满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



It is not unusual for people to spend two or three hours a day posting or reading posts on WeChat, to the point 1. it becomes an addiction. And it is an addiction. 2. is a chemical in your brain known as dopamine (多巴胺), which is sometimes called the “reward molecule (分子)” and 3.(it) release gives you a feeling of pleasure. For example, when you post several 4.(photo) on WeChat and get a hundred likes, you feel happy. That’s dopamine at work.

A short while ago, I lost access 5. my WeChat account, which left me with a feeling of 6.(anxious) for a few days. No doubt I missed my dopamine. And I got emails from friends 7.(wonder) if I was fine or if I was just being anti-social. But I soon began to feel 8.(true) peaceful and started to worry less about what other people 9.(do) and concentrate more on my personal life. In other words, it offered me an opportunity 10.(take) a break from social media. Someday I may re-connect with my WeChat account, but I’m not in a hurry. Life can be more relaxing and just as interesting without it.


1.where 2.There 3.its 4.photos 5.to 6.anxiety 7.wondering 8.truly 9.were doing 10.to take 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。人们每天花两三个小时在微信上发帖或阅读帖子,到了上瘾的地步,这并不罕见。这是一种毒瘾,是由大脑中有一种叫做多巴胺的化学物质所导致,作者不久前,失去了微信账户的访问权限,这让作者感到焦虑了几天,但是了也使作者一个从社交媒体中抽身的机会,使作者的生活更轻松,更有趣。 1.考查关系词。分析句子结构可知,空格后的句子“it becomes an addiction”是定语从句,修饰the point, the point 作为先行词,在定语从句中充当状语成分,表示在这点上,指代地点。故填连词where。 2.考查There be结构。句意:在你的大脑里有一种被认为是多巴胺的化学成分,这个成分有时候被称为“奖励分子”并且它的释放能给你带来快乐的感觉。根据句意表示“有......”用 there be句型。故填There。 3.考查代词。分析句子结构可知,名词release前面需要有形容词性物主代词进行限定,it 的形容词物主代词是its。故填its。 4.考查名词单复数。Photo为可数名词,且前面有several 好几个,表示多个,photo需要用复数。故填photos。 5.考查介词。分析句子结构可知,my WeChat account前面缺失一个介词,由动词access可知,介词需搭配to。access to为固定短语。故填to。 6.考查名词。句意:不久前,我丢失了进入我微信账号的权利,这使得我焦虑了好几天。a feeling of+表示情绪的名词,表示某种情绪,of后面需要填写一个名词,anxious是一个形容词,需要进行词性转换,变为名词anxiety。故填anxiety。 7.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,wonder在句中是非谓语动词,充当定语,wonder和名词friends之间是主动关系,需用现在分词。故填wondering。 8.考查副词。分析句子结构可知,形容词peaceful前面需用一个副词词性修饰,true是形容词,需要进行词性转换,变为副词truly。故填truly。 9.考查动词时态。句意:关于其他人在干什么事情,作者开始更少地去关心了。do在宾语从句“what other people”中充当谓语成分,表示在干什么,时态需使用正在进行时,主句中的谓语动词started是一般过去时,故宾语从句谓语动词需使用过去进行时,宾语从句主语other peoples和动词do之间是主动关系。故填were doing。 10.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,opportunity后接动词不定式作后置定语。故填to take。

    In Brazil, it is very common for poor people to collect recyclables to sell and make a living — but it’s _______ to see them sit down in a restaurant where the average meal costs $100. However, that’s _______ what happened when a man walked into Benvindo, a(n)_______ restaurant in Belo Horizonte.

The customer, appearing to be homeless _______ the waiters, asked for a meal and _______ that he wanted to pay for the meal with the money he had made by working decently: a single $50 bill.

The man chose a(n)_______ lunch, which includes an appetizer, main dish, and dessert. The bill _______ to $121.80 – but when the man asked for the bill, the _______ of the restaurant asked the waiter to _______ the charge. ________ accepting the free meal, however, the man ________ refused.

When it became ________ that the man was not changing his mind, the waiter agreed to ________ him $10. The waiter later said that he had to ________, saying it was an ongoing ________. Even so, the man paid $50 and was refusing to get the $40 ________.

We just watched a great ________ of sympathy. The ease (淡然) of this waiter made me think about the many ________ we choose in life trying to be happy ________ many times, it’s in the simpliest and most truthful way that is closer and more ________ than we realize.

1.A.difficult B.different C.rare D.unique

2.A.merely B.partly C.nearly D.exactly

3.A.expensive B.self-service C.cheap D.take-away

4.A.respected B.praised C.approached D.helped

5.A.insisted B.reminded C.expected D.regretted

6.A.free B.simple C.packed D.fine

7.A.came B.referred C.added D.returned

8.A.chef B.receptionist C.customer D.owner

9.A.put away B.give up C.take back D.turn down

10.A.Other than B.Rather than C.Or rather D.Or else

11.A.politely B.absolutely C.frequently D.patiently

12.A.vivid B.apparent C.strange D.absurd

13.A.offer B.bring C.charge D.pay

14.A.leave B.apologize C.refuse D.lie

15.A.promotion B.treatment C.management D.suggestion

16.A.bill B.change C.cash D.price

17.A.position B.decision C.example D.idea

18.A.models B.paths C.moments D.cases

19.A.so B.or C.for D.and

20.A.convenient B.acceptable C.accessible D.reasonable



    Lots of students are unsure about a variety of factors when they consider which college might represent a good fit for them, but they believe they know exactly what they want when it comes to college size.

1.. Here are a few of the less-obvious reasons a smaller school might be a good fit:

1. The professors actually do the teaching. Most small colleges only teach undergraduate degrees.2., and more importantly, graduate students won’t be teaching any of your classes.

2. More focused and direct feedback (反馈). You’ve heard the expression “You’re just a number.” Think about the homework and tests that need to be graded in a class with 450 students. 3.. But at small schools, class sizes are smaller, and professors will have more time to read a student’s work.

3. Research chances. Students at small schools are able to develop relationships with professors more easily, since there is a smaller number of students. 4..

4. Less red tape. It’s just easier to get things done at a small school. 5., and there are fewer regulations. One of the biggest frustrations (令人沮丧的事物) at large schools is that important classes become full quickly, forcing students to either take them over the summer or stay an extra term.

A.Small colleges may offer more sports activities

B.Professors and administrators have more flexibility

C.That means there aren’t graduate students on campus

D.The size of a school really can change your experience

E.It’s great to see students make a 180-degree turn after they visit some small colleges

F.Teachers there don’t have much time to offer advice on every student’s piece of work

G.Most professors know their students’ names and count on them to take part in their research



    Researchers have long known that lack of sleep can cause weight gain and increase other health risks. But for those who force themselves out of bed every weekday after too few hours of sleep, they always hope that turning off the alarm on weekends will repay the weekly sleep debt and change any ill effects around completely.

New research published in Current Biology destroys those hopes. Despite complete freedom to sleep in during a weekend recovery period, participants in a sleep laboratory who were limited to five hours of sleep on weekdays gained nearly three pounds over two weeks. They also experienced metabolic disruption (新陈代谢紊乱). Weekend recovery sleep had some benefits after a single week of lack of sleep. However, those gains were wiped out when people went back into their old schedule the next Monday.

“These health effects are long-term,” said Kenneth Wright at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who oversaw the work. “It’s kind of like smoking once was. People would smoke and wouldn’t see an immediate effect on their health, but now they will say that smoking is not a healthy lifestyle choice. I think “catch-up” sleep is in the early phase of where smoking used to be.”

Michael Grandner, at the University of Arizona, said the study highlights that people need to stop thinking of sleep as a balance sheet (资产负债表). Considerably cutting calories all week and then bingeing on (无节制地吃) a giant pizza on Saturday would not restore balance. That is essentially what people are doing when they skip sleep on weekdays with the idea that they can make up for it on the weekend.

The study suggests people should put sleep first — cutting out the optional “sleep stealers” such as watching television shows or spending time on electronic devices. Even when people do not have a choice about losing sleep due to tight schedules, they should think about sleep first in the same way they would a healthy diet or exercise.

1.Why do people hope to sleep longer on weekends?

A.To avoid some debt concerns. B.To cure some illness.

C.To get some health benefits. D.To get complete freedom.

2.What can we infer about weekend recovery sleep from Kenneth Wright?

A.It has the long-term benefits. B.It hides some potential harm.

C.It causes smoking problems. D.It contributes to losing weight.

3.What does the text suggest people do about sleep?

A.Sleep well every day. B.Guarantee weekly sleeping hours.

C.Make up for missing sleep. D.Stop watching TV shows before bed.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Weekend “Catch-Up Sleep” Is a Lie.

B.Watch out for "Sleep Stealers".

C.Sleep and Smoking are alike.

D.Lack of Sleep Does No Good.



    I have been reading about Leonardo da Vinci for decades, and in 1994 I bought one of the notebooks, in which Leonardo recorded his thoughts and outlined ideas.

What does a Renaissance(文艺复兴) artist have to do with optimism? For me, the connection is innovation. I feel optimistic about the future because I know that advances in human knowledge have improved life for billions of people, and I am confident they will keep doing so. Although I am no art expert, everything I have learned about Leonardo leads me to believe he was one of the most innovative thinkers ever.

Today of course Leonardo is most famous for paintings like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. But in his mind, Leonardo was not primarily a painter. He thought of himself as an engineer first. In a letter to the ruler of Milan listing his strengths, sent in the early 1480s, Leonardo mentioned ten different skills — designing bridges, tunnels, for example — before adding at the end that he could also paint.

Leonardo was a never-ending learner. He studied everything he could see: the flow of water, the way smoke rises through the air, how a bird uses its tongue. And he had insights that were ahead of his time. He was the first person to correctly explain why you can see light between the two points of a crescent moon, the phenomenon we now call earthshine.

Scientific inquiries like these were essential to Leonardo’s art. He was able to give the Mona Lisa that mysterious look on her face because he had studied all the muscles involved in smiling. In The Last Supper, he could make the perspective lines (透视线) work perfectly because he had spent countless hours understanding how our eyes see objects at a distance. By examining his surroundings so closely, Leonardo was able to develop new techniques that advanced his field and described the world in a way no one had ever seen before. In other words, he was an innovator.

1.In what way does Leonardo da Vinci make the author feel optimistic about future?

A.The creativity he represents. B.His famous paintings.

C.The outline of his notebook. D.His engineering achievements.

2.What can we learn about Leonardo da Vinci according to the text?

A.He desires to know more at all times.

B.He is able to raise difficult questions.

C.He has a strong desire for achievement.

D.He is able to learn and understand things fast.

3.What does the last paragraph focus on?

A.Which fields Leonardo was expert in.

B.Why Leonardo is regarded as an innovator.

C.What made the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper stand out.

D.How Leonardo applied scientific theories to his paintings.

4.Which of the following can best summarize Leonardo da Vinci according to the text?

A.Curious about arts. B.Talented in many fields.

C.Determined in science. D.Skilled in paintings.



    When I first catch sight of Greta Thunberg, it is eight in the morning, and a small crowd has already gathered. It is a Friday, her day of protest, and the 16-year-old is standing outside the parliament(议会) building, next to a sign saying “School strike for climate” in Swedish.

This is the 26th week of her protest, which has taken place every Friday since school started last August. Her goal is to bring Sweden in line with the 2016 Paris Agreement, which promises to limit global warming to below 2, compared with pre-industrial levels.

Over the past six months, Greta has rocketed to a level of fame and influence that pretty much nobody, including herself, expected. Her protest was quickly highlighted by the media. Then came a TED talk and an invitation to address last December’s U.N. climate talks in Poland.

While Greta may seem an unlikely climate activist, it was not entirely accidental that she became one. Like many children, Greta watched educational films about the melting Arctic and the fate of the polar bears and the marine mammals bloated (肿胀) with plastic. But unlike other children, she couldn’t let them go. “I became very affected. I began thinking about it all the time.” said Greta.

Greta began researching climate change and has been staying on the topic for six years. She has stopped eating meat and buying anything that isn’t necessary. In 2015, Greta stopped flying on airplanes, and a year later, her mother followed her example, giving up an international performing career. The family has started growing their own vegetables on his own garden outside the city. To meet me in central Stockholm, Greta and her father rode their bikes for about half an hour, although the family has an electric car that they use only when necessary.

1.What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A.Industry in Sweden is developing too fast.

B.School climate education remains to be improved.

C.The climate around the world has increased by 2.

D.Sweden should do more to meet the Paris Agreement.

2.Why did Greta become the focus of media attention?

A.She was expected to be famous.

B.She was invited to the TED talk.

C.She skipped school for the protest.

D.She was active in the protest as a child.

3.What makes Greta devoted to climate activities?

A.The educational programs.

B.Her speech at U.N. climate talks.

C.Her great concern about climate change.

D.The protest of “School strike for climate”

4.What happened after Greta became a climate activist?

A.She moved to the countryside.

B.She had an eco-friendly life.

C.She followed her mother’s example.

D.She gave up her work for her research.



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