满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.Who are the listeners?...


1.Who are the listeners?

A.Parents. B.Students. C.Teachers.

2.Where is the speaker?

A.In the school hall. B.In the student health center. C.In the international student office.

3.How can the listeners get the information about the procedures?

A.From the speaker. B.From a doctor. C.From a handbook.

4.What does the speaker suggest the listeners do in the end?

A.Get some travel medicine.

B.Offer their medical history to the doctor.

C.Make an early appointment with the specialist.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 Hello, there. Good afternoon! Thank you for your finding the time in your busy schedules to come to the international student office’s first meeting for students going abroad, to South America next autumn. By the way, if you haven’t already signed next to your name on our attendance lists - they’re on the table at the entrance to the school hall - be sure to do it on your way out. Remember, this meeting is a must for you, so you need to make sure we know that you’re here. All right, to begin, we’re going to be talking about health, and specifically the procedures that you have to go through in order to get your student visas for your host country. For all of you, this will include gathering health information, such as proof from your doctors that you’re not suffering from any serious diseases that may pass to others. All the information that each of you will need can be found in your host country handbook that you received when you were accepted into the program. Also, each one of you is required to meet with a doctor at the student health center who is specialized in travel medicine. The health center can give you information about appointment times, but be sure to book your appointment early, because the specialist is only at the health center at certain times. To have the benefit, you should have your meeting at least 4-6 weeks before your trip.


1.What do the customers think of the fitness equipment in the hotels?

A.Satisfying. B.Disappointing. C.Up-to-date.

2.How many hotels does the woman mention?

A.Three. B.Eight. C.Eleven.

3.Where is the woman?

A.In Florence. B.In Zurich. C.In Bern.

4.What will the speakers do next?

A.Budget the cost. B.Fix a time for a meeting. C.Look around the fitness rooms.




1.What’s the probable relationship between the woman and Mr Smith?

A.Husband and wife. B.Boss and secretary. C.Doctor and patient.

2.What does the man ask the woman to do at the beginning?

A.Have lunch together. B.Take a message for him. C.Give him Mr Smith’s mobile number.

3.What will the man do next?

A.Wait for a phone call. B.Work at his desk. C.Go to meet Mr Smith.




1.Why does the woman say sorry to the man?

A.She deleted one of the man’s files.

B.She made the man’s computer broken.

C.She saw the man’s e-mail without permission.

2.What is the man’s attitude towards the woman?

A.Impatient. B.Friendly. C.Critical.




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A computer. B.An e-mail. C.A mobile phone.

2.What will the woman do next?

A.Call the manager. B.Cancel an appointment. C.Get someone to help the man.



What will the woman probably do?

A.Accept the man’s offer. B.Walk home. C.Give the man a ride.



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