满分5 > 高中英语试题 >










Dear Brown, I’m delighted to know that you are extremely interested in the great achievements made in China. So I am writing to share with you what I know about it. As is known to all, China is a developing country, which has made much progress in recent years. We take pride in living a better life, having enough fresh water and food. Every child has the right to receive basic education. Our living conditions have greatly improved, as most families have moved into new houses. Cars are entering families quickly, making travel much convenient. Besides, our high speed railway is world-famous, and you can experience its comfort by yourself. I hope my description above can help you know better about China. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本文为应用文。你的美国朋友Brown来信询问中国改革开放以来取得的成就,请你写封邮件告知有关信息。内容包括收到来信感到很高兴和中国改革开放后取得的成就(生活、教育、住宅、交通等)。 本文为书信体。书信体作文一般分为三个部分。第一部分写信的原因。即你的美国朋友Brown来信询问中国改革开放以来取得的成就,你写封邮件告知有关信息。对此表示很高兴收到对方的来信。第二部分主要叙述中国改革开放以来取得的成就,主要是中国在生活、教育、住宅、交通等取得的成就。这一部分是重点。要用到的词组如:make much progress in...(在......取得成就);receive basic education(接受教育);living conditions(生活条件)。第三部分期待对方的回信。写作进尽量使句式灵活些,词汇要多变些,叙述时运用连词使文章过渡自然,有条理。








Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to the park near the school. Can you guess that we did there? We take part in a volunteer activity. We reached in the park at nine o’clock and then we divided into three groups. I was in Group Three. All groups had different tasks. Group One planted trees. Group Two picked up rubbish leaving by the tourists and cleaned benches. A group that I was in wiped all the equipments in the Children’s House. All of us worked hardly. Before noon, they finished working. Each of us felt a little tired, and we were happy because we had done a good deed.




Once every 4 years the World Cup has always deeply attracted millions of fans around the world since it 1.hold). As 2.matter of fact there were two trophies in history The first was made by Paris' technician Friel who was very 3.fame for making jewelry The model which was the goddess of victory4.dress in ancient Rome costume stretching her arms and holding the image of the cup stood on the marble base According to the FIFA regulations at that time the World Cup champion team could keep the gold cup for 4years to the next cup return Besides there was an additional 5.require). The team who won the three world championships would always get this cup

In the 1970 World Cup Brazil won the title the 6. three time The "Golden Goddess Cup" flew to Brazil and was expected to be kept there7.permanent). Unfortunately later the Gold Cup was stolen and melted 8.create a new trophy in 1971 FIFA finally collected fifty-three designs9.which the work of Italian Gazania was selected He designed the trophy --- two Herchles (大力神) lifted the design of the earth The base is made up of two layers of precious malachite (孔雀石). In reality FIFA rules the new cup as a mobile prize It means 10.team wins the championship can not occupy the cup forever



    Three years ago, I participated in Model United Nations (MUN) held by the Education Department, which was a mock (模拟的)UN activity. During the two days, students are separated in different groups which _____ different countries to debate and try to solve problems. MUN has ____ awards: best delegates (代表)honorary mentions, and verbal mentions.

Each time I participate in MUN, I made good ____ and undoubtedly got a few awards. But I often felt as if I'd _____ because I had never won the best delegate award. I _____ those who didn't deserve to win the award but won it various times, and I was just filled with ____ at their success. I thought about why they shouldn't have won and why I should have. This ____ me to ask the director. ____ the director, he helped me patiently and _____my weakness. Later I realized that it was also _____not to get the award because I could actually ______ something, and that I shouldn't _________the best delegate award until I was the best delegate I could be. It made me ____ that if I had won the best delegate award easily, I wouldn't have learned how to become a better delegate and I wouldn't have _____ my short- comings and turned failures into victories.

Failures are completely subjective-we can look at a result as a failure or a ____ Any failure can be regarded as a(n) ____ because you can always learn something from it and do _____ next time. This is supported by John Locke's theory that we are born with blank views ; knowledge and ability are learned from our _______. That's true. If I make a mistake in the life practice, then I probably won't _______ that next time. I believe this is __ the best way to become better.

1.A.strengthen B.condemn C.inspire D.represent

2.A.various B.temporary C.identical D.false

3.A.appointments B.preparations C.predictions D.explanations

4.A.accelerated B.exited C.failed D.succeeded

5.A.approached B.trained C.expected D.witnessed

6.A.relief B.envy C.satisfaction D.delight

7.A.stopped B.refused C.invited D.led

8.A.Thanks to B.Next to C.In honor of D.In spite of

9.A.lost sight of B.pointed out C.gave up D.looked down on

10.A.annoyed B.ashamed C.good D.terrible

11.A.learn B.desert C.delete D.display

12.A.miss B.win C.deliver D.value

13.A.regret B.misguide C.doubt D.understand

14.A.overcome B.judged C.neglected D.forgotten

15.A.bond B.bet C.victory D.loss

16.A.aim B.benefit C.burden D.limit

17.A.funnier B.worse C.better D.slower

18.A.decisions B.attitudes C.positions D.experiences

19.A.repeat B.admit C.accept D.notice

20.A.wrongly B.scarcely C.truly D.narrowly



    Holidays can be a very lonely time, particularly for those who spend the holidays solo.1.

Plan your time in advance

You’ll have several days to fill up, so be proactive. Find books and movies you have always wanted to read and watch, and make a list of events that you’d like to attend.2.

Use your time wisely

3. See this time alone as a gift: a stretch of time where you have total control to do whatever you want. Use it wisely.

Don’t wallow(沉迷)

Holidays alone tend to be times when beating yourself up and getting depressed are more likely to happen. 4. Avoid solo holiday depression by re-arranging your time by yourself as an opportunity to grow. Be grateful—some people who are enduring family dinners wish they were in your place.


Food banks, shelters and crisis centers are short-staffed during holidays when the demand is the greatest. 5. And that will brighten other people’ s holidays in turn!

A.Do something fun, instead!

B.Meet for dinner, go for drinks, or throw a party.

C.Helping out those in need will make you feel good.

D.Regard it as an opportunity to refill your spiritual juice.

E.Here are tips to keep yourself balanced and productive over the holidays.

F.Make a list of things you have always wanted to do but never had the time for.

G.Without a plan you might find yourself being alone and bored, which will lower your spirits.



阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A B C D )中 ,选出最佳选项。

Scientific experiments can sometimes go wrong and when they do the results may range from the disastrous to the troubling. One such experiment took place in South America about fifty years ago. Whether its final consequences will cause serious damage or nothing more than a small trouble still remains to be seen.

The story began in 1956 when an American scientist working in Brazil decided to solve the problem of increasing the productivity of that country's bees. He imported a very active type of African bee from Tanzania and mated  (交配)  it with the more easy-going native variety to produce a new kind of bees. The new bees worked harder and produced twice as much honey. It seemed that Professor Kerr, for that was the scientist's name, had a total success on his hands.

Then things began to go wrong. For some reason as yet unseen, but perhaps as a result of something in their environment, the new bees began to develop extremely attacking personalities. They became bad-tempered and easy to be angry, attacked the native bees and drove them from their living places.

But worse was to follow. Having taken over the countryside, the new bees, with their dangerous stings () , began to attack its neighbors -- cats, dogs, horses, chickens and finally man himself. A long period of terror began that has so far killed a great number of animals and about 150 human beings.

This would have been bad enough if the bees had stayed in Brazil. But now they are on the move, heading northwards in countless millions towards Central and North America, and moving at the alarming speed of 200 miles a year. The countries that lie in their path are naturally worried because it looks as if nothing can be done to stop them.

1.The results of the South American experiment          .

A. have caused a serious trouble

B. have proved to be wrong

C. are highly thought of

D. are not yet certain

2.The experiment mentioned in this passage was designed to          .

A. increase the amount of honey in Brazil

B. make Brazilian bees more easy-going

C. increase the number of bees in Brazil

D. make African bees less active

3.Which of the following may be the cause of the new bees' attacking personalities?

A. Their production of honey. B. Their hard work.

C. Their living environment. D. Their bad temper.

4.The last paragraph implies that          .

A. the bees have been driven to Central and North America

B. the bees may bring about trouble in more countries

C. the bees must be stopped from moving north

D. the bees prefer to live in Brazil



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