满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Growing up, we are constantly reminded t...

    Growing up, we are constantly reminded that young people are the most affected by technology. We prefer to __ our friends in the same room rather than make eye-contact with them. We ___using heart-eye emojis (表情符号)to tell someone we fancy them, _____ spelling it out. Numerous studies show us our social media _______ However, we should at least consider that it's not only us young ones any more.

There's a rise of mothers, who like to ______ pictures sharing their babies, lifestyles and feelings _____the way. While many teenagers are slowly leaving Facebook, our parents see it as a ______ to keep up with the society.

Parents' technology addiction is ____ affecting their children's behavior. 40% of mothers and 32% of fathers have ____ having phone addiction. This has led to a ____ fall in verbal interactions within families and even a ____ in mothers encouraging their children. People tend to switch their attention away from those around them to ____ their phones instead.

There is no denying that I get ____ when I receive “I'll be with you __ from a parent. All I want to do is ask one question, __ waiting until my father puts down his phone has become a ____ . We _ your children - know how addictive it can be and how difficult it is to _____ Maybe you should lead by __ and consider how much time you spend on the phone as well as how this is ____ your children and your relationship with them. Maybe in this way we can __ our addiction together.

1.A.seek B.meet C.choose D.text

2.A.favor B.advise C.practise D.avoid

3.A.apart from B.regardless of C.thanks to D.instead of

4.A.addition B.addiction C.trips D.tips

5.A.select B.find C.post D.develop

6.A.along B.in C.on D.by

7.A.appointment B.book C.home D.platform

8.A.negatively B.eventually C.immediately D.hardly

9.A.denied B.admitted C.allowed D.suggested

10.A.significant B.necessary C.new D.special

11.A.hope B.fault C.change D.decline

12.A.lock B.hide C.check D.repair

13.A.upset B.delighted C.skeptical D.annoyed

14.A.punctually B.shortly C.frequently D.formally

15.A.though B.but C.because D.or

16.A.root B.process C.practice D.service

17.A.add up B.switch off C.cheer up D.calm down

18.A.dream B.nature C.example D.technology

19.A.impacting B.infecting C.promoting D.impressing

20.A.pick up B.make up C.deal with D.gain from


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。主要讲述大人们对社交媒体上瘾,尤其手机,影响了和孩子们之间的关系,应该尽可能地放下手机,解决对手机上瘾的问题。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们更喜欢在同一个房间给朋友发短信,而不是和他们进行眼神交流。A. seek寻找;B. meet见面;C. choose选择;D. text发短信。根据下文使用表情符号,可推测这里应该是发短信,故选D。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们喜欢用heart-eye表情符号告诉别人我们喜欢他们,而不是拼写出来。A. favor喜欢;B. advise建议;C. practise练习;D. avoid避免。根据下文告诉别人我们喜欢他们,可知我们应该是喜欢用表情符号,故选A。 3.考查固定短语辨析。句意:同上。A. apart from除……之外;B. regardless of 不管;C. thanks to多亏;D. instead of代替。根据上文喜欢用表情符号,所以是代替拼写,故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:大量研究表明,我们对社交媒体上瘾。A. addition添加;B. addiction上瘾;C. trips旅行;D. tips小费。根据上文喜欢用表情符号来代替拼写,可知这里是对社交媒体上瘾,故选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:越来越多的妈妈们喜欢发布照片分享她们的宝宝、生活方式和一路走来的感受。A. select选择;B. find找到;C. post发布;D. develop发展。根据下文分享她们的宝宝,生活方式和感受,所以应该是发布照片,故选C。 6.考查介词词义辨析及固定短语。句意:同上。A. along沿着;B. in用;C. on在……之上;D. by按照。Along the way为固定短语,意为一路上,符合语境,故选A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当许多青少年慢慢地离开Facebook的时候,我们的父母却把它看作是一个与社会同步的平台。A. appointment约会;B. book书;C. home家;D. platform平台。根据常识可知Facebook是一个社交平台,故选D。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:父母的科技成瘾对孩子的行为有负面影响。A. negatively负面地;B. eventually最终地;C. immediately立即地;D. hardly几乎不。根据下文说父母有手机瘾,导致家庭沟通下降,故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:40%的母亲和32%的父亲承认自己有手机瘾。A. denied否认;B. admitted承认;C. allowed允许;D. suggested建议。根据上文说父母的科技成瘾对孩子有负面影响,可知这里是说对手机上瘾,admitted承认符合语境,故选B。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这导致了家庭内部语言交流的显著下降,甚至导致了母亲鼓励孩子的下降。A. significant显著的;B. necessary必须的;C. new新的;D. special特别的。根据上面说负面影响,这里是导致的后果,所以应该是显著的,故选A。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. hope希望;B. fault错误;C. change变化;D. decline下降。根据上文家庭内部语言交流的显著下降,这里也应该是下降,故选D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们往往会把注意力从身边的人身上转移到手机上。A. lock锁定;B. hide藏;C. check查看;D. repair修理。根据上文说有手机瘾,所以这里应该是用查看手机来代替关注别人,故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不可否认,当我收到来自父母的“我很快就会和你在一起”的短信时,我会很生气。A. upset不安的;B. delighted高兴的;C. skeptical怀疑的;D. annoyed生气的。因为下文说很快,但一直等到父亲放下手机,所以这里应该是生气的,故选D。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. punctually准时地;B. shortly马上;C. frequently频繁地;D. formally正式地。根据下文说一直等,这里应该是马上,故选B。 15.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我只想问一个问题,但一直等到我父亲放下手机,已经成了一种习惯。A. though尽管;B. but但是;C. because因为;D. or否则。上下句构成的是一种转折关系,故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. root支持;B. process进程;C. practice习惯;D. service服务。根据上文说的父母对手机成瘾,再加上本句一直等我父亲放下手机,所以这里习惯更符合语境,故选C。 17.考查动词词组辨析。句意:我们——你的孩子——知道它有多么令人上瘾,关掉它有多么困难。A. add up合计;B. switch off关掉;C. cheer up振作;D. calm down镇静。根据上文说一直等父亲放下手机已成为一种习惯,所以这里是关掉手机有多么的困难,故选B。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:也许你应该以身作则,考虑一下你花在电话上的时间,以及这如何影响你的孩子和你与他们的关系。A. dream梦想;B. nature自然;C. example例子;D. technology科技。根据上文说父母对手机成瘾对孩子的影响,这里应该是父母要作为榜样来考虑一下花在电话上的时间,故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. impacting影响;B. infecting传染;C. promoting提升;D. impressing给…留下深刻印象。根据上文说父母手机成瘾对孩子的影响,可知这里应该也是影响,故选A。 20.考查动词词组辨析。句意:同上。也许这样我们可以一起解决我们的上瘾。A. pick up学会;B. make up弥补;C. deal with解决;D. gain from从…得到。根据上文说要以身作则,考虑手机对孩子和你们关系的影响,这里应该是解决我们对手机的上瘾,故选C。

    During your first year in the workforce, you can expect to have a huge learning curve-not just about the details of your job, but about broader issues of how to manage your career and operate successfully in an office. How do you deal with difficult co-workers? Figure out if you're paid fairly? Understand what HR's difficult memos mean?

You'll keep mastering work skills throughout your career, 1.

2. It's pretty common to be intimidated (使失去信心)by company higher-ups or industry experts when you're just starting out in your career. But if you let yourself stay intimidated, it will keep you from forming relationships and that can hold you back professionally.

How to run a meeting. If you lose control of your meetings, let conversation go in any direction and don't start or finish on time, people will quickly begin to be afraid of attending any meetings you're running. 3., be willing to redirect the conversation when needed, take your starting and ending times seriously and make sure everyone is clear on next steps before you wrap up(圆满完成).

What you're good at and what you're not so good at. 4. But if you've been working for most of your 20s, by the end of then you should have the information about what you're better at than others, what you're much better at than others, what you want to work on improving in and what you should probably avoid altogether.

Your reputation matters. Your reputation is what will let you avoid bad jobs and bad bosses and what will give you a safety net when you need to leave a job quickly or find a new one across the country. 5. and you should go above and beyond to build a reputation for excelling

A.How to talk to people much more senior than you

B.How to have a difficult conversation

C.Early in your career, it's normal not to know where you shine and where you don't

D.but here are some key things that you should know about work by the time you're 30

E.Instead, always have an agenda, be clear about what results you're aiming for

F.Usually that means being assertive(坚定而 信的)but not aggressive, calmly explaining the issue and being direct about what you need

G.That means you shouldn't leave a job without notifying your boss



    It's said that in China millions of legal cases are now being decided by "internet courts" that do not require citizens to appear in court.

The "smart court" includes non-human judges powered by artificial intelligence, or AI. People seeking legal action can register their case on the internet. They can then take part in a digital court hearing. The system gives users the chance to communicate and receive court decisions by text or through major messaging services. Users completed more than 3.1 million legal activities through the court system from March to October in 2019, China's official Xinhua news agency reported.

China's first internet court was established in the eastern city of Hangzhou in 2017. Hangzhou is a center for major Chinese technology companies. Judicial officials recently invited reporters to the Hangzhou Internet Court to see how it operates. In one demonstration, citizens used video messaging to communicate with virtual, Al-powered judges.

"Does the defendant have any objection to the nature of the judicial block-chain (区块链) evidence submitted by the plaintiff 原告)?” a virtual judge asked during a pre-trial meeting. The non-human judge was represented in the system by an image of a man wearing a black robe. "No objection," the human plaintiff answered.

A Hangzhou court official told China's state-run CGTN television that the internet court system operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is designed to ease the workload of humans and improve the speed and effectiveness of the legal process. Court officials say that even though virtual judges are used, human judges observe the process and can make major rulings.

The internet court in Hangzhou only deals with cases involving legal disputes over digital matters. These include internet trade issues, copyright cases and disputes over online product sales. Digital court cases in China have seen a sharp increase in recent years, as the number of mobile payments and internet-based businesses has grown. The growth is tied to China's huge number of internet users --- about 850 million.

After establishing the court in Hangzhou, China launched similar operations in the cities of Beijing and Guangzhou.

1.What can we infer about the internet court?

A.Human judges have played little role in the internet court.

B.Citizens can only place their cases on file on weekdays.

C.It will become a helper for the court system.

D.It has enjoyed great popularity all over China.

2.How do people seeking legal action get court decisions according to Paragraph 2 ?

A.By Al-powered judges. B.By receiving text messages.

C.By attending a court hearing. D.By registering the cases on the internet.

3.Why are there more digital court cases in China now?

A.Because there is a growing tendency in internet-based businesses.

B.Because it is efficient to deal with cases in the internet court.

C.Because legal disputes can only be handled in the internet court.

D.Because China has the perfect digital court system.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.The Future of the China's Justice. B.The Future Master of The Internet Court.

C.The Growth of Digital Court Cases. D.The Rise of China's "Internet Courts5.



    This is what's known as a 'Buddy' or Friendship Bench'. They're needed because playgrounds can be lonely places sometimes. And these benches can help pupils feeling lonely to find a friend. Benches like this have been around for a while now in many schools. But in Ireland, they are trying to do something a bit different with them.

This school in Cork in the south of Ireland is the 247th to get one from a social enterprise called Buddy Bench Ireland that doesn't just provide schools with benches, it also runs special workshops with trained child psychiatrists(精神病专家).They use the bench as an opportunity to start conversations about mental well-being. They talk about the importance of being aware of your feelings and those of others. The children need to understand what the bench is about, what it symbolizes--- friendship, inclusion, listening to each other and the most important thing, that it's important to express feelings.

But do children actually use the bench? It's something an independent academic study has been looking at. We found that 40% of the children told us that they had actually used the benches at the time of the study. And over 90% said that they would talk to a child if that child was sitting on the bench. So, certainly there doesn't appear to be any issues around stigma. Children's mental health at school is increasingly a concern in many countries. In Ireland, they're hoping these benches will not only tackle issues like social isolation and bullying but also give a future generation the confidence to open up about their feelings.

1.Why the school in Cork in the south of Ireland uses the bench?

A.To start conversations about mental well-being.

B.To replace the old benches in school.

C.To cut the cost of school's facility.

D.To help children with psychological problems fully recover.

2.What makes the bench work in Ireland schools?

A.Teachers and parents encourage children to try it.

B.Most children are willing to express feelings.

C.All the children understand what the bench is about.

D.The bench helps children get rid of loneliness.

3.What do schools expect of the bench?

A.It will deal with social isolation and bullying completely.

B.It will motivate a future generation to bravely convey their feelings.

C.It will make children prefer the bench to old one.

D.It will spread in most schools in Ireland soon.

4.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A fiction B.A guidebook

C.A diary D.A magazine



    In Sao Paulo, a baby boy is smiling, unaware that a court is deciding his fate. If it finds in his father's favor, he is in all kinds of trouble. There may be a law in Brazil against giving your child a name that might cause him to be laughed at, but daddy wants to call his son Osama bin Laden. The same father, Osvaldo Oliveria Soares, has a habit of trying to use babies as political statements. Nine years ago, he was banned from naming a previous son Saddam Hussein.

Unlike Brazil, there is no law Britain that constrains a parent's right to name their child. "It's not for the officials to say if someone has picked a name they don't think is suitable," says Alison Cathcart, superintendent official at Westminster register office. "But if someone is from a different culture and wants to register a name that sounds like a swear word in English then we do advise them of that."

"Naming does matter," says Helen Petrie, a professor at the City University of London. "We have fixed beliefs of what sort of people are behind certain names. There are studies of teachers in primary schools in the US that show they rate children with certain names as less capable."

"The name is the first thing we find out when we meet someone. If you call your child an unusual silly name like Fifi Trixibelle, as did Bob Geldof and Paula Yates, it can make life hard for your child — especially if you want him to be smart and are not in the least bit superficial"

There's also the class factor. “Fifty years ago there was no cross-over of names between classes. Now everyone can buy Tatler and see the name Tarquin," says Petrie. "Until the 60s, Tracey was a fashionable Chelsea name. Now it has a terrible image fixed in people's mind. I've interviewed some Traceys who find their name a huge burden. However high up they may be in their profession, people hear their name and think they're the cleaner."

1.The Brazilian court may rule against Osvaldo Olveria Soares if he ______.

A.states that he admires Osama bin Laden B.gives his son a name that will be laughed at

C.uses his babies as political statements D.keeps his habit of interfering in politics

2.What does the underlined word “constrain” in the passage most likely mean?

A.abolish B.acknowledge

C.defend D.restrict

3.As it is indicated in the third paragraph, the teacher rate some children as less capable because ______.

A.the students do not perform well in class

B.they do not love those children's name

C.they think a name can reveal one' ability

D.they understand the psychology of naming

4.What do we learn about the names?

A.A person named Fifi is usually silly.

B.Paula Yates is a name which sounds superficial.

C.Tatler is a name of low grade.

D.Tracey is still a fashionable Chelsea name.



Barbie Room at the Hilton Hotel in Buenos Aires

The doll most loved by many and treasured by kids, Barbie, comes to life in this room as she brings about recall of childhood memories. Feeling like a princess yourself living in a giant dollhouse, mix and match clothes and shoes and make your Barbie fashion statement,

Underwater Room at the Talay Karon Beach Resort in Thailand

As if you're in a submarine, be attracted by the beauty of the sea in this splendid underwater room. Look outside and see a world full of sea creatures and water adventure. Find out how it feels to sleep in the middle and the bottom of the sea.

SpongeBob Room at the Nickelodeon Hotel in Orlando

Kids and adults alike laugh at the funny sound and sense of Spongebob. You will feel like playing in the cartoon film. Meanwhile, you will have the one of a kind opportunity to share a room with all his friends, Patrick, Bob and Mr. Krabs and kids will enjoy plenty of games to play.

Flintstones Room at the Melia Hotel in Spain

Have an unforgettable and enjoyable holiday, ideal for both children and parents, in this hotel located in Spain. The Flintstones is a classic and it will be wonderful to be surrounded with Dinosaurs!

Harry Potter Room at The Georgian House in London

Cleverly made by imaginative hotel owners, they have brought to life Hogwarts in this elegant room. Here you belong in the wizard world and must be lost in its magic!

1.When you are at the Hilton Hotel, you will ______ .

A.experience sleeping in the middle of the sea

B.experience a life in Hogwarts like Harry Potter

C.meet your princess or prince in your mind

D.see the beautiful Barbie in the dollhouse

2.If you want to see some sea creatures, you are advised to visit ______.

A.room Underwater Talay Karon Beach Resort

B.Harry Potter Room at The Georgian House

C.Flintstnes Room at the Melia Hotel

D.Room SpongeBob Nickelodeon Hotel

3.What is Spongebob?

A.The name of a famous ship.

B.The name of a captain of a ship.

C.The name of a character in a cartoon film.

D.The name of the owner of Nicklodeon Hotel.



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