满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍你在居家自主学习期间第一次为家人做饭的过程,并以“My First Cooking”为题,给校刊英语角写一篇英文稿件。

提示词:家常菜homely dishes

注意:1. 词数不少于60

2. 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。



◇ Version 1 Last Friday I finished my online course with a rather exhausted mind. Weekdays are finally over but the burdens seemed impossible to go away I was sitting before my desk and doing my homework. When I looked at the clock, it was already 6:20 p.m. I was starving, and neither of my parents had returned from work. Wrestling with my hunger, an idea suddenly occurred to me. Why not cook a dish for my parents myself? Although I’ve never cooked before. I was sure I could figure it out. I turned on my smartphone and went online to search for the recipe of homely dishes. There was a great amount of information provided on the Internet, and after taking various factors into consideration. I decided to cook a fish. The process was not so hard as I imagined, as a matter of fact. I followed the instructions strictly and was extremely careful not to miss any single details in the entire procedure. The outcome was of course far from brilliant but seemed quite decent. It actually tasted not bad at all. Apart from the main dish, I also came up with a vegetable dish and some rice and soup. When my parents came home, they were literally astonished. Mom took pictures with her phone while Dad gave me an encouraging smile and a big thumb up. It was the first time I had cooked and the experience means so much to me. It set me free from my busy daily routine, giving me a precious opportunity to do something for the ones I cherish and react to their unconditional support that I’ve neglected for so long. ◇ Version 2 Last Friday, after I finished my online classes, I started doing homework as I always do. Time seemed to fly by and as I glanced up at the clock, it was already 6:20. My parents were still at work and must be worn out after a week’s work Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind—I could cook for my parents. As it was the first time for me to cook, I searched for the recipe of homely dishes on the Internet. After some comparison, I chose two dishes that my parents liked the most. Dealing with the fish was the hardest part. After laying the fish in the pan, drops of oil spilled out and landed on my finger. I was scared but managed to calm down and rolled over the fish. As the color of the fish turned golden, I added some salt and garlic. Finally, I finished my first dish and it smelt really great. My parents arrived home the moment I finished cooking. Serving them with the food I made, I was nervous because I didn’t know if I had got everything right. Thankfully, my dad gave me a thumb-up after his first bite and my mom took photos to mark this unforgettable meal. My parents said that I had grown. I was delighted to hear that and was ready to shoulder more things for my parents in the future. 【解析】 这是一篇图画类作文。 第1步:根据提示可知,假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍你在居家自主学习期间第一次为家人做饭的过程,并以“My First Cooking”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):homely dishes(家常菜);exhausted (筋疲力尽的);search for (寻找);as a matter of fact (事实上);far from (远非)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般过去时。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。


What do top minds from various fields think about 1. life will be like in 30 years? Mathematical biologist Joel Cohen says that the majority of the people in the world will live in urban areas. According to Bill Mitchell, director of MIT’s Smart Cities research group, by 2050 self-driving cars 2. (make) the roads safer, providing more efficient transports. To find out more about the predictions of future life, at nine o’clock tomorrow morning, I 3. (attend) a seminar held by the Future World Forum.




Supermarkets in the US and Canada have started limiting the number of toilet paper packs customers 1. buy. Why are people buying so much toilet paper 2. doesn’t offer special protection against the virus? Some say, 3. is natural that people, being social creatures, look to each other for what is dangerous. All those photos of empty shelves may lead people to believe that they must rush out and grab toilet paper while they still can. For others, the fact 4. they must live as much as possible at home makes it urgent to “stock up” on essentials, which certainly include toilet paper. After all, if we run out of toilet paper, what do we replace it with?




It is 1. (believe) that the developmental transformation called “adolescence” can be painful. One of the reasons is 2. young people often feel pressed to redefine their identity. For example, comparisons are always being made with outstanding peers that represent ideals for growing up. In consequence, a lot of young people may be under constant pressure. They think if they 3. (work) harder earlier, they would be able to measure up now. If you are continually worried about the imperfections, you may need an alterative to idealism. That is, think about how to develop what is uniquely you rather than why you can’t be like them.



5个小题根据小说Private Peaceful的情节,后5个小题根据小说Lord of the Flies的情节,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

1.How did Tommy’s father die?

A.He fell onto the ground from the tree.

B.He fought with the Colonel and was sentenced to death.

C.He tried to save Tommy from being struck by a falling tree.

D.He was sent to the battlefield and killed by the foe in the war.

2.What did mother do when she found Charlie stole Bertha?

A.She bought Bertha with six pence.

B.She begged the Colonel to forgive Charlie.

C.She told Charlie to give up Bertha.

D.She asked Charlie to apologize to the Colonel.

3.Why was Charlie sentenced to death?

A.Because he was a recognized coward.

B.Because he didn’t follow Hanley’s order.

C.Because he ran away from the battlefield.

D.Because he had a terrible fight with Hanley.

4.Why didn’t Charlie tell Mother and Molly the real life that they lived in the front?

A.Because he surely enjoyed the life of being a soldier.

B.Because he believed the terrible life would end very soon.

C.Because he wanted them to encourage more people to fight in the front.

D.Because he didn’t want the horrible life to ruin the peacefulness of home.

5.What is the ending of the story?

A.Tommy continued to serve in the army.

B.Tommy took revenge on Hanley by killing him.

C.Tommy was promoted to a higher rank in the army.

D.Tommy went home and lived a happy life with Molly.

6.When did Jack first put on a mask?

A.When he failed to be the chief. B.Before he managed to hunt a pig.

C.When he tried to hunt the beast. D.Before he stole glasses from Piggy.

7.Why did Jack put the pigs head on a stick?

A.To attract other pigs. B.To summon all boys.

C.To pray for rescue. D.To worship the beast.

8.Why did Jack steal Peggy’s glasses in the night raid?

A.To send signal for rescue. B.To make a fire for himself.

C.To force Piggy to surrender. D.To negotiate with Ralph equally.

9.How was Piggy killed?

A.Ralph did not help Piggy, who fell off the cliff.

B.Jack ordered Roger to push a boulder to kill Piggy.

C.Roger pushed the lever and a falling boulder hit Piggy.

D.Jack fought against Ralph but accidentally killed Piggy.

10.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Ralph was first frightened by the pigs head and then worshipped it.

B.The lord of the flies that Simon once saw was a fly on the pigs head.

C.Ralph still regarded himself as the chief of boys when he was rescued.

D.Sam and Eric had become savages when Ralph went back to Jacks camp.




The Stolen Bacillus

(1) “This again,” said the Bacteriologist (病毒学家), slipping a glass slide under the microscope, “is the celebrated Bacillus of cholera (霍乱) -the cholera germ.”

(2) The pale-faced man peered down the microscope. He was evidently not accustomed to that kind of thing. “I see very little.” he said.

(3) “Touch this screw,” said the Bacteriologist, “perhaps the microscope is out of focus.”

(4) “Ah! now I see.” said the visitor “Not so very much to see after all. Little streaks and shreds of pink. And yet those little particles might multiply and devastate a city! Wonderful!”

(5) He released the glass slip and held it towards the window. “Scarcely visible,” he said. Staring at the preparation, he hesitated, “Are these-alive?”

(6) “Those have been stained and killed.” said the Bacteriologist. “I wish, for my own part, we could kill and stain every one of them in the universe.”

(7) “I suppose,” the pale man said with a slight smile, “that you don’t have such things in the living-in the active state?”

(8) “Actually, we have to.” said the Bacteriologist. “Here, for instance-” he took up one sealed tube, “is a cultivation of the actual living disease bacteria. Bottled cholera, so to speak.”

(9) A slight gleam of satisfaction appeared momentarily in the face of the pale man. “It’s a deadly thing to have in your possession.” he said, devouring the little tube with his eyes. The Bacteriologist watched the morbid pleasure in his visitor’s expression. This man, who had appeared with a note of introduction from an old friend, interested him deeply. Nothing about his look, expression, manner and his keen interest resembled that of the ordinary scientific worker whom the Bacteriologist was familiar with. It was perhaps natural, though.

(10) He held the tube in his hand thoughtfully. “Yes. Only break such a little tube as this into a supply of drinking water, and death full of pain and indignity would be released upon this city. He would take the husband from the wife, the child from its mother and the statesman from his duty. He would follow the watermains, creeping along streets, picking out and punishing a house where they did not boil their drinking-water, creeping into the wells of the mineral-water makers, getting washed into salad, and lying dormant in ices. Once start him at the water supply, he would have wiped out the metropolis before we know.”

(11) He stopped abruptly. He had been told rhetoric was his weakness.

(2) The eyes of the pale-faced man shone. “These Anarchists (无政府主义者) -rascals are blind fools to use bombs when this kind of thing is available.”

(13) A gentle knock was heard at the door. The Bacteriologist opened it. “Just a minute, dear.” whispered his wife.

(14) When he returned, his visitor was looking at his watch. “I had no idea it’s been an hour. I have an engagement at four and I must leave now.”

(15) The Bacteriologist accompanied him to the door, and then returned thoughtfully to his laboratory. He was still thinking about his visitor. “How fascinated he was by those disease-germs!” Then a disturbing thought struck him. He turned to the bench and then his writing-table. He felt hastily in his pockets, and then rushed to the door.

(16) “Minnie!” he shouted hoarsely in the hall.

(17) “Yes, dear.”

(18) “Had I anything in my hand when I spoke to you just now?”

(19) Pause.

(20) “Nothing, dear, because I remember-”

(21) “Blue ruin!” cried the Bacteriologist and rushed to the front door and into the street.

(22) Minnie, hearing the door slam violently, ran to the window Down the street a slender man was getting into a cab (马车). The Bacteriologist, hatless and in his slippers, was running and gesticulating wildly towards this group. One slipper came off unnoticed. The slender man, glancing round, seemed shocked. He pointed to the Bacteriologist and said something to the cabman. The cabman swished his whip and in a moment the cab disappeared around the corner.

(23) Minnie was dumbfounded. “Of course, he is out of his mind,” she thought, “but running about London-in the height of the season, in his socks!” A happy thought struck her. She hastily put on her hat, shoes and coat, and stopped a cab that passed by. “Drive me up the road and round Havelock Crescent and see if we can find a gentleman running about in a velveteen coat and no hat.” “Very good, ma’am.” And the cabman whipped up at once in the most matter-of-fact way.

(24) Some few minutes later, the little group of cabmen at the cabmen’s shelter were startled by the passing of a cab with a several ginger-colored horses driven furiously.

(25) Must be an emergency, they said. Moments later, they were stunned to see another cab racing by.

(26) “It’s Old George,” said one, “and he’s driving a lunatic, as you say.”

(27) The group became excited. “Go George! It’s a race! You’ll get him!”

(28) The sight of a third cab flying by aroused more curiosity. Minnie went by in a perfect roar of applause. She did not like it but she felt that she was doing her duty. She fixed her eyes on the animated back of Old George that was driving her husband.

(29) The man in the foremost cab sat crouched in the comer, with the little tube gripped in his hand. He felt a mixture of fear and exultation. Chiefly he was afraid of being caught before he could accomplish his purpose but behind this was a vaguer but larger fear of the awfulness of his crime. But his joy far exceeded his fear. No Anarchist before him had ever approached this. All those distinguished persons whose fame he had envied became insignificant. He had only to break the little tube into a well. How brilliantly he had planned it, faked the letter of introduction, and got into the laboratory. How brilliantly he had seized his opportunity! The world should hear of him at last. All those people who had sneered at him and neglected him should consider him at last. Death! They had always treated him as nobody. All the world had been in a conspiracy to keep him under. He would teach them yet what it is to isolate a man. He stuck his head out of the cab. The Bacteriologist was scarcely fifty yards behind. That was bad. He would be caught and stopped yet. He felt in his pocket for money and found half a sovereign. This he waved the money in the cabman’s face. “More,” he shouted, “if only we get away.”

(30) The money was snatched out of his hand. The cab swayed as it sped up. The Anarchist put the hand containing the little glass tube on the bench to preserve his balance. He felt the tube cracked and saw what it contained flow onto the cab floor. He let out a curse and stared dismally at the two or three drops of moisture on the apron.

(31) He shuddered.

(32) “Well! I suppose I shall be the first. Anyhow. I shall be a Martyr. That’s something But I wonder if it hurts as much as they say.”

(33) He picked up the broken end of the tube, where there was still a little drop inside. And he drank that to make sure. He would not fail.

(34) Then it dawned upon him that there was no further need to escape. In Wellington Street he told the cabman to stop and got out. He slipped on the step. His head felt queer. It was rapid stuff this cholera poison. He stood on the pavement with his arm folded upon his breast awaiting the arrival of the Bacteriologist. There was something tragic in his pose. The sense of death gave him a certain dignity. He laughed.

(35) “You are too late, my friend. I have drunk it. Long live anarchy!”

(36) The Bacteriologist from his cab beamed curiously at him. “You have drunk it! An Anarchist! I see now.” He was about to say something more but stopped. He opened the cab door as if to get off. The Anarchist waved him a dramatic farewell and strode off to Waterloo Bridge, carefully bumping his infected body against as many people as possible. The Bacteriologist was so shocked that he didn’t notice Minnie appearing on the pavement with his hat and shoes and overcoat. “Very good of you to bring my things.” he said and remained lost in his thoughts.

(37) “You had better get in,” he said. Minnie felt convinced now that he was mad and directed the cabman home. The cab began to turn, hiding the black figure in the distance from the Bacteriologist’s eyes. Then suddenly something strange struck him and he laughed. Then he remarked, “It is really very serious though.”

(38) “You see, that man came to my house to see me and he is an Anarchist. No-don’t faint, or I cannot possibly tell you the rest. And I wanted to astonish him, not knowing he was an Anarchist, and took up a cultivation of that new species of Bacterium I think caused the blue patches upon various monkeys. Like a fool, I said it was Asiatic cholera. And he ran away with it to poison the water of London, and he certainly might have made things look blue for this civilized city. And now he has swallowed it. Of course, I cannot say what will happen, but you know it turned that kitten blue, and the three puppies-in patches, and the sparrow-bright blue But the bother is, I shall have all the trouble and expense of preparing some more.”

(39) “Put on my coat on this hot day! Why? Because we might meet Mrs. Jabber? My dear! Mrs. Jabber is not a draught. But why should I wear a coat on a hot day because of Mrs. -? Oh! Very well.”

A. one who suffers greatly or is killed, esp. due to political or religious beliefs

B. clever language that sounds good but is not sincere or meaningless

C. someone who wishes to destroy the existing government and laws

D. a substance that has been specially prepared for use as a medicine

E. to look at something with great interest and enthusiasm

F. to show, express or direct through movement

G. to eat all of something quickly and eagerly

前5个小题根据小说内容,判断表述是否正确,正确的请选A,错误的选B。第6-10个小题,请在A-G选项中找出五个单词在文中的正确英文释义,其中有两个是多余选项。最后一个小题, 根据小说内容用完整句子回答问题。

1.The visitor, with the help of the Bacteriologist, saw the living disease bacteria on the glass slip.

2.Minnie chased after her husband to bring him the coat and shoes he needed.

3.Seeing the tube broken and its content spilt, the Anarchist felt angry and disappointed first.

4.By saying “it is really very serious though”, the Bacteriologist showed his care about the Anarchist.

5.The Bacteriologist knew who the visiting man was and played a trick on him.

6.preparation (Para. 5)

7.devour (Para. 9)

8.rhetoric (Para. 11)

9.gesticulate (Para. 22)

10.Marty (Para. 32)

11.What is the theme of this story, and how is it relevant to today’s society and culture?



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