满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You may be an inexperienced candidate, b...

You may be an inexperienced candidate, but none of that makes things worse than your walking into that interview room ______in confidence.

A.lacked B.lacking C.for lack of D.lacking of


B 【解析】 考查非谓语动词。句意:你可能是一个没有经验的求职者,但没有什么比你走进面试室时缺乏自信更糟糕的了。根据后文in confidence可知此处为短语be lacking in表示“缺乏”,且分析句子结构可知lacking in在句中作非谓语动词,故省略be动词。故选B。  

No matter how frequently__________, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.

A.performed B.performing

C.being performed D.to be performed



______ her salary with that of her male partner’s, she found the unjust treatment toward female employees in the company.

A.Compared B.Having compared

C.To compare D.Having been compared



How many species do you believe will be threatened with extinction when the reservoir is completed?

I expect ________ ten at least.

A.there to be B.there being

C.there be D.there have been



If any of the symptoms arises, it’s worth ______ a change of diet.

A.to consider B.of considering

C.considering D.being considered



—________ her job with little prospect of finding a new one, she came to the point where she could no longer afford.

—She had ________ her entire family.

A.Lost; to be supported B.Having lost; to support

C.Lost; supporting D.Having lost; support



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