满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Being stuck at home doesn't mean that le...

    Being stuck at home doesn't mean that learning stops. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Here are some activities and resources to foster kids' imagination and build their curiosity at home.

Let's Get Down to the Science

The science lab at school may be closed, but you can still put on goggles and a white lab coat and learn at home. This Test Tube Experiment Kit will make you feel like a genius in no time. Kids will get the chance to learn about basic chemistry, physics, and more by creating pop-resistant bubbles, bouncy balls, and other objects.

To Infinity(无穷)and Beyond

Earth is a part of the Milky Way galaxy, but did you know there are around 100 million galaxies in the universe? There are so many fun and fascinating things to learn about space that the possibilities truly go to infinity and beyond. A great way start your child's educational space adventure is with this Real Life Sticker and Activity Book.

Take a Walk on the Wild Side

Biology class is in session! Here's your chance to get up close and personal with a great white shark without putting on a wetsuit. This 4D Great White Shark Anatomy Kit allows you to get an inside look at what makes these predators of the deep so powerful. And then take an even deeper dive into a shark's world with I Am Shark .

Take advantage of this time at home and find new ways to keep exploring the world around you.

1.What is common among these activities above?

A.They are all performed outdoors.

B.They are all associated with physics.

C.They are all carried out by the way of experimenting.

D.They all recommend some resources for kids to study.

2.Which book favors children interested in stars?

A.This Test Tube Experiment Kit.

B.Real Life Slicker and Activity Book.

C.4D Great White Shark Anatomy Kit.

D.I Am Shark .

3.The shared goal of the activities is to .

A.gain financial benefits B.save kids from boredom

C.explore new technologies D.inspire kids to study at home


1.D 2.B 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了几个适合孩子在家学习的活动。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段中This Test Tube Experiment Kit will make you feel like a genius in no time. Kids will get the chance to learn about basic chemistry, physics, and more by creating pop-resistant bubbles, bouncy balls, and other objects.(这个试管实验包会让你立刻觉得自己是个天才。孩子们将有机会学习基本的化学,物理,和更多的通过创造抗爆气泡,弹力球,和其他物体)以及文章第三段中A great way start your child's educational space adventure is with this Real Life Sticker and Activity Book.(你开始教育孩子关于太空冒险的方式是通过Real Life Sticker and Activity Book。)以及第四段中This 4D Great White Shark Anatomy Kit allows you to get an inside look at what makes these predators of the deep so powerful. And then take an even deeper dive into a shark's world with I Am Shark.(这4D大白鲨解剖工具包让你深入了解是什么让这些深海捕食者如此强大。然后和《我是鲨鱼》一起更深入地探索鲨鱼的世界。)由此可知,这三个活动都给孩子推荐了学习资源。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段中There are so many fun and fascinating things to learn about space that the possibilities truly go to infinity and beyond. A great way start yourchild's educational space adventure is with this Real Life Sticker and Activity Book. 关于太空,有很多有趣而迷人的东西值得我们去了解,因此太空的可能性真的可以无限延伸。你开始教育孩子关于太空冒险的方式是通过Real Life Sticker and Activity Book。由此可知,只有Real Life Slicker and Activity Book是关于太空的,故可能会吸引会对星星感兴趣的孩子。故选B. 3.推理判断题。根据文章第一段中Being stuck at home doesn't mean that learning stops. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Here are some activities and resources to foster kids' imagination and build their curiosity at home. 被困在家里并不意味着学习停止。事实上,恰恰相反。这里有一些活动和资源来培养孩子们的想象力和建立他们的好奇心。故判断出这三个活动的共同目的是激起孩子的学习兴趣。故选D。


When learning how to train your cat, you'll start with very basic first steps. But can you train a cat the same way you might train a dog? Yes and no. Because they're highly independent animals, cats might appear uninterested in following your commands. That doesn't mean you can't influence their behavior, though. If you're patient, your new cat or old cat can be trained in no time.

First, decide what you want your cat to learn, and then move towards your goals in small steps each day. Before you start training your cat, however, consider what commands you'll use and what types of behavioral actions you want her to learn. Think about what you may have wondered in the past: how to train your cat to use a litter box, bow to keep her calm during trips, and so on. How can you teach her to stop scratching your rugs or furniture?

Having determined which lessons you and your cat will master, it's time to get down to business. If you're excited about training, you may want to jump right in and teach your cat everything at once. However, your cat's attention span is shorter than yours; you can't expect her to stay interested every time you're ready to be the trainer. To be successful, though, it's a good idea to stick to one lesson at a time. Once your cat has mastered whatever you're working on, you can move on to the next training exercise.

When only you and your cat are at home, you don't have to worry too much about involving others in the training. Yet you still want your cat to learn to be social. Shortly after bringing your cat home, invite friends or family members over to socialize with your new pet. Just remind them not to be too forward with their introduction. If you're bringing a car into a larger family, it's even more important to involve everyone in the training. After all, she'll see these familiar faces every day!




内容包括:1. 表达感谢;2. 分享旅途收获;3.邀请他来中国做客。


2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3.信的开头和结尾已 为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,



Li Hua




1.The president is________(敏锐)conscious of the need for more doctors and nurses to save the infected people.

2.Rubbish pictures may sound_______(恶心)to some,but it is really quite clean and great fun.

3.Everybody told me the food served in the new restaurant was delicious.Actually it was a big _______(失望)。

4.Many of the decorations are made from a_________(芳香的)type of wood native to China.

5.After leaving school,people do not often read classical novels,________(联想)them with hard work rather than pleasure.

6.Those who can't answer all three riddles will be c__________to death.

7.There is a growing t__________among people to drink too much coffee at work,which makes them very nervous.

8.We made no r_________on the kinds of films we show-as long as a film's quality meets our standards.

9.Toronto,the largest city in Canada,r___________among the most multicultural cities in the world.

10.They e___________themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.




Four years after graduation from college, Luo Jiajia, 1.works at China Green Foundation (CGF) answered an inner calling to lead a more2.(mean)life. At that time, Luo noticed that environmental issues were becoming more serious, but little action was being taken3.(address)the situation.She decided to join environmental protection efforts,so that future generations may also enjoy nature.

Luo's main work focuses4.the Million Forest project, aiming to plant 1 million trees to help manage the problem of desertification around China's fourth-largest desert.

So far the project5. (bring) about many benefits to the local communities. Without the efforts of CGF and the Million Forest project, many locals6. (force) to leave their homes as eco-refugees(生态难民).Luo's project has also provided jobs to local residents. In addition to being paid to help plant the trees,locals can also profit from selling fruit 7. (produce)by the trees. Eco-tourism has also flourished (蓬勃发展)because of these green spaces.

Reflecting on Million Forest, Luo had a lot to say. She says she learned a lot from8.project. "Nature has its own rhythm and wisdom," she said." We should respect 9.

Although her project helps with reforestation efforts, the team discovered that it was just as important to change people's attitudes. Million Forest changed its slogan to, "Plant a tree in your heart." Luo said, "It's not possible for you to plant a tree every day, but10. you have a tree in your heart, you can take care of the whole environment...If we make the effort to change the inside, we can change the outside world."



    In our backyard there is a big pond with lots of trees and bushes. Both my grandparents were fond of our so-called garden.

One morning our new neighbor, an aggressively ambitious businessman, saw my grandfather _______two rare deodar tree saplings on both sides of our gate._______he said he had planted the same tree saplings in his garden. My grandfather gave his plants _______  adequate amount of water and didn't give them full _______, while our neighbor interested in better _______looked after them too well. His plants were much_______and greener.

Normally in summer, we have fierce thunderstorms. _______ the extreme damage, these storms also bring a welcome sudden_______ from the terribly hot climate. After a thunderstorm, we came out to _______ the damage to our garden and saw the neighbor in his garden, too, but looked__________as his plants had been uprooted. Ours were standing__________ on the ground. Surprised to see this, he came up to us and said with embarrassment," My trees __________ from the roots while yours didn't. Why?”

My grandfather said, "You gave your plants more attention, water and manure(肥料),__________ they didn't need to work for anything. I gave mine just an adequate amount, letting their roots do the__________; thus their roots went deeper and became stronger. "Our neighbor nodded in__________ Hearing the words, I realized that anything easily given can be taken away much more easily and we will not understand the hard work it takes to earn those things.

1.A.moving B.purchasing C.delivering D.planting

2.A.By the way B.By coincidence C.On the contrary D.In contrast

3.A.extremely B.instantly C.barely D.negatively

4.A.force B.amount C.review D.attention

5.A.requirements B.returns C.education D.access

6.A.drier B.rarer C.fuller D.wilder

7.A.Instead of B.Regardless of C.But for D.Apart from

8.A.addition B.relief C.protection D.awareness

9.A.infer B.control C.prevent D.inspect

10.A.tired B.upset C.bored D.ashamed

11.A.firmly B.widely C.fairly D.flexibly

12.A.came off B.put off C.took off D.showed off

13.A.So B.if C.though D.unless

14.A.majority B.opposite C.sort D.rest

15.A.total B.detail C.approval D.turn



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