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You may feel pressured to plan out your ...

    You may feel pressured to plan out your whole life before you start applying to colleges. 1.Though some people have well-focused career goals early in life, others don't — and they still find their way to the right job. Staying flexible when it comes to thinking about your future may be the right choice for you.

The world changes.

Webmasters didn't exist a generation ago. The world changes so fast that new careers appear all the time, while others become less common. 2.

There’s no one perfect career.

When choosing a career, you'll try to match your skills and interests with work in certain areas. 3. Even jobs sounding ideal will probably involve some things you dislike. But many jobs will suit you and allow you to use your talents.

You can only plan so far ahead.

4. That's because as important as planning and research are, chance still plays a role. Keep an open mind, learn to tolerate some degree of uncertainty and watch for opportunity.


Many people feel pulled to a job that's familiar, popular or profitable. In the long run, however, people are generally happier and more successful if they choose a career that matches their interests and strengths. Take the time to develop your interests and then look for a career that will satisfy and fulfill you.

A.Satisfaction is key.

B.There won't be one perfect match.

C.But most people have ever experienced the stress.

D.Your feelings about what you want to do may be unclear.

E.Change your mind if you can’t find a suitable job at present.

F.Did you ever hear someone say something like, “I fell into my career”?

G.Pay attention both to the changes in your interests and to developments in the career world.


1.C 2.G 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了在上大学之前要考虑职业规划,保持灵活性是你的正确选择,并从四个方面给出了职业规划的建议。 1.根据前句You may feel pressured to plan out your whole life before you start applying to colleges.可知,在你开始申请大学之前,你可能会感到有压力去计划你的一生。由此可知,本句为承接上文,继续说明“计划一生”的压力是大多数人都经历过的。故C选项“但大多数人都经历过这种压力”符合上下文语境,故选C。 2.根据前句The world changes so fast that new careers appear all the time, while others become less common.可知,世界变化如此之快,新职业层出不穷,而其他职业却越来越少。由此可知,因为世界变化快速,所以必须注意自己在职业上的发展。故G选项“注意你兴趣上的变化和职业上的发展”符合上下文语境,故选G。 3.根据后文Even jobs sounding ideal will probably involve some things you dislike.可知,即使是听起来很理想的工作也会涉及到一些你不喜欢的事情。由此可知,你的技能和兴趣与工作并不一定是完美搭配的。故B选项“不会有一个完美的搭配”符合上下文语境,故选B。 4.根据后句That's because as important as planning and research are, chance still plays a role. Keep an open mind, learn to tolerate some degree of uncertainly and watch for opportunity.(这是因为,与规划和研究同样重要的是,机遇仍然发挥着作用。保持开放的心态,学会容忍某种程度的不确定性,注意机会)结合本段标题You can only plan so far ahead.(你只能提前计划)可知,本句为说明你对你想做的事情的感觉可能不明了。故选D。 5.此处为下一段的标题,结合该段内容Many people feel pulled to a job that's familiar, popular or profitable. In the long run, however, people are generally happier and more successful if they choose a career that matches their interests and strengths. Take the time to develop your interests and then look for a career that will satisfy and fulfill you.可知,许多人觉得自己被一份熟悉的、受欢迎的或有利可图的工作所吸引。然而,从长远来看,如果人们选择的职业符合他们的兴趣和优势,他们通常会更快乐,更成功。花点时间发展你的兴趣,然后找一份让你满意的工作。由此可知,本段强调的是自我满意度的关键性。故A选项“满意度是关键”符合上下文语境,故选A。

    “Smombies”— people walking while staring at their smartphones are very real and a growing cause for concern. To let people pay more attention to their surroundings to avoid serious accidents, government in a small German town has come up with a more positive solution — embedding (嵌入) traffic lights in the pavement to make them noticed by people always looking down at their phones.

The safety measure was taken. Authorities in Augsburg decided to act, installing ground level traffic lights at two tram (电车) stops last Tuesday. The lights flash red when a tram is coming, or when the regular traffic light turns red. “We realized that the normal traffic light isn't in the line of sight of many pedestrians these days,” said Tobias Hermes, a city official. “So we decided to have an extra set of lights — the more lights we have, the more people are likely to notice them.”

Some Augsburg people appear to be quite happy with the idea. “I think it makes sense,” Jack Smith said, speaking to The Augsburg Alleghenies. “One always sees young people these days running over red lights. This makes it more obvious that you need to stop.”

Others, however, found the need for ground traffic lights unnecessary and even frightening. “I find it scary that smartphone users are so engrossed that they need to install lights in the ground so that they notice the tram coming,” one person told the local paper.

But do this kind of pavement-embedded lights actually work? One interviewed teenager believes not really. “To be honest, I didn't even notice it,” he told The Augsburg Alleghenies. "Maybe it’d be useful at night, but I didn’t realize it was there until just now.”

1.From the text we can know that smombies refer to people          

A.who are fond of walking.

B.who look at phones while walking.

C.whose smartphones are embedded traffic lights.

D.who pay more attention to their surroundings.

2.What can we learn from Tobias Hermes?

A.The tram is the main cause of traffic accidents.

B.The tram's lights should flash while running.

C.Many people can't see normal traffic lights clearly.

D.The pavement-embedded lights are easier to be seen.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “engrossed” in Paragraph 4?

A.Disturbed. B.Scared.

C.Engaged. D.Inspired.

4.What can be a suitable tide for the text?

A.The Serious Smartphones Problems.

B.Advocate People to Celebrate Traffic Rules.

C.The Importance of Ground Traffic Lights.

D.Ground Traffic Lights for People Staring at Their Smartphones.



    Playing tennis regularly could help keep people off death, but football, rugby and running may not help people to live longer, a study suggests.

A study followed more than 80,000 people for an average of nine years to find out if certain sports protected them against early death. It found that people who played racket sports regularly were the least likely to die over the study period, reducing their individual risk by 47 percent compared with people who did no exercise. Swimmers also reduced their chance of death by 28 percent, aerobics (有氧运动) fans by 27 percent and cyclists by 15 percent. Yet running appeared to have no impact at all on dying early, and neither did playing football or rugby.

Scientists say the difference may lie in the social aspect which goes alongside sports like tennis and squash (壁球), which often involve clubs and organized activities outside of the game. It means that people often have larger social net-works and tend to keep up activities into later life, both of which are proven to be good for health.

In contrast, people who play team sports often do not move onto a new sport once their teams break up for family, or injury reasons. They become watchers rather than participants in their chosen activity.

The researchers found that playing racket sports was associated with a 56 percent lower risk from heart death. Similarly, swimmers lowered their heart disease or stroke risk by 41 percent, and people who took part in activities like aerobics, dance or gymnastics lowered their risk by 36 percent. But again running, football and rugby had no significant impact on heart deaths.

However, other experts argue that this study must not be misinterpreted as showing that running and football do not protect against heart disease. In this study both runners and footballers had a lower rate of death from heart disease.

1.Which sport has hardly any impact on protecting people against early death?

A.Cycling. B.Swimming.

C.Rugby. D.Tennis.

2.According to the study, which makes a big difference in keeping healthy?

A.Playing basketball with their friends occasionally.

B.Watching football games every day.

C.Taking up gymnastics and joining a club.

D.Doing running in the park every day.

3.What is considered more important to people's health?

A.Social networks. B.Staying at home.

C.Physical examinations. D.Setting up families.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Thousands of people participated in a 9-year research.

B.Study finds playing tennis helps people live longer.

C.It is wrong to say running has no impact on heart disease.

D.There are differences between racket sports and team games.



    A rescue group made sure hunting dogs Herbier and Hilda were adopted as a pair since Hilda helps Herbier get around.

For more than 50 years, guide dogs have been trained to help humans with vision challenges live without boundaries and enjoy independence in their homes, offices, and the community at large. Given dogs' ability to be trained, along with their skills, it seemed unavoidable that there would be an unofficial guide dog for a blind dog.

Almost more exciting is the fact that one such set, which was abandoned together in Salem about a month ago, has found a new forever home that will allow the blind dog and his caretaker dog to remain together.

A little more than a month ago, someone abandoned three dogs over the fence of a local gentleman who formerly rescued greyhounds. The man no longer rescues the little dogs of being long of body, short of leg and droopy of ears, but he did know to take them to the Marion County Dog Services shelter.

The county shelter knew immediately to contact Diane Young at Salem Dogs, a local dog rescue known for being heavy on love and affection that the county most likely has on speed dial.

The rescue director responded in time, taking in the two of the dogs. One black male was healthy and passed tests quickly and easily. He was put up for adoption at the shelter and was quickly accepted.

The other two are between the ages of 4 and 5, required a bit more care. Hilda, a long-haired, black-dappled female, was obviously connected to Herbier, a light-brown, smooth-coated brown greyhound who had vision problems.

1.What can we learn about the abandoned dogs?

A.They have been trained for their ability and skills.

B.The three dogs were abandoned because they are blind.

C.They are finally adopted to live with the man who found them.

D.The dog Hilda offers to help the blind dog Herbier get around.

2.What does the underlined word “greyhounds” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Cows who have lost their babies. B.Dogs who are abandoned by their owners.

C.Humans who become old and lonely. D.Chickens which are living with their mom.

3.What can we infer from this text?

A.The touching story of two dogs helping each other happened one month ago.

B.Humans began to train dogs for the ability and skills of guidance five years ago.

C.The two abandoned dogs are still living together at the shelter today.

D.The two dogs were abandoned most probably because they were blind.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.A moving story about two dogs. B.The Marion County Dog Services shelter.

C.A dog and a blind dog were trained. D.Two dogs were abandoned by a man.



    Looking for some San Diego events February 2020? We've got a great list of fun things to do in San Diego California. Enjoy these winter 2020 San Diego events and February Valentines Day fun. If it rains, don't worry. February is museum, with half price on many museums. And most importantly, don't forget to plan a romantic Valentine's Day activity!

Whale Watching in San Diego

California Gray Whales undergo their annual migration from Alaska through San Diego and onto Baja California. During February — April, whale watching is at its best, as the whales migrate close to shore and can be seen from land or sea. One of the fun San Diego events. For more information see San Diego Whale Watching.

Explore San Diego Tide Pools

February 5 to 11 and 18 to 24,2020 at various times in the afternoon at low tide. Fall and winter are the best times to explore the San Diego tide pools. $ 10 for adults, children aged 11 and under free. Reservations recommended. 603-437-6722.

Super Bowl 2020

Watch the Super Bowl game Sunday February 2,2020. Even if you don't like football, the commercials are worth it. Still cant convince you to watch? It's a great time to shop in the empty stores.

Hotel Coronado Historic Walking Tour

Monday and Friday at 10: 30 AM, Saturdays and Sundays at 3 PM. 60-minute walking tour of the famous historic Hotel Coronado, led by docents from the Coronado Historical Association. It's free and one of the best kids' activities in San Diego.

1.Which month is suitable time to watch whales in San Diego?

A.January. B.June.

C.March. D.October.

2.How much will a couple and their 10-year-old boy pay to attend the activity — Explore San Diego Tide Pools?

A.$20. B.$25.

C.$30. D.$ 15.

3.Which of the following events best suits an economical father with kids?

A.Super Bowl 2020.

B.Hotel Coronado Historic Walking Tour.

C.Explore San Diego Tide Pools.

D.Whale Watching in San Diego.




1. 对其到北大求学表示欢迎;

2. 推荐其中一个专业并陈述理由;

3. 期待见面。

注意:1. 词数100左右;


参考:汉语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature

Dear Tom,



Li Hua



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