满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A.She enjoyed her holiday very much. B.S...

A.She enjoyed her holiday very much. B.She needn’t have worked hard for the exam.

C.She did a good job in the exam. D.She worked hard and earned a lot of money.


C 【解析】 【原文】 M: Congratulations. You certainly did quite well and I must say you deserve that grade. W: Well. I really studied hard for that exam. I’ve been preparing for it for more than a month Now, I can relax for a while. Q: Why was the woman so happy?  

A.The broadcast. B.The weather. C.The latest news. D.The holiday




(要求至少用到所给 10 个下划线单词或短语中的 5 个,以下划线划出。字数 150 左右)

One day the Mullah, an important man in the village, found his donkey was gone when he wanted to go visit a friend. He was very angry and ran around to look for his donkey.

The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired. He sat down to rest at his gate. A few friends came to join him.

"That no-good lazy donkey!" said he. "If I ever see her again, I'll sell her for a dollar!" Selling a donkey for a dollar was just a joke.

Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey's feet. He looked around. There was his donkey.

On her back rode a boy.

"Where did you find her?" asked the Mullah. "We couldn't find her anywhere."

"I knew where I would go if I were a donkey," said the boy. "I found her eating grass with the sheep and goats."

Suddenly, the Mullah looked to one side and saw one of his friends holding up a dollar. On the other side he saw another with a dollar.

"I'll buy your donkey, " said the two. "I was joking!" said the Mullah.

"You didn't sound as if you were joking, " said the two.

The Mullah couldn't break his word. That would be wrong for an important person in the village. He certainly didn't want to sell his donkey for a dollar. So he said, "Meet me at the donkey fair on Saturday. I shall sell her at that time. I shall sell my donkey to the one who will treat her most kindly."

Everybody was kind to animals in the village. So the Mullah thought out a plan. He wanted to keep his word and also to keep his donkey.

On the night before the donkey fair, the Mullah bought a piece of rope


The Mullah made all the people calm down and said loudly “




假如你叫小华。本校的篮球俱乐部(Basketball Club)因工作需要拟招聘一位社长助理(assistant director)。请给该俱乐部的社长李明写一封求职信。主要内容应包括:

1. 申请该职位的原因。

2. 自己情况的简单介绍。

3. 针对该职位自己具备的一些优点。

4. 字数 100 左右,不可在文中使用真实的学校名称和自己真实姓名。

Dear LiMing

Your advertisement of hiring an assistant director interested me so much.






阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

To prevent fires:DO NOT smoke in bed.Keep matches and other flammable materials 1. of the reach of children.Never leave a 2. (burn) candle or fireplace unattended.

Do not stand too close to the fire.Never put clothes or anything else over a lamp or heater.

Make sure household wiring is up-to-date.Unplug appliances such 3. heating pads and electric blankets 4. they are not in use.Store flammable materials away from heat sources.

Teach children about fires. Explain how they are accidentally started  and 5. to prevent them. Children should not touch or get close to heaters and should not touch  matches, lighters,  or 6. (candle). Children's sleepwear should be clearly 7. (mark) as flame-resistant. Using other clothing increases the risk for severe burns if these items catch fire.

DO  NOT  allow  children  to  handle  or  play  with  fireworks 8. set objects on fire 9. (easy) .Many places in the United States do not permit lighting fireworks in residential areas. Last but not the least, people are more important 10. things.



    Deep down in the sea there is the palace of the Sea King. It is said that once the Sea King had six daughters. The youngest was the most beautiful of them all. Though they were  beautiful, they had no _______, only a fish's tail. They were called mermaid.

_______ gave the youngest Princess greater pleasure than to hear about the world of human beings up above. One day the youngest Princess _______ up above the water. She saw so many beautiful things. She was most _______ in a big ship. There was a young and handsome Prince _______.

There was suddenly a _______ on the sea, and the ship sank. The Prince was _______ drowned. In order to save him the mermaid stayed with the Prince and carried him to the shore. She kissed the _______ Prince and sadly returned to her father's palace under the sea.

In order to win the love of the Prince, the mermaid wanted to _______ her fish's tail and to have a pair of legs. She went to the Sea Witch for help.

“It is very ________ of you.” said the witch. “But I will help you. Take the bottle of ________ with you, sit down on the shore and drink it. You will have legs, but it will hurt as if a sharp sword were ________ through you.”

“I'm willing to stand all the ________,” said the mermaid.

“But remember,” said the witch, “If you do not win the love of the Prince, and if he marries someone  ________, punishment will fall on you and you will become ________.”

“I am willing.” said the mermaid.

“But you have the most beautiful ________,” said the witch., “so I must have that in ________.” then the witch cut out the tongue of the little mermaid, who could not speak from then on.

The next morning, the mermaid did ________ the witch had told her to do. When the Prince saw her, he fell in love with her at once ________, before long, the Prince was going to a neighboring kingdom to  marry another princess. And the mermaid's heart seemed to be ________.

She decided to wish for the Prince's happy life with his beautiful wife. And she herself turned into foam on the sea .

1.A.skin B.hair C.feet D.heart

2.A.Nothing B.Something C.Anything D.Everything

3.A.jumped B.stood C.flowed D.rose

4.A.anxious B.eager C.interested D.longing

5.A.on show B.on board C.on sale D.on holiday

6.A.darkness B.lightning C.storm D.wind

7.A.nearly B.suddenly C.immediately D.instantly

8.A.unanswered B.untouched C.unconscious D.unspeakable

9.A.get rid of B.live along with C.let alone of D.give up to

10.A.determined B.brave C.foolish D.attractive

11.A.pills B.medicine C.ash D.soup

12.A.putting B.digging C.going D.cutting

13.A.pain B.difficulty C.trouble D.sorrow

14.A.beautiful B.better C.later D.else

15.A.fish B.foam C.mermaid D.wave

16.A.shape B.legs C.voice D.hair

17.A.award B.exchange C.price D.cost

18.A.what B.that C.which D.each

19.A.Besides B.In addition C.Moreover D.However

20.A.breaking B.beating C.burning D.sliding



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