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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Happy B...


Happy Birthday to You is a happy song, 1. the story behind it may not be known to all. Two sisters, Mildred Hill and Dr. Patty 2.(write) a song for children 3.(call) Good Morning to All. The song was sure to be 4. success due to5.talents. The sisters published the song in 1893.

Thirty-one years later, a gentleman by the name of Robert H. Coleman published the song without the sisters 6.( permit). And 7.(make) matters worse, he added a second verse, which was the familiar Happy Birthday to you.

Mr. Coleman's addition of the second verse 8.(popular) the song and eventually, Happy Birthday to You, the one and only birthday song totally replaced the sisters' Good Morning to All.

After Mildred died in 1916, Patty took Mr. Coleman to court. In court, she proved that she and her sister owned the melody. Because the family 9.(legal)owns the song, they are entitled to royalties from it whenever it is sung 10.commercial purposes.


1.while/but 2.wrote 3.called 4.a 5.their 6.permission 7.to make 8.popularized 9.legally 10.for/with 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了妇孺皆知的生日快乐歌的来由。 1.考查连词。句意:生日快乐歌是一首欢快的歌,但它背后的故事却鲜为人知。分析前后句逻辑关系可知,这里要用表转折的连词。故填while/but。 2.考查时态。句意:Mildred Hill和Dr. Patty两姐妹给孩子们写了一首名为“大家早安”的歌。结合语境可知,这件事背景在19世纪,动作发生在过去,要用一般过去时。故填wrote。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:Mildred Hill和Dr. Patty两姐妹给孩子们写了一首名为“大家早安”的歌。分析句子可知,这里call作定语修饰a song,且call与a song之间是被动关系,要用过去分词形式。故填called。 4.考查冠词。句意:因为他们的天赋,这首歌势必是一次成功。这里泛指一次具体的成功,要用不定冠词。故填a。 5.考查代词。句意:因为他们的天赋,这首歌势必是一次成功。结合句意可知,这里要表达因为姐妹俩天赋异禀才取得成功,考虑用形容词性物主代词指代“她们的”。故填their。 6.考查名词。句意:31年后,一个名叫Robert H. Coleman的绅士未经姐妹俩的允许发行了这首歌。分析句子结构可知,空白处置于名词所有格之后作with的宾语,要用名词形式。故填permission。 7.考查非谓语动词。句意:更糟糕的是,他增加了另一部分,也就是我们熟悉的生日快乐歌。分析句子结构可知,make matters worse在这里作后句的目的状语,要用不定式形式。故填to make。 8.考查动词和时态。句意:Coleman先生添加的第二段旋律让这首歌流行起来。分析句子可知,空白处需要谓语动词,且要用一般过去时。故填popularized。 9.考查副词。句意:因为这家人合法拥有这首歌,所以今后当其被用于商业目的时她们享有版税。分析句子结构可知,legal在这里修饰谓语动词own,要用副词形式。故填legally。 10.考查介词。句意:因为这家人合法拥有这首歌,所以今后当其被用于商业目的时她们享有版税。根据常识可知,这里要表达歌曲被“用于商业目的”,可用表示伴随的介词with或表示目的的介词for。故填for/with。

    It was New Year's Night. An ____ man was standing at a window. He raised his ____ eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were ____ like water lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. Then he ____ them on the earth, where a few more ____ people than himself now moved towards their certain goal---the ____.He had already passed sixty of the stages  leading to it, and he had brought from his Journey ____ but errors and regrets. Now his health was poor, his mind vacant and his heart ____.

The days of his ____ appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the ____ of the two roads--one leading to a peaceful, sunny place, the other leading to a deep, ____ cave. He looked towards the sky and cried ____, "Oh youth, return! Oh my father, place me once more at the entrance to life, and I will choose the ____ way! " But both his father and the days of his youth had ____.

The clock in the church tower ____ and the sound made him remember his parents’ early ____ for him. They had taught him and prayed to God for his and prayed to God for his ____.

But he chose the ____ way. His darkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing ____, he burst out a cry, “Come back, my early days!”

And his youth did ____, for all this was only a dream which he had on New Year’s Night.

1.A.admirable B.honest C.inspiring D.aged

2.A.mournful B.shining C.charming D.sharp

3.A.swimming B.floating C.sleeping D.lying

4.A.threw B.cast C.put D.caught

5.A.jobless B.homeless C.hopeless D.fearless

6.A.tomb B.company C.lounge D.office

7.A.everything. B.nothing C.anything D.something

8.A.joyful B.thoughtful C.sorrowful D.thankful

9.A.death B.birth C.growth D.youth

10.A.entrance B.middle C.end D.exit

11.A.big B.dark C.open D.bright

12.A.manly B.painfully C.sympathetically D.peacefully

13.A.shorter B.worse C.better D.harder

14.A.passed away B.passed by C.passed down D.passed out

15.A.struck B.rang C.beat D.knocked

16.A.support B.guidance C.instruction D.love

17.A.guilt B.health C.good D.wealth

18.A.right B.difficult C.easy D.wrong

19.A.effect B.force C.effort D.power

20.A.fade B.leave C.disappear D.return



    The first year of college is vital for setting students up for success, laying a strong foundation for the rest of college and beyond. Research shows that if you finish your first year and sign up for the second, you're far more likely to get that degree. 1. Here's what the experts recommend.

Go to college on purpose. 2. It means spending as long as four years and taking up

a large amount of your family's income. Simply going because everyone told you so puts you more at risk of having Just some college and no degree."Don't just go to college because your school counselor or your parents told you to go," says Yolanda Watson Spiva, who runs the non-profit organization Complete College America." 3."

Make a connection with a staff member. You can lean on any college staff member connected with the college to learn the ropes of the institution. 4.. Research has shown that having one strong connection with staff members can make you feel engagednand supported throughout college. They can also result in strategic career advice and networking opportunities.

5.Start with your classes work on assignments together or form a study group. Join clubs and organizations-let the organizational framework of those meetings ease the awkwardness of scheduling the first friend date. Don’t beat yourself up if it doesn,'t happen right away. Keep reaching out. If someone else says hi, respond!

A.So how do you get through the first year ?

B.Pick your classes wisely and map out your path.

C.Going to college takes time and money.

D.Find a group of friends who support you.

E.You actually go to college because you have an agenda.

F.You can also ask them about things unrelated to the class.

G.It can be an adviser, a financial aid officer, even a librarian.



    A robot designed to carry things moves quickly across a field to gather equipment at a sports event. Such equipment, like javelins and discuses (铁饼), has been thrown by competitors. Another robot moves a human-sized screen on wheels. It is designed to permit virtual attendance at the event. And then there are the robots designed to look like the smiling, friendly creatures or mascots that act as the Olympic Games’representatives.

All these robots are part of preparations for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. Japanese carmaker Toyota Motor Corporation presented the machines to reporters earlier this week. Toyota is a major supporter of the 2020 Olympic Games.

The mascot robots have moving arms and legs, and their eyes change to the image of stars and hearts. They cannot speak at all or walk very well. But Tomohisa Moridaira, lead engineer, suggested several possibilities, such as getting the robot to hold the Olympic torch using magnets.

The field support robot" is a small bus-shaped machine based on a Toyota ride-sharing vehicle that is still in development. The field support robot can travel as fast as 20 kilometers per hour. It holds three cameras and one special sensor that lets it surroundings. Around the top of its body are special lights that brighten when the vehicle is active. Its artificial intelligence helps it avoid barriers. It is also able to vary its path in order to protect areas of grass.

However, it cannot find the objects, which can weigh up to eight kilograms, or pick them up on its own. A person has to travel with the device, pick up the objects and put them in it. Then, with a press of a button, the vehicle transports the equipment to where it needs to go.

Takeshi Kuwabara took charge of the robots’ development. He said it was designed to team robots and humans. "Our aim was to leverage the strengths of both humans and robots," he said.

The carmaker plans to use the games to present its new vehicle technologies. These include buses fueled by a special kind of battery, and self-driving taxis. Toyota is competing with other carmakers and technology companies to develop low cost , robot-controlled cars and electric vehicles.

1.Why does the author mention robots in the first paragraph?

A.To attract our interest in robot technology.

B.To show us new robot technology in the 21st century.

C.To encourage creation of new robots.

D.To introduce the robots in the Olympic Games.

2.What is the feature of the "field support robot"?

A.It can work individually in the field.

B.It can sense barriers and change its way.

C.It is a Toyota ride-sharing vehicle.

D.It can find and pick up anything.

3.What is the purpose of the carmaker to use many robots in the Olympic Games?

A.To show its new vehicle technologies.

B.To help save the natural resources.

C.To cut down the cost of the service.

D.To free people from heavy work.

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.Robot Shows in the 2020 Olympics.

B.Toyota's - Support for the 2020 Olympics.

C.Robot Assistants in the 2020 Olympics.

D.Robot Competition in the 2020 Olympics.



    The official opening of Beijing Daxing International Airport caps a long design and building process. Designed by the late architect Zaha Hadid and her Chinese partners, the airport is built for the future, having a terminal the size of 97 soccer grounds---as well as customer-service robots that provide travelers with flight updates and airport information.

Called "starfish”by Chinese media for its shape of five concourses(大厅) connected to a main hall, Daxing Airport aims to reduce the walking distance for passengers. The airport authority has promised a distance of no more than 600 meters (about eight minutes of walking) between security checkpoints and the remotest boarding gate.

This new modern airport employs a special intelligent lighting system, supported by eight big C-shaped columns that let in the sunlight, brightening the architecture and structure. Therefore, it minimizes the need to use electric lighting.

To offer a more refreshing travel experience, five outdoor courtyards with the themes" Silk Garden", "Tea Garden"," Porcelain Garden", "Countryside Garden" and "Chinese garden" feature at the end of the five departure lounges(等候室) for use by passengers waiting for their flights. Travelers will be scanned on cameras using facial recognition. Counters will be fully automated to capture face photos and relay them in each part of the journey through the airport, including security and the departure gate.

China is projected to overtake the United States as the world's biggest air travel market by 2022. The "modest"initial operational target at Daxing is to accommodate 72 million passengers and 2 million tons of goods annually by 2025. The ambitious master plan calls for the building of a total of seven runways, and moving at least 100 million passengers and 4 million tons of goods a year through the airport.

1.Why is the airport in a starfish-shaped design?

A.To hold as many passengers as possible.

B.To make the main hall easier to be found.

C.To keep security checkpoints effective.

D.To make boarding gates within easy reach.

2.What can the airport’s lighting system be described as?

A.High-end. B.Strangely-formed.

C.Passenger-friendly. D.Energy-saving.

3.What can be inferred about the five outdoor courtyards?

A.They reflect the Chinese tradition

B.They use popular technique.

C.They promote Chinese goods to people.

D.They follow the latest world trend.

4.What do the numbers in the last paragraph indicate ?

A.The airport's market. B.The airport’s project.

C.The airport's potential. D.The airport’s facilities.



    The two giant pandas living at Ouwehands Dierenpark in the Dutch city of Rhenen staged a charming debut(初次登台) for hundreds of long- awaited admirers on Tuesday afternoon.

After six weeks since their arrival on April 12, Wu Wen, the female giant panda made tentative steps into her outdoor enclosure(围场). She threw herself at the first bamboo plant. she saw and started to chew. Xing Ya, the male, sat on a rock to enjoy the early summer sunshine. Wu Wen and Xing Ya, both three-and-a-half-year old, will stay at Ouwehands for 15 years. Native to south central China, they belong to a species which counts only 1,864 individuals.

" Both are in perfect health and adapt well to their new home, " said Zhang Hongwen, chief economist of China’s National Forestry and Grassland Administration."I am glad to see that Wu Wen and Xing Ya are so popular in the Netherlands. Their stay will surely promote Sino-Dutch cooperation relating to the protection of forest and biodiversity.

Martijn van Dam, Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Sad, "From today on, Dutch children will get to know Wu Wen and Xing Ya.They can get inspired by all the beautiful and powerful things nature has offered.

China has succeeded in stopping the decline of the number of pandas. China also makes efforts to maintain the natural habitat of the giant pandas. We would also like to contribute to that."

He stressed, "Wu Wen and Xing Ya underline these good developments. Let this be a sign of hope that with joint forces we can protect our nature worldwide, and let this be the beginning of a wave of inspiration for the new generation."

1.What did Wu Wen do after she went outdoors?

A.She walked step by step.

B.She threw herself on a rock.

C.She enjoyed the sunshine.

D.She ate a bamboo plant.

2.What did Zhang Hongwen say about the two pandas?

A.They belong to an endangered species.

B.People in the Netherlands love them.

C.They inspire young children to protect nature.

D.Hundreds of people have been scared by them.

3.What does the underlined word"that" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Stopping the increase of panda numbers.

B.Welcoming pandas to the Netherlands.

C.Protecting pandas and their habitat.

D.Learning more about the nature of pandas.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Two giant pandas meet the public in the Netherlands.

B.Giant pandas adapt to the lite in foreign countries easy.

C.Giant pandas are becoming fewer and fewer.

D.How China protects giant pandas.



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