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Which country can you travel to in 2020 ...

    Which country can you travel to in 2020 that will allow you to go for longer, enjoy a higher standard, and save more money? The following destinations offer accommodation, transportation, and food for less.

Kyrgyzstan, $25/day

Kyrgyzstan is the choice for most travelers interested in trying out Central Asia, and most well-suited to travelers of all budgets. Food is cheap, so is getting around using the minibuses. You can find hostels and local home stays for less than $10. Meals cost $4 – $8 per day.

Romania, $33/day

If you are planning a European trip that’s affordable and a little bit off the beaten path, Romania is perfect for you. Unlike other popular places, many charming towns here remain unknown to most foreigners. You can also take free walking tours in the numerous historical sites. Hostels run $10 – $15 per night, food is hearty and delicious, and the public transportation is reliable and affordable. Meals cost $10 – $15 per day.

Arizona & Utah, $55/day

For an American Southwest road trip, you’ll spend an average of $110/day when you are solo. If you have just one other person, you’d be able to split the costs almost perfectly in half. If you have two other people along, take it down to one third and so on. The more the merrier.

South Africa, $40/day

Any hostels in South Africa are in beautiful settings and each has a unique personality, and affordable too. Food can get expensive. To save money, cook your own food. Grocery stores are plentiful and have reasonable prices. By at least cooking your own breakfast, you can save a lot of money. The best (and possibly cheapest) way to get around the country is to rent a car and share with 3 other people. Meals cost $12 – $15 per day.

1.What makes Romania different from the other places?

A.Nice hostels.

B.Delicious food.

C.Less-visited towns.

D.Cheap transportation.

2.What may the author recommend for travelling in South Africa?

A.Drive your own cars.

B.Cook your own lunches.

C.Stay in excellent hotels.

D.Find unique travel partners.

3.What feature do the four destinations share?

A.They’re famous for historical places.

B.They’re the best places for travelling.

C.They have convenient public transportation.

D.They’re good travel choices for saving money.


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】 本文是说明文。介绍了四个经济实惠的旅游目的地。 1.细节理解题。根据Romania部分的Unlike other popular places, many charming towns here remain unknown to most foreigners.可知与其他受欢迎的地方不同,罗马尼亚的许多迷人城镇对大多数外国人来说仍然是陌生的。这里有许多较少访问的城镇,故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据South Africa部分的To save money, cook your own food. Grocery stores are plentiful and have reasonable prices. By at least cooking your own breakfast, you can save a lot of money.可知在南非为了省钱,可以自己做饭。杂货店供应充足,价格合理,自己做饭可以省下一大笔钱。故选B。 3.推理判断题。第一段提到……will allow you to go for longer, enjoy a higher standard, save more money? The following destinations offer accommodation, transportation, and food for less.可知本文介绍的是几个省钱的旅游目的地。再根据Kyrgyzstan中的most well-suited to travelers of all budgets,Romania中的affordable,Arizona & Utah中的split the costs almost perfectly in half,South Africa中的affordable too等信息可以得知文章介绍的四个旅游目的地都是省钱的好选择,故选D。


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2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:模拟法庭 moot court

Legal Awareness Week was opened in our school. A series of activities were carried out.







3.  疫情给你带来的思考。



提示词:新冠病毒 novel coronavirus

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



    As the higher education sector faces mounting pressures to provide value for money, it’s now often assumed that universities will provide its students with much more than just a degree. Most prospectuses(宣传册)introduction present institutions as being the “leaders” in academic research, student satisfaction, graduate employability and contact hours. 1.

Visiting a university “in the flesh” on the open day is the only way you can truly get a feel for the place, and ensures you won’t get any unpleasant surprises when you start your course. 2. Remember that there is no such thing as the best university – only the best fit for you.

Before your visit, conduct some online research and decide on a few universities you’d like to visit. Plan your day, booking any relevant sessions, and noting down any talks you would like to attend. Prepare a list of questions about all the aspects of university life.

During your visit, you need to make plenty of notes!3. You’ll start to forget important things unless you put them down. Note which accommodation you like as well as how much it costs and where it is located. Bear in mind that you might not get your first choice of accommodation, so have a few others in mind as a back-up.

4.Go along to application sessions and you can get the answers there. You could even show the admissions tutor a draft of your personal statement and ask for some direct feedback. Ask the experts -not only the admissions team and course tutors, but also the current students. While it might be tempting to let mum and dad take over, it’s you who will be going to university, not them, so don’t be afraid to speak up!

Write down what you like about the university and compare it to others. Remember to make sure you prioritise your course over the university.5. If you don’t enjoy your course, then chances are you will fail to maximise your potential. It’s your choice, so make the best of it!

A.Avoid being misled by claims and statistics.

B.It doesn’t matter how famous the university is.

C.It is important to find out the selection criteria.

D.With so many choices, how can you make an informed decision?

E.Faced with all the information, what you need to do is to get the most out of it.

F.The conversations and experiences you’ve had will mix together after a few visits.

G.Determine your own criteria –especially if you’re unsure about which subjects to study.



    Picture this: It’s 2003 and your family has just finished arguing over which Netflix movies to rent that week. Movies come in the mail and the family watch them throughout the week before sending them back and ordering new ones. Then, fast forward to 2008, and you have started to watch TV shows on Netflix’s new platform.

Now, let’s come to the present. You sit down and open up Netflix on your TV and scroll for a while. Then you flip over to Hulu to see if they have anything more interesting to offer. Then you check HBO GO. Finally, you check Disney+. Then you realize that you’re paying for four different streaming services, maybe more.

Let’s return to Netflix. More generally, streaming. There are over 100 video streaming services available, as well as quite a few music streaming, including Apple Music, YouTube Music, Google Play, and etc. The streaming world, at least to some, is on its way to getting out of control, with each service requiring its own monthly subscription. And that is just entertainment subscriptions. We haven’t even taken into account subscriptions like Microsoft Office, magazine subscriptions, and email newsletters. Subscriptions started out as a service of convenience, but now, the oversaturation may have become burdensome. The services believe customers will pay more to get the content they want. However, statistics show a growing frustration(失望) among consumers. With so many options, they find it harder than ever to make a decision on what to pick.

Not only does the oversaturation of streaming result in confusing navigation, it also creates a financial burden for the consumers. Let’s say if you want to watch Stranger Things , The Handmaid’s Tale , and Game of Thrones , which belong to three different services, you would have to pay nearly $50 a month to access all three of those services, meaning it’s not cheaper, and potentially more expensive, than cable.

People cut their cords and went the streaming route because it was simpler and cheaper. Now, it’s just as inconvenient and difficult as cable was, if not more so, and unless you’re limiting yourself to one service, it’s not cheaper. Streaming will survive because we’re in a Golden Age of Media and because each service is able to create high-quality originals. But Golden Ages don’t last, and bubbles tend to burst. Until the inevitable(不可避免的) day when some product or service proves streaming out of date, we must suffer the choices in front of us. The next time you are scrolling through Netflix, Hulu, or whatever, and the overchoice is killing you, maybe you should just go pick up a book instead.

1.What is mainly talked about in the first two paragraphs?

A.Social progress has promoted the quality of life in the past decade.

B.Changes in home entertainment have brought us more options.

C.Technology innovation results in different ways of relaxation.

D.Netflix has been developing its service patterns.

2.What does the underlined word “oversaturation” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A.The large number of subscriptions.

B.The frustration caused by poor service.

C.The rapidly developing entertainment market.

D.The confusing navigation resulting from streaming.

3.According to the passage, streaming services may____.

A.enhance user satisfaction

B.increase energy consumption

C.raise entertainment costs

D.realize the resource sharing

4.The author would probably agree that ___.

A.the streaming service will have a bright future

B.reading has an advantage over streaming service

C.there will be some better service to replace streaming

D.nothing can end streaming services as long as media exists



We Are Cyborgs

RoboCop, the Bionic Woman, Darth Vader-what do these characters have in common? They are all cyborgs-humans who are made more powerful by advanced technology. You might think that cyborgs exist only in fiction, or are a possibility only in the distant future. But cyborg technology already exists.

The word “cyborg” was first used in 1960 and defined as an organism “to which external components have been added for the purpose of adapting to new environments”. According to this definition, an astronaut in a spacesuit is an example of cyborg, as the spacesuit helps the astronaut adapt to a new environment-space. More recently, the word has evolved to refer to human beings who have mechanical body parts that make them more than human.

Although super-humans like RoboCop are not yet a reality, advances in real-life cyborg technology allow some people to compensate for abilities they have lost, and give other people new and unusual abilities. An example is filmmaker Rob Spence and his bionic eye. Spence injured one of his eyes in an accident. A camera was implanted in his prosthetic eye(假眼).  The eye is not connected to his brain or optic nerve(视神经), but it can record what he sees. Spence has used his camera eye to record interviews for a documentary about people with bionic body parts.

Some types of cyborg technology replace a lost ability by connecting directly to a person’s nerves. Michael Chorost completely and suddenly lost his ability to hear in July of 2001. Two months later, doctors placed a cochlear implant, a kind of computer, inside his skull. This type of implant connects to auditory nerves and allows a deaf person to hear again. Around the world, over 300,000 people have now been fitted with cochlear implants.

These examples of cyborg technology have enabled people to enhance or change their abilities and improve their lives. But does everyone want to use cyborg technology? It might be too late to decide. Cyborg scientist Amber Case argues that most of us are already cyborgs. Anyone who uses a computer or a smartphone, Case claims, is a cyborg. Consider the data that you have in your smartphone. It keeps information for you so you don’t have to remember it: notes, phone numbers, email addresses, messages. It also allows you to communicate with friends and family via telephone, text messages, email, and social networks.

The potential benefits of cyborg technology are evident, but can this new technology be harmful, too? Could we become too dependent on cyborg technology-and become less than human? These still remain questions.

1.According to the passage, the cyborg _______.

A.is similar to human beings

B.took root in fiction characters

C.first appeared in space industry

D.has some device attached to the body

2.With the help of cyborg technology, _______.

A.eyesight can be restored

B.the nerve injury can be repaired

C.lost abilities can be replaced by a new skill

D.hearing loss can be prevented by cochlear implants

3.Amber Case probably thinks that ______.

A.technology makes cyborgs become common

B.cyborg technology is crucial to modern society

C.the use of mobiles improves cyborg technology

D.cyborg technology helps improve human memory

4.What is the author’s attitude toward cyborg technology?

A.Critical. B.Skeptical.

C.Optimistic. D.Objective.



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