满分5 > 高中英语试题 >









Dear Tom,

Long time no see.


Looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Tom, Long time no see. I’m greatly delighted to receive your letter where you expressed your welcome to my coming. Being as an exchange student, I will start my journey to England. I really appreciate your help because I do have some problems to learn about. Firstly, I'd like some information about the course, for example, the subject of the course we will study, the schedule of the class, and the instructor, so that I can arrange my spare time, when I could do some sightseeing in England. Secondly, there are certainly many differences between Chinese and British cultures. So, in order to avoid embarrassment, can you give me some tips on interpersonal communication in advance? Looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封回信。对英国朋友对自己的关心表述感谢并询问有关交换生学习生活的信息以及注意事项。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时和一般将来时。 结构:三段式结构。第一段表述感谢和写信目的;第二段询问信息和注意事项;第三段寒暄结束。 要求:1. 表述感谢和写信目的(be appreciated; learn about) 2.询问相关情况和注意事项 1)询问相关课程(I'd like some information about the course) 2)了解注意事项(give me some tips) 3.寒暄结束(Looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible.) 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) be delighted to; learn about; would like sth; the schedule of; do something sightseeing; in order to; give sb. some tips on sth.; in advance 第三步:连词成句 1. I’m greatly delighted to receive your letter where you expressed your welcome to my coming. 2. I really appreciate your help because I do have some problems to learn about. 3. Firstly, I'd like some information about the course, for example, the subject of the course we will study, the schedule of the class, and the instructor, so that I can arrange my spare time, when I could do some sightseeing in England. 4. So, in order to avoid embarrassment, can you give me some tips on interpersonal communication in advance? 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:first of all; firstly/first; secondly/second…; and then; finally; in the end; at last 2表因果关系:because; as; so; thus; therefore; as a result; so that… 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步:润色修改








Our school offers a variety of activities to students after school, especially arts activities. There are lots of music club on campus. In my great delight, I have joined the orchestra there I have made lots of new friends. Sometime, we represent our school in regional competitions and that is worthwhile to join in these contests. Amazingly, we also have a robotics club, which wins a national robot contest last month so it is getting increasing popular at present. In addition, academic clubs are offered as well, include the writing club and the French film club.

Although we have much burden of homework, but we still manage to take active part in various activities after school.




“Beep!” This is one of the most maddening computer games I’ve ever played. I’ m tracking a flock of birds, and when I hit1.right one, it explodes with a 2.(satisfy) “phut” sound. But as I get better at spotting them, the birds scatter even more3. (crazy) across the screen, and I hear that unforgiving “beep” sound: You missed.

Frankly, I, as a middle-aged gentleman, feel like giving up. But many players don’t dare4.this is Hawk-Eye, a brain-training program which claims it can 5.(sharp) people’s brain by simply getting faster at mouse-clicking. Formal tests have found that older people 6.play enough hours of this particular kind of game have fewer car7.(crash) and even, apparently, a 8.(low) risk of dementia (痴呆症).

Until recently, we thought that the brain cells we were born9. were a lifetime quota (定量)and that brains became fixed in adulthood. But in the past decade, with the help of MRI scans and experiments on mice and monkeys, scientists10.(confirm) that the human brain remains plastic throughout life.



    Imagine an area 34 times the size of Manhattan. Now imagine it covered ankle-deep in plastic waste.That’s a total of about 19 billion pounds of_______. And according to one of the best estimates available, that’s how much plastic waste_______in our oceans every year.

"We're being_______by our waste,”  said Jenna Jam beck, an/a _______engineer who led the 2015 study that announced this shocking number. According to Jambeck’s research, this_______will double by 2025 unless something is done,_______and at a global scale, to stop the tide of garbage.

Plastic has in many ways been a good help to humanity, used in all walks of _______from medical equipment to parts of airplanes. _______some of the very traits (特性)that have made plastics so popular have also made them a_______ problem in our landfills and oceans. Today plastics are the No. 1 type of trash found in the sea. Ocean Conservancy, a nonprofit environmental advocacy group that organizes a yearly________cleanup event in more than 150 countries worldwide, said plastic pieces ________around 85 percent of all the garbage collected from beaches waterways and oceans — and that’s just the stuff we can ________.

Ocean Conservancy says plastics are believed to ________at least 600 different wildlife ________. One in three leatherback turtles, which often ________plastic bags for edible(可吃的) jellyfish, have been found with plastic in their bellies. In 2017, a ________ whale beached on Norway’s coast had 30 plastic bags in its________. Ninety percent of seabirds are now eating ________on a regular basis. By 2050, that figure is expected to rise to 100 percent.

And it’s not ________ wildlife that’s threatened by the plastics in our seas. A growing body of evidence suggests humans are consuming plastics through the seafood we eat.

With this in mindexperts say that all of us have a ________role to play in relieving the issue — in ways both big and small.

1.A.seaweed B.seafood C.garbage D.money

2.A.comes from B.ends up C.takes out D.put away

3.A.trapped B.controlled C.surrounded D.destroyed

4.A.medical B.technical C.agricultural D.environmental

5.A.figure B.waste C.price D.cost

6.A.swiftly B.slowly C.hurriedly D.unexpectedly

7.A.time B.education C.technology D.life

8.A.While B.So C.But D.And

9.A.changing B.growing C.moving D.touching

10.A.scientific B.coastal C.general D.tiny

11.A.picks up B.takes up C.makes up D.brings up

12.A.see B.eat C.hide D.search

13.A.influence B.damage C.increase D.threaten

14.A.plants B.animals C.protection D.species

15.A.mistake B.look C.regard D.recognize

16.A.vivid B.deadly C.dead D.lively

17.A.mouth B.stomach C.head D.tail

18.A.waste B.rubbish C.nothing D.plastics

19.A.just B.always C.really D.constantly

20.A.unique B.critical C.reasonable D.natural



    Getting along with people can be tough. The following are some suggestions that can help you in some way.

Accept human nature. Humans make mistakes. People aren’t always nice. They also have all of the problems that you have in your life. 1.This is important to remember when you’ re trying to get along with people who are very difficult or seem to be ignoring you; everyone is just doing the best that they can.

2. People are all very different: that’s what makes life interesting. And just like people are all different, the world is also very complex. Every situation is different, always. Just because someone doesn’t make the choice that you would make or just because they take a less efficient or smart path to get where they’re going doesn’t make them wrong.

Practice forgiveness. Forgive people when they do make mistakes. Sometimes you just have to stop and give people the benefit of the doubt (to believe someone even though you are not sure whether what the person is saying is true). They might really be sorry or they might really not know that what they did was bad. 3.

Keep an open mind. Sometimes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. 4.For example, when people invite you to parties, really consider going instead of just brushing the invitation aside because you don’t think they’re serious.

Do something together. 5.You can work together on a project for school or work. You can also try a new activity together. These activities will give you more to talk about and lots of chances to interact and get to know each other.

A.Think about what your words really mean.

B.Respect that there are lots of valid choices.

C.Everyone is dealing with their own set of problems.

D.Co-operation is a great way to bond with people and make friends.

E.You have to forgive them so that you can move on to happier feelings.

F.You might think that they hate you but they might be honestly trying to be nice to you.

G.Even when someone’s making you mad, thank them for their suggestions or their effort to



    Many people avoid apologizing because admitting to wrongdoing makes them uncomfortable. “We like to view ourselves as good people-as kind and considerate,” says Ryan Fehr, a professor at the University of Washington. “Apologies force us to admit to ourselves that we don't always live up to our own standards. We might also fear that the victim won't accept our apology, further damaging our positive sense of self. For these reasons, an apology can be very difficult to give.”

For many, apologizing is stressful, awkward and uncomfortable. But a heartfelt apology has positive effects. It can improve your mental health, repair damaged relationships and promote self-esteem. “Apology acts as a signal of one's moral character,” Fehr says.

Researchers at Ohio State University have determined that effective apologies have five elements: expressing regret, explaining what went wrong, acknowledging responsibility, offering to repair the situation and requesting forgiveness. All five aren't necessary every time. “The more of those elements were included, the more likely the apology was seen as convincing,” says Roy Lewicki, the lead study author. “Acknowledgement of responsibility turned out to be the most important piece, followed by an explanation of why it happened and declaration of regret.”

“Sometimes, an immediate apology is called for,” says Antony Manstead, a psychology professor at Cardiff University. “But if the other party is angry at your wrongdoing, it may be more effective to wait, because their anger may stop them accepting an apology. Some research suggests that a delay increases an apology's effectiveness because it conveys that the wrongdoer has had time to reflect on. his/her misdeeds,” says Mara Olekalns, a professor of management at Melbourne Business School. “The best time to apologize is when one feels ready to sincerely apologize,” says Etienne Mullet, research director of the Ethics and Work Laboratory at the Institute of Advanced Studies. “There is nothing worse in these situations than insincere apologies.”

1.Why do many people feel uncomfortable to apologize?

A.They are kind and considerate people. B.They are afraid of losing face.

C.They believe themselves right. D.They have high moral standards.

2.What is the most important when it comes to making an effective apology?

A.To express regret. B.To express what went wrong.

C.To accept responsibility. D.To request forgiveness.

3.What can be inferred about an apology from the last paragraph?

A.The sooner, the better. B.The later, the better.

C.The more often, the better. D.The more genuine, the better.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How you can make an effective apology. B.Why people avoid apologizing.

C.What benefits you can get from an apology. D.When you can make a heartfelt apology.



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