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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Whi...


While much attention is paid to the outside of a bag-its design, brand and, unavoidably, its price tag, most people tends1.(ignore) the rich and complex internal life hidden in it.

When a woman2.(step) out in the 1740s, on a regular basis, her private3.(belong) would have included a watch, money, jewelry and perhaps some food. These are4.she chose to take out. By the 1860s, she may have included scissors, a purse, and a magnifying glass. She would have worn these in the form of a chatelaine-a series of small purses5.(attach) to the waist. What many women carry in their bags some three centuries later is6.(remarkable) unchanged. One friend lists the contents; A book, a phone, cosmetics, keys, etc.

“The content is so important,” says Lucia Savi, a bag designer, “Hand bags had to be at least bigger than7.$5 note, as bank notes came in, ”Now we carry phones wherever we go, so it is time that phones8.(determine) design. More surprisingly, no matter how ordinary the bag looks, 9.can communicate something about the owner. So what your bag can convey10.(be) your status, or your belief.


1.to ignore 2.stepped 3.belongings 4.what 5.attached 6.remarkably 7.a 8.determined/should determine 9.it 10.is 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。虽然很多人的注意力都集中在包的外部——它的设计、品牌,以及不可避免的价格标签,但大多数人往往忽略了包中隐藏的丰富而复杂的内部。文章介绍了时尚女性包袋中物品的变化,表示无论包包看上去多么普通,它都能传达出主人的一些信息。所以你的包能传达的是你的地位,或你的信仰。 1.考查非谓语动词。根据短语tend to do sth.表示“倾向于,往往会”。故填to ignore。 2.考查动词时态。根据后文in the 1740s可知此处描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时。故填stepped。 3.考查名词。根据上文her private可知应填名词belonging,且belonging为可数名词,前面没有冠词,表示“所有物”应用复数形式。故填belongings。 4.考查连接词。此处为表语从句,从句中缺少宾语,指代物品应用what引导。故填what。 5.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知attach在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语purses构成被动关系,故用过去分词。故填attached。 6.考查副词。修饰后文形容词unchanged应用副词remarkably,表示“明显地”。故填remarkably。 7.考查冠词。note为可数名词,此处表示泛指应用不定冠词,且$5为辅音音素开头的单词。故填a。 8.考查虚拟语气。在It's (high) time that后的句子中要用虚拟语气,用一般过去时,也可用“should+动词原形”。故填determined/should determine。 9.考查代词。句意:更令人惊讶的是,无论包包看上去多么普通,它都能传达出主人的一些信息。此处指代上文中的the bag应用代词it。故填it。 10.考查主谓一致。本句陈述客观事实用一般现在时,且主语为what your bag can convey,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填is。

    My community and state are still recovering from the catastrophe that hit recently. A wall of storms with hurricane force winds_______late on a Friday evening, knocking down trees,_______roads, damaging homes, and destroying power lines.

Hundreds of thousands of people_______found themselves in the_______without water, electricity, air conditioning, telephones, Internet, and television. They found themselves cut_______from the modern world bearing 37℃plus heat with no help and no idea_______it would be over.

The most amazing thing happened,_________,as the reality of the crisis sank init brought out the best in us. While there were a few_________acts, they were overwhelmed(淹没) by the wave of_______and sympathy that came from the hearts of so many.

People shared their food, ice, and gasoline. People who still had power opened their homes to those who had________.People________to clear roads and homes of________trees. Selfless power crews worked around the clock to repair the damage and restore electricity.

People________on front porches(门廊) to talk. Strangers came together as one family to help one another in this time of great need. It was such a(an) ________seeing all these people acting like this under such tough circumstances.

Life's________strike all of us from time to time. No one is________We all get hurt. We all get challenged. We all get squeezed by________during our days here. How we respond to them, though, is________us. We can let them bring out the ________in us or we can let them bring out the best in us. We can react to them like demons of selfishness or like angels of love.

May you always bring the best from your heart and soul to whatever life may________at you then.

1.A.twisted B.shook C.struck D.dropped

2.A.blocking B.ending C.locking D.building

3.A.accidentally B.naturally C.gradually D.suddenly

4.A.distance B.coldness C.dark D.street

5.A.down B.off C.in D.away

6.A.when B.where C.why D.how

7.A.therefore B.thus C.besides D.however

8.A.lovely B.selfish C.foolish D.kind

9.A.sadness B.loneliness C.love D.luck

10.A.one B.none C.them D.it

11.A.worked out B.turned out C.rushed out D.watched out

12.A.fallen B.planted C.missed D.protected

13.A.approached B.continued C.left D.gathered

14.A.joy B.hurt C.pity D.affection

15.A.doubts B.disasters C.fears D.questions

16.A.disturbed B.spared C.included D.involved

17.A.confidence B.condition C.experiences D.difficulties

18.A.due to B.back to C.up to D.according to

19.A.worst B.highest C.most D.largest

20.A.laugh B.glance C.point D.throw



    Few days ago the government closed the schools for the virus. You were effectively your children's teacher those days. That might seem a bit daunting(令人气馁的), but I'm here to tell you that it's possible. Here are my top tips.

Don't try and copy the school system.

1.So cast that aside. Stop worrying about it. Teach in the way that you would teach and in the way that suits you and your child.

Think about something to do with timetabling.

For many of us, a timetable is absolutely essential(必要的).2.Don't look on social media at the timetable that your neighbor has postedthat's all colour-coded and terrifying. Just think of one that suits you and stick to that.

Have a breath of fresh air in your garden.

If you have your own garden, remember that playing in the garden, playing in the mud is education.3.Fresh air will make them learn better. Sunshine will be better for them.


As a home educator, if there's a math problem that they're struggling with, I can sit down with them, explain the concept, and make sure they've understood it. This is something that not all children get in the school system. And this is something that you can really make the most of, so cherish the opportunity.

Take advantage of the massive wealth of online resources.

There're absolutely loads of things on the Internet. There are sites dedicated to home education. There's Twinkl, which is a really good teacher resource site. There's Conquer Math, which is a brilliant daily math programme.5.Think of it as something that your children can use to gather useful information. So you can work with those online tutors together to educate your children.

Tutoring your children at home is a really good opportunity for you to get to know your children, and you might learn something about yourself in the process.

A.Value the one-to-one time that this experience will give you.

B.Don't worry about what has been happening at school particularly.

C.You need to know what is suitable for them, and what excites them.

D.The way that teachers teach your children is very different from yours.

E.Draw up a plan that matches your working hours and their studying hours.

F.Your children don't have to sit at their desks all day, staring at math books.

G.Don't think of Internet as something that your children are going to be glued to all day.



    If you live in southwest Virginia, don’t be surprised at the sight of a drone(无人机) winging its way, doing airborne delivery over your neighborhood.

On October 20,2019,wing,an American multinational company, began the most advanced trials of commercial drone delivery in Virginia. Residents can now use a smartphone app to order items from Wing partners such as Sugar Magnolia. A Wing drone never sets down at destinations, instead gently lowering the package with a rope outside the customer's door.

Though Wing is the first American company to receive Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)approval to use commercial drones as a widespread service. it is not the only one. On October 22,2019,multinational delivery company UPS, which had also received FAA approval for its drone fleet, announced it would soon begin trial deliveries of goods from health care company CVS. Meanwhile, ridesharing company, Uber, which had partnered with McDonald's, hoped to use its drones to deliver food to hungry customers in San Diego, CA, before the end of 2019. Amazon also plans on testing its trial deliveries of goods in a yet-to-be-determined location in the upcoming months.

Every company's drones can carry packages weighing up to five pounds, and the series of trial are hortative, but widespread drone delivery still has many challenges. These include basic issues like finding places for drones to land, reducing noise pollution, and even ensuring the drones don't run into each other while airborne.

To help sped up the process, NASA announced the Urban Air Mobility Grand Challenge. The competition challenges airspace service providers to find creative solutions to the issues, so that drone deliveries can become a reality soon. “We are moving fast,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “We want to see by 2028 at least one city--maybe more than one--have the ability to control hundreds of drone delivery systems. They could be carrying goods, doing thousands of missions every day.”

1.What can be inferred from the passage

A.It's impossible to crash other drones during the delivery.

B.People can order items from Wing directly with an app.

C.More companies are expected to try out their drone delivery.

D.Drones deliver items by gently bringing them down to the ground.

2.What does the underlined part “hortative” in Paragraph 4 mean

A.Encouraging. B.Relaxing.

C.Creative. D.Relative.

3.What's Jim Bridenstine's expectation of drone delivery?

A.To increase the speed of airborne delivery.

B.To see drone delivery systems widely used.

C.To be able to control the airline system.

D.To provide more solutions to goods delivery.

4.Which is the best title for the text?

A.The Future of Drone Delivery

B.How to Achieve Drone Delivery in 2028

C.The Advantages of Using Drone Delivery

D.Drone Delivery May Become a Reality in the US



    I had been living with Dino and his family for ten days or so, who lived and worked in the rainforest. They were the “bad guys”, burning much of the western Amazon to tun it into cattle farms. They were also some of the nicest and warmest hosts. They are a family trying to survive in a very tough environment through hard work. Their view and understanding of the problems the Amazon faces are different from mine. I see the Amazon as an extraordinary valuable life that should be treasured and protected at all costs-the world needs it, and we all need it. However, the Dinos see the Amazon as a vast, lasting resource that feeds them. After talking extent win them, I realized their respect for it was as deep as my own: they just saw it very differently.

Cattle farming in the Amazon is perhaps mainly responsible for the fires we are seeing now. It is an industry of cutting forest, burning it and turning it to cattle farms. Fires spread throughout the Amazon every year as a result of that practice. Putting cattle on the land means replacing trees with animals that produce damaging levels of greenhouse gases. This is just about the most stupid thing humans can do.

One morning after a fire, I returned to the land. I felt as though I had seen the blue smoke from those blackened tree trunks that remained upright, which are memorials to human stupidity.

The problems the Amazon faces are perhaps more complex now than ever before, but they are curable. We need to decide where and how we appoint and apply values based on sensible economic models that favor both the farmer and the forest. One of the issues facing the Brazilian Amazon now is a loosening of rules by the current administration which has opened up more land for deforestation(毁林) and burning. This could be disastrous, both for the Amazon and the rest of the world.

1.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about

A.The consequences of cattle farming. B.The main cause of forest fires.

C.The causes of greenhouse gases. D.The importance of cattle farming.

2.How did the author feel when returning to the land after a fire?

A.It helped the author recall his memory about the land.

B.It reminded us of our foolishness of destroying the land.

C.It's not surprising to see the land destroyed by the fire.

D.It's amazing to see the trees keep straight after the fire.

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The writer and Dino respected the Amazon equally in different ways.

B.Cattle farming is not to blame for the fires happening in the Amazon.

C.The problems the Amazon faces are more complex and can't be solved.

D.The Dinos are considered to be bad for burning the forest to make a fortune.

4.What should the Brazilian government do to solve the Amazon problems

A.Prevent the deeds of burning. B.Offer more land.

C.Take stricter measures. D.Appoint economic models.



    Last year, Wolf Cukier, who is 17 years old, spent his summer vacation as few other rising seniors havehe helped discover a planet-TOI 1338b, the newly identified world orbiting two stars which are more than 1, 300 light years away.

Last July, just after he finished his junior year at Scarsdale High school in Scarsdale, New York, Wolf started an internship(实习期) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

During the first week of the internship, as be combed through data that had been flagged by citizen-scientists. he fixed attention on s system that included two orbiting stars. He identified a body in that system that was later proved as a planet about 6.9 times as large as Earth. while knowing this inspiring discovery, his colleagues immediately gave the system a name, TOI 1338b.

According to scientific research, any dip in the brightness of a single star is a good indication that a planet has crossed in front of it. However, TOI 1338b was particularly complicated because it involved two stars-a large star ere the planers track was easy to detect, and a smaller one where the planet's track was so small that it was not observable.

Many people think that wolf is a lucky dog, but as a matter of fact, it is not just a coincidence. When he studied in Junior High School, he had shown great passion on astronomy and was devoted to studying it. Wolf plans to study astrophysics(天体物理学) when he starts college in September. When it came to his contribution to the discovery of the new world. he emphasized it was the team work in the verification process rather than his own effort that counted.

1.What did Wolf do last year?

A.He was employed by NASA.

B.He finished his senior year in High School.

C.He spent his summer vacation like other seniors.

D.He helped find a new planet named TOI 1338b.

2.How can we describe Wolf

A.Modest and hardworking. B.Ambitious and casual.

C.Considerate and lucky. D.Optimistic and helpful.

3.What can be inferred according to the text?

A.The planet was named by Wolf.

B.The planet is the same size as the Earth.

C.The planet was easy to discover as there are two stars involved.

D.Team work in the verification process was highly valued by Wolf.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A magazine.

C.A guidebook. D.A scientific novel.



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