满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你叫小华。本校的篮球俱乐部(Basketball Club)因工作需要拟招聘...

假如你叫小华。本校的篮球俱乐部(Basketball Club)因工作需要拟招聘一位社长助理(assistant director)。请给该俱乐部的社长李明写一封求职信。主要内容应包括:

1. 申请该职位的原因。

2. 自己情况的简单介绍。

3. 针对该职位自己具备的一些优点。

4. 字数 100 左右,不可在文中使用真实的学校名称和自己真实姓名。

Dear LiMing

Your advertisement of hiring an assistant director interested me so much.





Dear LiMing, Your advertisement of hiring an assistant director interested me so much. The position that you described sounds exactly the one I am seeking. I have been crazy about basketball since young. Besides, what attracts me most is the chance to serve a team as well as to build up my confidence as a group leader I feel I’m competent to meet your requirements. My experience of playing basketball for 10 years is undoubtedly beneficial to the club. Let alone that my easy-going and optimistic personality qualifies me for the job. Most importantly, I am the just person to work comfortably with other players. Thank you for your concern. Your early reply will be deeply appreciated. Sincerely Xiaohua 【解析】 这是一篇提纲类写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,假如你叫小华。本校的篮球俱乐部(Basketball Club)因工作需要拟招聘一位社长助理(assistant director)。请给该俱乐部的社长李明写一封求职信。主要内容应包括:1. 申请该职位的原因。2. 自己情况的简单介绍。3. 针对该职位自己具备的一些优点。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):assistant director (社长助理);be crazy about (热衷);as well as (而且);build up(建立)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用现在完成时、一般现在时和一般过去时。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

To prevent fires:DO NOT smoke in bed.Keep matches and other flammable materials 1. of the reach of children.Never leave a 2. (burn) candle or fireplace unattended.

Do not stand too close to the fire.Never put clothes or anything else over a lamp or heater.

Make sure household wiring is up-to-date.Unplug appliances such 3. heating pads and electric blankets 4. they are not in use.Store flammable materials away from heat sources.

Teach children about fires. Explain how they are accidentally started  and 5. to prevent them. Children should not touch or get close to heaters and should not touch  matches, lighters,  or 6. (candle). Children's sleepwear should be clearly 7. (mark) as flame-resistant. Using other clothing increases the risk for severe burns if these items catch fire.

DO  NOT  allow  children  to  handle  or  play  with  fireworks 8. set objects on fire 9. (easy) .Many places in the United States do not permit lighting fireworks in residential areas. Last but not the least, people are more important 10. things.



    Deep down in the sea there is the palace of the Sea King. It is said that once the Sea King had six daughters. The youngest was the most beautiful of them all. Though they were  beautiful, they had no _______, only a fish's tail. They were called mermaid.

_______ gave the youngest Princess greater pleasure than to hear about the world of human beings up above. One day the youngest Princess _______ up above the water. She saw so many beautiful things. She was most _______ in a big ship. There was a young and handsome Prince _______.

There was suddenly a _______ on the sea, and the ship sank. The Prince was _______ drowned. In order to save him the mermaid stayed with the Prince and carried him to the shore. She kissed the _______ Prince and sadly returned to her father's palace under the sea.

In order to win the love of the Prince, the mermaid wanted to _______ her fish's tail and to have a pair of legs. She went to the Sea Witch for help.

“It is very ________ of you.” said the witch. “But I will help you. Take the bottle of ________ with you, sit down on the shore and drink it. You will have legs, but it will hurt as if a sharp sword were ________ through you.”

“I'm willing to stand all the ________,” said the mermaid.

“But remember,” said the witch, “If you do not win the love of the Prince, and if he marries someone  ________, punishment will fall on you and you will become ________.”

“I am willing.” said the mermaid.

“But you have the most beautiful ________,” said the witch., “so I must have that in ________.” then the witch cut out the tongue of the little mermaid, who could not speak from then on.

The next morning, the mermaid did ________ the witch had told her to do. When the Prince saw her, he fell in love with her at once ________, before long, the Prince was going to a neighboring kingdom to  marry another princess. And the mermaid's heart seemed to be ________.

She decided to wish for the Prince's happy life with his beautiful wife. And she herself turned into foam on the sea .

1.A.skin B.hair C.feet D.heart

2.A.Nothing B.Something C.Anything D.Everything

3.A.jumped B.stood C.flowed D.rose

4.A.anxious B.eager C.interested D.longing

5.A.on show B.on board C.on sale D.on holiday

6.A.darkness B.lightning C.storm D.wind

7.A.nearly B.suddenly C.immediately D.instantly

8.A.unanswered B.untouched C.unconscious D.unspeakable

9.A.get rid of B.live along with C.let alone of D.give up to

10.A.determined B.brave C.foolish D.attractive

11.A.pills B.medicine C.ash D.soup

12.A.putting B.digging C.going D.cutting

13.A.pain B.difficulty C.trouble D.sorrow

14.A.beautiful B.better C.later D.else

15.A.fish B.foam C.mermaid D.wave

16.A.shape B.legs C.voice D.hair

17.A.award B.exchange C.price D.cost

18.A.what B.that C.which D.each

19.A.Besides B.In addition C.Moreover D.However

20.A.breaking B.beating C.burning D.sliding



How to quickly get a paper done last minute

Being late on assignments isn’t something new for students. Busy lives often mean students don't  focus on their paper seriously until the deadline is right on their heads. 1. .

Understand the assignment

We tend to ignore work if we don’t fully understand what we need to do , mostly because we just don't have a clue where to start with it. Use the internet and help of friends and classmates to understand everything there is to know and what your teacher will expect from the paper.

Write an outline

2. This outline is the structure you will follow to complete the assignment. Make all headings and sub-headings and then all these headings should be sorted appropriately and according to the format required by the teacher.

Plan milestones with time limit

Divide the entire paper into parts  and calculate  how  much  time  it  will  take  to  finish  each  part. 3. Putting a time limit on yourself will make you more focused. Make sure you only set realistic goals. Set longer time-lines if you have to, but try to ensure the work is done within that time.

Get away from all distractions(干扰)

Focus is very important to get tasks done and things in our every day life can be distracting. Before you sit down to work, get rid of anything that may catch your attention. For example, keep your phone in a drawer away from view and put it on silent. 4. Unless all your friends and roommates are studying with you, then don't work around them as they could prove distracting too.


An introduction is one of the most important and challenging parts of a paper to write. Don’t try to write it at the beginning -once you have written the paper, you will have better understanding and knowledge of the topic so write the intro then. Leave editing until you have finished writing your first draft too.

A.You can also find many useful sites for your research in a language other than English.

B.If you are unable to get any help from friends and the work requires too much  time,consider acquiring professional help.

C.Don’t start with the introduction.

D.Here are a few tips to help you quickly write a paper in the shortest time possible.

E.Go to a place where there are few or no people around you.

F.Once you understand what the topic is, create an outline for the entire paper.

G.Use that time as a goal and push yourself to complete a part within the time.



    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (孤独症)     is a disability that can cause serious social, communication and behavioral problems. There is often nothing about how people with ASD look that makes them different from other people, but people with ASD may communicate, interact, behave, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. The learning, thinking, and problem-solving abilities of people with ASD can range from pretty good to extremely bad. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives; others need less.

People with ASD often have problems with social, emotional, and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities. Many people with ASD may also have difficulties learning, paying attention, or reacting to things. Signs of ASD begin during early childhood and probably last throughout a person’s life.

Diagnosing(诊断)ASD can be difficult since there is no medical test, like a blood test, to assess the disorders. Doctors look at the child’s behavior and development to make a judgement.ASD can sometimes be diagnosed at 18 months or younger. By age 2, an experienced doctor can be considered very reliable in diagnosing ASD .However, many children may not see a doctor until much older.

There is currently no cure for ASD. However, research shows that early treatment services can improve a child’s development.Early services help children from birth to 3 years old (36 months) learn important skills. Therefore, it is important to talk to your child’s doctor as soon as possible if you think  your child has ASD or other developmental problem.

We do not know all of the causes of ASD. However, Most scientists agree that genes are one of the highest risk factors that can make a person more likely to develop ASD.

If you think your child might have ASD or you think there could be a problem with the way your child plays, learns, speaks, or acts, contact your child’s doctor, and share your concerns.If you’re not sure who to contact, call the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) at 919-962-2001. Or visit the ECTA website: https://etcacenter.org.

1.Which of the following behaviors may Not belongs to the children or adults with ASD ?

A.Repeating actions over and over again.

B.Having trouble expressing their needs.

C.Avoiding eye contact and want to be alone.

D.Being happy to make changes.

2.What can we infer from the article?

A.The earlier an ASD kid is diagnosed,the better it is for his(her)treatment.

B.Doctors simply have no way to diagnose an ASD kid at all

C.Doctors can diagnose ASD by blood testing

D.Doctors can diagnose ASD with the help of machines.

3.Who is most likely to be an ASD patient of the following people?

A.Someone who prefers to talk a lot in daily life.

B.Someone who has got an ASD brother.

C.Someone who wants to hug you in public.

D.Someone who sings in a strange voice.

4.Where is this article possibly from?

A.A guidebook for new parents.

B.Education section of a newspaper.

C.A medical journal.

D.A scientific magazine.



    A car accident paralyzed(使瘫痪 )Chelsie Hill from the waist down, but that didn’t stop her from fulfilling her dream of dancing.

Since the age of three, Chelsie Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer. “The only thing that I loved was dance.” she told CBS News. That ambition nearly ended one night in 2010. Hill, then a 17-year-old high school senior in Pacific Grove, California, was in a car accident that put her in the hospital for 51 days and left her paralyzed from the waist down. For most people, that would have destroyed any hope of a dancing career. For Hill, it was the beginning. Far from being an obstacle, her wheelchair encouraged her. “I wanted to prove to my community-and to myself-that I was still‘normal,’” she told Teen Vogue.

“Whatever normal meant.”

Normal for her meant dancing, so Hill did it in her wheelchair right alongside her non-disabled high school dance team,which definitely took her a lot of learning and patience.”

After graduation, Hill wanted to expand her dance network to include women like her. She met these people online and invited them to dance with her. “It was such an amazing experience.”

Hoping to reach more people in a larger city, Hill moved to Los Angeles in 2014 and formed a team of dancers with disabilities she calls the Rollettes. “I want to break down the stereotype of wheelchair users and show that dance is dance, whether you’re walking or you’re rolling.” she told CBS News.

Hill has realized what many of us never will: her childhood dream. She’s a dancer. But the Rollettes have helped her find something else just as meaningful. Every year she holds a dance camp for wheelchair users of all ages and abilities with an eye to helping them find their confidence. She calls it the Rollettes Experience, and in 2019, 173 participants from ten countries attended.

Edna Serrano says that being part of the Rollettes team has given her the courage to carry on her life. “I didn’t know I could do so many things that these girls have taught me,” she says. “ It’s so powerful to have my teammates in my life, because they’re my teachers. I have more strength.”

1.Why do you think Chelsie Hill formed a team called the Rollettes in 2014?

A.To improve the living conditions of the poor.

B.To live better in a big city.

C.To change people’s attitude towards wheelchair users.

D.To tell the public”rolling is better than walking”

2.Who is probably the underlined person “Edna Serrano” in the last paragraph

A.One of Chelsie Hill’s former classmates

B.One of the 173 participants from ten countries in 2019.

C.A reporter from the CBS News

D.One of Chelsie Hill’s former teachers.

3.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A.Chelsie Hill-A brave girl B.The Rollettes Experience

C.Roll to dance D.Live for those you love



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