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参考词汇:《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary

Dear Sir/Madam,


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you to express my disappointment with an unhappy experience. I purchased an Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary on your website last week. However, when I received the dictionary, I found some quality problems, which was beyond my expectation. For example, some pages are missing; some words are unclear, and, worse still, the cover is broken. It does cause a lot of inconvenience to me. Therefore, I urgently demand a replacement or a refund as soon as possible. I would appreciate it if my problems could be given due attention and solved in time. I am looking forward to your reply and a resolution to this matter. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,根据要求写一封电子邮件,是一封投诉信。 第一步:应用文表达,开头结尾给出,注意格式规范,根据提示,整篇文章应使用一般时态。 第二步:根据提纲依次写出收到的词典情况;提出解决办法;内容包含要全面,关键词选用合理,如express my disappointment,beyond my expectation,as soon as possible,It does cause a lot of inconvenience to me.等等。 第三步:连词成文,结构衔接得体。







Our over-use of electricity is a big problem. It contributed to global warmingwhat is something that we really should be worried about. It is harming our environment and we need to do what we can stop it. Not only that, but as if we continue to use a same large amount of energy we will soon run out of it. How would we survive in a world with electricityI think we should start preparing for it now. Cut back on our use of electricity would save energy resources effective so that they could last for longer. I know for sure that I can cut down our use in electricity. And if everyone do his or her best, we can make a big difference.




The total number of cases in Italy, the European country hardest1.hit by the virus in Europe, rose to 10,149 from a previous 9, 172,2.increase of 10.7, according to the Civil Protection Agency on Tuesday.

Italy will expand the lockdown of the Lombardy region to the3.entirelycountry, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said Monday as Italy’s case count surged,4.makeit the country with the most COVID-19 cases outside of China.

People throughout the country of 60 million should not travel other than for work or emergencies. Conte said. He added that all public gatherings5.banand sporting events suspended. The decision was made6.protectthe most vulnerable people in the country, he said,7.the measures will take effect Tuesday

“The right decision today is to stay at home.” Conte said. “Our future and the future of Italy is in our hands. These hands have to be more responsible today8.ever before.”

China will overcome9.difficultand provide Italy with medical supplies including face masks and increase exports of supplies and equipment to meet its urgent needs, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi10.say on Tuesday.



    I was driving home. A car, driving at high speed and trying to overtake, crashed into a pickup truck. And five other cars also______in front of me. I narrowly______and pulled over. Immediately, I ran to a car which was upside down. I got someone to help and we got an______woman and a large, unconscious man, both upside down, out of the______. I then went to the five other cars to______if anyone else was hurt badly______, no one else was in serious condition. It all took just a few minutes.

At the same time, the traffic had stopped. I looked over and______a group of 12 people, out of their cars, standing in a circle about 15 feet away from a young man, who was______still on the pavement. I asked them what had happened. They said the kind young man had got out of his car to cross the road and______when a car drove along the inside lane(车道), very fast, to get around the______traffic. Unfortunately, the man was______by it. Many people said he was______; several had checked. But a feeling inside me said, “Can they be certain he is dead

He was badly injured, but I checked again and again, and felt a very______heart beat. I______pushed his head upwards. He then coughed, and started taking rapid, shallow breaths. By then, the ambulances had______. When they______, I left the scene and walked back to my car.

Due to the excellent doctors and______of nurses, the young man did______. He was released from the hospital after many months and his______was covered by all the news stations. I smiled to myself and felt very______to be at the right place at the right time, knowing a young man had his whole life in front of me.

1.A.exploded B.crashed C.sped D.disappeared

2.A.escaped B.lost C.returned D.failed

3.A.rich B.sick C.injured D.single

4.A.circle B.way C.area D.car

5.A.check B.report C.explore D.tell

6.A.Surprisingly B.Obviously C.Fortunately D.Honestly

7.A.met B.chose C.led D.saw

8.A.sitting B.lying C.standing D.holding

9.A.greet B.help C.serve D.look

10.A.light B.local C.oncoming D.heavy

11.A.stopped B.attacked C.hit D.pushed

12.A.dead B.abnormal C.ill D.painful

13.A.steady B.weak C.rapid D.wild

14.A.quickly B.patiently C.hopefully D.cautiously

15.A.arrived B.stayed C.followed D.waited

16.A.got across B.faded away C.took over D.gave away

17.A.praise B.care C.trust D.encouragement

18.A.grow B.remember C.survive D.change

19.A.kindness B.politeness C.calmness D.friendliness

20.A.confident B.comfortable C.different D.happy



How to get by in a foreign country

Not knowing the local language is no reason not to travel. Here are some tips to get by from someone who does it all the time. Download a language translation app. Thanks to new inventions, traveling in foreign countries has become much easier.

1. . Find an app that works for you. It best to find one that specializes in the language you need to translate especially if the language uses a character set you're not familiar with, or is one you have difficulty pronouncing.

2. Body language is an easy way to communicate with locals. Gestures are almost all globally understood. 3.. In many countries, for example, nodding means “no”, and shaking your head means “yes”. So, a quick web search for the country you're visiting and “gestures” or “body language” will turn up anything you need to be aware of before you go. Hire a local tour guide 4. You can always search the web for local tour guides before you go, or find a guide through your hotel or a travel agent(旅行社) .

Learn a few keywords

Try learning basic words and phrases like “hello”, “thank you” and “I'm sorry” .


A.Don't speak to strangers

B.There are exceptions, however

C.Speak with your hands and head

D.A guide can always help you with locals

E.Many foreign language apps translate words on the spot

F.It is a form of respect and will go along way to bring you closer to locals

G.Always try searching the internet when you meet some communication problems



    When you buy fresh-cut flowers, do you think about where they came fromYou might think they were grown somewhere nearby. The reality, though, is that the cut flower trade is increasingly International. Today, thanks to airplanes and high-tech cooling systems, even the most delicate flower be exported and sold thousands of kilometers away from where it was grown.

The Netherlands handles about 60 percent of the world’s cut flowers. And its auction houses(拍卖行)are very large---Aalsmeer, near Amsterdam, is auction house in the sense that Tokyo is a city, or Everest a mountain. About 120 soccer fields would fill its main building. Nineteen million flowers are sold here on an average day.

The Netherlands is also a world leader in developing new flower varieties. Dutch companies and the government invest a great amount of money in flower research. Their scientists look for ways to lengthen a flower’s vase life, to strengthen flowers to prevent them from being damaged while traveling, and also to strengthen the natural fragrance of the flowers.

There are also many other places with a better climate for growing flowers, and the climate of Ecuador is almost perfect. With predictable rainy periods and 12 hours of sunlight each day, Ecuador’s roses are famous for their large heads and long, straight stems(茎). Every year, Ecuador sells about 500 million flowers to the U.S. alone. The industry has brought employment opportunities and a stronger economy to the country. “My family has TV now. There are radios.” says Yolanda Quishpe, 20, who picked roses for four years.

To others, the increasingly international nature of the flower trade is very bad news. In recent years local growers in the U.S. faced huge competition from international flower companies, and many lost their businesses. Lina Hale, an independent rose grower said her father had predicted the situation in the 1980s. “I see a train coming down the track,” he warned her, “and it’s coming straight towards us.”

1.What do we know about Aalsmeer?

A.It’s very large.

B.It’s as big as Tokyo.

C.19 million flowers are grown there.

D.60% of the Netherland’s flowers are sold there.

2.What is one aspect of the Netherlands’ flower research?

A.How to increase flower production.

B.How to avoid climate’s effect on flowers.

C.How to speed up the process of flowering.

D.How to keep flowers fresh during transportation.

3.What does the author want to show through Yolanda Quishpe’s words?

A.Flowers from Ecuador are beautiful.

B.Ecuador could grow even more flowers.

C.The flower trade in Ecuador benefits the local.

D.Rose-picking is a very popular job in Ecuador.

4.What Lina Hale’s father said suggested that ______.

A.he was excited to see the train

B.he knew his business would be affected

C.he was sure customers wouldn’t want

D.he thought trains were a new way to deliver flowers



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