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Communication, One Major Part of the Sci...

Communication, One Major Part of the Scientific Method

Scientists may feel it their duty to share their guesses, methods, and findings with the rest of the scientific community. This sharing serves two _______. First, it supports the basic deal of skepticism(怀疑论)by making it possible for others to say, “Oh, yeah? Let me check that.” It tells others where to see what the scientist saw, and what techniques and tools to use. Second, it gets the word out so that others can use what has been discovered. This is essential because science is a(n) _______ efforts. People who work thousands of miles apart build with and upon each other’s discoveries.

The communication of science begins with “peer review”, a process of _______ an author’s scholarly work, research or ideas to the inspection of other experts. It typically has three stages. The first occurs when a scientists seeks funding - from government agencies, foundations, or other _______ -- to carry out a research program. He or she must prepare a report describing the intended work, laying out background, hypotheses(假设), planned experiments, expected results, and even the _______ impacts on other fields. Committees of other scientists then _______ the report to see whether the scientist knows his or her area, has the necessary abilities, and is realistic in his or her plans.

Once the scientist has the needed _______, has done the work, and has written a report of the results, that report will go to a scientific journal. Before publishing the report, the journal’s editors will show it to other workers in the same or _______ fields and ask whether the work was done adequately, the conclusions are justified, and the report should be published.

The third stage of peer review happens are publication, when the broader scientific community gets to see and _______ the work.

This three-stage quality-control process can, of course, be faulty. Any scientist with independent wealth can ________ the first stage quite easily but such scientists are much, much rarer today than they were a century or so ago. Those who remain are the object of envy. ________ , it is fair to say that they are not disapproved as were those who avoid the latter two stages of the “peer review” mechanisms by using press conferences.

On the other hand, it is certainly possible for the standard peer review mechanisms to ________. By their nature, these mechanisms are more likely to ________ ideas that are not different from what the reviewers think they already know. Yet the un-traditional or unconventional ideas are not ________ wrong, as Alfred Wegener proved when he tried to gain ________ for the idea of continental drift in the early twentieth century. It was not until the 1960s that most geologists accepted his ideas as genuine insights.

1.A.purposes B.duties C.interests D.needs

2.A.innovative B.prospective C.cooperative D.plain

3.A.accustoming B.addicting C.restricting D.subjecting

4.A.projects B.sources C.unions D.departments

5.A.stronger B.more limited C.more dramatic D.broader

6.A.Look up B.go over C.long for D. call for

7.A.funds B.fields C.impacts D.experiments

8.A.different B.chosen C.related D.academic

9.A.substitute B.create C.judge D.undertake

10.A.reach B.mark C.hold D.skip

11.A.Similarly B.Contrarily C.Surely D.Therefore

12.A.fail B.function C.evolve D.work

13.A.convey B.overlook C.reject D.approve

14.A.necessarily B.particularly C.dramatically D.terribly

15.A.confidence B.acceptance C.strength D.weight


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B 【解析】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了在科学研究中同行评议是科学研究的重要组成部分及其三个阶段,同行评议可以保证科学研究结果的质量但有时有可能失败。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种共享有两个目的。A. purposes目的;B. duties职责;C. interests兴趣;D. needs需要。后文的first和second引出的内容是共享科学猜想、方法及研究成果的目的。故选A。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是必不可少的,因为科学是合作的成果。A. innovative创新的;B. prospective预期的;C. cooperative合作的;D. plain清楚的,朴素的。下一句提到相距数千英里的人们在彼此的发现的基础上进行探索研究,这是合作的体现。故选C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:科学交流始于“同行评审”,让一位作者的学术工作,研究或思想得到其他专家检查的过程。A. accustoming 使……习惯;B. addicting使……上瘾;C. restricting限制;D. subjecting使顺从。subject…to…:受……管制,使……承受。此处表示将科学研究的成果提交给其他专家接受审核。故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第一阶段开始于科学家从政府机构,基金会或其他来源寻求资金来开展研究计划时。A. projects计划;B. sources来源;C. unions协会,联合会;D. departments部门。本句中提到了资金的几个来源。故选B。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他或她必须准备一份描述预期工作的报告,列出背景,假设,计划的实验,预期结果,甚至对其他领域的更广泛影响。A. stronger更强的;B. more limited更有限的;C. more dramatic更戏剧化的;D. broader更广泛的。由even表示程度更深和other fields可知,选择broader合乎语境。故选D。 6.考查动词短语辨析。句意:其他科学家组成的委员会仔细检查该报告,以查看该科学家是否了解自己的领域,是否具备必要的能力以及在其计划中是否切合实际。A. look up查阅,查找;B. go over仔细检查,认真讨论;C. long for盼望;D. call for要求,需要。其他科学家要对提交的科学研究计划进行仔细检查,这是同行评议的职责所在。故选B。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一旦科学家获得了所需的资金,完成了工作并编写了结果报告,该报告将发送至科学期刊。A. funds资金;B. fields领域;C. impacts影响;D. experiments实验。由第二段的“a scientists seeks funding”可知,此选择funds合乎语境,科学研究的第一步是“获取资金”。故选A。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在发布报告之前,该期刊的编辑将向其他相同或相关领域的工作者展示该报告,并询问报告工作是否做得足够,结论是否合理以及报告是否应该发表。A. different不同的;B. chosen选择的;C. related有关的;D. academic学术的。or连接的两个形容词,一个是same,另外一个应选择其近义词,因此related合乎语境。故选C。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同行评审的第三阶段是出版,这时更广泛的科学界开始观察和评判这项工作。A. substitute替代;B. create创建;C. judge评判;D. undertake承担。研究报告出炉后,科学界会对其评判,此处选择review的同义词。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:任何拥有独立财富的科学家都可以很容易地跳过第一阶段的工作,但是今天这样的科学家比一个世纪前要稀少得多。A. reach达到;B. mark标记;C. hold保持;D. skip跳过。自己拥有足够的财富可以进行科学研究,其可以省去筹集资金的步骤。故选D。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:可以肯定地说,他们并没有像通过新闻发布会避免“同行评判”机制的后两个阶段的人那样被反对。 A. Similarly相似地;B. Contrarily相反;C. Surely 一定;D. Therefore因此。因为拥有独立财富的科学家自费进行科学研究并接受同行的评判,因此他们一定不会像那些避开“同行评判”机制的后两个阶段的人那样被反对。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一方面,标准的同行评审机制肯定有可能失败。A. fail失败;B. function发挥作用;C. evolve发展;D. work工作。由最后一句可知,审稿人暂时没有掌握的信息最后可能是对的。结合下一题的分析,与审稿人已知的相同的想法会得到其批准通过,因此审稿人暂时没有掌握的信息可能在当时不会得到通过,这就导致了这个评审机制的失败。故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就其性质而言,这些机制更有可能批准与审稿人认为他们已经知道的没有不同的想法。 A. convey传达;B. overlook俯瞰;C. reject拒绝;D. approve批准。与审稿人已知的相同的想法自然而然会得到其批准通过。故选D。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,非传统或非常规的观念并不一定是错误的,正如Alfred Wegener在20世纪初试图使其大陆漂移的观念能够得到认可的那样。直到20世纪60年代,大多数地质学家才接受他的想法作为真正的见识。A. necessarily必然地;B. particularly尤其;C. dramatically显着地;D. terribly可怕地。由下一句可知,当时不为专家学者所认可的事情随着时间的推移可以是正确的认识,因此这个表达not necessarily(不一定)在句子中的使用是合理的。故选A。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,非传统或非常规的观念并不一定是错误的,正如Alfred Wegener在20世纪初试图使其大陆漂移的观念能够得到认可的那样。直到20世纪60年代,大多数地质学家才接受他的想法作为真正的见识。A. confidence自信;B. acceptance接受;C. strength强项;D. weight重量。由下一句可知,当时Alfred Wegener是在试图使其大陆漂移的观念能够其他专家学者的接受与认可。故选B。

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Green Spring Renews Life’s Promise

For me, two of the loveliest words in the English language are “Life persists”. I came across them years ago as a college freshman, sitting in the library on a beautiful spring day, bored, working on a history paper. I don’t recall 1. I was researching into. Out of nowhere, those two words came 2. (dance) off the page in a quote by Gandhi, “In the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.”

After those words 3. (read) again a dozen times, suddenly I was no longer bored. Outside in the sunshine, I kicked off my shoes and danced barefoot across a spring-green lawn.

I love spring. And this year, I was especially hungry to see it. Flying home last weekend to Las Vegas, after 10 days in California, I looked down on hills that were so green that I 4. almost taste them. When I approached Vegas, the green turned a dull desert brown. We landed after sunset, and the only green to be seen was neon(霓虹灯).

But the next morning, to my surprise, I 5. (awake) to find signs of spring all over my yard. 6. my absence, all sorts of things had leafed and bloomed. Three days later, I drove to Arizona to visit a friend and get yet another taste of spring seeing the Giants play the A’s in spring training. The drive across the desert was completely great, a variety of wildflowers and blooming cactuses.

Sometimes we need the chance 7. (remind) that we’re still alive. After my husband died, a friend sent me a card which read: “Just 8. you think you will never smile again, life comes back.”

Life persists, and so do 9. in the green of spring and the dead of winter, in the birth of a child and the passing of a loved one; in the words we leave behind and the hearts of those 10. will remember us. Spring reminds us that we’re alive forever.



Questions are based on the following passage.

1.A.London. B.Barcelona. C.Madrid. D.Iceland


A.She was scheduled to meet more customers in other cities.

B.Her ship was delayed by the wind blowing southwards.

C.Clouds of volcano ash threatened passengers' health.

D.Volcanic eruption caused her flight to be cancelled.


A.She tried various means of transport except the coach.

B.She had a tough journey back home with many transfers.

C.She enjoyed the lovely scenery in various cities in Spain.

D.She managed to book a ticket with the British airline at last.


A.He paid little attention to the news media.

B.He didn't care about meaningless pastimes.

C.He was out of employment for too long.

D.He was too busy to make preparations for it.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.They support various living creatures. B.They reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

C.They bring about huge economic benefits. D.They protect the coast against melting ice.

2.A.Australia B.Canada. C.America. D.China.


A.Tourism will face strong decline

B.Beach losses are causing climate change

C.Half of the world's sandy beaches could disappear.

D.Beaches play an important part in the ecosystem



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Boston Cooking School B.Toll House Inn.

C.A chocolate company. D.Nestle's branch


A.Mix smashed chocolate with other ingredients and baked it.

B.Cover the surface of the cookies with melted chocolate.

C.Spread butter on semi-sweet chocolate desserts.

D.Shape melted chocolate into thick pieces.


A.She kept it as a secret. B.She sold it to Nestle.

C.She applied for a patent D.She shared it publicly.



A.The woman is too busy to go to the dinner.

B.The woman will definitely go to the dinner.

C.The woman will probably decline the invitation.

D.The woman is asking about the time for the dinner.



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