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Macinley Butson was just 16 years old wh...

    Macinley Butson was just 16 years old when she first had the idea to try and protect women from more — than — necessary radiation during breast cancer treatments—and now, her invention could be a game-changer in the medical field.

Butson, whose father works in medical physics, has always been interested in science. But she only began researching the harmful side effects of radiation treatment after her father discussed his experience with ineffective cancer treatments in his work. Since Butson had also recently lost a relative to breast cancer, she felt inspired to conduct her own research on the subject. She tried to begin her medical research by consulting scientific journals, but she found their academic terms almost impossible to understand.

She then turned to the Internet to find videos that taught how to read scientific journals. As she went deeper in her research, she stumbled upon a key bit of information: copper (铜)has been shown to be effective at protecting skin from radiation. An idea hit this Australian teen as she was viewing a film on medieval wars in her 10th grade history class. When she saw the scaled (鳞片) patterns of the mail (盔甲),she was inspired to create a wearable protective tool out of copper. She then headed back online and watched videos on how to put together tiny scales. She made her own flexible scale-mail which she now calls SMART: Scale Mail for Radiation Therapy.

When her invention was tested in a laboratory setting, it reduced surface exposure to unnecessary radiation by 75%. And now Butson is working on getting her SMART into clinical settings for use.

1.Why did Macinley Butson start her research?

A.To assist her father with his work. B.To save her relative from cancer.

C.To publish some articles in journals. D.To find effective ways to treat cancer.

2.What does the underlined phrase “stumbled upon" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Came across. B.Missed.

C.Passed on. D.Required.

3.Where did Macinley Buston get inspiration for her invention?

A.Videos online. B.Scientific journals.

C.History textbooks. D.Soldiers defensive clothes.

4.Which of the following best describes Macinley Buston?

A.Stubborn. B.Creative.

C.Selfless. D.Considerate.


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了当时只有16岁的Macinley Butson用铜制成了一种可穿戴的防护工具,使乳腺癌症患者在接受检查时能够减少受到不必要的辐射。现在Butson正在努力将她的发明投入到临床使用。 1.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“But she only began researching the harmful side effects of radiation treatment after her father discussed his experience with ineffective cancer treatments in his work.”可知,但在她的父亲讲述了自己在工作中治疗癌症无效的经历后,她开始研究放射治疗的有害副作用。因此判断出Macinley Butson开始她的研究的原因是寻找治疗癌症的有效方法。故选D。 2.词句猜测题。根据第三段中的“She then turned to the internet to find videos that taught how to read scientific journals. An idea hit this Australian teen as she was viewing a film on medieval wars in her 10th grade history class. When she saw the scaled (鳞片) patterns of the mail, she was inspired to create a wearable protective tool out of copper.”可知,她到网上找到可教如何阅读科学期刊的视频。这位澳大利亚青少年在10年级历史课上观看一部有关中世纪战争的电影时,心中产生了一个念头。当她看到盔甲的鳞片图案时,她受到启发,用铜制成了一种可穿戴的防护工具。因此划线句子的意思是“随着研究的深入,她偶然发现了一些关键信息:铜被证明可以有效保护皮肤免受辐射。”由此可知,划线短语的意思是“偶然发现”。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“An idea hit this Australian teen as she was viewing a film on medieval wars in her 10th grade history class. When she saw the scaled (鳞片) patterns of the mail (盔甲),she was inspired to create a wearable protective tool out of copper.”可知,这位澳大利亚青少年在10年级历史课上观看一部有关中世纪战争的电影时,心中产生了一个念头。当她看到盔甲的鳞片图案时,她受到启发,用铜制成了一种可穿戴的防护工具。因此Macinley Buston的发明灵感来自士兵的防护铠甲。故选D。 4.推理判断题。根据第三段“When she saw the scaled (鳞片) patterns of the mail (盔甲),she was inspired to create a wearable protective tool out of copper.可知,文章讲述了当时只有16岁的Macinley Butson用铜制成了一种可穿戴的防护工具,使癌症患者在接受检查时能够减少受到不必要的辐射。现在Butson正在努力将她的发明投入到临床使用。因此B项(有创造力的)最能描述Macinley Buston。故选B。

    Being the world’s most trusted volunteer abroad organization, IVHQ International Volunteer Headquartersoffers volunteer programs in more than 50 destinations. Here are a few of them.

Marine Conservation Program

Volunteers of this program work in Queensland, Australia. You will join conservation efforts like collecting sea rubbish.

Requirements: Volunteers need to be 18 years or over. Able to swim. Speak fluent English. Present a police check. Have travel insurance. Complete our free pre-departure training.

Fees: 1 week $1,010, 2 weeks $2,020, 3 weeks $2,980

Shriners Hospitals for Children Program

Volunteers in Shriners Hospitals for Children in Honolulu, Hawaii need to pick up patients, deliver supplies and tutor patients.

Requirements: Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. Available to volunteer two hours per week for at least five months. Agree to a police check and a drug test. We offer free training upon your arrival.

Fees: No fees are needed.

Youth Support Program

Volunteers are placed in community centers of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA to provide tutoring and positive activities for the youth. You can also help organizations by beautifying spaces, re-organizing classrooms and preparing materials.

Requirements: Volunteers need to be 18 years or over. Have travel insurance and provide a police check. The training fee is included in the program fee.

Fees: 1 week $520, 2 weeks $825, 3 weeks $1,125

Pre-School English Program

Volunteers working in Cusco, Peru will teach English in pre-schools with younger children of 4 to 5 years old.

Requirements: 18 years and over. No previous teaching experience is required, but a basic understanding of Spanish is. Emergency contact, police check and resume (简历)are required. Training will be conducted online for free.

Fees: 1 week, $320,2 weeks $550, 3 weeks $735

1.Which program suits a 17-year-old volunteer?

A.Marine Conservation Program. B.Shriners Hospitals for Children Program

C.Youth Support Program. D.Pre-School English Program.

2.What should the volunteers do in Youth Support Program?

A.Collect sea rubbish. B.Pick up and tutor patients.

C.Re-organize classrooms. D.Teach the English language.

3.What is required for the programs in Australia and Peru?

A.Police check. B.Travel insurance.

C.Drug test. D.Emergency contact.








中国诗词翻译大赛 Chinese Poem Translation Competition

Dear Thomas










How time flies! It's been a year since a day I said goodbye to my British friendToby. YesterdayI received a present from himand memories of him came flooded back. I first saw him in front of our classroom in the first day of school two years ago. He was an exchange student who would study at his school for one year. I was deep impressed the moment I saw himsince he seemed so much humorous and outgoing. During his first few monthI helped him by offering my advice and explaining some difficult Chinese. We often hang out together at weekendsthat was a good chance for us to share our cultures. I wish meet him again someday.




While much attention is paid to the outside of a bag-its design, brand and, unavoidably, its price tag, most people tends1.(ignore) the rich and complex internal life hidden in it.

When a woman2.(step) out in the 1740s, on a regular basis, her private3.(belong) would have included a watch, money, jewelry and perhaps some food. These are4.she chose to take out. By the 1860s, she may have included scissors, a purse, and a magnifying glass. She would have worn these in the form of a chatelaine-a series of small purses5.(attach) to the waist. What many women carry in their bags some three centuries later is6.(remarkable) unchanged. One friend lists the contents; A book, a phone, cosmetics, keys, etc.

“The content is so important,” says Lucia Savi, a bag designer, “Hand bags had to be at least bigger than7.$5 note, as bank notes came in, ”Now we carry phones wherever we go, so it is time that phones8.(determine) design. More surprisingly, no matter how ordinary the bag looks, 9.can communicate something about the owner. So what your bag can convey10.(be) your status, or your belief.



    My community and state are still recovering from the catastrophe that hit recently. A wall of storms with hurricane force winds_______late on a Friday evening, knocking down trees,_______roads, damaging homes, and destroying power lines.

Hundreds of thousands of people_______found themselves in the_______without water, electricity, air conditioning, telephones, Internet, and television. They found themselves cut_______from the modern world bearing 37℃plus heat with no help and no idea_______it would be over.

The most amazing thing happened,_________,as the reality of the crisis sank init brought out the best in us. While there were a few_________acts, they were overwhelmed(淹没) by the wave of_______and sympathy that came from the hearts of so many.

People shared their food, ice, and gasoline. People who still had power opened their homes to those who had________.People________to clear roads and homes of________trees. Selfless power crews worked around the clock to repair the damage and restore electricity.

People________on front porches(门廊) to talk. Strangers came together as one family to help one another in this time of great need. It was such a(an) ________seeing all these people acting like this under such tough circumstances.

Life's________strike all of us from time to time. No one is________We all get hurt. We all get challenged. We all get squeezed by________during our days here. How we respond to them, though, is________us. We can let them bring out the ________in us or we can let them bring out the best in us. We can react to them like demons of selfishness or like angels of love.

May you always bring the best from your heart and soul to whatever life may________at you then.

1.A.twisted B.shook C.struck D.dropped

2.A.blocking B.ending C.locking D.building

3.A.accidentally B.naturally C.gradually D.suddenly

4.A.distance B.coldness C.dark D.street

5.A.down B.off C.in D.away

6.A.when B.where C.why D.how

7.A.therefore B.thus C.besides D.however

8.A.lovely B.selfish C.foolish D.kind

9.A.sadness B.loneliness C.love D.luck

10.A.one B.none C.them D.it

11.A.worked out B.turned out C.rushed out D.watched out

12.A.fallen B.planted C.missed D.protected

13.A.approached B.continued C.left D.gathered

14.A.joy B.hurt C.pity D.affection

15.A.doubts B.disasters C.fears D.questions

16.A.disturbed B.spared C.included D.involved

17.A.confidence B.condition C.experiences D.difficulties

18.A.due to B.back to C.up to D.according to

19.A.worst B.highest C.most D.largest

20.A.laugh B.glance C.point D.throw



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