满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案...

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。

In order to encourage literacy (读写能力) among kids who are more used to playing on their smart devices. LA County 1.(library) are no longer charging library late fees for young readers. To make it even 2.(easy) for the kids, their schools have also signed up for library cards for them.

For those 3. already have a late fee balance, the library offers a unique way to pay it back by reading it away.

Kids can now go to their local library and tell the librarian that they would like 4.(pay) off their balance. In turn, the Librarian will start a timer and for every hour kids spends reading $5 5.(take) off of their debt. At least 100 students every week 6.(read) away their debt and a total of 3, 500 blocked accounts have been cleared. This debt relief can also be used for paying off lost or 7.(damage) books as well.

The program has already had a major effect 8. readership in the county. 15,000 kids have used their new library cards and parents said they allowed their children to check out books due to the 9.(decide).

10. seems that the smell of old books can still have a place in the younger generation’s hearts they just need a bit of encouragement.


1.libraries 2.easier 3.who 4.to pay 5.is taken 6.have read 7.damaged 8.on 9.decision 10.It 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了洛杉矶县图书馆为鼓励孩子读写识字所采取的措施。图书馆不在向读者收取滞纳金,而是可以通过阅读的方式偿还滞纳金或赔偿损坏的书籍。 1.考查名词复数。句意:为了鼓励那些习惯玩电子设备的孩子读写识字,洛杉矶县图书馆不再向年轻读者收取图书滞纳金。分析句子可知,句中be动词使用了复数形式are,为保持主谓一致,因此主语要使用复数形式。故填libraries。 2.考查形容词比较级。句意:为了让孩子们更容易,他们的学校也为他们注册了图书馆借书卡。前文提到的young readers与该句中的kids形成了对比,even后可用形容词比较级,加强语气表示强度,意为“比……更;还要”。故填easier。 3.考查关系代词。句意:对于已经存在滞纳金的人来说,图书馆提供了一种独特的方式,通过阅读来偿还。分析句子可知,该句为定语从句,从句中缺少主语成分,且先行词是those,因此只能使用关系代词who作主语。故填who。 4.考查非谓语动词。句意:现在,孩子们可以去当地的图书馆,告诉图书管理员他们想要还清滞纳金。分析句子可知,此处是固定搭配would like to do sth.意为“想要做某事”。故填to pay。 5.考查时态及语态。句意:相反,图书管理员会开始计时,孩子们每读一小时书,就会从他们的滞纳金中扣除5美元。分析句子可知,5美元与take off之间是逻辑上的被动关系,基数词加上表示时间、距离、价值或其他度量单位的名词时,常常看成是一个整体,作为主语时谓语动词用单数,且此处陈述一般事实,be动词需使用一般现在时。故填is taken。 6.考查动词时态。句意:每周至少有100名学生通过阅读还清他们的债务,3500个被封的账号还清了债务。分析句子可知,此处表示通过阅读已经还清了债务,即动作从过去开始,到现在已经结束并对现在造成了影响,因此需使用现在完成时。故填have read。 7.考查形容词。句意:这种债务的减免也可以用来赔偿丢失或损坏的书籍。分析句子可知,名词books前需用形容词修饰,books与damage是被动关系。故填damaged。 8.考查介词。句意:这个项目对全县的读者产生了重大的影响。分析句子可知,此处为固定词组have…effect on意为“对……产生影响;影响;对……有效果”。故填on。 9.考查名词。句意:有15000名儿童已经使用了他们的新图书卡。家长们说因为这项决议,他们允许自己的孩子去借书。分析句子可知,此处特指“这项决议”,应使用名词。故填decision。 10.考查固定句型。句意:旧书的味道似乎在年轻一代的心中仍有一席之地——他们要的只是一点鼓励。此处为固定句型It seems that…,意为“似乎;看起来;好像”,故填It。

    My teacher Mr. Bush is the most positive person I’ve ever met. He has the ability to _____positiveness to young students.

He always smiles and never gets ____ at students. Once I met some ____ because I felt overshadowed by my brother, who seemed to be doing great in every way. Hopelessness ___ me whenever I was in a classroom. But that all ____ when I met my teacher for life, Mr. Bush. Having found out about my problems, he just kept ____ me. Because of Mr. Bush, my world was filled with ____ and power.

A few weeks ago, everyone in my class was feeling a bit ____ because of a bad day at school. But things got ____ after a close of Mr. Bush’s class. He drew a picture on the whiteboard that ____ a half-full glass of water. He then said, “Class, the point of view in which you look at things will ____ your feelings. Like this glass of water; some people see it and think ‘What! Only half a glass of water. How ____ I am.’ Whereas other people think ‘Wow, I’m so thirsty. Great! Half a glass of water for me!’ It all is in the ____ you think.”

Mr. Bush’s ____ way of thinking always makes me feel glad and ____. I will always remember him.

1.A.pass on B.apply for C.consist of D.give up

2.A.strict B.patient C.mad D.curious

3.A.friends B.needs C.realities D.difficulties

4.A.drowned B.resisted C.cured D.relaxed

5.A.happened B.changed C.solved D.included

6.A.forgiving B.calming C.encouraging D.calling

7.A.sunshine B.fear C.surprise D.disappointment

8.A.cheerful B.down C.eager D.afraid

9.A.warmer B.higher C.better D.happier

10.A.served B.filled C.bought D.showed

11.A.hurt B.care about C.give away D.affect

12.A.pleased B.unfortunate C.bright D.perfect

13.A.way B.direction C.end D.past

14.A.different B.optimistic C.special D.important

15.A.proud B.careful C.lonely D.hopeful



    Which do you like better: breakfast or lunch? 1. Brunch gets its name from the first two letters of breakfast (br-) and the last four letters of lunch (-unch).

2.. They liked to go hunting. During the hunting break, they would enjoy a mid-morning meal that included meat, eggs and many other things.

Today, it is a meal eaten around late morning to early afternoon, usually on weekends. It might seem like a simple meal, but sometimes it raises breakfast to an artistic level. For example, ordinary pancakes might be changed to blueberry pancakes.

In Melbourne, brunch culture is also being welcomed. I decided to try it with my friend. We visited a cafe that is famous for its flower theme. 3.

This theme is also shown in its food and drinks. The pink rose tea latte (拿铁) had real rose petals (花瓣) on top. 4. For the main course (主菜), I chose the soft-shell crab. The crab was placed in a bread bowl with some fried crab claws () on the top.

The brunch greatly satisfied my appetite (食欲). 5.

A. It tasted as sweet as it looked.

B. Lack of food is the main cause of brunch.

C. Well, with brunch you don’t have to choose!

D. Though I was full, I still wanted to have another one.

E. Rich British people are believed to have invented brunch.

F. Even if I was busy with work, I still spent enough time having breakfast.

G. There was a wall full of various types of fresh and colorful flowers.



    Up till about 130 years ago, newspapers in the United States attracted only the most serious readers. They used no illustration (插图) and the articles were about politics or business.

Two men changed that - Joseph Pulitzer bought the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal. Pulitzer bought the New York World in 1883. He changed it from a traditional newspaper into a very exciting one overnight. He added lots of illustrations and he told his reporters to write articles on every crime they could find. And they did. One of them-a woman reporter, even pretended she was mad and was sent to a hospital. She then wrote many articles about the poor treatment of patients in those hospitals where mad men were kept.

In 1895, Hearst came to New York from California. He wanted the Journal to be more exciting than the world. He also wanted it to be cheaper, so he lowered the price to a penny. Hearst attracted attention because his newspaper headings were bigger than anyone else’s. He often says, “Big print makes big news.”

Pulitzer and Hearst did anything they could to sell newspapers. For example, Hearst sent Frederic Remington, the famous illustrator, to draw pictures of the Spanish-American War. When he got there, he told Hearst that no fighting was going on, Hearst answered, “You provide the pictures. I’ll provide the war.”

1.What kind of news did American newspapers carry 130 years ago?

A.Only serious matters. B.All kinds of exciting news.

C.Crimes and mad people. D.The treatment of patients in hospital.

2.What can we know about the woman reporter in the second paragraph?

A.She helped Joseph Pulitzer buy the New York Journal.

B.She was forced to be mad and was sent to a hospital.

C.She learned a lot about the real life of the mad patients in hospital.

D.She made the newspaper from traditional to exciting.

3.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.The difficulties that the newspaper owners faced.

B.Two most famous reporters of the United States.

C.Newspaper owners were fond of crimes and war.

D.Two important men changed newspapers greatly



    I am a mother of three children and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was social study. The last class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions.

Soon after we were given the project, my husband, my youngest son, and I went out to McDonald’s one cold March morning. It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son.

We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back way. I turned around and found there standing behind me were two poor homeless men with a horrible “dirty body” smell. The short gentleman, close to me, was “smiling”. His beautiful sky-blue eyes were full of light as he searched for acceptance. The second man played with his hands uneasily as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation(救赎). The short man just asked for a coffee because that was all they could afford.

I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray(餐盘).I then walked around the corner to the men’s table. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman’s cold hand. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said “Thank you”.

I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down, my husband smiled at me and said, “That’s why God gave you to me, Honey. To give me hope.”

On the last evening of class, I turned in “my project” and the instructor read it. Then she looked up at me and said, “Can I share this?” I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and we all knew that we need to heal people and to be healed.

I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn: UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. “LOVE PEOPLE AND USE THINGS--NOT LOVE THINGS AND USE PEOPLE.”

1.Why did the people around the author back away?

A.Because the second man stood playing with his hands.

B.Because the two homeless men were also waiting in line, with a bad smell.

C.Because the short gentleman was smiling to everyone around.

D.Because both men were poorly dressed and mentally ill.

2.After the author handed the meals to the homeless men, she _________.

A.regretted and cried B.turned in her project

C.went back to her husband and son D.talked with them for a while

3.What kind of woman do you think the author is?

A.Lovely. B.Mature.

C.Over-curious. D.Caring.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Poor as the homeless men were, they had their dignity.

B.The author felt we should know how to heal people.

C.The author’s husband was very proud of her.

D.What the author did to the men touched many people.



    Kids Go Free These School Holidays


●Sat 6 Jan 10:00a.m.--10:00p.m.

●Sun 7 Jan  10:00a.m.--10:00p.m.

●Mon 8 Jan  8:30a.m.--10:00p.m.

●Tue 9 Jan  9:00a.m.--10:00p.m.

●Wed 10 Jan 8:30a.m.--10:00p.m.

Where: Rainbow Springs, Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua

Restrictions: All ages

Ticket Information:

● An Adult Pass: 30.00

●Family Pass (two adults and two children ):80.00

●. Extra child with Family Pass: 8.00

● Buy Tickets --0800-724-626

There’s a lot to see and do at Rainbow Springs.

Join us in the park for a fun-filled and action-packed day, exploring and learning all about the wonderful birds, bugs and beasts that call New Zealand home.

Use promo code KIDSGOFREE when purchasing your Family Pass and grab free entry for the kids these school holidays.

Your day pass includes:

-Endless fun on our awesome new Playscapes! Hidden throughout the park are some exciting new, hands-on play installations(设施) that will teach you all about native species and conservation in a fun way!

-Unlimited rides on the Big Splash ride!

-Entry to our exciting new free- flight Bird Show twice daily at 11:30a.m. and 2:30p.m.

-Entry to the new Science in our Forests exhibition presented by Scion! You’ll see live insects up close, learn more about how we can protect our forests and get a glimpse into the future of a wood-powered world.

-Repeat entry throughout the day so you can come back at night, when it’s dark, to see kiwi in our outdoor enclosure(围栏).

Terms and conditions:

The activity is available for travel between 26th December -6th February only.

1.When can children take part in the activity ?

A.On10 Jan , 9:30a.m. B.On 6 Jan , 800a.m.

C.On12 Jan , 8:30p.m. D.On 8 Jan , 8:00a.m.

2.What can children do with a day pass?

A.Take rides on the world’s biggest ride.

B.Learn knowledge about forest conservation.

C.Help train birds on the Bird Show.

D.Learn about native and foreign species.

3.How much should Mr. And Mrs Green pay with their three boys?

A.110. B.80.

C.118. D.88.



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