满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My wife, Megan, and I went out to dinner...

    My wife, Megan, and I went out to dinner with an old friend who we had not seen in a while. There had been some talk of COVID-19 in the news, but it was early in the outbreak and people were still_________their daily routines. Even though everyone in our group felt perfectly_________, we took precautions: We washed our hands with soap, did not_________food, and had no significantly close contact(接触).

A few days later, our friend called and_________us that she had tested positive for the coronavirus(冠状病毒)._________, the day after that, I started to feel a little_________and my head was also a bit cloudy. I woke up the next morning with a_________. That's when we realized that I might have_________the virus from our friend. Without any_________, Megan called our state's coronavirus hotline. We__________that we had been in touch with someone who had tested positive, and I was having__________. They quickly approved me to__________a test, through which my infection was eventually__________.

We immediately__________everyone we had been in touch with to let them know that I had tested positive. It was the__________thing to do. Although it is__________to tell people we might have given them a virus, not telling the truth would have been__________and irresponsible. It wasn't an option for us, and it shouldn't be an option for anyone in our__________.

While we have been isolated(隔离) in the hospital since the test, we have felt such love and__________from those around us and outside world. We don't have any particular reason to__________that everything will be OK.

1.A.breaking down B.calling up C.going about D.putting off

2.A.hungry B.fine C.strange D.proud

3.A.prepare B.enjoy C.share D.order

4.A.informed B.confused C.promised D.encouraged

5.A.Generally B.Deliberately C.Personally D.Unfortunately

6.A.annoyed B.energetic C.scared D.tired

7.A.caution B.fever C.decision D.wound

8.A.caught B.learned C.kept D.protected

9.A.delay B.time C.reason D.difficulty

10.A.suspected B.realized C.explained D.believed

11.A.fun B.symptoms C.patience D.questions

12.A.pass B.create C.decline D.receive

13.A.confirmed B.removed C.debated D.ignored

14.A.blamed B.called C.invited D.persuaded

15.A.crazy B.troublesome C.responsible D.traditional

16.A.hard B.great C.natural D.lucky

17.A.careless B.grateful C.normal D.selfish

18.A.favor B.discussion C.situation D.mind

19.A.hate B.concern C.power D.praise

20.A.assume B.imagine C.hope D.doubt


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了作者被朋友感染了冠状病毒,于是立即打电话给身边有联系的人,让他们知道作者的检测呈阳性。作者认为这是负责任的做法。而在隔离期间,作者和其他人也感受到了来自身边人和外界的爱和关心,相信一切都会好起来的。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:新闻中也有一些关于COVID-19的报道,但当时是疫情爆发的初期,人们仍在从事着日常的工作。A. breaking down出故障;B. calling up呼叫;C. going about从事;D. putting off推迟。结合后文their daily routines.可知人们仍在从事着日常的工作。指故选C。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管我们周围的每个人都感觉很好,但我们还是采取了预防措施:我们用肥皂洗手,不分享食物,也没有明显的密切接触。A. hungry饥饿的;B. fine好的,优良的;C. strange奇怪的;D. proud自豪的。结合上文everyone in our group felt perfectly可知疫情初期,作者周围的每个人都感觉很好。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管我们周围的每个人都感觉很好,但我们还是采取了预防措施:我们用肥皂洗手,不分享食物,也没有明显的密切接触。A. prepare准备;B. enjoy欣赏;C. share分享;D. order命令。结合上文we took precautions: We washed our hands with soap, did not可知作者他们组采取了预防措施、洗手、不分享食物和没有明显的密切接触。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:几天后,我们的朋友打电话通知我们,她的冠状病毒检测呈阳性。A. informed通知;B. confused使困惑;C. promised承诺;D. encouraged鼓励。根据后文us that she had tested positive for the coronavirus.可知朋友打电话时为了通知作者他们,她冠状病毒检测呈阳性。故选A。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,在那之后的一天,我开始感到有点累,脑袋也有点浑浊。A. Generally通常;B. Deliberately故意地;C. Personally亲自地;D. Unfortunately不幸的是。结合后文可知作者也得了冠状病毒,这是很不幸的。故选D。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,在那之后的一天,我开始感到有点累,脑袋也有点浑浊。A. annoyed恼怒的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. scared害怕的;D. tired疲惫的。结合后文and my head was also a bit cloudy.可知此处作者在描述自己身体的症状,感觉疲惫,脑袋也有点浑浊。故选D。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上我醒来就发烧了。A. caution小心;B. fever发烧;C. decision决定;D. wound伤口。根据后文the virus from our friend可知作者第二天醒来发现自己发烧了,于是意识到自己从朋友那感染了冠状病毒。故选B。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我们意识到我可能从我们的朋友那里感染了病毒。A. caught感染,抓住;B. learned学习;C. kept保持;D. protected保护。根据后文the virus from our friend可知作者从朋友那里感染了(caught)病毒。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有任何耽搁,Megan拨打了我们州的冠状病毒热线。A. delay延期;B. time时间;C. reason理由;D. difficulty困难。根据后文Megan called our state's coronavirus hotline.可知Megan拨打了冠状病毒热线,没有任何耽搁。短语without any delay“没有任何延迟,毫不耽搁”。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们解释说,我们一直在与一个检测呈阳性的人保持接触,我当时出现了症状。A. suspected怀疑;B. realized意识到;C. explained解释;D. believed相信。根据后文that we had been in touch with someone who had tested positive可知是拨打了冠状病毒热线后给工作人员解释情况。故选C。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们解释说,我们一直在与一个检测呈阳性的人联系,我当时出现了症状。A. fun乐趣;B. symptoms症状;C. patience耐心;D. questions问题。结合上文作者发烧了,说明当时已经出现了症状了。故选B。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们很快批准我接受检查,通过检查,我的感染最终得到了确认。A. pass通过;B. create创造;C. decline下降;D. receive接受,收到。根据后文a test可知批准作者接受了检查。故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们很快批准我接受检查,通过检查,我的感染最终得到了确认。A. confirmed确认;B. removed去掉;C. debated争论;D. ignored忽视。根据下一段中I had tested positive可知作者的感染最终得到了确认。故选A。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们立即给所有联系过的人打电话,让他们知道我的检测呈阳性。A. blamed责备;B. called呼叫,打电话;C. invited邀请;D. persuaded说服。根据后文everyone we had been in touch with to let them know that I had tested positive.可知作者他们立即给所有联系过的人打电话,让他们知道作者的检测呈阳性。故选B。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是负责任的做法。A. crazy疯狂的;B. troublesome麻烦的;C. responsible负责任的;D. traditional传统的。作者得了冠状病毒,打电话通知所有联系过的人,这是一种负责任的做法。故选C。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然很难告诉人们我们可能传染给他们一种病毒,但不说实话是自私和不负责任的。A. hard困难的;B. great伟大的;C. natural自然的;D. lucky幸运的。结合后文to tell people we might have given them a virus可知要告诉别人自己给他们传染了一种病毒,这是很困难的。故选A。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然很难告诉人们我们可能给了他们一种病毒,但不说实话是自私和不负责任的。A. careless粗心的;B. grateful感谢的;C. normal正常的;D. selfish自私的。结合后文and irresponsible可知作者认为不告诉人们实话是自私和不负责任的。故选D。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不是我们的选择,也不应该是我们这种情况下的任何人的选择。A. favor帮助;B. discussion讨论;C. situation情况;D. mind思维。此处指作者得了冠状病毒这种情况下,告不告诉别人实话不是作者他们的选择,也不应该是他们这种情况下任何人的选择。故选C。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然自从测试后,我们一直在医院里隔离,但我们却感受到了来自身边人和外界的爱和关心。A. hate憎恨;B. concern关心;C. power力量;D. praise赞扬。根据上文such love and可知作者他们感受到了来自身边人和外界的爱和关心。故选B。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们没有任何理由怀疑,一切都会好起来的。A. assume设想;B. imagine想象;C. hope希望;D. doubt怀疑。作者感受到了来自身边人和外界的爱和关心,于是也没有理由怀疑,一切都会好起来的。故选D。

    If you live in a place where most people speak English, you may use the language for several hours each day.1.Your mind stops trying to translate things from your native language into English.

However, as an English beginner, you may live in places where English is not the main language. The good news is that thinking in English can bring you a huge step closer to fluencyThe following are some mental exercises that can help.

Think in single words.

2.So, a good first step is to think in individual words. Look around you. What do you see? In your head, try to name each object in your surroundings, whatever it is and wherever you are.

Think in sentences.

The next exercise is thinking in simple sentences. For example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself things like, “3.” and “I like everything here.”

Describe your day.

You can describe your day and make plans in the morning, such as, “When I leave the house, I'm going to get an iced coffee.4.I'll hand in my homework after arriving.”


When you do this, you are imagining yourself speaking to someone else. You are asking the questions and thinking of replies. For example, let's say the imaginary person asks you a question, like, “What did you do last night?” How would you answer?

A.Find a partner.

B.The air is so fresh.

C.Think in conversation.

D.Then I'll take the bus to class.

E.Your hard work finally paid off.

F.Most experts note that it's best to start small.

G.So, it may become part of your "inner speech".



    One argument for why robots will never fully measure up to people is because they lack human-like social skills. But researchers are experimenting with new methods to give robots social skills to better interact with humans.

The experiment was carried out by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). The team developed a machine learning system for self-driving vehicles that is designed to learn the social characteristics of other drivers. The researchers studied driving situations to learn how other drivers on the road were likely to behave. Since not all human drivers act the same way, the data was meant to teach the driverless car to avoid dangerous situations.

The researchers say the technology uses tools borrowed from the field of social psychology. In this experiment, scientists created a system that attempted to decide whether a person's driving style is more selfish or selfless. In road tests, self-driving vehicles equipped with the system improved their ability to predict what other drivers would do by up to 25 percent.

In one test, the self-driving car was observed making a left-hand turn. The study found the system could cause the vehicle to wait before making the turn if it predicted the oncoming drivers acted selfishly and might be unsafe. But when oncoming vehicles were judged to be selfless, the self-driving car could make the turn without delay because it saw less risk of unsafe behavior.

The MIT team plans to expand its research model to include other things that a self-driving vehicle might need to deal with. These include predictions about people walking around traffic, as well as bicycles and other things found in driving environments. The researchers say they believe the technology could also be used in vehicles with human drivers. It could act as a warning system against other drivers judged to be behaving aggressively.

1.What is the purpose of the new research?

A.To reduce human drivers' mistakes.

B.To develop a machine learning system.

C.To give robots human-like social skills.

D.To prove robots can never replace humans.

2.What caused the self-driving car to wait or turn quickly?

A.The colors of the traffic lights.

B.The orders from police officer.

C.The directions from human drivers.

D.The oncoming driver's driving style.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.More traffic participants will be involved in the research.

B.Other colleges will be invited to join in the project.

C.New rules will be developed for road users.

D.Human drivers will give way to robots.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Science.

C.Education. D.Business.



    Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) is an ancient form of healthcare that dates back over 2,500 years, which aims to prevent or cure disease by maintaining or restoring yinyang balance. Fundamentally, TCM seeks to restore a dynamic balance between two complementary forces, yin(passive) and yang(active) . According to the yinyang theory, a person is healthy when harmony exists between these two forces; illness, on the other hand, results from a breakdown in the balance.

TCM practitioners(从业者) look to treat the root cause of disease and take a holistic approach to helping people experience complete recovery without the use of conventional drugs. TCM is “holistic” because it takes into account all aspects of a patient's life, rather than just several obvious symptoms. TCM practitioners view the body as a complex system, rather than separate organs. They use smell, hearing, touch, and pulse diagnosis(诊断) to discover the source of an unbalanced health condition. In addition, the practitioner typically makes use of what is known as five phases(wuxing) . Using the five-phase theory, the practitioner can create a plan for treatment that might contain such components as herbs, lifestyle changes, and foods for recovery.

Over the past several decades, TCM has been going global. It is now practiced in 183 countries and regions with 86 of them signing agreements with China to promote it. More and more medical schools are now recognizing the importance of training students and staff in “mind-body” practices that emphasize disease prevention and holistic treatments. A study of 3,200 physicians, conducted by Health Products Research, indicates that more than 50 percent of physicians in the U. S. planned to begin or increase use of TCM.

1.What is the most important to stay healthy according to TCM?

A.Having as little yin as possible. B.Ensuring much yang all the time.

C.Staying away from conventional drugs. D.Keeping the balance between yin and yang.

2.Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “holistic”?

A.optimistic B.dull

C.systematic D.passive

3.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The globalization of TCM. B.The history of TCM.

C.The significance of TCM. D.The benefits of TCM.

4.On what theories is TCM based according to this passage?

A.Practitioner and patient. B.Yinyang and wuxing.

C.Diagnosis and cure. D.Prevention and treatment.



    In Van Nuys California, a beagle(猎兔犬) was dropped off at the city pound because he was too old and had gained so much weight; the owner didn't want him anymore. The people at the shelter guessed that the beagle was 7-8 years old, so he still had a lot of life left, if he could be brought back to a normal weight.

Unfortunately, dog pounds don't have the time or resources to work an abandoned animal back into good health. Plus, people don't like to adopt animals that are terribly overweight. Without someone's stepping in, this beagle would probably have been put down by giving a drug to end his suffering.

Thankfully the good people of Karma Rescue, a non-profit organization which provides life-saving aid for pets in trouble, came to his rescue. He was given the name Darwin. Karma rescues a number of dogs, and they were still surprised at what appeared to be neglect(忽略) of the dog for its entire life.

Darwin was about twice the weight that he should have been and even had a hard time walking. Having a beagle, we know how quickly a beagle can become overweight, which puts stress on their heart and causes other health issues.

Beagles will eat anything put in front of them, and will eat it all. They don't know when or how to stop eating. We have experienced this when our beagle has gotten into our trash, gotten food on the kitchen counter, and even eaten a bag of chocolate chips. Thankfully our beagle survived his hard times and we have learned to “beagle proof(防护) ” the house when we leave.

Darwin was in for a long journey back to health, but with the support of many people, he is down to a normal beagle weight and he is well on his way.

1.The underline word “pound” in Paragraph l probably refers to a place_____________.

A.where dogs are trained to hunt B.where people can buy or sell pets

C.where sick or injured pets are treated D.where homeless dogs are temporarily kept

2.What would have happened to Darwin without Karma Rescue's help?

A.He would have been poisoned to death.

B.He would have been abandoned in the wild.

C.He would have been adopted by a kind couple.

D.He would have been returned to his former owner.

3.What may they do to “beagle proof” the house before leaving?

A.Leave all the doors open. B.Place the trash near the beagle.

C.Put all the food out of the beagle's reach. D.Build a thick and strong wall around the house.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Transformation of an Abandoned Beagle

B.Karma Rescue, a Non-profit Organization

C.How to Keep Your Beagle in Shape

D.Kind People Bring Good Luck



    Below are the future optional majors for you to take into consideration before entering college.


Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Architecture is the design of the built environment: buildings and their surroundings. As a profession, it is an art, science, and business with careers(职业)available in schools of architecture, and in architectural research. Department of Architecture Design 101 Alumni Hall Phone: 513-529-7210


Degree: Bachelor of Science

Accountancy is the language of business. Accountants prepare profit and loss statements, cost studies, and tax reports. They can work for any size firms, ranging from a large international firm to a small local accounting practice, and government. Farmer School of Business Student Services Office Phone: 513-529-1712


Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Journalism includes the fields of Media & Culture, and Interactive Media Studies. In addition to fundamental reporting, writing, and editing skills, journalism combines the art of communication with the science of digital technology. Graduates may become magazine editors, reporters, or copywriters.

Department of Media, Journalism & Film 206 Williams Hall Phone: 513-529-5893


Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Anthropology is the study of humans. Individuals and societies are complex and dynamic, which means anthropology covers a lot of ground. The study of people can lead to almost any career path, including education, health care, social work, international development, government and human relations.

Department of Anthropology 120 Upham Hall Phone: 513-529-8399

1.Which of the following directly involves the art of communication?

A.Architecture. B.Accountancy.

C.Journalism. D.Anthropology.

2.What is the unique advantages of majoring in anthropology?

A.Graduates will receive further education for free.

B.Graduates will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree.

C.Graduates can apply for a position in government.

D.Graduates have a wider range of job chances.

3.Who is the passage most likely intended for?

A.Ordinary job hunters. B.Senior high school graduates.

C.College staff. D.Social workers.



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