满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The point of an apology-to express regre...

    The point of an apology-to express regret and repair relationships-is lost because children may dislike the apologizer even more after the insincere apology than before.

A new study looks at whether children can tell apart willingly given and forced expressions of regret-and they do. The findings suggest that exploring ways to help your child learn to have empathy (同情) for the victim (受害者), thus making sure of a sincere apology, is more  helpful than immediately forcing him to say “I’m sorry”

Smith and co-workers looked at how children aged 4-9 viewed three types of apologies among kids of the same age: unprompted (自发的) apologies, prompted but willingly given apologies, and forced apologies. They found that kids viewed willing apologies the same, whether prompted or unprompted by adults. But the forced apologies weren’t seen as effective, especially by the 7-to 9-year-olds, Smith says.

All children thought the wrongdoers felt worse after the apology than before, but the 7-to 9-year-old children thought the forced apologizers’ bad feelings were rooted in self-interest (concern about punishment, for example),rather than regret. Children of all ages also thought the victims felt better after receiving a wiling apology, but they saw the receivers of the forced apology as feeling worse than the receivers of the willing apologies.

How can parents help their young children respond with empathy after they’ve upset another person, and deliver a willing apology? “When your child is calm, help him/her see how the other person is feeling, and why,” Smith says. “An apology is one way to do it, but there are lots of other ways. Research shows that even preschoolers value it when a wrongdoer makes amends (补偿) with action. Sometimes this is more powerful than words.”

1.What is the study mainly about?

A.What kids usually do to show their regret.

B.What is the best way for kids to apologize.

C.How kids in different age groups apologize.

D.What kids think of different types of apologies.

2.What do the children think of the forced apology?

A.It makes both sides feel worse.

B.It calms down the victims quickly

C.It always brings punishment to wrongdoers.

D.It gets wrongdoers into the habit of telling lies.

3.What’s the purpose of the last paragraph?

A.To conclude the text.

B.To provide more details.

C.To offer advice.

D.To give evidence.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Kids are too shy to apologize.

B.Forcing kids to apologize doesn’t benefit anybody

C.Sincere apologies win kids good relationships

D.Kids need help to make a sincere apology


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了一个研究—儿童如何看待不同类型的道歉,研究表明儿童能辨别真诚和被迫的道歉,且他们认为被迫式的道歉是让双方都不舒服的方式,并在最后给出了家长应该如何引导孩子道歉的建议。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段“Smith and co-workers looked at how children aged 4-9 viewed three types of apologies among kids of the same age: unprompted (自发的) apologies, prompted but willingly given apologies, and forced apologiesThey found that kids viewed willing apologies the same, whether prompted or unprompted by adults. But the forced apologies weren’t seen as effective, especially by the 7-to 9-year-olds, Smith says.”( 史密斯和他的同事研究了4-9岁的孩子如何看待同龄孩子之间的三种道歉: 自发的道歉,提示但是自愿的道歉,以及被迫的道歉。他们发现孩子们认为自愿的道歉是一样的,不管是成年人提示的,还是自愿的。 但是强迫道歉并不是有效的,特别是对于7到9岁的孩子来说。)可知这个研究指出了儿童对不同类型的道歉有着不同的看法。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段关键句“All children thought the wrongdoers felt worse after the apology than before”(所有的孩子都认为做错事的人在道歉以后,比以前感觉更糟)和“but they saw the receivers of the forced apology as feeling worse than the receivers of the willing apologies”(但是他们认为被迫道歉的接收者比自愿道歉的接收者感觉更糟糕。)可知,儿童认为被迫形式的道歉使双方都感觉更糟。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“How can parents help their young children respond with empathy after they’ve upset another person, and deliver a willing apology?”(家长能如何帮助他们的孩子,在他们使另外一个人沮丧之后,用同理心去回应并表现出愿意道歉呢?)及下文提到的家长帮助孩子的方法可知,本段的目的是针对上文指出的问题提出建议。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一个研究—儿童如何看待不同类型的道歉,研究表明儿童能辨别真诚和被迫的道歉,且他们认为被迫式的道歉是让双方都不舒服的方式,并在最后给出了家长应该如何引导孩子道歉的建议。因此本文的最佳标题应该是“强迫孩子道歉不能使任何人受益。”故选B。

    Think of a university campus: it has its own roads, shops, residential areas, banks and transport links. It may be visited by tens of thousands of people each day. It is, in effect, a tiny city.

Across the globe, metropolises (大都市) are increasingly opting for a smart city approach. This is a tech-driven model that’s used in places such as Barcelona, where street lamps react intelligently to surroundings to save energy; Seattle, where smart traffic lights respond to the conditions on the road and even Milton Keynes, which has a real-time “data hub” sharing information about the town’s energy and water consumption, transport, weather and pollution.

Universities are taking notice. The US is leading the way, with on-campus innovations (创新) in energy (the University of Texas at Austin has a fully independent grid that provides all its energy), transport (the University of Michigan has introduced a self-driving shuttle system) and information (the University of Minnesota has installed 300 digital signage boards, updated with real-time data.)

UK institutions are following suit. The University of Glasgow has been working with innovation centre Future Cities Catapult on a strategy to bring smart technology to the campus as it expands. The vision includes intelligent campus Al, an on-demand bus service and a data centre powered by renewable energy.

“Smart cities are kind of slow-moving,” says Gemmy Ginty, a designer working on the strategy. “Cities are so big, and there are so many players and stakeholders (有权益关系者), so it can be difficult. But universities have control over their estates. They own all the buildings, all the networks and a captive audience in terms of the students, so they can become a living lab.”

Curtin University, in Western Australia, has joined up with Hitachi to turn the campus into a data-gathering laboratory, with 1,600 cameras linked to facial recognition and analytics software to gather information on study patterns and course attendance. According to the university’s chief operating officer Ian Callahan, this will be “to improve students’ experiences and enhance learning”

“But any kind of monitoring does raise questions around privacy. Universities need to remember that data are not a magic bullet.” says Kathleen Armour, a professor at the University of Birmingham.

“I am not convinced by the suggestion that we should collect mountains of data on everything a student does,” she says. “It’s easy to be carried away. Instead, we need to use anonymous (匿名的) data intelligently to ensure that our campus and its systems are made as effective as possible to meet students needs.”

1.What do cities mentioned in Paragraph 2 have in common?

A.They all try every means to save water.

B.They all have a smart transport system.

C.They all have a smart way to fight pollution.

D.They all benefit from technological advance.

2.What can we learn from Gemmy Ginty’s words?

A.It is much easier to build smart universities.

B.Universities should give students right to choose.

C.Cities should take universities into consideration.

D.It is difficult to control universities’ development.

3.What is Kathleen Armour’s attitude towards monitoring?

A.Supportive B.Negative

C.Concerned D.Indifferent



Popular Houston Events

Brick Fest Live LEGO@(乐高积木)Fan Experience by Brick Fest Live


October 20, 10:00 am; October 21, 5:00 pm

NRG Center

The event is filled with attractions and activities designed to inspire, educate, and entertain people. It is for LEGOR lovers of all ages to roll up their sleeves and play with over a million LEGOR bricks! Now it comes to Houston for the first time!

Houston Fairytale Ball by Pretty Princess Parties


November 17, 9:00 am; November 18, 7:00 pm

Norris Conference Centers

Meet all the princesses at the Houston Fairytale Ball. This event is full of magical moments you won’t want to miss! Dance with Cinderella. Read with Rapunzel. Share snacks with Tinkerbell. All of our princesses travel to Huston this time, excited to sing, dance, and play with your little ones! Our event focuses on making sure your little ones feel royal throughout all of our activities.

Sickle Cell(镰状细胞)Education and Research Day by Texas Children’s Sickle Cell Center


October 6, 11:00 am:-3:00 pm

Kingdom Builders’ Center

It is an event for families of children with sickle cell disease. It provides families in Huston the opportunity learn about managing sickle cell in fun ways. There is a theme every year and this year’s theme is “The Greatest Me” and we look forward to seeing your family here! To make sure your child gets a T-shirt you must register (登记) no later than September 3.



November 4, 11:00 am-6:00 pm

Playgrounds in Houston

It is the nation’s largest mobile fitness event traveling from coast to coast aimed at keeping kids active and healthy. Kids of all ages have a chance to take courses designed to challenge speed, strength, and general physical fitness. The event is free to the public and features a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy.

1.What event can you enter in early November?

A.Brick Fest Live LEGOR Fan Experience

B.Houston Fairytale Ball

C.Sickle Cell Education and Research Day

D.2019 KIDFITSTRONG Fitness Challenge

2.Where should you visit if you want to enjoy food as well as playing?

A.NRG Center.

B.Norris Conference Centers.

C.Kingdom Builders’ Center

D.Playgrounds in Houston.

3.Which of the following hosts may organize events locally and regularly?

A.Brick Fest Live.

B.Pretty Princess Parties.

C.Texas Children’s Sickle Cell Center.


4.What do the four events share?

A.They last for two days.

B.They are free of charge.

C.They are family-friendly.

D.They focus on health problems.



—Shall I ________ the raincoat?

—No hurry. Leave it ________ it is. It looks like rain.

A.put away; in the place B.put away; where

C.put on; where D.put on; there



He ________ in designing the cover of this journal for quite a few days, and I wonder when he can finish it.

A.is involved B.is involving C.has been involved D.has involved



It was ________ they did ________ made the Korean actress commit suicide.

A.that; which B.which; that C.what; that D.how; which



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