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Dog owners swear that their furry best m...

    Dog owners swear that their furry best mend is in tune with their emotions, Now it seems this sense of interspecies connection is real: dogs can smell your emotions, and adopt them as their own

We already know dogs can see and hear the signs of human emotions says Biagio D'Aniello at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. But nobody had studied whether dogs could pick up on olfactory(嗅觉的) signals from humans.

“The role of the olfactory system has been largely undervalued, maybe because our own species is more focused on the visual system.” says D'Aniello. However, dogs 'sense of smelling is far superior to ours, D'Aniello and his colleagues tested whether dogs could really sniff out our emotions. First, human volunteers watched videos designed to induce fear, happiness or a neutral response and the team collected samples of their sweat. Next, the researchers presented these sweat samples to dogs ,and monitored their behavior and heart rates. Dogs exposed to fear smells showed more signs of stress than those sniffing happy or neutral smells. They also had higher heart rates, and made less social contact with strangers.

D'Aniello's study suggests humans can unconsciously, hijack their dogs' emotion by releasing smells .A second study suggests dogs can return the favour, using their expressive faces.

Juliane Kaminski at the University of Portsmouth, UK, and her colleagues have found that dogs' faces fare most expressive when they know people are looking at them.

The researchers introduced dogs to a human who was either looking at them or facing away and either offering food or nothing. The team analyzed how much the dogs' facial movements varied in the four situations. They found that the dogs' facial expressions varied most when the person was looking at them. Kaminski says there was no sign of a “dinner table effect”, which “would predict that dogs try and look super-cute when they want something from the humans”.

It's not clear precisely how dogs visually signal us and how we respond, says Monique Udell of Oregon State University in Corvallis. “This kind of research is needed to fully understand the nature of the human-dog relationship.”

1.How did D'Aniello's research team carry out their study on dog's ability of sniffing out humans' emotions?

A.By analyzing the sweat samples from the dogs.

B.By monitoring dogs' response Co the same videos

C.By letting the dogs watch the volunteers 'expressive faces.

D.By watching the dogs' reactions to the given sweat samples.

2.The underlined word "hijack" probably means?

A.Study. B.Control.

C.Find. D.Display,

3.What can we infer from the second study?

A.Dinner-table effect really exists.

B.Dogs are very sensitive to human attention.

C.Dogs showed no facial expression when offered nothing

D.Dogs' facial expressions vary most when they want attention.

4.What is still puzzling scientists according to the passage?

A.How dogs react to human smells.

B.How dogs respond to humans 'attention.

C.How dogs hear and see the signs of humans' emotions.

D.How dogs communicate with humans by the sense of slightly.


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。有研究证明了人和狗跨物种的联系是真实存在的:狗可以嗅到你的情感,并将其作为自己的情感。本文主要通过Biagio D'Aniello进行的两个实验,来证明了狗能识别人类的嗅觉信号。第一个研究发现人类的情绪反应会影响到狗的情绪,第二个研究则表明狗对人类的注意力非常敏感。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段中First, human volunteers watched videos designed to induce fear, happiness or a neutral response and the team collected samples of their sweat. Next, the researchers presented these sweat samples to dogs ,and monitored their behavior and heart rates. Dogs exposed to fear smells showed more signs of stress than those sniffing happy or neutral smells. They also had higher heart rates, and made less social contact with strangers.可知首先,研究人员让志愿者们观看一些旨在引起恐惧、快乐或中性反应的视频,然后收集他们的汗液样本。接下来,研究人员将这些汗液样本展示给狗狗,并监测它们的行为和心率。与闻着快乐或中性气味的狗相比,闻着恐惧气味的狗表现出更多的压力迹象,它们的心率也更高,与陌生人的社交接触也更少。由此可知,D' aniello的研究小组通过观察狗对给定的汗液样本的反应,来对狗嗅出人类情感的能力进行研究的。故选D。 2.词义猜测题。根据第三段中Dogs exposed to fear smells showed more signs of stress than those sniffing happy or neutral smells. They also had higher heart rates, and made less social contact with strangers.可知相比闻着快乐或中性气味的狗,闻着恐惧气味的狗表现出更多的压力迹象。他们的心率也更高,与陌生人的社交接触也更少。由此可知,人类的情绪反应会影响到狗的情绪。所以D'Aniello的研究表明人类可以无意识地,控制狗的情绪。故划线单词的意思为“控制”。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段Juliane Kaminski at the University of Portsmouth, UK, and her colleagues have found that dogs' faces fare most expressive when they know people are looking at them.可知英国朴茨茅斯大学的Juliane Kaminski和她的同事们发现,当狗知道人们在看它们时,它们的面部表情会表现得最为丰富。以及倒数第二段中They found that the dogs' facial expressions varied most when the person was looking at them.可知他们发现,当人们看着狗的时候,狗的面部表情变化最大。由此可推知,第二项研究表明狗对人类的注意力非常敏感。故选B。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段中It's not clear precisely how dogs visually signal us and how we respond, says Monique Udell of Oregon State University in Corvallis.可知位于科瓦利斯的俄勒冈州立大学的Monique Udell说,目前还不清楚狗是如何在视觉上向我们发出信号以及我们是如何反应的。由此可知,科学家目前不清楚狗如何通过轻微的感觉与人交流的。故选D。

    Over the past few months huge groups of locusts(蝗虫), one of which occupied an area more than three times the size of New York City, have eaten up crops across the Home of Africa and the Middle East, leaving an estimated 20 million people at risk of famine(饥荒). The first generation's eggs are starting to hatch, and now even bigger swarms(虫群) are forming threatening. Countries from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Yemen, Iran, Pakistan and India, “representing a threat to food security and livelihoods,” says the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO).

Desert locusts' populations explode when weather conditions are right. That explosion can create huge swarms that can travel great distance-more than 90 miles in a day-in search of food. Warm weather and unusually heavy rains in the Horn of Africa at the end of 2019 provided the moist(湿润的) soil necessary for hatching eggs. From there, the insects spread rapidly, resulting in one of the worst outbreaks the region has seen in more than 70 years.

A typical swarm numbering 4 billion to 8 billion locusts, can consume in one day the same  amount of food as 35 million people. Some swarms have been so thick in parts of Kenya that they have prevented planes from taking off. Governments have used widespread aerial spraying of pesticides when available; in poorer regions, where aircraft are unavailable, soldiers battle the swarms with handheld spray pump.

The FAO has appealed for $138 million to support affected communities, If the locusts are not stopped before the next generation hatches, the impact could be terrible: the FAO guesses that an additional 25 million people across the region could lose their crops. Scientists in Kenya hope a new computer-assisted tracking program that combines satellite data with weather-mapping software will help predict the swarms next destination, buying-regional authorities enough time to prepare a response. Buy coronavirus- related travel restriction have delayed relief efforts as well as response mechanisms. The locusts have no such travel limitations.

1.The author uses many statistics in the passage to show_____

A.the disastrous consequence of the outbreaks of locusts

B.the serious conditions facing the New York City

C.the speed of swarms of locusts travelling

D.the exact number of crops consumed by locusts

2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The great distances locusts can travel.

B.The explosion of locusts' population.

C.The perfect conditions for hatching their eggs.

D.The result of the unusual outbreaks of locusts.

3.What does the last paragraph imply?

A.The travel restrictions may probably worsen the urgent situation.

B.It is unlikely to predict the swarms' next destination now.

C.A lot of money has been raised after the FAO's appeal

D.It's not difficult for humans to win the battle against the locust





London hosts each year a variety of celebrations and festivals. All of them are national and Foreign holidays. Below we show you the most amazing holidays and festivals in London.

New Year's Day Parade

This Parade is a free event which takes place annually on I January since 1987.M lasts about 2 hours 30 minutes, featuring more than 10.000 Participants representing 20 countries worldwide. There are marching bands, cheerleading groups, vehicles, animals, clowns and giant inflatables(充气物).

Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

Since 1829 each spring the two England's most famous universities race along a 6.7 kilometer stretch of the Thames River in what is perhaps the most famous rowing event in the world. The race attracts a massive crowd of around a quarter of a million fan to the banks of the Thames

London Marathon

The Flora London Marathon, one of the World Marathon Majors, has been held each year since 1981. Currently around 32,000 runners take part in this annual event, including professionals and amateurs. There are live bands entertainment and thousands of cheering fans. It is also one of the largest events to collect money in the world in order to attract more funds, some runners dress up in fancy costumes.


Wimbledon runs annually from late June through early July, Wimbledon is the oldest and most famous tennis tournament in the world, the only Grand Slam event played on grass courts. Started in 1877, he event is often attended by members of the Royal Family, Wimbledon traditions include the eating of strawberries and cream that can be accompanied by an optional glass of champagne.



1.Which of the four festivals has the longest history?

A.New Year's Day Parade. B.Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

C.London Marathon. D.Wimbledon.

2.London Marathon is different from the other three in that______.

A.it has the purpose of donating money to other events

B.it attracts many more fans from around the world

C.it is the only festival accompanied by live band

D.it has the function of raising money



    Superstar Pink joined a lot of celebrities(名人) and world leaders who were infected with COVID-19(新冠肺炎).Two weeks ago, she and three-year-old son Jameson _______symptoms of the disease After_______with healthcare professionals, the two were able to_______a test Pink tested positive for coronavirus(冠状病毒).

She_______their experiences online, stating “Just a few days ago, we were re-tested and are now_______negative.” Pink added that she was_______a huge amount to two different COVID-19 emergency funds(基金会). Various stars have also tried to encourage people to take extra _______against COVID-19.

“It is not wise of our government not to make testing more widely accessible,” Pink said. “This illness is _______and real. People need to know that the illness _______the young and old, healthy and unhealthy, rich and poor, and we must make testing free to ________our children, our families, our friends and our communities.”

Testing for coronavirus is a major ________ across the world. The WHO________urges World governments to conduct mass testing to________COVID-19,along with contact tracing, Widespread disinfection, lockdown and quarantine measures, social distancing, and hand hygiene.

Previous to Pink, a number of other celebrities have tested________for the virus. Various world leaders have been infected________including the British Prime Minister.

Pink expressed her ________for the people working on the front lines. Thank you to all of our healthcare professionals and everyone in the world who are working so hard to protect our loved ones. “You are our________!” she wrote, she also urged the________of the population to do their part to ________ the spread of the disease.

So ________ man is facing a dark time right now, there's one thing for sure that he is going to win this wan against COVID-19 in the end!

1.A.improved B.showed C.described D.reported.

2.A.consulting B.quarreling C.dealing D.agreeing

3.A.refuse B.give C.mark D.get

4.A.posed B.mailed C.typed. D.gained

5.A.equally B.unfortunately C.thankfully D.merely

6.A.donating B.lending C.loaning D.paying

7.A.pictures B.notes C.trips D.measures

8.A.common B.serious C.genetic D.mild

9.A.kills B.punishes C.affects D.ruins

10.A.cure B.protect C.treat D.love

11.A.concern B.phenomenon C.symptom D.illness

12.A.hesitantly B.gradually C.strongly D.quickly

13.A.discourage B.encourage C.catch D.battle

14.A.active B.positive C.negative D.passive

15.A.as much B.as far C.as well D.as good

16.A.love B.hatred C.pity D.gratitude

17.A.heroes B.enemies C.doctors D.workers

18.A.half` B.minority C.majority D.growth

19.A.reduce B.prevent C.keep D.slow

20.A.as B.once C.because D.although



-I think you'd better clean your room.

-_________It's clean enough.

A.What for? B.So what? C.You said it. D.You made it.



His work has received only a tiny mention in the newspaper; actually he__________more attention.

A.reserves B.deserves C.observes D.preserves



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