满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Connie Monroe clicks a button, turns her...

    Connie Monroe clicks a button, turns her wrist and watches as her neighborhood floods. The reed-covered shorelines are first to go. Then, the baseball fields at Fleming Park. By the time seawater reaches the senior center, it has covered streets, flooding more than a dozen complexes that she can see.

Monroe moves her head up and down, side to side, taking in the simulated (模拟的) view. This is what could happen to Turner Station, a historic African American community, as sea levels rise.

“Everything’s underwater. The school is underwater. Our house is underwater,” Monroe says. A frown (皱眉) forms below the virtual reality headset. “Is the water really supposed to get that high?”

Climate change presents many challenges to coastal communities, but one of the most worrisome problems is: how do you show people — and convince them — of a possible future?

“It’s one thing to hear or read the news that sea levels could rise as high as 7 feet in Maryland by the end of the century under worst-case situations, but it’s another to imagine what that will look like in your own backyard,” says Jackie Specht, the coastal science program manager. “And if it’s hard to imagine, it’s hard to face and prioritize.”

Communicating the realness and immediacy of the climate threat is important to climate researchers and those aiming to prevent its causes. But it’s also paramount to communities faced with coming changes that are already unavoidable.

Climate projects need public support and input. That’s why Monroe and other residents at this recent community meeting are being directed to sit in metal chairs, put on virtual reality headsets and watch their homes flood.

Virtual reality is an immersive (沉浸式的) experience that can trick the human brain into thinking it’s real. But tricking people is not the goal of the sea level rise simulation being used at Turner Station, says Juliano Calil, one of the program’s developers.

The goal, he says, “is to help folks visualize the impacts of climate change and the solutions, and also discuss the trade-off between them.”

1.What would you see in Turner Station as sea levels rise?

A.Shorelines covered by reeds. B.Baseball fields used as parks.

C.Streets blocked with bricks. D.Buildings drowned in water.

2.What does Jackie Specht suggest in Paragraph 5?

A.People are relatively safer in their backyards.

B.People don’t feel on the scene through the news.

C.The severity of disaster is beyond imagination.

D.The sea level is bound to rise 7 feet in Maryland.

3.Why is the virtual reality experience provided in the community meeting?

A.To prove climate threat. B.To seek public backing.

C.To help scientific research. D.To introduce VR technology.

4.Which of the following best explains the underlined words “the trade-off” in the last paragraph?

A.The balance. B.The conflict.

C.The business. D.The similarity.


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,由于气候变化导致海平面上升会给人类带来严重后果,但人们没意识到严重性,所以采用VR技术,让人们身临其境,提醒人们保护环境。 1.细节理解题。由第二段的By the time seawater reaches the senior center, it has covered streets, flooding more than a dozen complexes that she can see.(海水到达高级中心时,已经覆盖了街道,淹没了她能看到的十几个建筑群)可知,当海平面上升的时候,Turner Station的建筑都将被淹没在水中。故选D项。 2.推理判断题。由第五段 Jackie Specht 的话It’s one thing to hear or read the news that sea levels could rise as high as 7 feet in Maryland by the end of the century under worst-case situations, but it’s another to imagine what that will look like in your own backyard(听到或看到最坏情况下马里兰州的海平面可能在本世纪末上升到7英尺的消息是一回事,但想象一下在你自己的后院会是什么样子则是另一回事)可知,他认为在新闻上听到或看到关于海平面上升的报道是一码事,想象自家后院将遭受的影响是另外一码事。由此推断出,新闻并不能给居民一种身临其境的感觉。故选B项。 3.推理判断题。由倒数第三段Climate projects need public support and input. That’s why Monroe and other residents at this recent community meeting are being directed to sit in metal chairs, put on virtual reality headsets and watch their homes flood.(气候项目需要公众的支持和投入。这就是为什么在最近的社区会议上,门罗和其他居民被指示坐在金属椅上,戴上虚拟现实耳机,看着他们的家里洪水泛滥)可知,之所以在社区提供VR体验,是寻求公众的支持。故选B项。 4.词义猜测题。由最后一段The goal, he says, “is to help folks visualize the impacts of climate change and the solutions, and also discuss the trade-off between them.”(他说,目标是“帮助人们直观地看到气候变化的影响和解决方案,并就它们之间的the trade-off进行讨论。”)可知,the trade-off between them中的them指的是the impacts of climate change和the solutions,联系上下文,可推断应该是在气候变化的影响和解决方案之间进行权衡。由此推知,划线词组意为“权衡”。故选A 项。

    A girl, who made headlines around the world when she survived almost two weeks alone in the Siberian wilderness, has won a Russian children’s beauty contest for her bravery. Karina Chikitova, who clung (抱着) on to her loyal puppy, fought to stay alive in a forest full of brown bears and wolves. The promising ballerina celebrates her 10th birthday on Boxing Day and has already won the Mini Miss Yakutia contest.

In August 2014 she was found after a dozen days and nights lost in the remote taiga, sleeping on a bed of long grass and eating wild berries to stay alive. Karina had followed her father into the woods but he had no idea she was trailing him. Then just four years old, she hugged her puppy Naida for warmth in the shivering (颤抖的) cold before the dog found its way home to a remote village, urging rescuers not to give up, and to go and find the little girl.

Karina’s trial was seen as so remarkable that a statue was erected (竖起) of her and the dog in regional capital Yakutsk. A popular children’s book was also written about her, and her fame as a Mowgli seems to have led this remote village girl to amazing new opportunities. Karina was “excited” after she easily won the Mini Miss contest in a social media poll for her rare experience when she was little, making her a young ambassador for Yakutia, Russia’s diamond region, the coldest inhabited place in the world. She is seen as a promising ballerina, already studying full time in Yakutsk, some 350 miles from her home.

“I want to become a ballerina and dance Swan Lake,” she said. “I have also learned how to play the piano.” Bilingual Karina is doing well at school, where she has a talent for maths, and is learning English to add to her fluent Yakut and Russian. When she was found, her rescuer said: “She was sitting deep in grass, completely silent. I didn’t actually notice her. She saw me and stretched her arms forward. I picked her up. She was dead scared.” Later Karina said: “It was Naida who rescued me. I was really scared. But when we were going to sleep I hugged her, and together we were warm.”

1.How did the girl get lost in the wildness?

A.She traced her father there but he was not aware of it.

B.She was forgotten there by her careless father.

C.She followed her little dog and lost the way.

D.She loved running around and got lost.

2.Why did the girl win the Children’s beauty contest?

A.Her exceptional talent in ballet dancing.

B.Her whole-hearted devotion to academic performance.

C.Her inspiring survival in the wildness.

D.Her impressive charm and prettiness.

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A.Karina was highly thought of by the public.

B.A best-seller became Karina’s favorite.

C.A statue was built in honor of Karina’s hometown.

D.A handsome amount of money was awarded to Karina.

4.Which words can best describe this girl?

A.Courageous and hesitant. B.Confident and honest.

C.Arrogant and fortunate. D.Diligent and ambitious.



    Christmas may be the time of year for giving and spending time with loved ones, but not everyone feels an overwhelming sense of joy when festivities begin. Thousands of Reddit users have revealed the things they hate about Christmas.

PETER: It causes a heavy financial burden.

“Having to spend a substantial (大量的、实质的) amount of money on family members. I have to buy gifts for my grandparents, my parents, my siblings, my wife’s parents and her siblings, the dogs...and one cousin, because we do Secret Santa amongst the cousins. I love Christmas, but it costs me too much!”

MCCAIN: Exams ruin everything.

“In the UK we have our exams in January so that your Christmas holiday can be used to study. I didn’t have an enjoyable break until I finished university.”

SUSAN: Awkward family gatherings.

“Having everyone point out that I’m still single at family gatherings as if I’m unaware.”

JANET: Choosing presents.

“I don’t really want items anymore, so I don’t expect anything on Christmas, but I am expected to give gifts, but I usually just don’t know what to give.”

ELIZABATH: Shopping hell.

“I hate the way people act when shopping for Christmas. It’s almost like Black Friday every weekend at the big stores.”

JACKSON: Feeling like you have to buy presents.

“The pressure of buying gifts. Can’t we just enjoy each other’s company without comparing who bought the better stuff?”

Mr Green: Christmas jingles.

“I pretty much can’t stand most Christmas music.”

Prof Smith: It’s too commercial.

“The commercialization of it. Even as an atheist (无神论者), I think the Christ part has been taken out of it.”

Dr Martin: Putting up decorations too early.

“People put up Christmas decorations way before Christmas.”

CAROL: The office Christmas party.

“My office Christmas party. We have to pay to go and it’s so boring. Saying that you don’t want to attend is like pulling teeth.”

1.Who is possibly forced into a marriage?

A.Dr. Martin. B.JACKSON.


2.What do JACKSON and JANET have in common?

A.They hate to spend much money on Christmas gifts.

B.They have to give gifts to everyone in the family.

C.They are happy to compare gifts while purchasing.

D.They are faced with the problems caused by gift giving.

3.What do we know from the passage?

A.Exams follow the Christmas holiday in Britain.

B.Christmas music makes too much noise.

C.People are clear about what Christmas gifts to buy.

D.Colleagues enjoy their office Christmas parties a lot.



假定你是李华,你从某网站上得知北京机场招募为境外人员检测的志愿者。请你根据以下要点 写一封自荐信。

1、表达意愿。 2、自荐理由。 3、恳请获准。



参考词汇:新冠病毒novel coronavirus

Dear the leaders of Beijing airport,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语 言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






When I was young, I used to spend lots of time watch TV. Whenever I got home, all I wanted to do were to turn on the TV. My parents were disappointing with me and didn't allow me to watch TV, so I quarreled to them frequently at that time. Not until a class party I realize I was wrong. At that party each student has to give a performance. All of my classmate had something to perform it except me. I ended up telling a joke at the party, what really embarrassed me. Since then I've attended various classes, such as guitar and dancing. Now, I'm glad I've learned something meaningfully and made many friends.




New cars sold in Europe after May 2022 will be required to have 1. variety of new safety technologies. New safety rules from the European Union will require new cars to have ''intelligent speed assistance" systems as standard equipment. Besides, all cars will be fitted with breathalyzers (呼吸分析器)2. won't allow driving if the driver has drunk too much alcohol. 3.help avoid accidents, cars must also have 4.advance systems to monitor the driver's attention levels.

Around 25,000 people 5.kill each year on Europe's roads, and most accidents are caused by human error. The European Commission has announced the new rules recently, 6.sayintelligent speed limiters alone can 7.effective reduce road deaths.

There has been a mixed reaction to the new safety technologies. The European Union said the technologies would make driving much 8.safe. It said, “With the new technologies, we can have the same kind of impact (影响)as when safety belts were first introduced. "It added the new safety technologies could save up to 10,500 lives and avoid up to 60, 000 serious 9.injury by the year 2030. But many drivers are unhappy with the technologies. They thought 10. would be more dangerous to employ them, since driving requires human judgment.



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