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The Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS has c...

    The Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS has characteristics that are excellent for fitness walkers who want to improve their speed and distance. It uses your phone's GPS to measure the distance of your walks and hikes. It includes audio and voice integration(集成)so you can not only be informed of your workout statistics, but you can also listen to replies your friends send about your workout posts from Facebook and Twitter while you walk. Upgrading is less than $10 per year, far less than with some other apps, such as Endomondo.

Argus packs a lot into one lifestyle app. It functions as an all-day pedometer app. Your daily step count updates from your phone and includes active time, distance, calories, steps. and an hourly graph, It can also measure your heart rate at any time. You can easily take your heart rate during exercise and at rest. Besides, you can use the app’s food diary and sleep timer. A wide range of fitness and diet plans are also provided on it.

Charity Miles gives your walking a purpose, because it turns your exercise into donations to a certain cause. Open up this free appiOS or Google Playand choose a charity. Start a workout, choosing walking, running, or cycling. For each completed mile, you’ll have earned a donation for your chosen charity. The basic rate is 25 cents for walking and running miles and 10 cents for cycling miles, subject to a periodic cap. When you finish your walking, you must post to Facebook or Twitter to earn money for your charity.

1.What can users do with the Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS while exercising?

A.Upgrade the app for $10. B.Check comments of friends.

C.Reply to friends’ posts online. D.Make personalized fitness plans.

2.What is special about Charity Miles?

A.It is free of charge. B.It can earn you money.

C.It offers a new way of donating. D.It is connected to social software,

3.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A website on app ratings. B.An online fitness course.

C.A medical report. D.An advertisement for phones.


1.B 2.C 3.A 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文。介绍了几款运动应用程序。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段you can also listen to replies your friends send about your workout posts from Facebook and Twitter while you walk“当你走路的时候,你还可以听你的朋友在Facebook和Twitter上对你的健身信息的回复”。可知,使用者可以在运动中去听朋友们对你的留言。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段Open up this free app(iOS or Google Play)and choose a charity. Start a workout, choosing walking, running, or cycling. For each completed mile, you'll have earned a donation for your chosen charity.“打开这个免费的应用程序(iOS或谷歌播放),选择一个慈善机构。开始锻炼,选择步行、跑步或骑自行车。每完成一英里,你就会为你选择的慈善机构赢得一笔捐款。”可知,使用者能在运动的同时为慈善筹集善款。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据全文可知,这篇文章介绍了几款运动应用程序,主要是围绕它们的各自特点展开的,所以这篇文章应该来自一个关于应用程序评级的网站。故选A。

根据下列提示为21st Century Teens写一篇题为 Development of agriculture in China的小短文。(词数120左右)

1. 中国是一个有十三亿人口的大国。

2. 在过去的二十多年间,中国发生了巨大变化,尤其在农业方面。

3. 中国仅有世界7%的土地,却成功地养活了世界22%的人口。

4. 其耕地(farming land)的灌溉面积是世界上最大的。种植了世界三分之一的大米。渔业也非常重要,淡水鱼随处可见。

5. 废弃的蔬菜(vegetable waste)被用来养猪、养鸡;人和动物的粪便(waste)产生的气体被用来供热和做饭。

6. 如果世界上其他地方也像中国一样重视和发展农业,就不会再有饥饿。




    Only three local students won Chinese Blog (博客) Competition. And 15 of the 18 awards went to students from China.

170 students' task: to get a fully-designed blog up and running, complete with many positions based on a theme of choice--- to food blogs.

The entries were judged on Language proficiency(熟练程度) and the quality of writing, as well as the design and level of exchanging ideas with readers.

Academics from the National University of Singapore and the SIM University, IT experts, and a journalist from Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore made up the judges.

In the end, only three Singaporean students make it to the award list---the rest of the awards were swept up by students from China.

"No surprise," said Mr. Chow Yaw Long, 37, teachers-in-charge from Innova Junior College, which organized the event, "Although the topics were local subjects, the foreign students were generally better because of the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language."

One of the three local students winning the first prize in the Best Language Award was blogger Christina Gao, 19, from the Saint Andrew's Junior College, who spared no effors in researching for and writing her blog. Each entry took her between five and seven days to produce, complete with pictures and even podcasts (播客).

Her advice for bloggers is: Be responsible.

"Some bloggers out there only seek to blame the authorities and other bloggers." Said Miss Gao, "I think they lack responsibilities and there is no value to their posts."

1.The competition was organized by________.

A.the National University of Singapore B.Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao

C.Innova Junior College D.the Saint Andrew's Junior College

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Chinese students won most of the awards.

B.Not all the themes were about local subjects.

C.The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.

D.The judges were from universities in Singapore and China.

3.What Miss Gao said suggests that ________.

A.she likes to blame the authorities. B.she has a sense of resposibility

C.she thinks highly of the others' blogs. D.she loves to read valuable posts.

4.The passage is in mainly about______.

A.how Chinese students won the awards in the competition

B.why bloggers should take responsibility for their blogs

C.how Miss Gao won the first prize in the competition

D.what the result of the competition was



    Like you and your pet dog, plants are living things: they eat, drink, and grow. Unlike you and your dog, they can't run away, use fists or teeth, or hide under the covers when they're threatened. But they can fight back.

Why would a plant need to fight back? To avoid being eaten, of course! Plants have several ways of protecting themselves. A plant can grow in a hidden or hard-to-get-to place. Think of plants you've seen growing on steep, rocky cliff (悬崖). Or, a plant could make only some parts of itself attractive to hungry insects and animals. For instance, if a plant produced really tasty leaves, herbivores (creatures that eat only plants) might eat the leaves instead of the seeds, which the plant needs for making more plants. Some plants have sharp or slippery (滑的) parts that discourage insects and other animals from getting too close, like the thorns() on a rosebush.

But the most interesting way that plants fight back is by using chemicals. Plants take minerals from the soil and combine them into chemicals that do a lot of work. For example, plants produce chlorophyll(叶绿素), which helps convert sunshine and water into the sugars that plants eat.

They also produce chemicals to help protect themselves. One kind of tobacco plant releases a chemical into the air whenever small bugs begin to eat it. The chemical signals large bugs, saying "Dinner's ready!" The big bugs come to eat the little ones and save the plant.

Most plants use chemicals in a more direct way against their enemies. In other words, plants make poison.

1.What does the underlined word "convert" mean?

A.Change B.Separate

C.Form D.Produce

2.What do we know from the passage?

A.Some plants hide under the covers when faced with threat.

B.A plant grows in a hard-to-get-to place to draw people's attention.

C.Some plants produce tasty leaves to protect their seeds.

D.Plants produce chemicals to meet the needs of big bugs.

3.What may be talked about following the last paragraph?

A.Different effects that different plant poisons cause on plant eaters.

B.Different kinds of plants in the world.

C.Why plants make poison?

D.How to protect plants?

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Plant information. B.Plant enemies.

C.Plant poisons. D.Plant protection.



    British singer-song writer James Blunt shot to fame in 2005 with his single You're Beautiful and album(专辑) Back To Bedlam, and since then he remained the top of the UK singles chart.

Before James Blunt became a musician, he served in the army to fight for Queen and country. He spent four and a half years there, with six months in Kosovo as part of the peacekeeping force. Before leaving the army, Blunt had decided to achieve his dream of becoming a musician. In 2003, he was discovered by music producer Linda Perry who signed him to her Custard label. However the road to success never runs smoothly. It seemed that he would become another struggling singer trying to live from hand to mouth (勉强维持生计) when his first two singles failed to make an impact on the British charts. But everything changed when his third single You're Beautiful made it all the way to No.1 on the UK singles charts, and remained there for five weeks. The album Back to Bedlam soon followed and quickly became one of the biggest selling records of the year, remaining then continual weeks at No.1. Since then, he has sold more than three million records, making him the first British artist to top the American singles charts in nearly a decade.

Blunt, 34, a throwback (返祖者) to the 1970s softrock golden age, has been quoted  by Western media as saying that he will never get used to people screaming at him in the street.

His success proves a lasting theory: You spend years chasing the right song. Then, if you're lucky, and if the song really takes off, you spend the rest of your life trying to escape it, or learning to live with it, a few years removed from You're Beautiful, he can still fill stages worldwide with fans who stay until the end.

1.What do we learn from the passage?

A.Blunt was discovered by Linda Perry before joining the army.

B.Blunt has already become famous before joining the army.

C.Blunt spent five years in the army altogether.

D.Blunt had the dream of becoming a musician before leaving the army.

2.Which of the following can describe James Blunt's life as a musician before he sang the  song You're Beautiful ?

A.Difficult B.Happy

C.Boring D.Smooth

3.We can infer from the last paragraph that_________.

A.Blunt is well-known in the world for his talent.

B.Blunt's fame as a musician came easily.

C.Blunt wasn't lucky enough to win his fans' support.

D.Blunt has to face the inconvenience that his fame has caused.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The song You're Beautiful

B.The latest album of James Blunt

C.The success of James Blunt as a musician

D.The whole life of James Blunt



    George is in his bedroom. He is playing on his computer again! George plays on his computer every day. But George feels sad. He plays on his computer because he doesn't have any friends. Sometimes he dreams he is playing football with lots of friends, but it never happens.

Today George is playing a computer football game. He is playing against the computer and he is winning. Suddenly the computer speaks to George.

"Hello, George! What game can we play now?"

George is surprised and jumps up from his chair. He can't believe it. Maybe he is dreaming.

George looks at the computer with big eyes. "You can speak!"

"Yes. I can do many amazing things!" Two arms shoot out of the sides of the computer. And then two legs. Suddenly the computer is walking!

"Let's go for a walk to find a friend," says the computer. The computer runs along the road. It goes into the library, where there are lots of computers. There is a boy, Tommy, sitting there, doing his homework.

Tommy looks at the crazy computer.

"What's this?" he cries. "A computer with arms and legs?" George's computer is in the middle of the room. It's getting bigger and bigger.

It is out of control. The lights in the library are flashing on and off. People are running out of the library.

"Quick!" says George. He grabs a stick and hits his computer. There is a loud bang and it explodes into the air and falls to the ground into small pieces.

"He's gone," says Tommy.

Tommy and George leave the library together. Tommy lives in the next street to George. "That's my house," says Tommy. "Do you want to play football in the garden?"

"Yes," says George, smiling. "Who needs computers?"

1.When George and the computer entered the library, what was Tommy doing?

A.He was chatting with a net friend.

B.He was doing his homework.

C.He was playing football on a computer.

D.He was repairing a computer.

2.What does the underlined word "it" refer to?

A.The library B.The stick

C.Tommy's homework D.George's computer

3.The passage may be a(n) _______.

A.ad for a supercomputer B.football match report

C.science story D.diary

4.The passage implies that _____.

A.computers make people communicates with each other.

B.children prefer playing football on the computer.

C.online games replace some traditional ways of playing

D.computers will drive people mad in the future.



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