满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。

With our activity approach, I’m now writing to invite you to join us. Here are some detail about it.

The activity will be organized to a farm from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. the next Sunday. What we had to do is to gather together at the school gate at 8:30 a.m. We are expected to pay a visit to the farm first. After that we will enjoy picking vegetables by ourself. We also have the opportunity to look after animals for a while, without that I will be disappointing because of my passion for animals. Knowing that you’re really into nature, I believe you will definite have a good time.


1.approach→approaching 2.detail→details 3.to→on 4.去掉the 5.had→have 6.ourself→ourselves 7.that→which 8.disappointing→disappointed 9.definite→definitely 10.在appreciate和if中间加上it 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。作者写信邀请一位朋友参加活动,并向其介绍了活动的安排和内容。 1. 考查非谓语动词。句意:我们的活动快开始了,我现在写信邀请你参加。分析句子结构可知,with our activity approach作后句的状语,其中activity与非谓语动词approach之间是主动关系(活动接近了),要用现在分词形式。故将approach改为approaching。 2. 考查名词。句意:这里是一些活动的详情。detail意为“详情、资料”时是可数名词,此时置于some之后要用复数形式。故将detail改为details。 3. 考查介词。句意:活动将会被组织在一个农场,从下周日的早上9点到下午两点。分析句意可知,这里要表示活动的地点,用地点状语表示“在一个农场”要用on a farm。故将to改为on。 4. 考查冠词。句意:活动将会被组织在一个农场,从下周日的早上9点到下午两点。表示星期的名词前是不用冠词的。故去掉the。 5. 考查时态。句意:我们要做的就是早上八点半在校门口集合。结合语境可知,这里是在讲述未来的活动安排,时态上使用一般现在时或一般将来时。故将had改为have。 6. 考查代词。句意:之后我们会体验单独采摘蔬菜的乐趣。这里使用反身代词指代的是“我们自己”,要用复数形式。故将ourself改为ourselves。 7. 考查定语从句。句意:错过这个机会我会很失望的,因为我很喜欢动物。分析句子结构可知,这里是使用“介词+关系代词”结构的定语从句,该结构中关系代词是不能用that的,先行词opportunity是事物属性,要用which。故将that改为which。 8. 考查形容词。句意:错过这个机会我会很失望的,因为我很喜欢动物。这里表达的是作者主观上“感到失望的”,要用disappointed,而disappointing则强调事物给人的客观感受,意为“令人失望的”。故将disappointing改为disappointed。 9. 考查副词。句意:我知道你很喜欢大自然,相信你绝对会玩得很开心的。分析句子结构可知,definite修饰谓语动词have,要用副词形式。故将definite改为definitely。 10. 考查形式宾语。句意:如果你能来参加活动我会非常感激的。分析句子结构可知,if引导的从句内容就是appreciate的宾语,符合“动词+it+when(if)+从句”的特殊形式宾语结构。故在appreciate和if中间加上it。  


In 1949 when the People’s Republic of China was founded, 1. number of people living in urban areas accounted for only about 10 percent of the total 2. (populate).

China is today home 3. more than half of the skyscrapers in the world. Of these, 680 are more than 200 meters tall. In addition,310 skyscrapers 4. (add) in the country since 2015.In contrast, only 33 new skyscrapers were built in the United States during the same period.

One of the best-known examples of skyscrapers in China is the Shanghai Tower, the nation’s 5.  tall)and world’s second highest building. 6. (stand) in the heart of Lujiazui, the 132-story building has 575,000 square meters of space 7. can accommodate up to 40,000 people. The 114 8. (elevator) running inside the building have been arranged like metro lines, heading to different floors and at different speeds.

“What we want to achieve and demonstrate to developers and designers of skyscrapers around the world is 9. we can make living and working in 10. (high)populated cities more efficient, energy-saving and fun through skyscrapers,” says Ge Qing, chief engineer and architect of the building.

As the first skyscraper in China that is more than 600 meters tall, the Shanghai Tower has the highest recognition of the energy and resource efficiency of a building.



    At an airport I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together. They had announced her plane’s ________ and he said, “I love you. I wish you ________.” They kissed good-bye and she left.

He walked over to where I was seated. I could see he wanted to ________.I tried not to ________ him, but he welcomed me in by asking, “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?” “Yes, I have,” I ________.

Saying that brought back ________ I had of expressing my ________ and appreciation for all my Dad had done for me. Knowing his days were________,I took the time to tell him how much he ________ to me. So I knew what this man was experiencing.

“Forgive me for asking, but why is this a(n) ________ good-bye?” I asked.

“I am old and she lives too far away. I have challenges ahead and her next trip back will be for my ________,” he said ________.

“I heard you say,” I wish you enough. “May I ask what that means?”

He began to smile. “That’s a wish ________ from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone.” He ________ into the air as if trying to remember it in ________.

“When we said ‘I wish you enough’, we ________ the other person to have a life filled with enough good things,” then he shared the following as if he were ________ it from memory.

“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude ________. I wish you enough ________ to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest ________ in life appear much bigger. I wish enough ‘Hellos’ to get you through the final ‘Good-bye’.”

He then began to sob and walked away.

1.A.arrival B.departure C.accident D.delay

2.A.enough B.happiness C.luck D.success

3.A.shout B.laugh C.cry D.fly

4.A.interrupt B.meet C.invite D.disturb

5.A.added B.replied C.thought D.promised

6.A.words B.gifts C.memories D.stories

7.A.anger B.regret C.love D.sorrow

8.A.numbered B.wasted C.lost D.spent

9.A.turned B.spoke C.gave D.meant

10.A.instant B.forever C.unforgettable D.disappointing

11.A.funeral B.birthday C.anniversary D.wedding

12.A.loudly B.happily C.sadly D.calmly

13.A.taken up B.taken down C.given away D.handed down

14.A.looked down B.looked up C.looked around D.looked forward

15.A.detail B.surprise. C.trouble D.silence

16.A.forced B.wanted C.encouraged D.persuaded

17.A.reciting B.singing C.reaching D.painting

18.A.different B.right C.negative D.bright

19.A.sky B.storm C.light D.rain

20.A.results B.hardships C.joys D.failures



Protecting Yourself Against COVID-19

You’re probably really worried about the COVID-19 virus, especially if there are confirmed cases near you. Fortunately, you can take action to protect yourself and your family from getting infected.

1. Wash your hands with soap and water to minimize your infection risk. The best way to prevent COVID-19 is to wash your hands as often as possible. Wet your hands with warm water. 1. And then rinse your hands clean under warm running water.

2. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. 2. When this happens, the germs can stay on your hands, so you can easily infect yourself if you touch your face with dirty hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth in case the virus is on your skin.

3. 3. Since COVID-19 is a respiratory infection (呼吸道感染), coughing and sneezing are common symptoms. Additionally, coughing and sneezing both release the virus into the air, so they may increase your risk of infection. Keep your distance from people who appear to have symptoms of an upper respiratory infection.

4. Stay home as much as possible to distance yourself from other people. You’ve probably heard about “social distancing” or “physical distancing” which can help limit the spread of the virus.4. If you can, work or do your schoolwork at home, as well. Don’t go out to eat, hang out in bars, or participate in recreational activities, like going to the movies.

5. Wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth when in public. The WHO recommends even healthy people wear cloth coverings when expecting to encounter others in public, like when you are going to the grocery store or using public transportation. “5.”,experts also warn.

A.Ask the person to stay away from you.

B.Wash them with soap for 20-30 seconds.

C.Always wash your hands before you eat or drink anything.

D.Face coverings are NOT a replacement for social distancing!

E.Distance yourself from people who are coughing or sneezing.

F.Only get out for necessities, like buying necessary groceries or going to work.

G.You may come into contact with corona virus on a surface, like a doorknob or countertop.



    Authorities in China have approved a drug for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (早老性痴呆), the first new medicine with the potential to treat the cognitive (认知的) disorder in 17 years.

The seaweed-based drug, called Oligomannate, can be used for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s, according to a statement from China’s drug safety agency. The approval is conditional however, meaning that while it can go on sale during additional clinical trials, it will be strictly monitored and could be withdrawn if any safety issues should arise.

In September, the team behind the new drug, led by Geng Meiyu at the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said they were inspired to look into seaweed due to the relatively low incidence of Alzheimer’s among people who consume it regularly.

In a paper in the journal Cell Research, Geng’s team described how a sugar contained within seaweed prevents certain bacteria contained in the gut (肠子) which can cause neural decline and infection of the brain, leading to Alzheimer’s.

This mechanism was confirmed during a clinical trial carried out by Green Valley, a Shanghai based pharmaceutical company that will be bringing the new drug to market.

Conducted on 818 patients, the trial found that Oligomannate-which is got from brown algae (海藻)can statistically improve cognitive function among people with Alzheimer’s in as little as four weeks, according to a statement from Green Valley.

The company said Oligomannate will be available in China “very soon”, and it is currently seeking approval to market it abroad, with plans to launch third-phase clinical trials in the US and Europe in early 2020.

1.What can Oligomannate be used for?

A.Curing the severe Alzheimer’s.

B.Treating the minor Alzheimer’s.

C.Killing all bacteria in the body.

D.Treating all cognitive disorders.

2.What inspired the team to look into the seaweed?

A.The praise from a patient with Alzheimer’s.

B.An incident of brain infection in the laboratory.

C.The approval for the seaweed research from the authorities.

D.The low occurrence of the disease among people eating the seaweed.

3.What causes the Alzheimer’s?

A.The brown algae.

B.The wound of the head.

C.Some bacteria contained in the gut.

D.A sugar contained within seaweed.

4.What is the company Green Valley’s attitude to the future of Oligomannate?

A.Optimistic. B.Uncertain.

C.Indifferent. D.Anxious.



    Latin and the works of Sophocles (索福克勒斯,诗人) are no longer the preserve of private schools thanks to a project that links professors with underprivileged teenagers.

The new project between King’s College London (KCL) and Newham Sixth Form College in east London offering lessons in Classics to bright senior-three students is now in its second year.

Students from disadvantaged backgrounds with high academic potential can attend the classes, which are designed to inspire and engage them in challenging topics that are often the preserve of private schools.

Lecturers cover subjects including ancient literature, religion, theology, Persian history and philosophy. Some teenagers from neighbouring state schools also attend. The students act out Greek plays such as Antigone by Sophocles and are encouraged to consider Classics as a degree.

Edith Hall, a Classics lecturer at KCL, said: “We wanted to enable the students from Newham to understand the richness and relevance of the classical world. They have a unique opportunity to engage with world-class lecturers,”

Juned Malek,19,who is in his first year at KCL, was introduced to literature, theology, history and philosophy by the classical outreach program when he was at Newham. He now helps to run it. He said the program was “essential in making the myths that surround studying Classics disappear, namely that it is an elitist (精英) subject or that it has limited career opportunities”.

The analytical skills that the degree develops are in high demand by employers, particularly investment banks and law firms.

He said all schools should teach Classics to give a “basic introduction of historical principles passed down through millennia”, adding: “A limited classical education leaves you stuck in the constant present, lacking the ability to use the past as a frame of reference when making decisions.”

1.Why do the professors start the project?

A.To control the study time.

B.To help the underprivileged students.

C.To help the talented students from KCL.

D.To inspire and engage all students in challenging topics.

2.According to the text, who may attend the classes?

A.A naughty student with no talent in study.

B.A bright student with a talent for music.

C.A clever student with disadvantaged background.

D.A talented student with private school learning background.

3.According to the text, which is one of the benefits of studying Classics?

A.Being admitted to the private school.

B.Having limited career choices.

C.Observing the life of the elitists.

D.Having reference when making decisions.

4.Which section in a magazine is this text most likely from?

A.Education. B.Technology.

C.Business. D.Science.



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