满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Joe spent 16 years as a fireman and emer...

    Joe spent 16 years as a fireman and emergency medical technician. He has been honored for his_______in risking his life on numerous occasions to save others. However, one emergency call_______him to poisonous chemicals that later led to repeated strokes (中风). At only_______, the man who had grown 38 to having the physical strength and mobility to save lives was now: _______to tie his own shoes or button his own shirt. Worst of all, the strokes left him _______ seizures (痉挛) that would strike _______,

Before his health _______, Joe was known for being active and optimistic. But after his strokes, he spent day and night in bed, dangerously _______. One of his only _______ joys was Lucky, his 12-year-old Dalmatian, but Joe’s wife Kim ______________something terrible would happen to Joe when Lucky______________. She didn’t want to wait to find out, so she suggested a new dog should be ______________to the family.

Then entered Meatball. He was saved as a puppy from an Afghan war zone and brought to the United States for ______________by Puppy Rescue Mission. Joe and Kim went to the airport to meet Meatball upon his arrival. The moment Meatball came out of his cage, he peed (撒尿) all over Joe and Joe ______________his first genuine laughter in months!

Two years later, one night, Kim was awakened by Meatball’s ______________barking. She went to see what was wrong and found Joe having a______________seizure. Joe was ______________to the hospital Meatball had saved the day. And it wasn’t the only time. “He’s always there ______________me, helping me, making sure I’m okay,” says Joe. Since I got sick, some of my friends have fallen by the wayside,______________this beautiful dog always stays with me. That means I’m worth ______________after all. Pets are the emotional, physical, and spiritual gift we didn’t know we needed.

1.A.fear B.luck C.bravery D.hesitation

2.A.reduced B.shifted C.exposed D.attracted

3.A.committed B.accustomed C.addicted D.abandoned

4.A.afraid B.ashamed C.unable D.unwilling

5.A.to B.by C.for D.with

6.A.painfully B.separately C.randomly D.automatically

7.A.recovered B.improved C.infected D.declined

8.A.depressed B.puzzled C.excited D.embarrassed

9.A.accessible B.remaining C.selective D.meaningful

10.A.anticipated B.suspected C.predicted D.worried

11.A.passed away B.hung out C.fell out D.turned away

12.A.contributed B.offered C.added D.devoted

13.A.profit B.adoption C.release D.memory

14.A.fell into B.dived into C.burst into D.ran into

15.A.confused B.panicked C.surprised D.shocked

16.A.violent B.tough C.common D.slight

17.A.loaded B.rushed C.transferred D.admitted

18.A.praying B.guiding C.tolerating D.watching

19.A.so B.if C.and D.but

20.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,原本身体健康的消防员及急救人员Joe 因为一次中风变成了行动不灵敏且有些抑郁的人,他唯一的快乐是因为一条老狗Lucky;妻子担心Lucky死后 Joe 会发生不测,于是重新领养了一条叫 Meatball 的狗,有了 Meatball 的陪伴,Joe 也逐渐变得乐观,同时 Meatball 还好几次间接的拯救了Joe。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他因多次勇敢地冒着生命危险去救别人受到了表彰。A. fear恐惧;B. luck幸运;C. bravery勇敢;D. hesitation犹豫。由后文的risking his life on numerous occasions to save others可知,Joe很勇敢。故选C项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,一个紧急电话让他接触到有毒的化学物质,后来导致反复发作的中风。A. reduced减少;B. shifted变化、转移;C. exposed暴露;D. attracted吸引。expose sb to sth (使某人暴露在……),由语境可知,一次急救行动使他暴露在一些有毒化学品下,导致了他后来的反复发作中风。故选C项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个已经38岁的男人过去已经习惯了用体力和行动来拯救生命,但现在却无法系好自己的鞋子,也无法扣上自己的衬衫。A. committed自杀、承诺;B. accustomed习惯;C. addicted使上瘾;D. abandoned抛弃。由下文的the man who had grown 38 to having the physical strength and mobility to save lives可知,Joe 中风之前一直习惯于可以自己有肢体力量并且灵活行动。故选B项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个已经38岁的男人过去已经习惯了用体力和行动来拯救生命,但现在却无法系好自己的鞋子,也无法扣上自己的衬衫。A. afraid害怕的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. unable不能的;D. unwilling不愿意的。由上文的repeated strokes可知,因为中风了所以 Joe 现在不能很好的控制自己的身体去做事情。故选C项。 5.考查介词词义辨析。句意:最糟糕的是,中风会使他痉挛发作,而且会随机发作。A. to到……;B. by通过……;C. for为了;D. with带有。left sb with(给某人留下……),由语境可知,这里指中风给Joe 留下痉挛的问题。故选D项。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:最糟糕的是,中风会使他痉挛发作,而且会随机发作。A. painfully痛苦地;B. separately分开地;C. randomly随意地;D. automatically自动地。由后文语境可知,Joe 有一次半夜突然痉挛,所以他的痉挛是随机发生的。故选C项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在健康下降之前,Joe以积极乐观著称。A. recovered恢复;B. improved提高;C. infected感染;D. declined下降。由下文语境可知,中风后Joe整天躺在床上,心情沮丧,But前后两句情况相反,所以这里的积极乐观是在 Joe 中风前,也就是健康衰退前。故选D项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但中风后,他日夜躺在床上,极度抑郁。A. depressed沮丧的;B. puzzled困惑的;C. excited兴奋的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。由上文语境可知,未中风前,Joe积极乐观,中风后Joe整天躺在床上,肯定心情沮丧、不开心。故选A项。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他仅存的快乐之一是Lucky,他12岁的达尔马提亚犬。A. accessible可接近的;B. remaining剩下的;C. selective选择性的;D. meaningful有意义的。由上文语境可知,Joe整天都很低落,所以此空应为他仅存的快乐。故选B项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但Joe的妻子Kim担心,当Lucky去世时,Joe会发生可怕的事情。A. anticipated期望;B. suspected怀疑;C. predicted预料;D. worried担心。由上文语境可知,Joe整天都很低落,仅存的快乐是Lucky,所以Kim 担心会有什么不好的事发生。故选D项。 11.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但Joe的妻子Kim担心,当Lucky去世时,Joe会发生可怕的事情。A. passed away过世;B. hung out闲逛;C. fell out争吵;D. turned away转身离开。由上文可知,Joe 仅存的快乐就是他十二岁的狗,常识可知十二岁的狗已经很老了,所以Kim担心 Lucky死后Joe会有事。故选A项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不想等着知道,所以她建议给家里添一只新狗。A. contributed贡献;B. offered提供;C. added增加;D. devoted致力于。由上文语境可知,Kim 担心Lucky死后Joe会有事,所以Kim建议这个家应该增加一条新的狗。故选C项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它作为一只小狗从阿富汗战区获救,并被带到美国的小狗救援团收养。A. profit利益;B. adoption收养;C. release释放;D. memory记忆。由后文的Puppy Rescue Mission可知,Meatball是在阿富汗被救助带到美国小狗救援团准备被领养的。故选B项。 14.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Meatball从笼子里出来的那一刻,他尿得Joe全身都是——Joe爆发出几个月来的第一次真正的笑声!A. fell into陷入;B. dived into潜入;C. burst into突然爆发出;D. ran into遇到。由语境可知,此处指爆发出笑声,burst into laughter 固定搭配,意为“发出笑声”。故选C项。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两年后的一天晚上,Kim被Meatball惊慌失措的叫声吵醒。A. confused困惑的;B. panicked惊慌失措的;C. surprised惊讶的;D. shocked震惊的。由下文语境可知,狗叫是因为Joe发生了很严重的痉挛,所以狗的叫声应该是惊慌失措的。故选B项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她去看了看怎么回事,发现Joe正剧烈痉挛。A. violent剧烈的;B. tough艰难的;C. common普通的;D. slight轻微的。由语境可知,Kim 通过狗的叫声发现Joe正在很剧烈地痉挛。故选A项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Joe被紧急送往医院——Meatball挽救了这一天。A. loaded装上;B. rushed速送、冲;C. transferred转移;D. admitted承认。由上文语境可知,Joe的情况很危急,所以Joe被很快送到医院,rush to(匆匆赶到)。故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“他总是在那里看着我,帮助我,确保我没事,”乔说。A. praying祈祷;B. guiding指导;C. tolerating容忍;D. watching看。由后文的helping me, making sure I’m okay可知,Meatball一直看着Joe确保Joe没事。故选D项。 19.考查连词词义辨析。句意:自从我生病以来,我的一些朋友中途放弃了我,但这只漂亮的狗总是和我在一起。A. so因此;B. if假如;C. and和;D. but但是。由上文的 fall by the wayside (中途放弃)可知,Joe说很多朋友都中途放弃了他,但这只漂亮的狗一直在他身边,前后语境形成反差,故用 but。故选D项。 20.考查代词词义辨析。句意:那意味着我终究还是有价值的。A. something想来重要(或值得注意)的事物;B. anything任何事;C. everything一切事;D. nothing无关紧要的东西。由上文语境可知,虽然一些朋友抛弃了Joe,但Meatball 始终在Joe身边,所以Joe认为他终究还是重要的/有价值的。故选A项。

—It’s said that your family will move to another city, why?

—_______.The environment in this city is wonderful and relaxing.

A.That depends B.That’s for sure C.It’s not the case D.It’s hard to say



A recent survey has demonstrated that a large number of victims during the COVID-19 Outbreak______if they had worn masks.

A.should have been saved

B.must have been saved

C.need have been saved

D.could have been saved



—I’m fed up with the wet, cold weather here! I wish tomorrow a sunny day!

—Exactly. Actually, it______every day in the past two weeks.

A.rained B.was raining C.has rained D.has been raining



People often turn to china daily.com.cn_____they’ll find valuable information regarding everything they’ll be or are going through.

A.which B.where C.when D.why



Morrison said not until national testing capacity had been increased______in Australia.

A.the rules would be relaxed

B.would the rules be relaxed

C.that the rules would be relaxed

D.that would the rules be relaxed



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