满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

During my first year abroad, I was so bu...

During my first year abroad, I was so busy studying and meeting new people that I did not phone my parents as often as I ________.

A.should B.would C.should have D.would have


C 【解析】 考查虚拟语气。句意:在国外的第一年里,我忙于学习和结识新朋友,以至于没有像我应该做的那样经常给父母打电话。should have done表示“过去本应该做某事却未做”,should have后面省略了phoned them,should have phoned them表示“我理应当打电话给他们,但是其实没有”,符合上下文语境及情感色彩。故选C项。  

After my divorce, Ann was the only one ________ to listen to my problems, and I am forever in her debt.

A.preparing B.prepared C.to prepare D.having prepared



Unlike compulsions and addictions, which are acted out uncontrollably, habits are actions that are repeated regularly and ___________.

A.automatically B.typically C.tentatively D.positively



________in a mass parade at Beijing’s Tian’anmen Square on the National Day were more than 100,000 people from all walks of life to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of China.

A.Having involved B.Involving C.Involved D.Being involved



—We didn’t find Ju Xiaopeng attending the English Class online.

—No one ________ him about ________ a lecture even on Saturday.

A.told; there to be B.had told; there to be

C.told; there was D.had told; there being



This year’s Spring Festival Gala was a fine performance that ________ attention from first to last.

A.deposited B.accumulated C.commanded D.illustrated



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