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The Last Robot-Proof Job in America? You...

The Last Robot-Proof Job in America?

You can get most food, such as warm cookies or vodka, to your doorstep in minutes. But try getting a red snapper (红鲷鱼). Until recently, if you could obtain it, it would likely have been pre-frozen and shipped in from overseas.

A new tech startup is aiming to ____________this situation. Based inside the Fulton Fish Market, a seafood wholesale market, the startup, called FultonFishMarket.com, allows customers across the whole country, both restaurants and individuals, to buy from the market. The fish is shipped ____________, rather than frozen, thanks to an Amazon advanced logistics system. Mike Spindler, the company’s C.E.O., said recently, “I can get a fish to Warren Buffett, that’s as fresh as if he’d walked down to the pier (码头) and bought it that morning.”

There is one thing, ____________, that the sophisticated logistics system cannot do: pick out a fish. If Warren Buffett orders a red snapper, the company needs to ____________ that his fish is actually red snapper, and not some other. According to the ocean-conservation organization, more than 20% of the seafood in restaurants and grocery stores in America is ___________. For this task, the company has employed Robert DiGregorio, a forty-seven-year veteran of the business, who possesses a blend of judgement and ___________ knowledge that, so far, computers have yet to replicate.

___________ the food-safety stuff, our business could be any market from the last three thousand years of human history,” Spindler told me. He is experienced in the ___________ business. When he arrived at the fish market in 2014, people were cautious. “They thought selling fish on the Internet was___________.” DiGregorio said, speaking for the fishmongers(鱼贩). “They didn’t see how it could possibly work.” Five years ago, DeGregorio didn’t know how to use a computer, but when the Web-site people arrived at the market, he sensed an opportunity. Together, they’ve created a human-machine fish-buying operation.

By 1 a.m. each night, the company collects __________ from around the country and sends them to DiGregorio. He heads into the market, carrying his tablet computer. The company’s algorithms(算法) ___________ data on their sources and can tell DiGregorio, for example, which stall to go to get the best tuna (金枪鱼). The computer is a “learning system,”, so if DiGregorio makes a choice it didn’t ___________, it asks, “Was the fish not available? Was it damaged?” All that information is fed back in for next time.

Then, what can a fishmonger see that a computer can’t? DeGregorio showed me his part of the ___________ process. “I’m assessing a few things,” he said. First, ___________. Fish should have “nice” slime(粘液). Then, smell. He sniffed the air above the box. “when fish goes bad, it smells like ammonia.” Besides, to get the best stuff, “Fishmongers have to have a relationship with you. To trust you.” He added.

Is he ever __________being replaced by the learning system of computers? DiGregorio shrugged. “By the time they invent a computer that can do what I can do,” he said, “I’ll be dead.”

1.A.maintain B.remedy C.substitute D.recognize

2.A.free B.overseas C.separate D.fresh

3.A.therefore B.otherwise C.however D.thus

4.A.ensure B.propose C.concede D.remind

5.A.overpriced B.misidentified C.displaced D.modified

6.A.computer B.cuisine C.fish D.marketing

7.A.Rather than B.Thanks to C.Except for D.Prior to

8.A.fund-raising B.online-grocery C.fish-selling D.non-profit

9.A.significant B.worthy C.responsible D.ridiculous

10.A.sales B.orders C.alternatives D.statistics

11.A.analyze B.supply C.prioritize D.feed

12.A.require B.process C.predict D.value

13.A.calculation B.decoding C.correction D.selection

14.A.smash B.touch C.wipe D.roll

15.A.concerned about B.eager for C.delighted with D.capable of


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 【解析】 本文是说明文,介绍了一家公司是如何用人机结合的方式在网上卖新鲜的活鱼的。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一家新兴的科技公司正致力于解决这一问题。A. maintain维持;B. remedy改进、解决;C. substitute替代;D. recognize认出。上文说你可以在几分钟内让你买的大多数食物,如热饼干或伏特加,送到你家门口。但你买的红鲷鱼却不行,在根据空后的介绍可知此处是说一家科技公司正努力解决这个问题,故B项正确。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多亏亚马逊先进的物流系统,这些鱼不是冷冻的,而是新鲜的。 A. free自由的;B. overseas海外的;C. separate单独的;D. fresh新鲜的。根据空后的“rather than frozen”可知,与“冷冻的”相对的自然是“新鲜的”,下文中的“fresh”也是提示,故D项正确。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,有一件事是复杂的物流系统做不到的:挑选一条鱼。A. therefore因此;B. otherwise否则;C. however然而;D. thus因此。上文介绍了这个物流系统的优点,此处介绍的是弊端,前后是转折关系,故C项正确。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果沃伦巴菲特订购了红鲷鱼,公司需要确保他的鱼实际上是红鲷鱼,而不是其他鱼。A. ensure保证、确保;B. propose建议;C. concede承认;D. remind提醒。上文说这个系统不能挑选出顾客购买的鱼,所以公司需要确保顾客收到的是他购买的那种鱼,故A项正确。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在美国,餐馆和杂货店超过20%的海鲜被误认。A. overpriced要价过高;B. misidentified识别错误;C. displaced转移;D. modified修改。下文说该公司聘请了具有丰富鱼类知识的罗伯特迪格雷戈里奥来识别顾客购买的鱼的品种,因此此处是说餐馆和杂货店超过20%的海鲜被误认,故B项正确。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了完成这项任务,该公司聘用了拥有47年丰富经验的罗伯特迪格雷戈里奥,他兼具判断和鱼类知识,迄今为止,电脑尚未复制这些知识。A. computer电脑;B. cuisine烹饪;C. fish鱼类;D. marketing市场营销。帮助识别鱼类自然是要掌握鱼类知识,故C项正确。 7.考查介词短语辨析。句意:除了食品安全方面的东西,我们的生意可以是过去三千年人类历史上的任何市场。A. Rather than而不是;B. Thanks to多亏;C. Except for除了;D. Prior to先于。下文说2014年他进入鱼市时,人们都很谨慎,他们认为在网上卖鱼是荒谬的,他们担心的是鱼的安全问题,因此此处是说“除了食品安全”,故C项正确。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他在网上杂货生意上很有经验。A. fund-raising筹集资金;B. online-grocery网上杂货店;C. fish-selling卖鱼;D. non-profit非盈利。根据空后的“on the Internet”可知,他干的是网上杂货生意,故B项正确。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:2014年他进入鱼市时,人们都很谨慎,他们认为在网上卖鱼是荒谬的。A. significant重大的;B. worthy值得的;C. responsible负责的;D. ridiculous荒谬的。空前说人们都很谨慎,这说明他们认为在网上卖鱼听起来很荒谬,故D项正确。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每天凌晨1点,该公司收集来自全国各地的订单,然后把它们发给迪格雷戈里奥,他带着平板电脑进入市场。A. sales销售;B. orders订单;C. alternatives替代品;D. statistics统计。在网上卖东西自然是要根据订单发货,故B项正确。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:该公司的算法分析数据来源,并可以告诉迪格雷戈里奥,例如,哪个摊位可以买到最好的金枪鱼。A. analyze分析;B. supply供应;C. prioritize优先考虑;D. feed喂养。根据空后的“data on their sources”可知此处指“分析数据来源”,故A项正确。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以如果迪格雷戈里奥做出了一个它没有预料到的选择,它会问,鱼是不是没有了?是损坏了吗?所有这些信息都将反馈给下一次。A. require要求;B. process处理;C. predict预测;D. value重视。空前说电脑是一个学习系统,所以如果做出了一个它没有预料到的选择,它会问一些问题,故C项正确。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:迪雷戈里奥向我展示了他在挑选过程中所扮演的角色。A. calculation计算;B. decoding解码;C. correction改正;D. selection选择。上文说迪格雷戈里奥是负责正确挑出顾客订购的鱼,因此此处指“挑选过程”,故D项正确。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:首先,触摸,鱼应该有“好”的黏液。A. smash撞击;B. touch触摸;C. wipe擦;D. roll滚动。空后说鱼应该有“好”的黏液,因此此处指“用手摸鱼”,故B项正确。 15.考查形容词短语辨析。句意:他但不担心被电脑学习系统取代? A. concerned about担心;B. eager for渴望;C. delighted with对……感到高兴;D. capable of能够。空后迪格雷戈里奥耸耸肩说“当他们发明一台能做我能做的事情的电脑时,我就死定了”,因此此处指“是否担心被电脑学习系统取代”,故A项正确。

We are trying to get people to like us and approve of us: Our greatest fear is of being ______ and rejected.

A.abandoned B.ruined C.reminded D.stressed



The Colosseum ______ for nearly 500 years with the last recorded games held there as late as the 6th century.

A.put into use B.remained in use

C.went out of use D.made the use



The painful experience left her emotionally drained, but she is not the sort of ________woman to be defeated by a of fate.

A.damage B.collapse C.twist D.share



The hotel boasts a lovely dining room ______ the lake, where the view can truly be described as spectacular.

A.overlooked B.reflecting C.overlooking D.reflected



If applicants do not meet these requirements they will not be ______ to graduate school, even if they had excellent undergraduate grades and an impressive resume.

A.permitted B.attracted C.suited D.admitted



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