and enjoy their lives.

C.They should adopt a positive attitude to their fear.

D.They must keep away from the insects they fear.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Movies about the Insect Fear

B.The Positive Energy of Superheroes

C.The Cartoon Characters Made by Marvel

D.Fighting Spider Fear with Spider-Man



    Tabichi’s father,uncle,and cousins have all worked as teachers. He could see that his relatives were making a real difference to people’s lives and wanted to do the same. So for the past 12 years, Tabichi has worked as a math and science teacher in the hope that his lessons will give students a chance to improve their situations.

However,working at a remote village school in Kenya hasn’t been easy. The unique challenges and obstacles have forced Tabichi to find unique solutions for his students. The school only has one computer and unreliable Internet access. The school also has no library or laboratory. To make matters worse,there are not enough books for all the students and the school is desperately in need of more teachers. Most of the students are not able to concentrate, because they haven’t had enough meals at home.

One of the other major challenges that Tabichi faces is keeping kids in school as long as possible. So Tabichi spends most of his time outside of the classroom working on ways to keep kids in school. When the 36-year-old gets the feeling that a student is at risk of dropping out, he works to persuade families to put more value in education. To help those in poverty afford food,uniforms,and books, Tabichi also gives away 80 percent of his salary. Despite all the obstacles he faces, Tabichi is credited for improving the school and keeping much of the village’s youth in school. He has also managed to set up science clubs and addressed food insecurity issues.

Thanks to his tireless work,his students have excelled. In recent years,students have won national and international science competitions. In March of 2019, Tabichi was voted the best teacher in the world and won the prize of $1 million.

1.What inspired Tabichi to be a teacher?

A.The high salary of teachers.

B.His father’s demand on him.

C.Contributions a teacher can make.

D.His relatives’ encouragement.

2.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The difficulties Tabichi’s school faced.

B.The life of a remote village in Kenya.

C.Tabichi’s unique teaching ways for his students.

D.Most of the students’ distraction on their learning.

3.What occupied Tabichi’s most time?

A.Giving students the best lessons.

B.Helping students get rid of poverty.

C.Persuading students not to drop out.

D.Getting students away from any risk.

4.Which of the following can best describe Tabichi?

A.Pitiful. B.Lucky.

C.Punctual. D. Selfless.



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